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Detailed Bulgarian National Anthem Review


Did you know that the oldest national anthem is considered to be the Dutch Wilhelmus, written between 1568 and 1572? Well, compared to it, the Bulgarian national anthem is rather new. In this detailed review prepared by BulgarianPod101 you will find out when it was written, what is the English meaning of its lyrics as well as some intriguing facts regarding its music.

Most anthems are hymns in style and the Bulgarian one is not an exception. In this guide, you will be able to learn what is the national anthem of Bulgaria and how both the lyrics and melody express the love of Bulgarian people for their own fatherland. Moreover, national anthems are something intimate for every nation. By getting acquainted with the Bulgarian anthem lyrics, you will be able to understand the soul of the Bulgarian people, their feelings, emotions, and also their devotion to their homeland. This will help you learn the Bulgarian language, as learning more about the country’s specific culture is an integral part of the language learning process.

Bulgarian National Anthem Review

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Bulgarian National Anthem Lyrics in English
  2. Bulgarian National Anthem History
  3. List of Occasions When The Bulgarian National Anthem is Sung
  4. Prohibitions Related to the Bulgarian National Anthem
  5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

1. Bulgarian National Anthem Lyrics in English

Here are the Bulgarian national anthem’s lyrics, presented with the proper pronunciation and their English translation.

Bulgarian textPronunciationEnglish translation
Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.

(Родино) Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай!
Твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край!
Gorda Stara planina, 
do ney Dunava siney, 
slantse Trakiya ogryava, 
nad Pirina plameney.

(Rodino) Mila Rodino, 
ti si zemen ray! 
Tvoyta hubost, tvoyta prelest, 
ah, te nyamat kray!
Proud Stara Planina, 
before it the Danube is blue,
the sun shines on Thrace, 
over Pirin it flames. 

(Motherland) Dear Motherland, 
you are an earthly paradise! 
Your beauty, your charm, 
oh, they have no end! 

Let’s consider some specific details related to this hymn.

Stara Planina Mountain
  • Стара планина (Stara planina) Stara Planina is the longest and the largest mountain in Bulgaria.
  • Дунав (Dunav) The Danube is the second longest river in Europe and separates the territory of Bulgaria and Romania before it flows into the Black Sea. 
  • Тракия (Trakiya) Thrace is a historical and geographical area in Southeastern Europe, which covers southern Bulgaria. 
  • Пирин (Pirin) Pirin is a mountain in southwestern Bulgaria, part of the Rila-Rhodope mountain massif, with the highest peak Vihren (2914.3 m).
    ➜ In this lesson, you can learn about Rila Mountain Range as part of the top 10 Bulgarian tourist destinations.

2. Bulgarian National Anthem History

Bulgarian anthem lyrics and music were written in 1885 by Tsvetan Radoslavov, who composed it on the way to the battlefield for the Serbo-Bulgarian War.

But let’s start with some pre-history of the current anthem adoption.

Since the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule in 1878 up until 1964, Bulgaria has changed its national anthem many times. During the Third Bulgarian Kingdom, the “Shumi Maritsa” song was chosen as the national anthem. The lyrics were written by Nikola Zhivkov in 1876 with the final edit by the famous Bulgarian writer and poet Ivan Vazov in 1912, while its melody derived from a German folk song. The main theme of this anthem is the fight against the Ottoman rulers and the liberation of the country. It was last performed on January 1, 1947. 

Between 1947 and 1950, the march “Our Republic, hello!” became a Bulgarian national anthem. In 1949, three famous Bulgarian poets, Elisaveta Bagryana, Nikola Furnadzhiev, and Mladen Isaev, started to write the verses of a new anthem with the title “Dear Bulgaria.” The main aim was to create an anthem that emphasized the fight for freedom and respect for all those who gave their lives for it. They were able to complete this task in 1950, and the new anthem was officially performed in 1951. However, ten years later, due to the closeness of the lyrics and melody to the Soviet anthem, the poet Georgi Jagarov proposed the idea that the song “Dear Motherland” (Mila Rodino) become the new anthem of Bulgaria. 

In 1964, a commission was formed to discuss the approval of Mila Rodino as the Bulgarian national anthem. The composer Petko Staynov opposed the decision claiming that the melody was taken from a Jewish song. After expressing his opinion, Petko Staynov was removed from the commission and Mila Rodino became the national anthem.

Another great Bulgarian composer, Dobri Hristov, also mentioned that the melody is borrowed from a Jewish song. He also specified that in the Bulgarian song memory there are hundreds of melodies that are borrowed from other nations and have become an integral part of the Bulgarian musical heritage.

Bulgarian house from the Renaissance

The original lyrics of the song Mila Rodino looked like this:

Bulgarian textPronunciationEnglish translation
1.Горда Стара планина,
до ней север се синей
Слънце Витош позлатява,
към Цариград се белей

Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай!
Твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край!
Хайде братя българи,
към Балкана да вървим.
Там се готви бой юнашки,
за свобода, правдини.

2.Паднаха борци безчет,за народа наш любим.Майко, дай ни мъжка сила,пътя им да продължим!

3.Дружно братя българи,
с нас Москва е в мир и бой!
Партия велика води,
нашият победен строй.
Gorda Stara planina, 
do ney sever se siney
Slantse Vitosh pozlatyava, 
kam Tsarigrad se beley

Mila Rodino, 
ti si zemen ray! 
Tvoyta hubost, tvoyta prelest, 
ah, te nyamat kray!
Hayde bratya balgari, 
kam Balkana da varvim. 
Tam se gotvi boy yunashki, 
za svoboda, pravdini.

Padnaha bortsi bezchet, 
za naroda nash lyubim. 
Mayko, day ni mazhka sila, 
patya im da prodalzhim!

3.Druzhno bratya balgari, 
s nas Moskva e v mir i boy!
Partiya velika vodi, 
nashiyat pobeden stroy.
Proud Stara Planina, 
Next to it the North is blue,
the sun shines on Vitosha, 
to Constantinople it flames. 

Dear Motherland, 
you are an earthly paradise! 
Your beauty, your charm, 
oh, they have no end! 
Come on, Bulgarian brothers, 
go to the Balkans.
A heroic battle is being prepared
there, for freedom, for justice. 

Countless fighters fell 
for our beloved people. 
Mother, give us masculine strength,
to continue their path! 

3. Come together, Bulgarian brothers, 
Moscow is with us in peace and war! 
A great party is leading
our victorious lines. 

In these lyrics Vitosha Mountain is mentioned along with Constantinople which later were removed. Over the years the anthem’s lyrics were changed multiple times until 1990 when the current version of the anthem was adopted and stayed unchanged until now.

    ➜ You can learn more details about Vitosha mountain located next to the Bulgarian capital in this lesson, prepared by BulgarianPod101.

3. List of Occasions When The Bulgarian National Anthem is Sung

There are specific occasions when the National Anthem is performed. This list will help you learn where you can expect to hear the Bulgarian national anthem.

    ❖ During the celebration of the Bulgarian Liberation Day on March 3.
    ❖ Оn some Bulgarian national holidays, like The Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army on May 6 or the New Year Celebration. Bulgarians start each new year with the Bulgarian national anthem instrumental followed by the Danube round dance.
    ❖ During the celebration of important historical figures like the Hristo Botev Day (and the Fighters for Freedom and Independence of Bulgaria) on June 2, the Vasil Levski Commemoration Day on February 19, etc.
    ❖ During the flag raising ceremonies of the Republic of Bulgaria.
    ❖ During the state and official visits as well as diplomatic or military ceremonies.
    ❖ Other official events of national importance at the initiative of state bodies.

The Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army Is on May 6

The full version of the anthem “Mila Rodino”, which includes the first verse once and the chorus repeated twice, is performed during all these events. The short version of the national anthem is the verse and chorus performed once. 

The short version of the Bulgarian national anthem can be performed on the following occasions: at cultural and sports events, and on occasions such as the opening of the school year.

The anthem of the Republic of Bulgaria can be performed only once a day, at the ceremonies described above.

4. Prohibitions Related to the Bulgarian National Anthem

Prohibitions Related to the Bulgarian National Anthem

An interesting fact is that there are some prohibitions on the use of the Bulgarian national anthem.

The anthem may not be used in advertising, except for national campaigns undertaken by the state authorities. The anthem may not be used as part of another melody or song. It is prohibited to be performed in remixed versions with lyrics other than legally established text or by means of musical instruments that create a humorous sound, with pauses, interruptions or extensions of the tones being played. It is prohibited to change the original sound of the anthems.

5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

This detailed Bulgarian national anthem review prepared by BulgarianPod101 is created to help you learn more about the most important hymn in the country – its anthem. The process of choosing this Bulgarian anthem says a lot about Bulgarian culture and way of life during the years after the Liberation from the Ottoman Empire in 1878. The more you know about the country, the easier it will be for you to understand the ethnopsychology of its people, as their language includes specific features of their culture.

Bulgarian language is not easy to study on your own and if you need professional guidance for this, you can find it in the  MyTeacher section. Choose a professional native Bulgarian teacher who is not only able to teach Bulgarian but also will make the learning process easier by making his or her Bulgarian online lessons funny and easy to remember. 

Now that you know the story behind the Bulgarian national anthem, we would be happy to receive your feedback about what impressed you the most about it, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian

Extensive Bulgarian Classroom Phrases Guide


Have you ever heard John Ciardi’s words about the classroom? He says: “The classroom should be an entrance into the world, not an escape from it.” How truthful these words are! So knowing more Bulgarian classroom words and phrases can help you enter into the world of Bulgarian culture. 

Why has BulgarianPod101 prepared this extensive guide for you? On one hand, if you live in Bulgaria and attend some Bulgarian language classes, this Bulgarian online guide will help you feel much more confident in a classroom setting. On the other hand, it might be useful for you if you are a foreign language teacher who teaches students in Bulgaria. Moreover, whenever people talk about their studies or education in Bulgarian, you will be able to join the discussion because of the Bulgarian school phrases you have learnt in this guide.

It contains different Bulgarian classroom greetings, teacher’s instructions, phrases that help you ask for clarification, school supplies vocabulary and much more. So let’s imagine we are now in a virtual classroom and learn step by step those useful Bulgarian classroom phrases that will help you start speaking freely on the topic of education.

The Classroom should be an Entrance into the World…

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Bulgarian Classroom Greetings
  2. Understand Instructions from Teachers
  3. Ask for Clarifications from Teachers and Classmates
  4. Explain Absence and Tardiness
  5. Talk about Favorite Subjects
  6. Check for School Supplies
  7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

1. Bulgarian Classroom Greetings

Bulgarian classroom greetingsPronunciation                  English translation
Здравейте, ученици.Zdraveyte, uchenitsi.Hello, students.
Здравейте, госпожо Иванова/господин Иванов.Zdraveyte, gospozho Ivanova/gospodin Ivanov.Hello, Mrs. Ivanova/Mr. Ivanov. 
It is common for the teacher to greet the class entering into the classroom the following way and the class to respond to her/him. 

In previous years the teacher profession was very reputable and all the students had to stand up to greet the teacher when he/she entered the classroom. Currently, this gesture of respect is no longer observed. 
Довиждане, ученици, до утре!Dovizhdane, uchenitsi, do utre!Goodbye, students, see you tomorrow! 
Довиждане, госпожо Иванова/господин Иванов.Dovizhdane, gospozho Ivanova/gospodin Ivanov.Goodbye, Mrs. Ivanova/Mr. Ivanov. 
These are very common phrases for when the lesson is over and the teacher leaves the classroom.

Note that it is common to address a teacher with “госпожо” and “господине” followed by their family name. Even if you have to address the principal of the school directly, the preferred way is to use their family name. For example:

Г-н Димитров, може ли да ми отделите една минута?
G-n Dimitrov, mozhe li da mi otdelite edna minuta?
Mr. Dimitrov, can I take a minute of your time?

Only when writing an official letter to the school principal, his/her title should be mentioned. 

An example of an application letter to the school principal

This example might help you write your own application to your school principal. You can only change the request and the reasons for it according to your own situation. We highlighted all those parts that can be modified to customize the application. All other parts can remain as they are.

School Principal

                                                                                            До директора на училище “Йордан Йовков”,
                                                                                                                                   г-н Антон Димитров
                                                               от Андрей Василев, ученик в 10 клас

Уважаеми г-н Директор,

Моля да ми бъде разрешено да отсъствам за два дни от училище поради участие в Олимпиада по математика, която ще се състои на 2 и 3 март 2022 г. в Гърция. 

Надявам се, че молбата ми ще бъде удовлетворена.
гр. София                                                                                                                                С уважение,
18.02.2022 г.                                                                                                                           Андрей Василев                                    
                                                                                                                  Do direktora na uchilishte “Yordan Yovkov”, 
                                                                                                                                                        g-n Anton Dimitrov 

                                                           ot Andrey Vasilev, uchenik v 10 klas 

Uvazhaemi g-n Direktor, 

Molya da mi bade razresheno da otsastvam za dva dni ot uchilishte poradi uchastie v Olimpiada po matematika, koyato shte se sastoi na 2 i 3 mart 2022 godina v Gartsiya. 

Nadyavam se, che molbata mi shte bade udovletvorena. 

grad Sofiya                                                                                                                  S uvazhenie,                                    18.02.2022                                                                                                                   Andrey Vasilev
                                                                                                            To the principal of “Yordan Yovkov” School, 
                                                                                                                                                   Mr. Anton Dimitrov 

                                                                   by Andrey Vassilev, a student in 10th grade 

Dear Mr. Principal, 

I ask to be allowed to be absent from school for two days due to participation in the Mathematics Olympiad, which will take place on March 2 and 3, 2022 in Greece

I hope that my request will be approved. 

Sofia                                                                                                                                    Sincerely,                    February 18, 2022                                                                                                                Andrei Vasilev 

You might notice some differences in this Bulgarian application compared to the English application to the School Principal

And what if the Principal is a woman? In that case, you have to change the phrase:

Уважаеми г-н Директор
(Uvazhaemi gospodi Direktor)
Dear Mr. Principal


Уважаема г-жо Директор
(Uvazhaema gospozho Direktor).
Dear Mrs. Principal

And instead of writing

г-н Антон Димитров
(gospodin Anton Dimitrov)
Mr. Anton Dimitrov

at the very beginning of the application, you have to write г-жо followed by her name. 

For example: г-жа Антонина Димитрова 
                     (gospozha Antonina Dimitrova)
                      Mrs. Antonina Dimitrova

* What other good reasons can you point in your application to the principal as an excuse for being absent from lessons? Here are a few more suggestions:

  • поради предстоящо пътуване в чужбина
    (poradi predstoyashto patuvane v chuzhbina)
    due to an upcoming trip abroad
  • поради предстоящо лечение
    (poradi predstoyashto lechenie)
    due to a forthcoming medical treatment
  • по лични причини
    (po lichni prichini)
    for personal reasons

2. Understand Instructions from Teachers

It is very important to understand the teacher’s instructions in class or you might miss something really essential. Here is a list of some common phrases that teachers use in the classroom.

Bulgarian classroom instructionsPronunciation                  English translation
Моля, отворете учебника на страница Х.Molya, otvorete uchebnika na stranitsa Х.Please open your textbook on page X.
Here is an example:

Моля, отворете учебника на страница двадесет и първа.
(Molya, otvorete uchebnika na stranitsa dvadeset i parva)
Please open the textbook on page twenty-one. 
    ➜ If you need to recall all Bulgarian numbers from 1-100, you can check this lesson prepared by BulgarianPod101.
Тишина, моля. / Запазете тишина.Tishina, molya. / Zapazete tishina.Silence, please. / Keep silent.
Слушайте внимателно!Slushayte vnimatelno!Listen carefully! 
Имате ли въпроси?Imate li vaprosi?Any questions?
Отворете тетрадките и пишете.Otvorete tetradkite i pisheteOpen the notebooks and write down.
Open the Notebooks and Write Down.

За домашно направете упражнение Х на страница Х.Za domashno napravete uprazhnenie Х na stranitsa Х.For homework, do exercise X on page X.
For example:

За домашно направете упражнение 2 на страница 10.
Za domashno napravete uprazhnenie dve na stranitsa deseta.
For homework, do exercise 2 on page 10.
Подгответе се за изпит.Podgotvete se za izpitPrepare for the exam.

3. Ask for Clarifications from Teachers and Classmates

It might happen that you do not clearly understand the teacher’s instruction or question to you. In that case you might ask the teacher or your classmates for clarification. How to do that? Here are a few suggestions:

* Let’s start with asking for clarifications from your teacher.

Bulgarian classroom questionsPronunciation                  English translation
Съжалявам, не разбрах въпроса.Sazhalyavam, ne razbrah vaprosa.Sorry, I didn’t understand the question.
Бихте ли повторили?Bihte li povtorili?Would you repeat that?
Може ли да дадете пример?Mozhe li da dadete primer?Can you give an example?
Имам въпрос. Imam vapros. I have a question.
Мога ли да задам един въпрос?Moga li da zadam edin vapros?Can I ask a question?

* Let’s now consider the following clarifications from your classmates.

Bulgarian classroom questionsPronunciation                  English translation
Какво точно каза учителят?Kakvo tochno kaza uchitelyat?What exactly did the teacher say?
Можеш ли да ми обясниш тази задача?Mozhesh li da mi obyasnish tazi zadacha?Can you explain this task to me?

Can You Explain this Task to Me?

4. Explain Absence and Tardiness

If you are not able to attend the class for some reason or you were late and you are trying to explain the reason for this, you could eventually use some of the suggestions below that are quite commonly used by Bulgarian students in a similar situation.

Let’s start with the main phrase: 

Съжалявам, че закъснях. (Sazhalyavam, che zakasnyah) I am sorry for being late.

And then you could add any of the reasons below:

Bulgarian classroom excusesPronunciation                  English translation
Автобусът ми закъсня.Avtobusat mi zakasnya.My bus was late.
Не си навих часовника и се успах.Ne si navih chasovnika i se uspah.I didn’t set my alarm clock and slept through.
Бях си загубил ключовете.Byah si zagubil klyuchovete.I had lost my keys.
Забравих си раницата вкъщи и се наложи да се връщам.Zabravih si ranitsata vkashti i se nalozhi da se vrashtam.I forgot my backpack at home and had to go back.

I Didn't Set my Alarm Clock and Slept Through.

What could you tell as an excuse if you don’t have the required homework? Here are a few suggestions:

Let’s start with the main phrase: 

Съжалявам, но нямам домашно. (Sazhalyavam, no nyamam domashno) I am sorry but I don’t have homework.

And then you could add any of the reasons below:

Bulgarian classroom excusesPronunciation                  English translation
Вчера имах рожден ден и не успях да го направя.Vchera imah rozhden den i ne uspyah da go napravya.I had a birthday yesterday and I couldn’t do it. 
Кучето ми изяде листа с домашното. Kucheto mi izyade lista s domashnoto.My dog ate my homework.
Малката ми сестричка го надраска и скъса листа.Malkata mi sestrichka go nadraska i skasa lista.My little sister scratched and tore it.
Разлях каната с водата върху него.Razlyah kanata s vodata varhu nego.I spilled the jug of water on it. 

What if you have to be absent from school? You might use one of the following suggestions:

Let’s start with the main phrase: 

Извинете, но днес няма да мога да дойда на училище. (Izvinete, no dnes nyama da moga da doyda na uchilishte) I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to come to school today. 

And then you could add any of the reasons below:

Bulgarian classroom excusesPronunciation                  English translation
Разболях се и ми е много лошо.Razbolyah se i mi e mnogo losho.I got sick and I feel very bad. 
Не се чувствам добре. Ne se chuvstvam dobre.I’m not feeling well. 
Имам ужасно главоболие.Imam uzhasno glavobolie.I have a horrible headache.
Налага се да отида до болницата.Nalaga se da otida do bolnitsata.I have to go to the hospital.

    ➜ In the following list you can see some other answers in Bulgarian to the question: How are you?

5. Talk about Favorite Subjects

Let’s take a look at Bulgarian school subject names shown in the following list. Below we present two sentence patterns that use these subject names.

Bulgarian classroom subjectsPronunciation                  English translation
математикаmatematika Mathematics 
биологияbiologiya Biology 
химияhimiya Chemistry 
физикаfizika Physics 
граматикаgramatika Grammar 
литератураliteratura Literature 
историяistoriya History 
географияgeografiya Geography 
икономикаikonomika Economy 
физическо възпитаниеfizichesko vazpitaniePhysical education 
музикаmuzika Music 
рисуванеrisuvane Art
информатикаinformatikaComputer science

    ➜ You can learn some more school subject related words and phrases in the following page.

Pattern 1

This Bulgarian sentence pattern will help you tell others what your favorite school subject is:

Моят любим предмет е _______.
(Moyat lyubim predmet e _______)
My favorite subject is _______.

Here are two examples:

  • Моят любим предмет е математика.
    (Moyat lyubim predmet e matematika)
    My favorite subject is Math.
  • Моят любим предмет е рисуване.
    (Moyat lyubim predmet e risuvane)
    My favorite subject is art.

Pattern 2

This pattern will help you say which school subject you find the most difficult to study:

_____________ изобщо не ми върви.
(_____________ izobshto ne mi varvi)
I’m not good at _______ at all.

Here are two examples:

  • Историята изобщо не ми върви.
    (Istoriyata izobshto ne mi varvi)
    I’m not good at History at all.
  • Рисуването изобщо не ми върви.
    (Risuvaneto izobshto ne mi varvi)
    I’m not good at Art at all.

I'm Not Good at Art at All.

6. Check for School Supplies

Now, let’s take a look at Bulgarian names for school supplies you need at school daily. Here is a list of them followed by two patterns on how to use them in sentences.

Bulgarian classroom subjectsPronunciation                  English translation
учебникuchebnik textbook
тетрадкаtetradka notebook 
химикалhimikal pen 
моливmoliv pencil 
линияliniya ruler
гумаguma eraser
чинchin desk
черна дъскаcherna daska blackboard
калкулаторkalkulator calculator
раницаranitsa backpack
тебеширtebeshir chalk
гъбаgaba sponge
пергелpergelark compass

    ➜ BulgarianPod101 offers a wide range of Bulgarian lessons. Would you like to learn office supplies in Bulgarian? Then this lesson prepared by BulgarianPod101 is just for you.

Pattern 1

This Bulgarian question pattern helps you ask others to borrow a specific school supply you don’t have at the moment:

Можеш ли да ми услужиш с _______?
(Mozhesh li da mi usluzhish s _______)
Can you lend me your _______?

Here are two examples:

  • Можеш ли да ми услужиш с гума?
    (Mozhesh li da mi usluzhish s guma)
    Can you lend me your eraser?
  • Можеш ли да ми услужиш с един химикал?
    (Mozhesh li da mi usluzhish s edin himikal)
    Can you lend me a pen?

Pattern 2

This pattern will help you ask others to give you any of their school supplies for you to take a closer look at it:

Мога ли да видя _____________ ?
(Moga li da vidya _____________)
May I see _______ ?

Here are two examples:

  • Мога ли да видя твоята раница?
    (Moga li da vidya tvoyata ranitsa)
    May I see your backpack?
  • Мога ли да видя твоя учебник?
    (Moga li da vidya tvoya uchebnik)
    May I see your textbook?

7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

This extensive guide prepared by BulgarianPod101 contains all the basic Bulgarian classroom phrases in English that you need to know in order to feel more confident in a school environment. Even if you cannot understand the teacher’s instructions, you now know how to ask for clarification.

Since studying a foreign language is a long process that requires a lot of dedication, you might need additional motivation to keep on studying. A good Bulgarian teacher from the MyTeacher section is able to teach Bulgarian and offer useful Bulgarian language courses with expertise. He or she could be a perfect driving factor that will help you advance further and not surrender halfway into the process

We prepared this guide with basic Bulgarian classroom phrases to help you learn Bulgarian language more conveniently and easy. We would be happy to see your feedback so do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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Bulgarian Restaurant Phrases Guide: How to Order Food


A popular François de la Rochefoucauld quote states: “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” Well, although this guide is not about the art of preparing food intelligently, it will get you acquainted with the most common restaurant phrases in Bulgarian that will help you order your food and eat “intelligently” while you are in Bulgaria.

BulgarianPod101 will help you gain more confidence when you have to book a table in a Bulgarian restaurant, ask for a menu, order foods and drinks or ask for the bill by helping you learn a lot of travel phrases. It provides you with some useful dialogues as examples that will help you see how to use the basic Bulgarian restaurant phrases in a context.

Thus, apart from tasting the best Bulgarian national dishes, your time eating out in Bulgaria can become a practical exercise that will help you further develop comprehensive Bulgarian speaking skills. This ultimate guide that includes useful Bulgarian restaurant conversation phrases and some great Bulgarian learning tips will take you through all the stages – from entering a chosen restaurant to saying goodbye.

Welcome to a Bulgarian Restaurant!
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. How to book a table in a restaurant?
  2. What to say when you enter a restaurant?
  3. It’s time to order
  4. It’s time to pay the bill
  5. For people with special nutritional considerations
  6. What types of restaurants can you find in Bulgaria?
  7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian?

1. How to book a table in a restaurant?

Let’s start first with the right way to book a table in a Bulgarian restaurant. We will provide you with a list of Bulgarian restaurant phrases for booking a table and then a dialogue example that shows exactly how to use these phrases during a real phone conversation.

A- List of Bulgarian Restaurant Phrases

Keep in mind that many of these suggested phrases are models. We provide different choices for each model for you to choose from based on your specific situation.

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
Маса за … (двама, трима, четирима), моля!Masa za … (dvama, trima, chetirima), molya!Table for … (two, three, four), please! 
Мога ли да резервирам маса за …. (понеделник/вторник/сряда/ четвъртък/петък/събота/неделя) вечерта?Moga li da rezerviram masa za …. (ponedelnik/vtornik/sryada/ chetvartak/petak/sabota/nedelya) vecherta?Can I book a table for …. (Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday) evening? 
Имате ли свободна маса… (в залата за непушачи/на терасата/до прозореца)?Imate li svobodna masa… (v zalata za nepushachi/na terasata/do prozoretsa)?Do you have a free table… (in the non-smoking area/on the balcony/by the window)? 
Имате ли свободна маса за… (6 / 7/ 8/ 9) часа вечерта днес?Imate li svobodna masa za … (shest/sedem/osem/devet) chasa vecherta dnes? Do you have a free table for (6 / 7/ 8/ 9) pm tonight? 
Искам да резервирам маса за вторник от 5 часа вечерта.Iskam da rezerviram masa za vtornik ot 5 chasa vecherta.I want to book a table for Tuesday at 5 p.m. 
Необходимо ли е предварително заплащане за резервацията?Neobhodimo li e predvaritelno zaplashtane za rezervatsiyata?Is paying in advance required for the reservation?
Моля, потвърдете резервацията ми за маса в ресторанта.Molya, potvardete rezervatsiyata mi za masa v restoranta.Please confirm my table reservation at the restaurant.

    ➜ You can take a look at the guide on telling time in Bulgarian if you are not sure how to say the exact time in Bulgarian for which you need to book a table in a restaurant.

How to Book a Table in a Bulgarian Restaurant!

B- Dialogue Example

  • Здравейте, мога ли да запазя маса за двама?
    Zdraveiyte, moga li da zapazya masa za dvama?
    Hello, can I reserve a table for two?
  • Разбира се, за кога ви трябва?
    Razbira se, za koga vi tryabva?
    Of course, when do you need it?
  • За вторник от 7 часа вечерта.
    Za vtornik ot sedem chasa vecherta.
    On Tuesday at 7 p.m.
  • Къде предпочитате да е разположена – вътре или на терасата?
    Kade predpochitate da e razpolozhena – vatre ili na terasata?
    Where would you prefer it to be – indoors or on the balcony?
  • Предпочитам вътрешна маса, до прозореца!
    Predpochitam vatreshna masa, do prozoretsa!
    I prefer an indoor table by the window!
  • Масата Ви е резервирана!
    Masata Vi e rezervirana!
    Your table is booked!
  • Много благодаря!
    Mnogo blagodarya!
    Thank you very much!

2. What to say when you enter a restaurant?

Let’s assume that you have booked your table in a restaurant and you enter the chosen Bulgarian restaurant at the appointed time. What can you say in that case?

A- List of Bulgarian Restaurant Phrases

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
Имам резервирана маса за 7 часа.Imam rezervirana masa za sedem chasa!I booked a table for 7 pm.
Казвам се Джон Смит.Kazvam se Dzhon Smit.My name is John Smith.
Благодаря!BlagodaryaThank you!

Now let’s see how these phrases are used in a conversation.

B- Dialogue Example

  • Здравейте, имам резервирана маса за 7 часа.
    Zdraveiyte, Imam rezervirana masa za sedem chasa.
    Hello, I booked a table for 7 pm.
  • Здравейте, Вашето име, моля?
    Zdraveiyte, Vasheto ime, molya?
    Hello, your name, please?
  • Джон Смит. 
    Dzhon Smit.
    John Smith.
  • Г-н Смит, Вашата маса е ето там. Заповядайте!
    Gospodin Smit, Vashata masa e eto tam. Zapovyadayte!
    Mr. Smith, your table is over there. Come on in!
  • Благодаря!

Your Table Is Over There.

    ➜ This lesson prepared by BulgarianPod101 will help you answer the first question you are asked at a restaurant.

3. It’s time to order

When you have taken a seat at your booked table, it is time to order. How to do that the correct way? Let’s start with the very first phrases.

A- How to start?

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
Може ли менюто, ако обичате?Mozhe li menyuto, ako obichate?Can I have the menu, please?
Мога ли да получа менюто?Moga li da polucha menyuto?Can I have the menu? 
Менюто, ако обичате!Menyuto, ako obichate!The menu, please!

Now let’s see how these phrases are used in a conversation.

B- Dialogue Example

  • Може ли менюто, ако обичате?
    Mozhe li menyuto, ako obichate?
    Can I have the menu, please?
  • Разбира се! Ето, заповядайте! След малко ще се върна за поръчката.
    Razbira se! Eto, zapovyadayte! Sled malko shte se varna za porachkata.
    Of course! Here you are! I’ll be back for the order in a moment.

Can I Have the Menu, Please?

    ➜ You can find even more useful Bulgarian phrases on how to place an order in a restaurant in this lesson.

C- How to order drinks?

 Let’s start with a list of drinks in Bulgarian that you can use when you order drinks:

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
бираbira beer
виноvino wine
безалкохолна напиткаbezalkoholna napitka soft-drink
минерална водаmineralna vodamineral water
сокsok juice
уискиuiski whiskey

    ➜ Learn about Bulgarian beverages in the following lesson.

D- Dialogue Example

  • Желаете ли нещо за пиене?
    Zhelaete li neshto za piene?
    Would you like something to drink?
  • Да, за мен портокалов сок, ако обичате, а за жена ми – един айрян.
    Da, za men portokalov sok, ako obichate, a za zhena mi – edin ayryan.
    Yes, for me, orange juice, please, and for my wife – ayran.

E- How to order food?

Here is a list of basic Bulgarian restaurant words and phrases that you can use to order food in a restaurant.

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
специалитетът на заведениетоspetsialitetat na zavedenieto the specialty of the restaurant
първоparvo first course
второvtoro second course 
десертdesert dessert 
супаsupa soup 
искам да поръчамiskam da porachamI’d like to order 

It’s Time to Order Food

    ➜ You are not sure how to order your favorite Bulgarian dish? Then, take a look at this lesson prepared by BulgarianPod101.

F- Dialogue Example

  • Избрахте ли си нещо за ядене?
    Izbrahte li si neshto za yadene?
    Did you choose something to eat?
  • Да, за първо супа топчета за двама, ако обичате.
    Da, za parvo supa topcheta za dvama, ako obichate.
    Yes, for the first course a meatball soup for two, please.
  • Добре, прието. За второ?
    Dobre, prieto. Za vtoro?
    Okay, I am writing it down. For the second course?
  • Може ли да ми препоръчате нещо?
    Mozhe li da mi preporachate neshto?
    Can you recommend something to me?
  • Мога да Ви препоръчам специалитета на заведението – гювече на фурна.
    Moga da Vi preporacham spetsialiteta na zavedenieto – gyuveche na furna.
    I can recommend the specialty of the restaurant – casserole in the oven.
  • Чудесно, нека за второ бъде гювече на фурна за двама.
    Chudesno, neka za vtoro bade gyuveche na furna za dvama.
    Great, let the second course be a casserole in the oven for two.
  • Искате ли нещо за десерт?
    Iskate li neshto za desert?
    Would you like something for dessert?
  • Да, две парчета бисквитена торта.
    Da, dve parcheta biskvitena torta.
    Yes, two pieces of biscuit cake.
  • Желаете ли още нещо?
    Zhelaete li oshte neshto?
    Would you like something else?
  • Не, това е всичко. Благодаря.
    Ne, tova e vsichko. Blagodarya.
    No, that’s all. Thanks.
  • И аз благодаря. Поръчката Ви е приета.
    I az blagodarya. Porachkata Vi e prieta.
    Thank you, too. Your order has been placed.

4. It’s time to pay the bill

Here is a list of useful Bulgarian restaurant phrases that you can use to pay your bill in a restaurant.

A- List of Bulgarian Restaurant Phrases

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
Сметката, моля.Smetkata, molya.The bill, please.
Приемате ли плащане с карта?Priemate li plashtane s karta?Do you accept paying by card?
Предпочитам да платя в брой.Predpochitam da platya v broy.I prefer to pay in cash.
Можем ли да платим отделно?Mozhem li da platim otdelno?Can we pay separately?
Запазете рестото.Zapazete restoto.Keep the change.

B- Dialogue Example

  • Сметката, моля.
    Smetkata, molya.
    The bill, please.
  • Заповядайте. Как предпочитате да платите – с карта или в брой?
    Zapovyadayte. Kak predpochitate da platite – s karta ili v broy?
    Here you are. How do you prefer to pay – by card or in cash?
  • В брой. Запазете рестото.
    V broy. Zapazete restoto.
    In cash. Keep the change.
  • Благодаря. Приятен ден!
    Blagodarya. Priyaten den!
    Thanks. Have a nice day!
  • И аз благодаря за обслужването. Лека работа!
    I az blagodarya za obsluzhvaneto. Leka rabota!
    Thank you, too, for your service. Have a nice shift!

5. For people with special nutritional considerations

Some people might have some health conditions like allergies or specific food intolerance that require special nutritional considerations. Here are some useful phrases that will help you make your order in cases like that.

Bulgarian Restaurant PhrasesPronunciationEnglish translation
Имате ли вегетарианско/веганско меню?Imate li vegetariansko/vegansko menyu?Do you have a vegetarian/vegan menu?
Имате ли безмесни ястия?Imate li bezmesni yastiya?Do you have meat-free dishes?
Имам алергия към ядките. Може ли да ми препоръчате нещо без никакви ядки?Imam alergiya kam yadkite. Mozhe li da mi preporachate neshto bez nikakvi yadki?I have an allergy to nuts. Can you recommend something without any nuts?
Имам непоносимост към лактозата. Имате ли нещо, в което няма млечни?Imam neponosimost kam laktozata. Imate li neshto, v koeto nyama mlechni?I have lactose intolerance. Do you have something in which there is no dairy?
Имате ли салати без сирене?Imate li salati bez sirene?Do you have salads without cheese?
Мога ли да помоля в моята пица да не слагате домати?Moga li da pomolya v moyata pitsa da ne slagate domati?Can I ask you not to put tomatoes on my pizza?

6. What types of restaurants can you find in Bulgaria?

Bulgaria offers different restaurant types that you might consider. Let’s take a look at the most popular ones, so you can choose where to go out for dinner during your stay in Bulgaria. 

Classic restaurants – These restaurants are the most widespread and offer a wide range of high-quality cuisine, confectionery, desserts, fruits, specialties, dishes, pasta, and soft and alcoholic beverages. These restaurants create a great dining environment and are often used for weddings, anniversaries, and other special events to where many guests are invited.

Specialized restaurants – There are many fish restaurants, as well as grill restaurants that offer a menu with the main ingredient respectively, fish and grilled meat.

Bulgarian national cuisine restaurants – These restaurants are a great place to get acquainted with the unique Bulgarian dishes.

Moussaka Is a Very Popular Bulgarian Dish You Must Try while in Bulgaria

Restaurants with foreign cuisine – European, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. These types of restaurants offer dishes that are typical for the corresponding foreign national cuisines.

Attraction-themed restaurants – These restaurants feature a specific architectural interior and exterior, such as restaurants on a ship or frigate, and usually, dining is accompanied by a special musical program.

7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian?

The restaurant phrases in Bulgarian included in this ultimate Bulgarian travel guide will help you book a table in a restaurant on your own, as well as order food and beverages and have a more fulfilling dining experience. It will help you also combine pleasure and business – practice all those most common restaurant phrases in Bulgarian and at the same time have a wonderful dinner.

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this guide to help you learn Bulgarian restaurant phrases, or so you can refer to them whenever you need them.

Of course, if you don’t feel like this information is enough to meet your language needs, you can find a native Bulgarian teacher from the MyTeacher section. This language expert will get you acquainted with grammar rules and with new Bulgarian vocabulary that you will need on a daily basis in real-life situations and will accelerate your Bulgarian language learning.

We would be happy to hear your feedback about this review. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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Learn Conversation Starters in Bulgarian Language


It is never easy to be a newbie in something. But to be a newbie in a foreign language environment can be even more challenging. On the one hand, you don’t know enough to be confident in your actions; on the other, you don’t want others to see your frustration and hesitation. Then, what to do?

In such situations, a good conversation starter plan will come in handy. That is why BulgarianPod101 prepared this guide on basic Bulgarian conversation starters for a number of different situations like the first day at work, first dating, conversation starters for mingling, and more. It will teach you the best ways to start a conversation in Bulgarian, giving you enough confidence so that your approach to people is correct and appropriate for the local cultural specifics.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Conversation Starters for Mingling and Socializing
  2. Conversation Starters for the First Day at a New Job
  3. Conversation Starters for a First Date
  4. Conversation Starters for Travelling
  5. Conversation Starters to Reconnect with a Friend through Text or Email
  6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

1. Conversation Starters for Mingling and Socializing

If you are the kind of person who likes parties and other social events but doesn’t feel confident enough to be a Bulgarian speaker or even to socialize with others, especially in the Bulgarian language, these Bulgarian conversation phrases and sentences will help you a lot.

Below you will find ways to approach other guests by starting a conversation. You will learn what to say so that you can get involved in their discussion with confidence without looking rude. You will understand how to act when it seems like everyone knows everybody but you. Situations like this may seem challenging, but the most common conversation starters in Bulgarian offered here will make you feel more at ease.

Let’s explore these two situations – first, when you would like to start a conversation with a single person and then with a group of people.

A- Starting conversation with a single person

Starting a Conversation with a Single Person
  1. The most common way to socialize with someone is to go and introduce yourself. Here is an example of how to do that:
  • Здрасти, аз съм Джон и съм от Англия. А ти? От тук ли си?
    Zdrasti, az sam Dzhon i sam ot Angliya. A ti? Ot tuk li si?
    Hi, I’m John and I’m from England. And you? Are you from here?
    ➜ BulgarianPod101 has prepared this lesson about introducing yourself in Bulgarian, where you can find some helpful dialog examples appropriate for a party.
  1. If you would like to be more original than that, you might use some of these basic Bulgarian conversation starters:
  • Здрасти, откъде познаваш домакина?
    Zdrasti, otkade poznavash domakina?
    Hi, how do you know the host?
  • Днес е особено горещо навън. Проверих в интернет, че ще стане 37 градуса.
    Dnes e osobeno goreshto navan. Proverih v internet, che shte stane 37 gradusa.
    It’s especially hot outside today. I checked on the internet that it will be 37 degrees.
  • Здравей, познаваш ли някой друг тук?
    Zdravey, poznavash li nyakoy drug tuk?
    Hi, do you know anyone else here?
  1. You can also comment based on the situation. Here are some ideas:
  • Здрасти, тениската ти изглежда много оригинална. Откъде си я купи? 
    Zdrasti, teniskata ti izglezhda mnogo originalna. Otkade si ya kupi?
    Hi, your T-shirt looks very original. Where did you buy it?
  • Здрасти, какво е това в чинията ти? Изглежда много вкусно.
    Zdrasti, kakvo e tova v chiniyata ti? Izglezhda mnogo vkusno.
    Hi, what’s this on your plate? It looks very delicious.
  • Днес има много посетители на партито. Познаваш ли някои от тях?
    Dnes ima mnogo posetiteli na partito. Poznavash li nyakoi ot tyah?
    Today, there are many visitors to the party. Do you know any of them?
  • Можеш ли да ми подадеш онова питие?
    Mozhesh li da mi podadesh onova pitie?
    Can you pass me that drink?
  • Имаш ли нещо против да ми запазиш стола за секунда? Сега се връщам.
    Imash li neshto protiv da mi zapazish stola za sekunda? Sega se vrashtam.
    Would you mind guarding my chair for me for a second? I’ll be right back.

B- Starting conversations with groups

Starting a Conversation with a Group
  1. You can start your conversation with a group again with an introduction.
  • Здравейте, аз съм Джон, приятел на домакина от университета. А вие откъде го познавате?
    Zdraveyte, az sam Dzhon, priyatel na domakina ot universiteta. A vie otkade go poznavate?
    Hi, I’m John, a host’s friend from university. And how do you know him?
  • Здравейте, аз съм Джон, приятел на Иван. За какво си приказвахте току-що?
    Zdraveyte, az sam Dzhon, priyatel na Ivan. Za kakvo si prikazvahte toku-shto?
    Hi, I’m John, Ivan’s friend. What were you just talking about?
  • Здравейте, аз съм Джон, какво ще кажете за футболния мач вчера?
    Zdraveyte, az sam Dzhon, kakvo shte kazhete za futbolniya mach vchera?
    Hi, I’m John, what do you think about yesterday’s football match?
  1. You may approach a group with some kind of offer, like:
  • Какво ще кажете да една игра на карти?
    Kakvo shte kazhete za edna igra na karti?
    What do you think about a card game?
  1. If you are a listener, you can socialize by making a point at the right moment, saying:
  • И на мен ми се случи същото преди известно време.
    I na men mi se sluchi sashtoto predi izvestno vreme.
    The same thing happened to me some time ago.
  • И аз съм преживявал/а нещо подобно.
    I az sam prezhivyaval/a neshto podobno.
    I have experienced something similar.

Note: преживял (prezhivyaval) is a male form, преживяла (prezhivyavala) is a female form.

  • И аз мисля така.
    I az mislya taka.
    I think so too.

2. Conversation Starters for the First Day at a New Job 

Many people feel nervous about their first day at a new job. They lack confidence wondering whether they are skilled enough to cope with the new job responsibilities, whether their colleagues will accept them in their team, and will they be helpful and patient enough with them. There are certain phrases that can help in adaptation to the new work environment that you will need on the first working day. We present here Bulgarian conversation starter phrases at a new job for introducing yourself to a colleague and to a whole group.

    ➜ You might be interested in this Bulgarian lesson on a job interview in the form of a dialogue.

A- Introducing yourself to a colleague

Introducing Yourself to a Colleague

Prepare some greetings that will help you feel more confident in your new working environment. You can start with a brief introduction of yourself and continue with a phrase that shows your goodwill and your joy that you will work with your new colleague. Here are some examples:

  • Здравейте, аз съм Антония. 
    Zdraveyte, az sam Antonia.
    Hello, I’m Antonia.

You can replace Антония with your name.

  • Аз съм от Англия, където работих като мениджър. 
    Az sam ot Angliya, kadeto rabotih kato menidzhar.
    I am from England, where I worked as a manager.

You can replace Англия with your country and мениджър with your previous job position.

  • Радвам се, че ще работим заедно.
    Radvam se, che shte rabotim zaedno.
    I am happy that we will work together.

You can shorten the distance by asking:

  • Имаш ли нещо против да минем на “ти”?
    Imash li neshto protiv da minem na “ti”?
    Do you mind if we switch to the informal “you”?

You can eventually ask for some assistance in the beginning.

  • Може ли да ме разведеш из офисите?
    Mozhe li da me razvedesh iz ofisite?
    Can you take me around the offices?
  • Можеш ли да ме запознаеш с останалите колеги?
    Mozhesh li da me zapoznaesh s ostanalite kolegi?
    Can you introduce me to the other colleagues?
  • Можеш ли да ми покажеш в какво ще се състои моята работа?
    Mozhesh li da mi pokazhesh v kakvo shte se sastoi moyata rabota?
    Can you show me what my job will be?
  • Можеш ли да ми покажеш къде ще бъде моето работно място?
    Mozhesh li da mi pokazhesh kade shte bade moeto rabotno myasto?
    Can you show me where my workplace will be?

B- Introducing yourself to a group

Introducing Yourself to a Group

Since the probability that you will have to introduce yourself to a group on your first day at work is quite big, you need to prepare some group introductions in advance, too.

  • Здравейте, аз съм Иван и съм новият мениджър по продажбите. 
    Zdraveyte, az sam Ivan i sam noviyat menidzhar po prodazhbite.
    Hello, I’m Ivan and I’m the new sales manager.
  • Ще се радвам да се запозная с всички и да работим заедно.
    Shte se radvam da se zapoznaya s vsichki i da rabotim zaedno.
    I will be happy to meet everyone and work together.
  • С какво мога да съм ви полезен/полезна днес?
    S kakvo moga da sam vi polezen/polezna dnes?
    How can I be useful to you today?

Note: полезен (polezen) is a male form, полезна (polezna) is a female form.

  • По какъв проект работите днес?
    Po kakav proekt rabotite dnes?
    What project are you working on today?
  • Може ли да ми обясните особеностите на настоящите проекти, по които работите?
    Mozhe li da mi obyasnite osobenostite na nastoyashtite proekti, po koito rabotite?
    Can you explain to me the details of the current projects you are working on?

3. Conversation Starters for a First Date

Conversation Starters for a First Date

Since the first impression is very important, these useful Bulgarian conversation starter words and phrases will help you start an intriguing conversation during your first date. Here are some great ideas for you to use:

  • Ако точно сега можеше да се качиш на самолет, за къде би пътувал/а?
    Ako tochno sega mozheshe da se kachish na samolet, za kade bi patuval/a?
    If you could get on a plane right now, where would you travel?
  • Защо ти харесва животът тук?
    Zashto ti haresva zhivotat tuk?
    Why do you like living here?
  • Кое нещо от детството ти липсва най-много днес?
    Koe neshto ot detstvoto ti lipsva nay-mnogo dnes?
    What’s one thing from your childhood that you miss the most today?
  • Как прекара деня?
    Kak prekara denya?
    How was your day?
  • Кое е любимото ти ядене?
    Koe e lyubimoto ti yadene?
    What is your favorite food?
  • Кой е любимият ти спорт?
    Koy e lyubimiyat ti sport?
    What is your favorite sport?
    ➜ If you would like to learn more useful sports-related Bulgarian vocabulary, this Bulgarian lesson on playing sports might be interesting.
  • Какви книги обичаш да четеш?
    Kakvi knigi obichash da chetesh?
    What kind of books do you like reading?
  • Какво прави миналия уикенд?
    Kakvo pravi minaliya uikend?
    What did you do last weekend?
  • Кое е любимото ти животно?
    Koe e lyubimoto ti zhivotno?
    What is your favourite animal?
    ➜ This list prepared by BulgarianPod101 will help you learn the Bulgarian names of 21 animals along with their proper pronunciation.
  • От какво се страхуваш най-много?
    Ot kakvo se strahuvash nay-mnogo?
    What are you most afraid of?

4. Conversation Starters for Travelling

Conversation Starters for Travelling

Travelling usually provides many opportunities for new acquaintances and making friends. If you don’t want to miss such an opportunity while you travel in Bulgaria, this Bulgarian conversation starter word list for travelling is what you need.

  • Били ли сте някога в чужбина? Колко време стояхте там?
    Bili li ste nyakoga v chuzhbina? Kolko vreme stoyahte tam?
    Have you ever been abroad? How long did you stay there?
  • Обичате ли да пътувате?
    Obichate li da patuvate?
    Do you like travelling?
  • Кои места в България са най-интересни за туристите?
    Koi mesta v Balgariya sa nay-interesni za turistite?
    Which places in Bulgaria are most interesting for tourists?
  • Кои държави искате да посетите?
    Koi darzhavi iskate da posetite?
    Which countries do you want to visit?
  • Къде прекарвате лятната си ваканция?
    Kade prekarvate lyatnata si vakantsiya?
    Where do you spend your summer vacation?
  • Къде бихте предпочели да пътувате – в горещи страни или в студени?
    Kade bihte predpocheli da patuvate – v goreshti strani ili v studeni?
    Where would you prefer to travel – in hot countries or in cold ones?
  • Пътували ли сте някога извън Европа?
    Patuvali li ste nyakoga izvan Evropa?
    Have you ever traveled outside of Europe?
  • С какво превозно средство обичате да пътувате?
    S kakvo prevozno sredstvo obichate da patuvate?
    What vehicle do you like to travel with?

5. Conversation Starters to Reconnect with a Friend through Text or Email 

If you would like to reconnect with your friends or classmates that you haven’t seen for years, you can use some of the following Bulgarian phrases and sentences in your messages or emails to them.

  • Не съм те виждал/а от цяла вечност.
    Ne sam te vizhdal/a ot tsyala vechnost.
    I haven’t seen you in ages.
  • Колко време отмина, откакто се видяхме за последно?
    Kolko vreme otmina, otkakto se vidyahme za posledno?
    How long has it been since we last saw each other?
  • Видях публикацията ти във Facebook и се сетих, че отдавна не сме се чували.
    Vidyah publikatsiyata ti vav Facebook i se setih, che otdavna ne sme se chuvali.
    I saw your post on Facebook and I found out that we haven’t heard from each other for a long time.
  • Успя ли да започнеш работата, за която мечтаеше?
    Uspya li da zapochnesh rabotata, za koyato mechtaeshe?
    Did you manage to start the job you dreamed of?
  • Скоро минах покрай училището ни и се сетих за теб.
    Skoro minah pokray uchilishteto ni i se setih za teb.
    I recently passed by our school and thought of you.

6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian 

This review prepared by BulgarianPod101 helps you not only learn conversation starters in the Bulgarian language easier but also to speak Bulgarian with confidence. It will help you make friends in different situations and give you more confidence. Just try some of these examples in related situations, and you will be surprised with the result.

You might need further help in learning more of the Bulgarian language specifics. In that case, you can choose a native Bulgarian teacher from the MyTeacher section. This expert will help you advance much faster than if you learn the language on your own.

We would be happy to hear your feedback about this review. Did you find these Bulgarian conversation starter examples useful in different situations in your life? What other Bulgarian conversation starter words and meanings would you suggest to be added to this review? Do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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Advanced Bulgarian Phrases: Become an Expert


Many language learners reach a middle level in their studies and stop advancing further because they lack confidence in their ability to succeed. But BulgarianPod101 is here to encourage you to reach even higher—because you can

If you plan on working in Bulgaria, building a solid relationship with Bulgarian business partners, studying a major of choice in a Bulgarian university, or moving to Bulgaria for any other reason, we recommend you go through this comprehensive overview of advanced Bulgarian phrases. Memorizing and practicing these phrases will help you start speaking and writing like a native.

In this article, we will acquaint you with useful Bulgarian phrases for academic writing, composing your resume, applying for jobs, and having business meetings with your Bulgarian partners. At the end, you’ll also find some advanced idioms, sayings, and proverbs that Bulgarians use in their everyday speech. We hope that you enjoy this journey to the very top of Bulgarian language learning with us!

A Man Celebrating while Wearing a Graduation Cap

Become a Bulgarian language expert with us!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
  2. Powerful Phrases for a Resume
  3. Smart Phrases for Business and Meetings
  4. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
  5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian
  6. Answers to Practical Exercises

1.  Useful Phrases for Academic Writing 

There are different types of academic writing that students might be asked to use during their studies in a Bulgarian university. That said, each type makes use of the most common advanced Bulgarian words and phrases in order to obtain an academic style. Let’s take a look at some of these advanced Bulgarian phrases for students, as they’ll be useful to know in a variety of academic contexts. To help you understand how to use them in a sentence, we have included examples.

1) When you need to make a conclusion based on a certain fact or piece of information, use the following academic phrases:

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
С оглед на S ogled naIn view of 
ExampleС оглед на казаното дотук можем да си извадим извода, че работодателят има право да наложи такива санкции.
S ogled na kazanoto dotuk mozhem da si izvadim izvoda, che rabotodatelyat ima pravo da nalozhi takiva sanktsii.
In view of what has been said so far, we can conclude that the employer has the right to impose such sanctions. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation

В светлината на
V svetlinata naIn light of
ExampleВ светлината на споделеното от него става ясно, че той не е предизвикал кризата.
V svetlinata na spodelenoto ot nego stava yasno, che toy ne e predizvikal krizata.
In light of what he shared, it is clear that he did not cause the crisis.  

2) When you need to quote or cite a certain person, use the following academic words and phrases:

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation

sporedaccording to
ExampleСпоред Айнщайн вселената се състои от 3 пространствени измерения и 1 времево измерение.
Spored Aynshtayn vselenata se sastoi ot tri prostranstveni izmereniya i edno vremevo izmerenie.
According to Einstein, the universe consists of three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
заявява, чеzayavyava, chestates that 
ExampleАйнщайн заявява, че е агностик в писмо от 1950 г.
Aynshtayn zayavyava, che e agnostik v pismo ot 1950 godina.
Einstein states that he is agnostic in a letter from 1950. 

3) When you need to include another important fact in your writing, use the following words and phrases:

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation

в допълнение
v dopalneniein addition
ExampleВ допълнение, струва си да приведем резултата от друго научно изследване.
V dopalnenie, struva si da privedem rezultata ot drugo nauchno izsledvane.
In addition, it is worth adding the result of another scientific study. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
нещо повечеneshto povechefurthermore
ExampleНещо повече, това ни навежда на мисълта, че в тази теория се крие и нещо друго.
Neshto poveche, tova ni navezhda na misalta, che v tazi teoriya se krie i neshto drugo.
Furthermore, this leads us to think that there is something else in this theory. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
трябва да се отбележиtryabva da se otbelezhiit should be noted
ExampleТрябва да се отбележи, че всички тези доказателства не са достатъчни, за да си направим цялостен извод.
Tryabva da se otbelezhi, che vsichki tezi dokazatelstva ne sa dostatachni, za da si napravim tsyalosten izvod.
It should be noted that all this evidence is not sufficient to draw a comprehensive conclusion. 

4) When you would like to illustrate different aspects of a given fact, you can use the following academic phrases:

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation

от една страна … от друга страна … 
ot edna strana … ot druga strana … on the one hand … on the other hand … 
ExampleОт една страна правителството реши да подкрепи производителите, но от друга страна повиши данъците.
Ot edna strana pravitelstvoto reshi da podkrepi proizvoditelite, no ot druga strana povishi danatsite.
On the one hand, the government decided to support producers, but on the other hand, it raised taxes. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
друг ключов моментdrug klyuchov momentanother key point
ExampleДруг ключов момент, който не можем да пропуснем, е влиянието на възпитанието му.
Drug klyuchov moment, koyto ne mozhem da propusnem, e vliyanieto na vazpitanieto mu.
Another key point that we cannot miss out on is the influence of his upbringing. 

5) Some other important academic phrases include:

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
с други думиs drugi dumiin other words
ExampleС други думи, въпросът се свежда до стойността на живота.
S drugi dumi, vaprosat se svezhda do stoynostta na zhivota.
In other words, the question comes down to the value of life. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
казано с прости думи
kazano s prosti dumiin simple words 
ExampleКазано с прости думи, това е е абсолютно ненужно за хората.
Kazano s prosti dumi, tova e e absolyutno nenuzhno za horata.
In simple words, this is absolutely unnecessary for people. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
по подобен начинpo podoben nachinin a similar way
ExampleПо подобен начин можем да разсъждаваме и за предимствата от класическата музика.
Po podoben nachin mozhem da razsazhdavame i za predimstvata ot klasicheskata muzika.
In a similar way, we can think about the advantages of classical music. 

6) You can use these academic phrases to conclude your writing:

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
в заключениеv zaklyucheniein conclusion
ExampleВ заключение можем да кажем, че смисълът на живота е в даването.
V zaklyuchenie mozhem da kazhem, che smisalat na zhivota e v davaneto.
In conclusion, we can say that the meaning of life is in giving. 

Bulgarian Academic Word/PhrasePronunciation English Translation
в резюме/заключениеv rezyume/zaklyucheniein summary
ExampleВ резюме можем да направим извода, че животът и делото на поета са съдействали за възраждането на нацията.
V rezyume mozhem da napravim izvoda, che zhivotat i deloto na poeta sa sadeiystvali za vazrazhdaneto na natsiyata.
In summary, we can conclude that the poet’s life and work contributed to the revival of the nation. 

Academic Writing

Let’s Practice: Academic Writing 

The more you practice new words and phrases, the easier it will become for you to use them appropriately. Eventually, you’ll reach the level where they naturally appear in your mind as soon as you need them. To expedite this process, we have prepared some practical exercises throughout the article that will help you learn these advanced Bulgarian phrases more easily.

In this exercise, you need to choose the correct option from the brackets (only one correct option per bracket). You can check your answers at the end of this article. Note that the given sentences are arranged in a logical sequence.

  1. [Друг ключов момент; Според; Нещо повече] някои специалисти, ученето на чужд език в онлайн среда има свои предимства.
    [Drug klyuchov moment; Spored; Neshto poveche] nyakoi spetsialisti, ucheneto na chuzhd ezik v onlayn sreda ima svoi predimstva.
    [Another key point; According to; Something more] some professionals, learning a foreign language in an online environment has its advantages.
  1. [Заявява, че; Според; От една страна] онлайн обучението дава възможност на учителите да споделят много иновативни образователни ресурси, а от друга страна могат да изработят индивидуален подход към всеки ученик.
    [Zayavyava, che; Spored; Ot edna strana] onlayn obuchenieto dava vazmozhnost na uchitelite da spodelyat mnogo inovativni obrazovatelni resursi, a ot druga strana mogat da izrabotyat individualen podhod kam vseki uchenik.
    [States that; According to; On the one hand] online learning enables teachers to share many innovative educational resources, and on the other hand, they can develop an individual approach for each student.
  1. [С други думи; Друг ключов момент; Трябва да се отбележи] ученето в електронна среда е не само полезно, но и забавно.
    [S drugi dumi; Drug klyuchov moment; Tryabva da se otbelezhi] ucheneto v elektronna sreda e ne samo polezno, no i zabavno.
    [In other words; Another key point; It should be noted] learning in an electronic environment is not only useful but also fun.
  1. [В светлината на; По подобен начин; В заключение] стои и въпросът с изучаването на чужд език.
    [V svetlinata na; Po podoben nachin; V zaklyuchenie] stoi i vaprosat s izuchavaneto na chuzhd ezik.
    [In light of; In a similar way; In conclusion] is the question of learning a foreign language.
  1. [В заключение; В светлината на; Според] можем да кажем, че ученето на чужд език онлайн не е губене на време, a съдейства за достигането на реални резултати.
    [V zaklyuchenie; V svetlinata na; Spored] mozhem da kazhem, che ucheneto na chuzhd ezik onlayn ne e gubene na vreme, no sadeiystva za dostiganeto na realni rezultati.
    [In conclusion; In light of; According to] we can say that learning a foreign language online is not a waste of time but contributes to achieving real results.

2.  Powerful Phrases for a Resume 

It’s time to learn advanced Bulgarian phrases that will help you write a powerful resume. Using these phrases in your resume will make it stand out, help you efficiently describe your relevant knowledge and abilities, and leave a strong impression on the employer. 

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation English Translation
Мога да анализирам и решавам проблеми.Moga da analiziram i reshavam problemi.I can analyze and solve problems.

Мога да изграждам успешни административни стратегии.Moga da izgrazhdam uspeshni administrativni strategii.I can build successful administrative strategies.

Информиран съм за новите технологии в офис автоматизацията.Informiran sam za novite tehnologii v ofis avtomatizatsiyata.I am informed about the new technologies in office automation.

Фокусирам се върху резултатите.Fokusiram se varhu rezultatite.I focus on the results. 

Постигам трайни резултати.
Postigam trayni rezultati.I achieve lasting results. 

Ефективен съм в комуникациите и взаимодействието с другите.Efektiven sam v komunikatsiite i vzaimodeystvieto s drugite.I am effective in communicating and interacting with others. 

Имам богат опит в областта.Imam bogat opit v oblastta.I have extensive experience in the field. 

Посещавал съм семинари за подобряване на ефективността в работата.Poseshtaval sam seminari za podobryavane na efektivnostta v rabotata.I have attended seminars to improve work efficiency.

Вземам решения с увереност.Vzemam resheniya s uverenost.I make decisions with confidence.

Изпълнявам всички поети ангажименти.Izpalnyavam vsichki poeti angazhimenti.I fulfill all my commitments. 

Имам желание и способност за лично израстване.Imam zhelanie i sposobnost za lichno izrastvane.I have the desire and ability for personal growth.

Не се страхувам да прилагам нововъведения.Ne se strahuvam da prilagam novovavedeniya.I am not afraid of innovations. 

Гледам на трудностите като на възможности.Gledam na trudnostite kato na vazmozhnosti.I see difficulties as opportunities.

Writing a Powerful Resume

 Let’s Practice: Resume 

Now it’s time to practice what we covered in this section. This time, your task is to replace the English phrases with their corresponding advanced Bulgarian phrases.

Кандидатствам за позицията мениджър във вашата компания, защото I have extensive experience in the field, работейки на същата позиция за две други фирми преди това, I can build successful administrative strategies и I see difficulties as opportunities. I have attended seminars to improve work efficiency и I have the desire and ability for personal growth. Нещо повече, I am not afraid of innovations и I make decisions with confidence.

Kandidatstvam za pozitsiyata menidzhar vav vashata kompaniya, zashtoto I have extensive experience in the field, raboteyki na sashtata pozitsiya za dve drugi firmi predi tova, I can build successful administrative strategies i I see difficulties as opportunities. I have attended seminars to improve work efficiency i I have the desire and ability for personal growth. Neshto poveche, I am not afraid of innovations i I make decisions with confidence.

I am applying for the position of manager in your company because I have extensive experience in the field (having worked in the same position for two other companies before), I can build successful administrative strategies, and I see difficulties as opportunities. I have attended seminars to improve work efficiency, and I have the desire and ability for personal growth. Moreover, I am not afraid of innovations, and I make decisions with confidence. 

3.  Smart Phrases for Business and Meetings 

If you intend to conduct business of any kind with Bulgarians, it will be useful to know some common advanced Bulgarian phrases that you can use during business meetings, online conferences, negotiations, etc. Here’s a practical list to get you started. 

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation English Translation
Бихте ли повторили, моля?Bihte li povtorili, molya?Could you repeat that, please?

Боя се, че не ви разбрах.Boya se, che ne vi razbrah.I’m afraid I didn’t understand you.

Налага се да изляза за десет минути. Всички съгласни ли са?Nalaga se da izlyaza za deset minuti. Vsichki saglasni li sa?I need to leave for ten minutes. Is it okay with everyone?

Добре дошли на всички. Казвам се ___ и съм ръководител на проекта.Dobre doshli na vsichki. Kazvam se ___ i sam rakovoditel na proekta.Welcome, everybody. My name is ___, and I am the project manager.

Ще съм кратък, тъй като знам, че всички сте заети хора.Shte sam kratak, tay kato znam, che vsichki ste zaeti hora.I’m going to keep this brief, as I know you are all busy people.

Първо ще говоря за…Parvo shte govorya za…First, I will talk about…

След това ще преминем на…Sled tova shte preminem na…Then, we’ll go over…

В заключение ще разгледаме…V zaklyuchenie shte razgledame…To conclude, we’ll touch on…

Извинете, прекъснах ви. Вие казвахте…Izvinete, prekasnakh vi. Vie kazvahte…Sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying…

Бих искал да си уговорим среща възможно най-скоро. Кога сте свободен/на?Bih iskal da si ugovorim sreshta vazmozhno nay-skoro. Koga ste svoboden/na?I would like to set a meeting with you as early as possible. When are you available?

 Let’s Practice: Business Meetings 

Below is a sample business dialogue. Your task is to choose the correct option for the answer.

г-н Смит: Добър ден, г-н Петров. Аз съм г-н Смит и бих искал да Ви представя основния продукт на нашата фирма. Мисля, че той ще е изключително полезен за общността в България, а Вашата компания би могла да бъде отличен дистрибутор за страната Ви.

g-n Smit: Dobar den, g-n Petrov. Az sam g-n Smit i bih iskal da Vi predstavya osnovniya produkt na nashata firma. Mislya, che toy shte e izklyuchitelno polezen za obshtnostta v Balgariya, a Vashata kompaniya bi mogla da bade otlichen distributor za stranata Vi.

Mr. Smith: Good afternoon, Mr. Petrov. I am Mr. Smith, and I would like to present to you the main product of our company. I think it will be extremely useful for the community in Bulgaria, and your company could be an excellent distributor for your country. 

г-н Петров: Здравейте г-н Смит. Много ми е приятно и се интересувам от предложението Ви, но в момента имам неотложни дела. 

g-n Petrov: Zdraveyte g-n Smit. Mnogo mi e priyatno i se interesuvam ot predlozhenieto Vi, no v momenta imam neotlozhni dela.

Mr. Petrov: Hello, Mr. Smith. I am very pleased and interested in your proposal, but I have an urgent job at the moment. 

Choose the next words of Mr. Smith from the options below:

Извинете, прекъснах ви. Вие казвахте…
(Izvinete, prekasnah vi. Vie kazvahte…)

Ще съм кратък, тъй като знам, че сте зает.
(Shte sam kratak, tay kato znam, che ste zaet.)

Бих искал да си уговорим среща възможно най-скоро. Кога сте свободен?
(Bih iskal da si ugovorim sreshta vazmozhno nay-skoro. Koga ste svoboden?)

4.  Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage 

It will be useful for you to know some advanced sayings, idioms, and proverbs that local people use in their everyday conversations. Once a foreigner understands them well, it indicates that they have mastered the highest level of language proficiency.

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
пълна къщаpalna kashtaa full house
MeaningThe whole household gathered together
ExampleДнес имам пълна къща. Дошли са ми на гости всички деца и внуци.
Dnes imam palna kashta. Doshli sa mi na gosti vsichki detsa i vnutsi.
Today, I have a full house. All my children and grandchildren came to visit me. 

A Full House

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
час пикchas pikrush hour
MeaningThe busiest time of the workday
ExampleОбикновено в час пик е трудно да се придвижиш бързо с автомобил в града.
Obiknoveno v chas pik e trudno da se pridvizhish barzo s avtomobil v grada.
Usually, during rush hour, it is difficult to get around quickly by car in the city. 

    ➜ In this lesson from BulgarianPod101, you can learn more about the most widely used modes of transportation in Bulgaria.

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
час по часchas po chashour by hour
MeaningVery often
ExampleНе съм добре с бъбреците и се налага час по час да ходя до тоалетна.
Ne sam dobre s babretsite i se nalaga chas po chas da hodya do toaletna.
My kidneys are not well, and I have to go to the toilet very often

    ➜ There is a specific holiday on the Bulgarian folklore calendar related to diseases. You can learn more about it in this lesson.

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
час по-скороchas po-skoroan hour sooner
MeaningAs soon as possible; right away
ExampleНалага се да отида на лекар час по-скоро.
Nalaga se da otida na lekar chas po-skoro.
I have to go to the doctor as soon as possible

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
на бърза ръкаna barza rakawith a quick hand
MeaningHastily; in a hurry 
ExampleНа бърза ръка направих една баница за гостите.
Na barza raka napravih edna banitsa za gostite.
I hastily made banitsa for the guests. 

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
ябълка на раздораyabalka na razdoraapple of discord
MeaningSomething that causes controversy or misunderstandings
ExampleТози въпрос се превърна в ябълка на раздора сред присъстващите на конференцията.
Tozi vapros se prevarna v yabalka na razdora sred prisastvashtite na konferentsiyata.
This issue became an apple of discord among those present at the conference.

An Apple of Discord
Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
има си хасima si has
MeaningUnbelievable; impossible
ExampleИма си хас той да получи добра оценка по български език, като го знам колко учи.
Ima si has toy da poluchi dobra otsenka po balgarski ezik, kato go znam kolko uchi.
It is impossible for him to get a good grade in Bulgarian, knowing how little he studies. 

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
барабар Петко с мъжетеbarabar Petko s mazhetePetko together with the men
MeaningWhen someone goes to do something along with others
ExampleБарабар Петко с мъжете! Тръгнал и моят син да цепи дърва.
Barabar Petko s mazhete! Tragnal i moyat sin da tsepi darva.
Petko is alongside the men! My son also went chopping wood. 

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
парите говорятparite govoryatmoney talks
MeaningMoney rules a situation
ExampleТам нямаш шанс да те послушат—там парите говорят.
Tam nyamash shans da te poslushat—tam parite govoryat.
You have no chance to be heard—money rules there. 

Advanced Bulgarian PhrasePronunciation Literal English Translation
всичко си има ценаvsichko si ima tsenaeverything has a price 
MeaningIt all came at a price
ExampleТой се преуморяваше постоянно, но всичко си има цена—накрая се разболя тежко.
Toy se preumoryavashe postoyanno, no vsichko si ima tsena—nakraya se razbolya tezhko.
He was constantly overworked, but it all came at a price—in the end, he became seriously ill. 

 Let’s Practice: Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs 

Now that you’ve seen a few advanced Bulgarian slang phrases, it’s time to test how much you remember. Choose the correct idiom for each sentence. You can check your answers at the very end of this article. 

  1. Остават ми само 10 минути до урока, затова се налага [час по час; на бърза ръка; има си хас] да направя домашното.
    Ostavat mi samo 10 minuti do uroka, zatova se nalaga [chas po chas; na barza raka; ima si has] da napravya domashnoto.
    I only have 10 minutes left until the lesson, so I have to do my homework (…).
  1. Сигурно искаш да надминеш всичките си конкуренти в бизнеса, но [всичко си има цена; барабар Петко с мъжете; парите говорят]—семейството ще остане на заден план.
    Sigurno iskash da nadminesh vsichkite si konkurenti v biznesa, no [vsichko si ima tsena; barabar Petko s mazhete; parite govoryat]—semeystvoto shte ostane na zaden plan.
    You probably want to surpass all your business competitors, but (…)—the family will remain in second place.
  1. Жена ми се обади по телефона и се налага да си тръгна [час пик; час по час; час по-скоро].
    Zhena mi se obadi po telefona i se nalaga da si tragna [chas pik; chas po chas; chas po-skoro].
    My wife called me on the phone, and I had to leave (…).
  1. Той ми е голям приятел и [час пик; час по час; час по-скоро] идва у дома.
    Toy mi e golyam priyatel i [chas pik; chas po chas; chas po-skoro] idva u doma.
    He is a great friend of mine and (…) comes to my house.
  1. С него вече не сме приятели, след като едно момиче се превърна в [час пик; ябълката на раздора; парите говорят].
    S nego veche ne sme priyateli, sled kato edno momiche se prevarna v [chas pik; yabalkata na razdora; parite govoryat].
    We are no longer friends with him after a girl became (…).

5.  How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian 

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this extensive overview of advanced Bulgarian phrases to help you move from the intermediate to the advanced level in Bulgarian. As an advanced learner, you’ll be able to write academic texts, craft powerful resumes, and speak freely in Bulgarian with colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. 

If you still don’t feel confident in your knowledge, you can turn to our MyTeacher service for Premium PLUS members and choose an experienced native Bulgarian teacher. They will provide you with needed help by clarifying any points of difficulty that you come across while studying advanced-level Bulgarian. 

We would be happy to hear your feedback about this article. Did you find it difficult or easy to understand? Do you plan to add some of these advanced Bulgarian words and phrases to your academic texts or your resume? And which of the advanced Bulgarian idioms do you plan to use most often in your daily conversations with Bulgarians? Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below. 

And now it’s time to check your answers to the practical exercises given above.

6.  Answers to Practical Exercises 

 Answers to the practical exercise for Academic Writing 

  1. [друг ключов момент; според; нещо повече] някои специалисти, ученето на чужд език в онлайн среда има свои предимства.
    Spored nyakoi spetsialisti, ucheneto na chuzhd ezik v onlayn sreda ima svoi predimstva.
    According to some professionals, learning a foreign language in an online environment has its advantages.
  1. [заявява, че; според; от една страна] онлайн обучението дава възможност на учителите да споделят много иновативни образователни ресурси, а от друга страна могат да изработят индивидуален подход към всеки ученик.
    Ot edna strana onlayn obuchenieto dava vazmozhnost na uchitelite da spodelyat mnogo inovativni obrazovatelni resursi, a ot druga strana mogat da izrabotyat individualen podhod kam vseki uchenik.
    On the one hand, online learning enables teachers to share many innovative educational resources, and on the other hand, they can develop an individual approach for each student.
  1. [с други думи; друг ключов момент; трябва да се отбележи] ученето в електронна среда е не само полезно, но и забавно.
    S drugi dum ucheneto v elektronna sreda e ne samo polezno, no i zabavno.
    In other words, learning in an electronic environment is not only useful but also fun.
  1. [в светлината на; по подобен начин; в заключение] стои и въпросът с изучаването на чужд език.
    Po podoben nachin stoi i vaprosat s izuchavaneto na chuzhd ezik.
    In a similar way is the question of learning a foreign language.
  1. [в заключение; в светлината на; според] можем да кажем, че ученето на чужд език онлайн не е губене на време, но съдейства за достигането на реални резултати.
    V zaklyuchenie mozhem da kazhem, che ucheneto na chuzhd ezik onlayn ne e gubene na vreme, no sadeiystva za dostiganeto na realni rezultati.
    In conclusion, we can say that learning a foreign language online is not a waste of time but contributes to achieving real results.

 Answers to the practical exercise for Resume 

Кандидатствам за позицията мениджър във вашата компания, защото имам богат опит в областта, работейки на същата позиция за две други фирми преди това, мога да изграждам успешни административни стратегии и гледам на трудностите като на възможности. Посещавал съм семинари за подобряване на ефективността в работата и имам желание и способност за лично израстване. Нещо повече, не се страхувам да прилагам нововъведения и вземам решения с увереност.

Kandidatstvam za pozitsiyata menidzhar vav vashata kompaniya, zashtoto imam bogat opit v oblastta, raboteyki na sashtata pozitsiya za dve drugi firmi predi tova, moga da izgrazhdam uspeshni administrativni strategii i gledam na trudnostite kato na vazmozhnosti. Poseshtaval sam seminari za podobryavane na efektivnostta v rabotata i imam zhelanie i sposobnost za lichno izrastvane. Neshto poveche, ne se strahuvam da prilagam novovavedeniya i vzemam resheniya s uverenost.

I am applying for the position of manager in your company because I have extensive experience in the field (having worked in the same position for two other companies before), I can build successful administrative strategies, and I see difficulties as opportunities. I have attended seminars to improve work efficiency, and I have the desire and ability for personal growth. Moreover, I am not afraid of innovations, and I make decisions with confidence. 

 Answers to the practical exercise for Business Meetings 

г-н Смит: Добър ден, г-н Петров. Аз съм г-н Смит и бих искал да Ви представя основния продукт на нашата фирма. Мисля, че той ще е изключително полезен за общността в България, а Вашата компания би могла да бъде отличен дистрибутор за страната Ви.

g-n Smit: Dobar den, g-n Petrov. Az sam g-n Smit i bih iskal da Vi predstavya osnovniya produkt na nashata firma. Mislya, che toy shte e izklyuchitelno polezen za obshtnostta v Balgariya, a Vashata kompaniya bi mogla da bade otlichen distributor za stranata Vi.

Mr. Smith: Good afternoon, Mr. Petrov. I am Mr. Smith, and I would like to introduce the main product of our company to you. I think it will be extremely useful for the community in Bulgaria, and your company could be an excellent distributor for your country. 

г-н Петров: Здравейте г-н Смит. Много ми е приятно и се интересувам от предложението Ви, но в момента имам неотложни дела. 

g-n Petrov: Zdraveyte g-n Smit. Mnogo mi e priyatno i se interesuvam ot predlozhenieto Vi, no v momenta imam neotlozhni dela.

Mr. Petrov: Hello, Mr. Smith. I am very pleased and interested in your proposal, but I have an urgent job at the moment. 

Choose the next words of Mr. Smith from the options below:

Бих искал да си уговорим среща възможно най-скоро. Кога сте свободен?
Bih iskal da si ugovorim sreshta vazmozhno nay-skoro. Koga ste svoboden?
I would like to set a meeting with you as soon as possible. When are you free?

 Answers to the practical exercise for Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs 

  1. Остават ми само 10 минути до урока, затова се налага [час по час; на бърза ръка;  има си хас] да направя домашното.
    Ostavat mi samo 10 minuti do uroka, zatova se nalaga na barza raka da napravya domashnoto.
    I only have 10 minutes left until the lesson, so I have to do my homework in a hurry.
  1. Сигурно искаш да надминеш всичките си конкуренти в бизнеса, но [всичко си има цена; барабар Петко с мъжете; парите говорят]—семейството ще остане на заден план.
    Sigurno iskash da nadminesh vsichkite si konkurenti v biznesa, no vsichko si ima tsena—semeystvoto shte ostane na zaden plan.
    You probably want to surpass all your business competitors, but it will all come at a price—the family will remain in second place.
  1. Жена ми се обади по телефона и се налага да си тръгна [час пик; час по час; час по-скоро].
    Zhena mi se obadi po telefona i se nalaga da si tragna chas po-skoro.
    My wife called me on the phone, and I had to leave right away.
  1. Той ми е голям приятел и [час пик; час по час; час по-скоро] идва у дома.
    Toy mi e golyam priyatel i chas po chas idva u doma.
    He is a great friend of mine and comes very often to my house.
  1. С него вече не сме приятели, след като едно момиче се превърна в [час пик; ябълката на раздора; парите говорят].
    S nego veche ne sme priyateli, sled kato edno momiche se prevarna v yabalkata na razdora.
    We are no longer friends with him after a girl became an apple of discord.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian

Intermediate Bulgarian Phrases: Learn to Speak Freely


It’s quite challenging to progress from the beginner to the intermediate level. There are many things to learn, many rules to remember, and many sentence patterns to follow. This is why many people give up at the beginning of their foreign language studies and never move forward. 

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this useful overview of intermediate Bulgarian phrases to help you overcome these difficulties, gain more self-confidence, and not give up too soon. In this practical guide, you’ll learn how to:

  • Talk about past events
  • Make plans 
  • Explain how you’re feeling
  • React to different everyday conversations
  • Much more! 

You don’t have to remain a beginner-level speaker. Study the Bulgarian phrases for intermediate-level students given below, and you’ll gain much more confidence in your everyday communication with your Bulgarian friends. What’s more, you won’t be afraid of making mistakes. In fact, each mistake will help you learn more and progress. This is what the great Albert Einstein said: 

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

So, with or without mistakes, let’s give it a try!

A Man in a White Shirt Making a Victory Pose
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Talking About Past Events
  2. Making and Changing Plans
  3. Explaining and Listing Reasons
  4. Making Recommendations and Complaints
  5. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
  6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
  7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

1. Talking About Past Events

There are many cases where you will need to talk about past events and experiences. For example, how did you feel at the party yesterday or on your vacation last year? Here are some useful intermediate Bulgarian phrases in the form of questions and their possible corresponding answers. You could use them to ask your friends about their past experiences or answer the questions yourself. We encourage you to learn them in pairs (the question with the answer) so that you’ll always be ready to keep the conversation going. 

Question 1:

Как мина партито вчера?
Kak mina partito vchera?
How was the party yesterday?

Possible Answer:

Вчера прекарах страхотно на партито.
Vchera prekarah strahotno na partito.
I had a great time at the party yesterday.

A Man and a Woman Laughing Together while Having Drinks at a Party

I had a great time at the party yesterday.

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Question 2:

Ходил ли си на почивка в Лондон?
Hodil li si na pochivka v London?
Have you been to London on holiday?

Possible Answer:

В Лондон не съм бил, но миналата година ходих на почивка в Париж.
V London ne sam bil, no minalata godina hodih na pochivka v Parizh.
I haven’t been to London, but last year I went on holiday to Paris.
    ➞ You can take a look at this lesson on the most popular Bulgarian cities to get some fresh ideas for your upcoming vacation or holiday!

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Question 3:

Как мина денят ти?
Kak mina denyat ti?
How was your day?

Possible Answer:

Имах много работа и сега съм уморен.
Imah mnogo rabota i sega sam umoren.
I had a lot of work, and now I’m tired.

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Question 4:

Миналата събота отиде ли на рождения ден?
Minalata sabota otide li na rozhdeniya den?
Did you go to the birthday party last Saturday?

Possible Answer:

Да, прекарахме си чудесно!
Da, prekarahme si chudesno!
Yes, we had a great time!

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Question 5:

Какво направи, след като завърши училище?
Kakvo napravi, sled kato zavarshi uchilishte?
What did you do after graduating from school?

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Possible Answer:

Кандидатствах в университет и ме приеха в специалност Мениджмънт.
Kandidatstvah v universitet i me prieha v spetsialnost Menidzhmant.
I applied to a university and was accepted as a Management major.

Question 6:

Ял ли си някога вкусна китайска храна?
Yal li si nyakoga vkusna kitayska hrana?
Have you ever eaten delicious Chinese food?

Possible Answer:

Храната в китайския ресторант, който посетихме миналата седмица, беше много вкусна.
Hranata v kitayskiya restorant, koyto posetihme minalata sedmitsa, beshe mnogo vkusna.
The food at the Chinese restaurant we visited last week was very tasty.
    ➞ BulgarianPod101 has prepared a list of famous Bulgarian meals in case you’d like to learn more about our wonderful cuisine.

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Question 7:

Кога започна работа в тази фирма?
Koga zapochna rabota v tazi firma?
When did you start working for this company?

Possible Answer:

Започнах работа в тази фирма преди три години.
Zapochnah rabota v tazi firma predi tri godini.
I started working for this company three years ago.

2. Making and Changing Plans

It’s important to tell your friends about your plans, but sometimes plans change. In case this happens, you should know how to let your Bulgarian acquaintances know. Below, we’ll show you several intermediate phrases in Bulgarian that you could use for these purposes. 

Making and Changing Plans

Making Plans


Какво ще кажеш да отидем на кино вечерта?
Kakvo shte kazhesh da otidem na kino vecherta?
How about going to the cinema tonight? 


Следващият месец ще пътувам за Австрия.
Sledvashtiyat mesets shte patuvam za Avstriya.
I will travel to Austria next month. 
    ➞ Here, “Austria” could be replaced with any other country name. You can find the country name you’re looking for in our World Countries vocabulary list or in this lesson.


Това лято планираме да почиваме в Испания.
Tova lyato planirame da pochivame v Ispaniya.
This summer, we plan to go on a vacation in Spain. 


Смятам да кандидатствам за работа в международна фирма.
Smyatam da kandidatstvam za rabota v mezhdunarodna firma.
I plan to apply for a job in an international company. 


Искаш ли да отидем на китайски ресторант във вторник?
Iskash li da otidem na kitayski restorant vav vtornik?
Do you want to go to a Chinese restaurant on Tuesday? 

Changing  Plans


Заради пандемията тази година няма да отида на почивка в Турция.
Zaradi pandemiyata tazi godina nyama da otida na pochivka v Turtsiya.
Due to the pandemic, I will not go on holiday to Turkey this year. 


Ще отложа пътуването си, защото колата ми се развали.
Shte otlozha patuvaneto si, zashtoto kolata mi se razvali.
I will postpone my trip because my car broke down. 


Във вторник трябва да пътувам, затова няма да мога да отида на зъболекар.
Vav vtornik tryabva da patuvam, zatova nyama da moga da otida na zabolekar.
I have to travel on Tuesday, so I won’t be able to go to the dentist


Днес не мога да дойда на срещата. Какво ще кажеш да я отложим за утре?
Dnes ne moga da doyda na sreshtata. Kakvo shte kazhesh da ya otlozhim za utre?
I can’t come to the meeting today. How about postponing it until tomorrow? 

3. Explaining and Listing Reasons

Explaining Your Reasons

Explaining how you feel in different situations is important, as it lets others understand you and sympathize with your reasoning. We have prepared a list of nine useful Bulgarian phrases for intermediate learners that you can use to reject an invitation or disagree with someone. For each phrase, we have also included a sample sentence. 

Reason #1

  • Много съм зает/заета.
    Mnogo sam zaet/zaeta.
    I am very busy.
ExampleНе мога да дойда с теб на разходка. Много съм зает днес.
Ne moga da doyda s teb na razhodka. Mnogo sam zaet dnes.
I can’t go for a walk with you. I’m very busy today. 

Reason #2

  • Имам много работа.
    Imam mnogo rabota.
    I have a lot of work.
ExampleНалага се днес да остана след работно време, защото имам много работа.
Nalaga se dnes da ostana sled rabotno vreme, zashtoto imam mnogo rabota.
I have to stay at the office longer today because I have a lot of work to do. 

Reason #3

  • Не се чувствам добре.
    Ne se chuvstvam dobre.
    I’m not feeling well.
ExampleДнес не се чувствам добре, затова предпочитам да си остана вкъщи.
Dnes ne se chuvstvam dobre, zatova predpochitam da si ostana vkashti.
I’m not feeling well today, so I prefer to stay home. 

Reason #4

  • Не съм сигурен/сигурна.
    Ne sam siguren/sigurna.
    I’m not sure.  
ExampleНе ми се ходи на кино, защото не съм сигурна, че този филм ще ми хареса.
Ne mi se hodi na kino, zashtoto ne sam sigurna, che tozi film shte mi haresa.
I don’t want to go to the cinema because I’m not sure I will like this movie.

Reason #5

  • Имам други планове.
    Imam drugi planove.
    I have other plans.
ExampleНека оставим разходката за друг път, защото имам други планове за тази вечер.
Neka ostavim razhodkata za drug pat, zashtoto imam drugi planove za tazi vecher.
Let’s leave the walk for another time, because I have different plans for tonight. 

Reason #6

  • Мисля по различен начин.
    Mislya po razlichen nachin.
    I think differently.
ExampleРазбирам твоето мнение по въпроса, но аз мисля по различен начин.
Razbiram tvoeto mnenie po vaprosa, no az mislya po razlichen nachin.
I understand your opinion on the matter, but I think differently. 

Reason #7

  • Предпочитам
    I prefer… 
ExampleНе ми се излиза днес. Предпочитам да си остана у дома и да гледам някой филм.
Ne mi se izliza dnes. Predpochitam da si ostana u doma i da gledam nyakoy film.
I don’t want to go out today. I would prefer to stay home and watch a movie. 

Reason #8

  • Много съм уморен/а.
    Mnogo sam umoren/a.
    I am very tired.
ExampleЗная, че се уговорихме да излезем днес, но съм много уморен. Нека оставим за друг път.
Znaya, che se ugovorihme da izlezem dnes, no sam mnogo umoren. Neka ostavim za drug pat.
I know we agreed to go out today, but I’m very tired. Let’s leave it for another time. 

Reason #9

  • Времето е лошо.
    Vremeto e losho.
    The weather is bad.
ExampleДнес времето е лошо и много вали. Защо да не отложим срещата за по-нататък?
Dnes vremeto e losho i mnogo vali. Zashto da ne otlozhim sreshtata za po-natatak?
Today the weather is bad and it’s raining a lot. Why not postpone the meeting further? 

Listing Your Reasons

Here are two short dialogues depicting how you might list your reasons in Bulgarian.

Example 1:

Защо избра тази кола?
Zashto izbra tazi kola?
Why did you choose this car?

По три причини: първо, икономична е. Второ, евтина е. И трето и най-важно – много ми харесва.
Po tri prichini: parvo, ikonomichna e. Vtoro, evtina e. I treto i nay-vazhno – mnogo mi haresva.
For three reasons: First, it’s economical. Second, it’s cheap. And third, and most importantly, I really like it.

Example 2:

Не мога да разбера какво ти харесва в това момиче.
Ne moga da razbera kakvo ti haresva v tova momiche.
I can’t figure out what you like about this girl.

Първо, тя е много добра с мен. Второ, облича се винаги с вкус. И трето, казва, че ме обича.
Parvo, tya e mnogo dobra s men. Vtoro, oblicha se vinagi s vkus. I treto, kazva, che me obicha.
First, she is very good to me. Second, she always has good taste in fashion. And third, she says she loves me.

A Woman Wearing a White Nightgown and Walking in a Field

She always has good taste when it comes to fashion.

4. Making Recommendations and Complaints

Now, let’s take a look at a list of intermediate-level Bulgarian phrases related to making complaints and recommendations. We’ll first present you with complaints you might make at a hotel or restaurant, and then show you recommendations you might make to the staff for each complaint. 

Making Complaints

In a hotel


Аз резервирах стая с изглед към морето, а получих стая без никаква панорама.
Az rezervirah staya s izgled kam moreto, a poluchih staya bez nikakva panorama.
I booked a room with a sea view and instead got a room without any panorama. 


Не съм доволен от обслужването.
Ne sam dovolen ot obsluzhvaneto.
I’m not happy with the service. 


Душът в банята не работи.
Dushat v banyata ne raboti.
The shower in the bathroom does not work. 


Крушката в стаята е изгоряла.
Krushkata v stayata e izgoryala.
The light bulb in the room has burned out. 


Не е добре почистено.
Ne e dobre pochisteno.
It is not cleaned well. 


Съседите вдигат голям шум.
Sasedite vdigat golyam shum.
The neighbors make a lot of noise. 


Басейнът е мръсен.
Baseiynat e mrasen.
The pool is dirty.

In a restaurant


Салатата ми е пресолена.
Salatata mi e presolena.
My salad is too salty. 

A Man Showing Disgust Toward His Salad in a Restaurant

My salad is too salty.


Намерих муха в супата!
Namerih muha v supata!
I found a fly in the soup! 


Пицата е много малка.
Pitsata e mnogo malka.
The pizza is very small. 


Това е много скъпо.
Tova e mnogo skapo.
This is very expensive.


Защо има пушачи в залата за непушачи?
Zashto ima pushachi v zalata za nepushachi?
Why are there smokers in the non-smoking room? 


Келнерът се бави половин час с поръчката ми.
Kelnerat se bavi polovin chas s porachkata mi.
The waiter is taking half an hour for my order. 


Тази маса е мръсна.
Tazi masa e mrasna.
This table is dirty. 


Тук става течение.
Tuk stava techenie.
There is a strong airflow here.

Making Recommendations to the Staff

In a hotel


ComplaintАз резервирах стая с изглед към морето, а получих стая без никаква  панорама.
Az rezervirah staya s izgled kam moreto, a poluchih staya bez nikakva panorama.
I booked a room with a sea view and instead got a room without any panorama. 
RecommendationМоля, преместете ме в стая с красива панорама.
Molya, premestete me v staya s krasiva panorama.
Please switch my room to one with a beautiful view. 


ComplaintНе съм доволен от обслужването.
Ne sam dovolen ot obsluzhvaneto.
I’m not happy with the service. 
RecommendationПрепоръчвам ви да смените персонала!
Preporachvam vi da smenite personala!
I recommend you change the staff! 

#3 & 4

ComplaintДушът в банята не работи.
Dushat v banyata ne raboti.
The shower in the bathroom does not work. 
ComplaintКрушката в стаята е изгоряла.
Krushkata v stayata e izgoryala.
The light bulb in the room has burned out. 
RecommendationМоля, направете необходимия ремонт, преди да пускате туристи в стаята.
Molya, napravete neobhodimiya remont, predi da puskate turisti v stayata.
Please make the necessary repairs before letting tourists into the room. 


ComplaintНе е добре почистено.
Ne e dobre pochisteno.
It is not cleaned well. 
RecommendationМоля, почистете стаята ми и сменете чаршафите.
Molya, pochistete stayata mi i smenete charshafite.
Please clean my room and change the sheets. 


ComplaintСъседите вдигат голям шум.
Sasedite vdigat golyam shum.
The neighbors make a lot of noise. 
RecommendationМоля, направете им забележка да не вдигат шум след 10 ч. вечерта.
Molya, napravete im zabelezhka da ne vdigat shum sled 10 chasa vecherta.
Please tell them not to make any noise after 10 p.m. 


ComplaintБасейнът е мръсен.
Baseiynat e mrasen.
The pool is dirty.
RecommendationМоля, почиствайте редовно басейна.
Molya, pochistvayte redovno baseyna.
Please clean the pool regularly. 

A Nice Swimming Pool

Clean the pool regularly.

In a restaurant


ComplaintСалатата ми е пресолена.
Salatata mi e presolena.
My salad is too salty. 
RecommendationМоля, заменете я с друг вид салата, в която няма толкова сол.
Molya, zamenete ya s drug vid salata, v koyato nyama tolkova sol.
Please replace it with another salad that does not contain as much salt. 


ComplaintНамерих муха в супата!
Namerih muha v supata!
I found a fly in the soup! 
RecommendationМоля, следете за хигиената в кухнята!
Molya, sledete za higienata v kuhnyata!
Please pay attention to the hygiene in the kitchen! 


ComplaintПицата е много малка.
Pitsata e mnogo malka.
The pizza is very small. 
RecommendationМоля, добавете още една порция към пицата.
Molya, dobavete oshte edna portsiya kam pitsata.
Please add another serving to the pizza. 


ComplaintТова е много скъпо.
Tova e mnogo skapo.
This is very expensive.
RecommendationМожете ли да намалите малко цената?
Mozhete li da namalite malko tsenata?
Can you lower the price a bit?  


ComplaintЗащо има пушачи в залата за непушачи?
Zashto ima pushachi v zalata za nepushachi?
Why are there smokers in the non-smoking room? 
RecommendationНе настанявайте пушачи в залата за непушачи.
Ne nastanyavayte pushachi v zalata za nepushachi.
Do not accommodate smokers in the non-smoking room. 


ComplaintКелнерът се бави половин час с поръчката ми.
Kelnerat se bavi polovin chas s porachkata mi.
The waiter is taking half an hour for my order. 
RecommendationМоля да ме обслужите по-бързо.
Molya da me obsluzhite po-barzo.
I would like faster service, please.

A Couple Sitting in a Restaurant while the Man Tries to Get the Waiter’s Attention

I would like faster service, please.

#7 & 8

ComplaintТази маса е мръсна.
Tazi masa e mrasna.
This table is dirty. 
ComplaintТук става течение.
Tuk stava techenie.
There is a strong airflow here.
RecommendationБих искал да се преместя на друга маса.
Bih iskal da se premestya na druga masa.
I would like to move to another table. 

Making Recommendations to Friend

Now, let’s add some useful phrases for recommending a specific place or service.

RecommendationПрепоръчвам ви този ресторант заради добрата храна и обслужване.
Preporachvam vi tozi restorant zaradi dobrata hrana i obsluzhvane.
I recommend this restaurant because of the good food and service. 
RecommendationПрепоръчвам ви този доктор, защото е добър специалист.
Preporachvam vi tozi doktor, zashtoto e dobar spetsialist.
I recommend this doctor because he is a good specialist. 
RecommendationПрепоръчвам ви този майстор, защото направи отличен ремонт у дома.
Preporachvam vi tozi maystor, zashtoto napravi otlichen remont u doma.
I recommend this handyman because he made an excellent repair at home. 

5. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations

In order to have natural and engaging conversations with native speakers, you’ll have to know a few common reaction phrases. Although we cannot provide all possible reactions here, we believe that this list is a great place to start. Since they’re short and uncomplicated, you’ll get used to them pretty easily. In addition, we have provided two example dialogues using some of these intermediate phrases for Bulgarian conversations.

Reaction Phrases


Така ли?
Taka li?


Наистина ли?
Naistina li?


Струва си да опитам.
Struva si da opitam.
It’s worth a try.


Мисля и аз да пробвам.
Mislya i az da probvam.
I’m thinking of trying it, too. 


О, не! Това определено не е за мен!
O, ne! Tova opredeleno ne e za men!
Oh no! This is definitely not for me!


Съжалявам да го чуя!
Sazhalyavam da go chuya!
I’m sorry to hear it! 


И аз мисля така!
I az mislya taka!
I think so, too!


При мен не се случи така.
Pri men ne se sluchi taka.
It didn’t happen to me like that. 


Страхотни новини!
Strahotni novini!
Great news! 




Супер! Много се радвам за теб!
Super! Mnogo se radvam za teb!
Great! I’m very happy for you! 




Наистина много съжалявам.
Naistina mnogo sazhalyavam.
I’m really sorry.




For your convenience, we have highlighted the key phrases. 

Positive dialogue

The Golden Sands Resort in Bulgaria

Вчера бях на Златни пясъци.
Vchera byah na Zlatni pyasatsi.
I was at Golden Sands Resort yesterday.

Така ли? И как беше?
Taka li? I kak beshe?
Really? And how was it?

О, изкарахме си страхотно!
O, izkarahme si strahotno!
Oh, we had a great time!

Супер! Много се радвам за теб!
Super! Mnogo se radvam za teb!
Great! I’m very happy for you!

Negative dialogue

Вчера ми се случи нещо наистина ужасно.
Vchera mi se sluchi neshto naistina uzhasno.
Something really terrible happened to me yesterday.

Наистина ли? Съжалявам да го чуя! Какво стана?
Naistina li? Sazhalyavam da go chuya! Kakvo stana?
Really? I’m sorry to hear it! What happened?

Баба ми почина, докато бяхме при нея на село.
Baba mi pochina, dokato byahme pri neya na selo.
My grandmother died while we were visiting her in the village.

О! Наистина много съжалявам. Съболезнования!
O! Naistina mnogo sazhalyavam. Saboleznovaniya!
Oh! I’m really sorry. Condolences!

6. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings

There are some common phrases that are useful to know for particular situations. In this section, we’ll introduce you to intermediate Bulgarian words and phrases you could use (or hear) at a social gathering, at a restaurant, and on a train/plane. Note that each phrase is formal. 

At a social gathering

At a Social Gathering

Здравейте, радвам се да се запознаем!
Zdraveyte, radvam se da se zapoznaem!
Hello, nice to meet you!

Добре дошли!
Dobre doshli!

Моля, чувствайте се като у дома си.
Molya, chuvstvayte se kato u doma si.
Please make yourself at home.

Заповядайте, седнете.
Zapovyadayte, sednete.
Welcome. Sit down.

At a restaurant

Избрахте ли си нещо?
Izbrahte li si neshto?
Did you choose something?

Готови ли сте с поръчката?
Gotovi li ste s porachkata?
Are you ready to order?

Мога ли да Ви бъда полезен с още нещо?
Moga li da Vi bada polezen s oshte neshto?
Can I do something else for you?

Желаете ли още нещо?
Zhelaete li oshte neshto?
Do you want anything else?

Добър апетит!
Dobar apetit!
Enjoy your meal!

On a train/plane

Вашият билет, моля!
Vashiyat bilet, molya!
Your ticket, please!

Ето, заповядайте!
Eto, zapovyadayte!
Here you are!

Благодаря! Приятно пътуване!
Blagodarya! Priyatno patuvane!
Thanks! Have a pleasant trip!

7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

We hope that our overview of essential intermediate Bulgarian phrases helped you feel more confident in your communication with locals. Learning these phrases by heart will be a giant step forward as you progress from beginner to intermediate. Make sure to practice them whenever you get the chance; even if you make mistakes, it will greatly enrich your learning experience and help you gradually move to a higher level of Bulgarian proficiency. 

If you would like to keep learning with us, create your free lifetime account on today. This will give you access to numerous lessons as well as our free resources and themed vocabulary lists! For further assistance, you can upgrade to Premium PLUS and learn with your very own Bulgarian teacher through our MyTeacher service. Your teacher can help you advance even faster! 

Are there any more Bulgarian phrases for the intermediate level that you would like to learn? We would love to hear from you in the comments, and we’ll do our best to help. 

Happy learning! 

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The Best Bulgarian Podcasts for Learning Bulgarian Easily


Learning a foreign language is a big challenge for anyone. However, using podcasts as a study tool can greatly facilitate the learning process. Why? Because podcasts make learning fun, and if your study time is enjoyable, you can definitely learn much faster. 

Listening to a Bulgarian podcast is an entertaining way to learn—and immerse yourself in—the language. Moreover, there are podcasts you can start enjoying right away, even as a beginner-level Bulgarian learner. These podcasts will help you get used to the language’s sounds, specific phrases, and overall structure.

Another great way to stay motivated is to find a partner who can accompany you throughout your learning process. BulgarianPod101 aims to be the ultimate language study partner, and it’s our goal to help you learn Bulgarian in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way possible. To help you advance with ease, we’ve prepared this list of the five best Bulgarian podcasts for learning the language, divided into three categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

A Woman Listening to Something with Headphones

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Different Listening Opportunities for Bulgarian Language Learners
  2. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Bulgarian
  3. The Best Podcasts for Learning Bulgarian
  4. Tricks to Learn Bulgarian More Effectively with Podcasts
  5. How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?

1. Different Listening Opportunities for Bulgarian Language Learners

The best way to learn a foreign language is to live in the country where that language is spoken. However, if you don’t have the opportunity to live in Bulgaria, there are still numerous opportunities available to help you quickly improve your listening comprehension and feel just like you’re living here! Let’s take a look at them:

A Woman Tapping the YouTube Play Button

YouTube is a great source of educational videos.

  • Watching Bulgarian television shows and movies can help you advance even further in the language. The more engaging the plot, the easier it will be to immerse yourself in the Bulgarian language and culture. 
  • Listening to songs and concerts is another great way to study Bulgarian, especially if there are subtitles. Nursery rhymes are especially appropriate; you can try translating and comprehending the whole song, which is especially doable if there are key words or phrases in place.

A Woman Tapping the YouTube Play Button

Why not listen to some Bulgarian songs?

  • Some people prefer to study a foreign language by following the news. If this sounds like something you’d like to try, tuning in to the newscast of any popular news company in Bulgaria would work. Moreover, you have the option to watch the news with videos, listen via podcast or radio, or read news articles. 
  • Reading Bulgarian books is another great way to practice. BulgarianPod101 can help you break into Bulgarian reading with our fun miniature books
  • Making some native Bulgarian friends can greatly enhance your learning endeavors, as you’ll be able to listen to native Bulgarian speech on a regular basis. 
  • Podcasts give you the opportunity to listen to specific situations and how words are used in context. Podcasts are usually theme-oriented, so you can choose a topic you’re interested in and learn related vocabulary.
  • The BulgarianPod101 website, YouTube channel, and mobile app are effective tools for learning Bulgarian. They contain all you need to advance and improve—from beginner-level materials to advanced-level lessons and exercises—so you can gain more confidence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

A Woman Listening to a Podcast; Is Written Below

Make BulgarianPod101 your language partner.

2. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Bulgarian

Regular podcast listening can provide a range of benefits, especially for people who would like to learn a foreign language. How can listening to podcasts in Bulgarian help you? Here are five benefits you can expect to experience:

  • Podcasts present information in a convenient and easy-to-understand format. You can listen to them anywhere, and you can even subscribe to your favorite podcasts so that new episodes will automatically be sent to you.
  • Podcasts are very listener-oriented, making the information personal. You can find podcasts in audio or video formats, both of which are much more fun than reading a Bulgarian textbook. 
  • Podcasts are an affordable way to study a language. This is because podcasts are digitally delivered, which reduces costs associated with paper, postage, and printing.
  • Podcasts are portable, which means that you can download them onto any convenient media player and take them with you.
  • Podcasts help you effectively use your time, since you can listen to them while you do other things at home or at work. 

3. The Best Podcasts for Learning Bulgarian

Now, let’s take a look at the best Bulgarian podcasts for studying Bulgarian. We’ve divided them into three categories based on the learner’s proficiency level.

A Woman Looking through an Eyeglass while Standing behind a Frame



BulgarianPod101 is a language learning platform that offers thousands of audio and video lessons, as well as podcast episodes that teach you not only the basics of the Bulgarian language but also more advanced concepts. 

These podcast episodes will help you create a foundation upon which to build your future progress. By watching and listening to our podcast, you’ll learn the key grammar points, interesting facts about Bulgarian grammar, vocabulary, and more.

In addition, many of our podcast episodes allow you to practice your language skills through natural dialogues, exercises, and tests. This practical and personal approach makes us an excellent resource for improving your language skills and gaining more self-confidence when communicating with native Bulgarian speakers.

Besides podcasts, BulgarianPod101 also offers additional resources that you can access upon subscription. Here’s an overview of our plans and prices: 

  • Free: $0/mo.
  • Basic: $8/mo.
  • Premium: $25/mo.
  • Premium PLUS: $47/mo.

Colloquial Bulgarian

Colloquial Bulgarian offers numerous downloadable audio files for beginner-level learners, so you can download them onto any device and listen to them at your convenience. As the name suggests, their purpose is to teach you colloquial Bulgarian that will help you communicate freely with locals.

The podcast includes basic grammar points, and you can find additional resources on their website: lesson summaries, glossaries, and more. All the audio files are free of charge, but textbooks are going to cost you.

50 Languages: Bulgarian for Beginners

There are 100 downloadable podcast episodes for beginners, containing the most basic language concepts. The series covers a number of topics, so you can pick whatever you’re interested in—numbers, months, adverbs, and the list goes on. 


The Bulgarian History Podcast

This is a great source of Bulgarian history podcasts mostly recorded in English. You can tune in to get a lot of information on the history, culture, and language of Bulgarian people, which will help you become immersed in their world and understand them better.

New episodes are regularly being uploaded—once every two weeks—and each one has a length of about 30 minutes. There are currently more than 100 episodes available, so you have a wide selection to choose from. 


SBS Bulgarian

SBS Bulgarian is a great source of world news as well as stories related to Bulgarian culture, politics, sports, interesting events, etc. They’re recorded in the Bulgarian language, so they could serve as a useful comprehension exercise for advanced-level learners who are preparing to take Bulgarian language proficiency exams. Each podcast is about ten minutes long, and the platform is updated weekly with 4-5 (or more) new episodes.

4. Tricks to Learn Bulgarian More Effectively with Podcasts

There are some powerful tricks you can apply in order to learn Bulgarian more effectively using podcasts. Here are four suggestions:

#1: Ensure that the material you choose fits your level.

Many new language learners try to use podcasts aimed at advanced speakers and soon become disappointed with the results. In their opinion, the speakers talk too fast, so they cannot understand even the main idea of the talk. Instead of choosing beginner-level podcasts, they give up using podcasts as a way of language learning altogether. 

To avoid such a fate, we recommend starting with simple Bulgarian podcasts for beginners and working your way up. This will introduce you to basic vocabulary, phrases, and grammar concepts that you can use to build a solid foundation. In addition, the hosts tend to speak more slowly so you can better understand what’s being said. 

Instead of biting off more than you can chew, start with beginner-level podcasts for the most efficient learning experience.

A Girl Biting into a Pastry

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. 

#2: Look at the whole context.

Unlike vocabulary lists or lessons, where words are given out of context, podcasts are a great way to hear them in context and figure out how to use them. They provide you with the opportunity to look at the big picture and to see the role that each specific word plays. This gives you the level of language practice you need to have steady progress.

Don’t try to comprehend the meaning of every single word, as that’s not your goal at the beginning. Just try to understand the general points of what the speaker is talking about. To do that, answer the following questions:

  • Who are the participants in the conversation?
  • What situation are they talking about?
  • (If it’s a video) What are the surroundings? What context clues can I gain from them?

#3: Note the use of specific keywords.

Keywords provide you with an idea of what’s being spoken about. This is crucial because you can’t learn to speak well until you can understand what others are saying. It’s just like how babies learn to speak—they first learn to understand what others say to them. 

You might not get all the details, and you might even get many things wrong. The important thing is that you understand the main idea. Over time, your comprehension level will significantly improve.

#4: Dig into the language specifics.

In order to learn the Bulgarian language with podcasts, you’ll have to take a more active approach than just listening. You should be prepared to listen to the same podcast several times over, only moving forward when you can understand most of what’s being said or taught. You may face different conjugations, verbs, tenses, adjectives, etc. 

You can take notes of all the new information you get, keeping in mind that it takes about half an hour to fully understand 90 seconds of foreign-language content. So don’t rush. Move slowly, and the results will be very satisfying. 

5. How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?

We hope you found our overview of the best Bulgarian podcasts helpful, and that you now see how practical it can be to learn Bulgarian by listening to podcasts. 

Although it might be challenging in the beginning, podcasts are an affordable and fun way to learn not only the basics of the language but also more advanced concepts. They provide information in an easy-to-digest way, and new vocabulary is used in context so you can really get used to the language, understand what’s being said, and start practicing on your own.  

BulgarianPod101 provides tons of useful podcasts and other lesson materials to help you reach your Bulgarian language learning goals. Moreover, our Premium PLUS students have access to one of our most intuitive features: MyTeacher. With MyTeacher, you get a personal teacher who can explain the specifics and even provide you with personalized exercises. 

We would be happy to hear your feedback about this article. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us! 

Which of these top Bulgarian podcasts are you most excited to start listening to? Do you know of any good ones we didn’t include? Let us (and your fellow Bulgarian learners) know in the comments below. 

Happy learning!

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Bulgarian Beginner Phrases: Converse with Native Speakers


If you’re a beginner-level learner and have already studied some basic Bulgarian words, it’s now time to start practicing them in real life. For this reason, BulgarianPod101 has created this extensive guide to the most common Bulgarian words and phrases for beginners. We will help you start speaking with native Bulgarians in a variety of common situations, such as at a restaurant, in a shop, during a business meeting, or in your daily conversations with Bulgarian friends. In this practical overview, we have also included Bulgarian beginner phrases you can use to ask for help, just in case.

Before starting, we would like to encourage you.

We understand that it is very difficult for beginners to overcome the language barrier and start speaking a foreign language they’re not confident in. However, don’t be afraid of making mistakes; the more you try, the more speaking experience you will gain. Moreover, the Bulgarians you’re speaking with will probably be forgiving of your mistakes and even try to help you improve your Bulgarian language skills. So, it’s not as hard as it might seem to start speaking Bulgarian, especially when you have this list of Bulgarian beginner phrases with pronunciation at hand.

Two Women Chatting in a Coffee Shop

Start speaking to your Bulgarian friends!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Greetings and Self-introductions
  2. Courtesy Phrases & Social Expressions
  3. Dining & Shopping Phrases
  4. Asking for Help
  5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

1. Greetings and Self-introductions

Let’s begin with some beginner phrases in Bulgarian for greetings and self-introductions. They will help you attract attention, begin conversations with Bulgarians, and make new friends. In addition, your Bulgarian friends, business partners, colleagues, and relatives will appreciate your efforts to start speaking in their own language.


Begin your conversation with one of the following phrases, depending on the time of day!

Bulgarian GreetingPronunciationTranslation
Добро утро!Dobro utro! Good morning!
Добър ден!Dobar den!Good afternoon!
Добър вечер!Dobar vecher!Good evening!

If you’re invited to your Bulgarian friend’s house, you will probably be greeted with the following phrase:

Bulgarian GreetingPronunciationTranslation
Добре дошъл!Dobre doshal!Welcome!

One Couple Greeting and Inviting Another Couple into Their Home


How should you reply in that case? You have two options:

Bulgarian GreetingPronunciationTranslation
Благодаря!Blagodarya!Thank you!
Добре заварил/а/и!*Dobre zavaril/a/i!Well met!
* The form заварил (zavaril) is masculine and is used when speaking to a man.
* The form заварила (zavarila) is feminine and is used when speaking to a woman.
* The form заварили (zavarili) is plural and is used when speaking to more than one person.

When you’re going to bed, you can say goodbye to the person you’re with by saying:

Bulgarian GreetingPronunciationTranslation
Лека нощ!Leka nosht!Good night!


It’s easy to introduce yourself in Bulgarian if you know the following patterns:

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Казвам се… Kazvam se…My name is…
  • Казвам се Антонио. (Kazvam se Antonio.) – My name is Antonio.
  • Казвам се Диана. (Kazvam se Diana.) – My name is Diana.
Аз съм… Az sam…I am… 
Examples (name): 
  • Аз съм Антонио. (Az sam Antonio.) – I am Antonio.
  • Аз съм Диана. (Az sam Diana.) – I am Diana.

Examples (nationality): 
  • Аз съм англичанка. (Az sam anglichanka.) – I am English. [woman]
  • Аз съм италианец. (Az sam italianets.) – I am Italian. [man]
  • Аз съм американка. (Az sam amerikanka.) – I am American. [woman]
  • Аз съм българин. (Az sam balgarin.) – I am Bulgarian. [man]

* Learn the names of more nationalities in Bulgarian in this vocabulary list.

Examples (profession): 
  • Аз съм учител. (Az sam uchitel.) – I am a teacher.
  • Аз съм строител. (Az sam stroitel.) – I am a builder.
  • Аз съм художник. (Az sam hudozhnik.) – I am an artist.

A Woman Working on a Painting

I am an artist.

* Learn how to tell people what kind of work you do in Bulgarian by studying our list of the 20 most common professions

Examples (tourist): 
  • Аз съм чужденец. (Az sam chuzhdenets.) – I am a foreigner. [man]
  • Аз съм чужденка. (Az sam chuzhdenka.) – I am a foreigner. [woman]
  • Аз съм турист/ка. (Az sam turist/ka.) – I am a tourist. [man/woman]

A Female Tourist Checking a Map

I am a tourist.

Аз съм от…Az sam ot…I’m from…
  • Аз съм от Япония. (Az sam ot Yaponiya.) – I am from Japan.
  • Аз съм от Кипър. (Az sam ot Kipar.) – I am from Cyprus.
  • Аз съм от Англия. (Az sam ot Angliya.) – I am from England. 

* If your country is not mentioned above, you can search for it on this vocabulary list of world countries from BulgarianPod101. 

After you and the other person have introduced yourselves, you can say: 

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Приятно ми е!Priyatno mi e!Nice to meet you!

How are you? 

There are a couple of simple Bulgarian phrases you could use to inquire after the other person’s well-being during your first conversation. They mean the same thing, so choose whichever one you prefer! 

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Как си?Kak si?How are you? 
Какво правиш?Kakvo pravish?How do you do?

What if the other person asks how you are? You could reply with one of the following phrases:

Добре съм.Dobre sam.I am fine. 
Чудесно!Chudesno!I am doing great!

2. Courtesy Phrases & Social Expressions 

Our next set of useful Bulgarian phrases for beginners consists of polite expressions you should apply to your daily interactions whenever appropriate. 

Courtesy Phrases 

Let’s start with some courtesy phrases that will help you be polite when talking with your Bulgarian interlocutor. 

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Много благодаря.Mnogo blagodarya.Thank you so much.
Благодаря за помощта.Blagodarya za pomoshtta.Thanks for the help.
Много сте любезен!Mnogo ste lyubezen!You are very kind!

Basic Apologies 

These basic Bulgarian phrases for beginners will help you make a quick apology or ask to be excused. 

    → As your language skills progress, you might want to learn a few more apology phrases for different contexts—we have you covered.

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Много съжалявам.Mnogo sazhalyavam.I’m very sorry.
Извинете, моля.Izvinete, molya.Excuse me, please. 
And the answer to these apologies could be:
Няма проблем!Nyama problem!No problem!
Всичко е наред.Vsichko e nared.Everything is fine.
Не се притеснявайте!Ne se pritesnyavaiyte!Do not worry!

A Woman Entering a Crowded Elevator

I’m very sorry! 

Saying Goodbye 

Let’s see how to end a conversation and what to say before leaving.

До следващия път.Do sledvashtiya pat.Until next time.
Ще се видим пак.Shte se vidim pak.See you again.
До нови срещи.Do novi sreshti.See you soon.
Приятен ден!Priyaten den!Have a nice day! 

3. Dining & Shopping Phrases 

If you plan to visit Bulgaria, you’ll definitely want to set aside some time in your schedule for dining out and shopping! We have compiled a list of beginner phrases in Bulgarian that you can use to order food, ask about prices, and more. 

Shopping Phrases 

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Може ли…?Mozhe li…?May I have…?
  • Може ли един хляб? (Mozhe li edin hlyab?) – May I have bread?
  • Може ли два сандвича? (Mozhe li dva sandvicha?) – May I have two sandwiches? 

* You can take a look at this lesson to learn how to count in Bulgarian.
Имате ли…?Imate li…?Do you have…?
  • Имате ли кренвирши? (Imate li krenvirshi?) – Do you have hotdogs? 
  • Имате ли торта? (Imate li torta?) – Do you have a cake?

A Young Couple and Their Child Picking Out Food from the Deli

Do you have any sausages?

Колко струва…?Kolko struva…?How much does … cost?
Examples for singular items: 
  • Колко струва сиренето? (Kolko struva sireneto?) – How much does cheese cost?
  • Колко струва кашкавалът? (Kolko struva kashkavalat?) – How much does yellow cheese cost?

Examples for plural items: 
  • Колко струват яйцата? (Kolko struvat yaytsata?) – How much do eggs cost? 
  • Колко струват доматите? (Kolko struvat domatite?) – How much do tomatoes cost?

* Trying to eat right? Then head over to our list of the top 10 foods that will make you live longer, and learn how to say them in Bulgarian. 

Restaurant  Phrases 

Here are several easy Bulgarian phrases for beginners that will help you order food in a Bulgarian restaurant. 

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Може ли менюто?Mozhe li menyuto?May I have the menu?
Менюто, моля!Menyuto, molya!Menu, please.
Ще платя с карта.Shte platya s karta.I will pay with a card. 
Ще платя в брой.Shte platya v broy.I will pay in cash. 
Оставете си рестото.Ostavete si restoto.Take the change.
Много вкусно!Mnogo vkusno!Very tasty! 

Now, let’s look at some phrases that the waiter may use when you enter the restaurant.

A Waiter Holding Three Plates of Food

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Какво ще поръчате?Kakvo shte porachate?What will you order? 
Нещо за пиене?Neshto za piene?Something to drink?
Това е специалитетът на деня.Tova e spetsialitetat na denya.This is the specialty of the day.
Как ще платите?Kak shte platite?How will you pay? 
Искате ли още нещо?Iskate li oshte neshto?Do you want anything else? 

4. Asking for Help 

Especially if you’re not yet comfortable using the Bulgarian language, you might feel nervous about something going wrong during your trip. Luckily, there are several simple Bulgarian phrases you can memorize to more easily resolve different issues. 

Essential Phrases for Tourists 

Извинете, къде се намира…?
Izvinete, kade se namira…?Excuse me, where is … located?
  • Извинете, къде се намира Делфинариумът? (Izvinete, kade se namira Delfinariumat?) – Excuse me, where is the Dolphinarium located? 
  • Извинете, къде се намира театърът? (Izvinete, kade se namira teatarat?) – Excuse me, where is the theater located?

* Study this lesson to learn the names of different places around the city. 
Извинете, как да стигна до…?Izvinete, kak da stigna do…?Excuse me, how do I get to…?  
  • Извинете, как да стигна до Делфинариума? (Izvinete, kak da stigna do Delfinariuma?) – Excuse me, how do I get to the Dolphinarium? 
  • Извинете, как да стигна до театъра? (Izvinete, kak da stigna do teatara?) – Excuse me, how do I get to the theater?

A Female Tourist Holding a Map and Smiling

Excuse me, how do I get to the theater?

Извинете, близо ли е…?Izvinete, blizo li e…?Excuse me, is … close? 
  • Извинете, близо ли е Делфинариумът? (Izvinete, blizo li e Delfinariumat?) – Excuse me, is the Dolphinarium close?
  • Извинете, близо ли е театърът? (Izvinete, blizo li e teatarat?) – Excuse me, is the theater close?
Извинете, има ли наблизо…?Izvinete, ima li nablizo…?Excuse me, is there a … nearby?
  • Извинете, има ли наблизо магазин? (Izvinete, ima li nablizo magazin?) – Excuse me, is there a shop nearby? 
  • Извинете, има ли наблизо ресторант? (Izvinete, ima li nablizo restorant?) – Excuse me, is there a restaurant nearby?
  • Извинете, има ли наблизо аптека? (Izvinete, ima li nablizo apteka?) – Excuse me, is there a pharmacy nearby?

Overcoming Language Barriers 

If you encounter any speaking or comprehension issues during your conversations with native Bulgarians, you can use any of these basic Bulgarian phrases for beginners to smooth things over. 

Може ли да повторите?Mozhe li da povtorite?Can you repeat?
Не ви чух добре.Ne vi chuh dobre.I didn’t hear you well.
Не разбрах, може ли по-бавно?Ne razbrah, mozhe li po-bavno?I didn’t understand; could you speak slower?
Не разбирам добре български.Ne razbiram dobre balgarski.I do not understand Bulgarian well.
Говорите ли английски?Govorite li angliyski?Do you speak English?
Как да кажа … на български?Kak da kazha … na balgarski? How do I say … in Bulgarian?
  • Как да кажа restaurant на български? (Kak da kazha restaurant na balgarski?) – How do I say “restaurant” in Bulgarian? 
  • Как да кажа shop на български? (Kak da kazha shop na balgarski?) – How do I say “shop” in Bulgarian? 
  • Как да кажа pharmacy на български? (Kak da kazha pharmacy na balgarski?) – How do I say “pharmacy” in Bulgarian? 

Phrases for Emergencies 

Before visiting Bulgaria, you should learn how to let others know that you’re feeling unwell and need a doctor. Here are some basic Bulgarian phrases you could use:

Bulgarian PronunciationTranslation
Лошо ми е.Losho mi e.I feel unwell.
Болен съм.Bolen sam.I’m sick.
Повикайте лекар.Povikayte lekar.Call a doctor.
Трябва ми помощ.Tryabva mi pomosht.I need help.
Извикайте линейка.Izvikayte lineyka.Call an ambulance.

5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian 

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this guide of Bulgarian phrases for beginners to help you start having basic conversations with native speakers. We believe that knowing these Bulgarian beginner phrases will give you more confidence and that having this list at the ready could help you out in a pinch. 

If you enjoyed this lesson and want to continue learning Bulgarian with us, create your free lifetime account on today. We provide our students with a variety of audio and video lessons, free vocabulary lists, and other useful resources. It’s our goal to teach you Bulgarian in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way possible. 

If you feel that you need personal guidance in these initial steps of your Bulgarian language learning journey, you can upgrade to Premium PLUS and take advantage of our MyTeacher service. This will allow you to choose a private Bulgarian teacher who will help you learn the basics and build a foundation upon which you can accumulate your knowledge.

We would be happy to hear your feedback about this review. Are there any Bulgarian beginner phrases that you think should have been included in this review? Please don’t hesitate to share them with us in the comments below, and we’ll help out the best we can. 

Happy learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian

Advanced Bulgarian Words: Speak Like a Native


If you’ve gotten used to the intermediate-level Bulgarian vocabulary and feel like it’s time to move ahead, then you’re in the right place. This advanced Bulgarian wordlist from BulgarianPod101 will take you to the next level and help you use Bulgarian fluently in a wide range of contexts.

In this extensive overview, you will get acquainted with a variety of advanced Bulgarian words, their meaning in English, and how to use them in sentences via the examples we’ve provided. For your convenience, we have divided these words into categories.

Of course, it may take a while for you to get used to these advanced Bulgarian words, as they have the highest level of difficulty. However, you can take advantage of these top 15 tips to remember Bulgarian words. We’ve also included some practical exercises that will help you memorize this new set of vocabulary, so don’t give up even if it seems too hard.

Now is the right time to overcome the last big challenge and become a highly proficient Bulgarian speaker!

A Man in a Suit Jumping from One Ledge to Another


Overcome the last big challenge with this guide.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Academic Words
  2. Advanced Business Words
  3. Advanced Medical Words
  4. Advanced Legal Words
  5. Alternative Words for Acing Bulgarian Writing/Essays
  6. How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?
  7. Answers to Practical Exercises

Advanced Academic Words

Let’s take a look at the following list of 27 advanced Bulgarian words related to academia, along with their pronunciation and their meaning in English. To help you understand how these words can be used in speech and writing, we have also included an example sentence for each word.

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Нека направим оценка на работата.Neka napravim otsenka na rabotata.
Meaning:Let’s make an assessment of the work. 

#2 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В това намирам пълно противоречие с истината.V tova namiram pаlno protivorechie s istinata.
Meaning:In this, I find a complete contradiction with the truth.

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Какво означава това съкращение?Kakvo oznachava tova sakrashtenie?
Meaning:What does this abbreviation mean? 

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Този израз е клише, затова го замени с по-подходящ.Tozi izraz e klishe, zatova go zameni s po-podhodyasht.
Meaning:This expression is a cliché, so replace it with a more suitable one. 

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Основанието за това е посочено в параграф 1.Osnovanieto za tova e posocheno v paragraf 1.
Meaning:The reason for this is set out in paragraph 1. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Твоята логика основава ли се на факти?Tvoyata logika osnovava li se na fakti?
Meaning:Is your logic based on facts? 

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
редакцияredaktsiyaedition / revision 
Example:След направената редакция статията изглежда по-добре.Sled napravenata redaktsiya statiyata izglezhda po-dobre.
Meaning:After the edition, the article looks better. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
проучванеprouchvanestudy / research
Example:След детайлно проучване на проблема комисията реши да вземе окончателно решение.Sled detaylno prouchvane na problema komisiyata reshi da vzeme okonchatelno reshenie.
Meaning:After a detailed study of the problem, the commission decided to make a final decision. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Общност е група от хора, които имат емоционална връзка помежду си.Obshtnost e grupa ot hora, koito imat emotsionalna vrazka pomezhdu si.
Meaning:A community is a group of people who have an emotional connection with one another. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Ренесансовият хуманизъм е насочен към образованието на младите.Renesansoviyat humanizam e nasochen kam obrazovanieto na mladite.
Meaning:Renaissance humanism focused on the education of the young. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Младежът беше подложен на строга критика.Mladezhat beshe podlozhen na stroga kritika.
Meaning:The young man was subjected to severe criticism. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Изучаването на различните видове науки разширяват кръгозора.Izuchavaneto na razlichnite vidove nauki razshiryavat kragozora.
Meaning:The study of different types of science broadens one’s horizons. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Училищната среда съдейства за социализацията на децата.Uchilishtnata sreda sadeystva za sotsializatsiyata na detsata.
Meaning:The school environment promotes socialization of children. 

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Компанията избира да инвестира в човешки ресурси.Kompaniyata izbira da investira v choveshki resursi.
Meaning:The company chooses to invest in human resources. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Статията използва препратка към закона за образованието.Statiyata izpolzva prepratka kam zakona za obrazovanieto.
Meaning:The article contains a reference to the education law. 

#16 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В най-новата публикация във вестника пише по този въпрос.V nay-novata publikatsiya vav vestnika pishe po tozi vapros.
Meaning:The latest publication in the newspaper writes about this issue. 

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В земеделския форум се обсъжда темата за доставките на жито.V zemedelskiya forum se obsazhda temata za dostavkite na zhito.
Meaning:The topic of wheat delivery is being discussed in the agricultural forum. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:От днес започвам да работя по нов проект.Ot dnes zapochvam da rabotya po nov proekt.
Meaning:As of today, I’m starting to work on a new project. 

#19 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:На семинара присъстваха много хора на науката.Na seminara prisastvaha mnogo hora na naukata.
Meaning:The seminar was attended by many people of science. 

#20 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
конференцияkonferentsiya conference 
Example:Тази година конференцията ще се проведе в София.Tazi godina konferentsiyata shte se provede v Sofiya.
Meaning:The conference will be held in Sofia this year. 

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В доклада бяха споменати и причините за възникналата ситуация.V doklada byaha spomenati i prichinite za vazniknalata situatsiya.
Meaning:The report also mentioned the reasons for the situation. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
колекцияkolektsiya collection 
Example:Иван реши да си направи колекция от пощенски марки.Ivan reshi da si napravi kolektsiya ot poshtenski marki.
Meaning:Ivan decided to make a collection of postage stamps.

An Assortment of Postage Stamps

Ivan decided to make a collection of postage stamps.

#23 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В програмата тази година са заложени основните приоритети на компанията.V programata tazi godina sa zalozheni osnovnite prioriteti na kompaniyata.
Meaning:The main priorities of the company are included in the program this year.

#24 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Властта се обърна към населението с манифест.Vlastta se obarna kam naselenieto s manifest.
Meaning:The government addressed the population with a manifesto. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Ще проверя в архива дали в библиотеката е налична тази книга.Shte proverya v arhiva dali v bibliotekata e nalichna tazi kniga.
Meaning:I will check in the archive whether this book is available in the library. 

#26 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
специализантspetsializant postgraduate student
Example:Тази година той е специализант по медицина.Tazi godina toy e spetsializant po meditsina.
Meaning:This year, he is a postgraduate student in medicine. 

A Young Doctor and a Nurse Looking at a Clipboard Together

This year, he is a postgraduate student in medicine.

#27 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:За да повиши квалификацията си, Елена започна да учи за докторант.Za da povishi kvalifikatsiyata si, Elena zapochna da uchi za doktorant.
Meaning:In order to improve her qualification, Elena started to study for a doctorate. 

Practical Exercise for Advanced Academic Words

BulgarianPod101 understands that these academic words can be quite challenging. This is why we’ve prepared some practical exercises to help you understand and memorize these words better.

Please, fill in the blanks below with the correct words. The English text will help you find the correct place for each word. To make it a bit harder, try not to look at the meaning of the bolded Bulgarian words. Note that the word “проучване” is used twice. 

Words: (редакция, доклад, ресурс, проучване, критика, програма, оценка, проект)

В края на годината служителят на компанията състави ___________, където включи своята ___________ за постигнатото през годината. Той беше направил подробно ___________ на човешкия ___________ и доколко предвидената за тази година ___________ беше изпълнена. Директорът не беше доволен от постигнатото и започна безмилостна ___________, насочена към персонала. За следващата година той заповяда да се направи ново ___________ на клиентите, конкурентите и стратегиите и да се направи цялостна ___________ на политиката. Предстоeше и осъществяването на нов ___________.

V kraya na godinata sluzhitelyat na kompaniyata sаstavi ___________, kаdeto vklyuchi svoyata ___________ za postignatoto prez godinata. Toy beshe napravil podrobno ___________ na choveshkiya ___________ i dokolko predvidenata za tazi godina ___________ beshe izpalnena. Direktorat ne beshe dovolen ot postignatoto i zapochna bezmilostna ___________, nasochena kam personala. Za sledvashtata godina toy zapovyada da se napravi novo ___________ na klientite, konkurentite i strategiite i da se napravi tsyalostna ___________ na politikata. Predstoeshe i osashtestvyavaneto na nov ___________.

At the end of the year, the company’s employee compiled a report, which included his assessment of the achievements during the year. He had carried out a detailed study of human resources and the extent to which the program planned for this year had been implemented. The director was dissatisfied with what had been achieved and began relentless criticism of the staff. For the next year, he ordered new research of customers, competitors, and strategies to be performed, along with a comprehensive revision of the policy. A new project was forthcoming. 

*You can check your answers at the end of this review.

Advanced Business Words

Here’s a list of 25 useful Bulgarian business words to know at the advanced level. These words will give you a leg up in the business world, but if you want even more practical vocabulary, make sure to check out our article on Bulgarian business phrases.

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
устойчивостustoychivost sustainability 
Example:Тази година компанията може да се похвали с по-голяма устойчивост в икономическата криза.Tazi godina kompaniyata mozhe da se pohvali s po-golyama ustoychivost v ikonomicheskata kriza.
Meaning:This year, the company boasts greater sustainability in the economic crisis. 

#2 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Example:Условията по договора са прозрачни и не съдържат скрити такси.Usloviyata po dogovora sa prozrachni i ne sadarzhat skriti taksi.
Meaning:The terms and conditions of the contract are transparent and do not contain hidden fees.

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
стабилностstabilnost stability 
Example:Мениджърът се надява да допринесе за по-голямата стабилност на компанията.Menidzharat se nadyava da doprinese za po-golyamata stabilnost na kompaniyata.
Meaning:The manager hopes to contribute to the greater stability of the company. 

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
разрастванеrazrastvane expansion 
Example:Благодарение на новия продукт последва разрастване на базата клиенти.Blagodarenie na noviya produkt posledva razrastvane na bazata klienti.
Meaning:Thanks to the new product, an expansion of the customer base followed.

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
политикаpolitika policy 
Example:Настоящата политика на компанията съдържа всичките ѝ цели.Nastoyashtata politika na kompaniyata sadarzha vsichkite i tseli.
Meaning:The current policy of the company contains all its goals. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
мисияmisiya mission 
Example:Основната мисия на компанията е да удовлетвори нуждите на клиентите.Osnovnata misiya na kompaniyata e da udovletvori nuzhdite na klientite.
Meaning:The main mission of the company is to meet the needs of customers. 

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В условията на силна конкуренция, всеки собственик на бизнес се стреми да привлече по-голяма клиентела.V usloviyata na silna konkurentsiya, vseki sobstvenik na biznes se stremi da privleche po-golyama klientela.
Meaning:In the face of strong competition, every business owner strives to attract more clientele.

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
търговецtargovets merchant 
Example:Този търговец предложи най-изгодната оферта.Tozi targovets predlozhi nay-izgodnata oferta.
Meaning:This merchant offered the best deal. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
доставчикdostavchik supplier 
Example:Необходимо е да се свържем с този доставчик за нова поръчка.Neobhodimo e da se svarzhem s tozi dostavchik za nova porachka.
Meaning:We need to contact this supplier for a new order. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
моделmodel model 
Example:Следването на подходящ бизнес модел е от съществено значение за компанията.Sledvaneto na podhodyasht biznes model e ot sashtestveno znachenie za kompaniyata.
Meaning:Following an appropriate business model is essential for the company. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
търговска маркаtargovska markatrademark
Example:Това не е добре позната търговска марка.Tova ne e dobre poznata targovska marka.
Meaning:This is not a well-known trademark. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Фирмата се радва на добра организация, съдействаща за успешното извършване на работата.Firmata se radva na dobra organizatsiya, sadeystvashta za uspeshnoto izvarshvane na rabotata.
Meaning:The company enjoys good organization, contributing to the successful completion of the work. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
акцияaktsiya action 
Example:Общността проведе нова акция по засаждане на дръвчета през почивните дни.Obshtnostta provede nova aktsiya po zasazhdane na dravcheta prez pochivnite dni.
Meaning:The community held a new action (campaign) of planting trees over the weekend. 

Someone Planting a Tree in Soil

The community held a new action of planting trees over the weekend.

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
дружествоdruzhestvo company / organization
Example:Това дружество беше учредено преди 5 години.Tova druzhestvo beshe uchredeno predi 5 godini.
Meaning:This company was established five years ago. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
бюджетbyudzhet budget
Example:Заради съкратения бюджет фирмата не успя да осъществи всичките си планове.Zaradi sakrateniya byudzhet firmata ne uspya da osashtestvi vsichkite si planove.
Meaning:Due to the reduced budget, the company could not implement all its plans. 

#16 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
рентабиленrentabilen profitable 
Example:Избирането на тази продуктова линия не е рентабилно за компанията.Izbiraneto na tazi produktova liniya ne e rentabilno za kompaniyata.
Meaning:Choosing this product line is not profitable for the company.

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Всеки бизнес план съдържа добре разработена структура.Vseki biznes plan sadarzha dobre razrabotena struktura.
Meaning:Each business plan contains a well-developed structure. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
реализацияrealizatsiya realization 
Example:Плановете на компанията бяха добри, но до тяхната реализация така и не се стигна.Planovete na kompaniyata byaha dobri, no do tyahnata realizatsiya taka i ne se stigna.
Meaning:The company’s plans were good, but their realization was not completed. 

#19 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Example:Този бизнес е много доходоносен.Tozi biznes e mnogo dohodonosen.
Meaning:This business is very profitable. 

#20 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
командировкаkomandirovkabusiness trip
Example:Част от служителите заминаха на командировка.Chast ot sluzhitelite zaminaha na komandirovka.
Meaning:Some of the employees went on a business trip. 

Two Business People Standing in an Airport with Luggage

Some of the employees went on a business trip.

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
заявкаzayavka request 
Example:Ще ти пусна заявка за този продукт.Shte ti pusna zayavka za tozi produkt.
Meaning:I will send you a request for this product. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Поради липса на достатъчно средства се наложи да тегля кредит.Poradi lipsa na dostatachno sredstva se nalozhi da teglya kredit.
Meaning:Due to a lack of funds, I had to take out a loan. 

#23 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:За да се стартира даден бизнес, е необходим начален капитал.Za da se startira daden biznes, e neobhodim nachalen kapital.
Meaning:Starting a business requires initial capital.

#24 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Ние ще участваме в тази инвестиция.Nie shte uchastvame v tazi investitsiya.
Meaning:We will participate in this investment. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
задължениеzadalzhenie debt 
Example:Компанията има неизплатено задължение по последния кредит.Kompaniyata ima neizplateno zadalzhenie po posledniya kredit.
Meaning:The company has an outstanding debt on the last loan.
    → Ready to test your listening skills? You can head over to BulgarianPod101’s YouTube channel, watch this listening comprehension video of a Bulgarian business presentation, and then take the test at the end!

Practical Exercise for Advanced Business Words

This exercise contains two columns: one with Bulgarian business words and the other with their English translations. Connect each Bulgarian word with its corresponding English translation.

търговец (targovets) 

доходоносен (dohodonosen) 

реализация (realizatsiya) 

бюджет (byudzhet) 

командировка (komandirovka) 

политика (politika) 

клиентела (klientela) 

разрастване (razrastvane) 

инвестиция (investitsiya)

устойчивост (ustoychivost) 

кредит (kredit)  

стабилност (stabilnost) 

прозрачен (prozrachen)





business trip 








Advanced Medical Words

Do you plan on studying medicine in Bulgaria, or perhaps finding a job here in the medical field? In either case, learning the advanced Bulgarian words below will give you a great headstart on your dreams. 

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Биопсията ще покаже дали има наличие на злокачествено заболяване.Biopsiyata shte pokazhe dali ima nalichie na zlokachestveno zabolyavane.
Meaning:The biopsy will show if there is any malignancy.

#2 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
деменцияdementsiya dementia 
Example:Възрастният човек страдаше от деменция и често се губеше.Vazrastniyat chovek stradashe ot dementsiya i chesto se gubeshe.
Meaning:The old man suffered from dementia and was often lost. 

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Резкият спад на кръвната захар води до хипогликемия.Rezkiyat spad na kravnata zahar vodi do hipoglikemiya.
Meaning:A sudden drop in blood sugar leads to hypoglycemia.

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Процесът на израждане на клетките се нарича мутация.Protsesat na izrazhdane na kletkite se naricha mutatsiya.
Meaning:The process of cell degeneration is called a mutation. 

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
щамshtam strain 
Example:Миналата седмица беше открит нов щам на коронавируса.Minalata sedmitsa beshe otkrit nov shtam na koronavirusa.
Meaning:A new strain of the coronavirus was discovered last week. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Младежите често страдат от акне, което е трудно лечимо.Mladezhite chesto stradat ot akne, koeto e trudno lechimo.
Meaning:Young people often suffer from acne, which is difficult to treat.

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Наред с традиционната медицина, някои предпочитат да приложат и акупунктура.Nared s traditsionnata meditsina, nyakoi predpochitat da prilozhat i akupunktura.
Meaning:Along with traditional medicine, some prefer to use acupuncture. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ампутацияamputatsiya amputation 
Example:Измръзването на крака беше толкова голямо, че се наложи ампутация на единия пръст.Izmrazvaneto na kraka beshe tolkova golyamo, che se nalozhi amputatsiya na ediniya prast.
Meaning:The frostbite of the foot was so great that it required the amputation of a toe. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ангинаangina tonsillitis 
Example:Като вторична инфекция от грипа се появи гнойна ангина.Kato vtorichna infektsiya ot gripa se poyavi gnoyna angina.
Meaning:As a secondary influenza infection, purulent tonsillitis appeared. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Това е главната артерия, която отвежда кръвта към сърцето.Tova e glavnata arteriya, koyato otvezhda kravta kam sartseto.
Meaning:This is the main artery that carries blood to the heart. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Във вените му тече българска кръв.Vav venite mu teche balgarska krav.
Meaning:Bulgarian blood flows in his veins. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:С увеличаване на заболеваемостта все повече хора си биха ваксина.S uvelichavane na zabolevaemostta vse poveche hora si biha vaksina.
Meaning:As the incidence of disease increased, more and more people got vaccinated. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Предстои ми преглед на щитовидната жлеза.Predstoi mi pregled na shtitovidnata zhleza.
Meaning:I’m up for an examination of my thyroid gland. 

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Той често се оплакваше от болки в корема и се оказа, че има възпалена жлъчка.Toy chesto se oplakvashe ot bolki v korema i se okaza, che ima vazpalena zhlachka.
Meaning:He often complained about abdominal pain, and it turned out that his gallbladder was inflamed. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Диабетикът се нуждае от редовни дози инсулин.Diabetikat se nuzhdae ot redovni dozi insulin.
Meaning:A diabetic needs regular doses of insulin. 

#16 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:След като той вече не можеше да диша добре, се стигна до интубация.Sled kato toy veche ne mozheshe da disha dobre, se stigna do intubatsiya.
Meaning:After he was no longer able to breathe well, intubation ensued.

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
инфекцияinfektsiya infection 
Example:Порязването с нож може да доведе до голяма инфекция в областта на раната.Poryazvaneto s nozh mozhe da dovede do golyama infektsiya v oblastta na ranata.
Meaning:A knife cut can lead to a large infection in the wounded area. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
парализаparaliza paralysis 
Example:В следствие на катастрофата пациентът беше диагностициран с парализа на долните крайници.V sledstvie na katastrofata patsientat beshe diagnostitsiran s paraliza na dolnite kraynitsi.
Meaning:As a result of the accident, the patient was diagnosed with paralysis of the lower limbs. 

#19 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
патоген patogenpathogen
Example:В момента учени изследват появата на нов патоген.V momenta ucheni izsledvat poyavata na nov patogen.
Meaning:Scientists are currently investigating the emergence of a new pathogen. 

#20 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
реанимацияreanimatsiyaintensive care
Example:Състоянието му крайно се влоши и го преместиха в отделението по реанимация.Sastoyanieto mu krayno se vloshi i go premestiha v otdelenieto po reanimatsiya.
Meaning:His condition deteriorated, and he was transferred to the intensive care unit.

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хемоглобинhemoglobin hemoglobin 
Example:Преди кръводаряването непременно проверяват нивото на хемоглобина.Predi kravodaryavaneto nepremenno proveryavat nivoto na hemoglobina.
Meaning:Before donating blood, be sure to check the hemoglobin level. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хепатитhepatit hepatitis 
Example:Хепатитът е известен още като болестта на мръсните ръце.Hepatitat e izvesten oshte kato bolestta na mrasnite ratse.
Meaning:Hepatitis is also known as the disease of dirty hands. 

#23 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хипертонияhipertoniya hypertension 
Example:Пациентът с хипертония се оплака от често сърцебиене.Patsientat s hipertoniya se oplaka ot chesto sartsebiene.
Meaning:The patient with hypertension complained of palpitations.

#24 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хремаhrema runny nose
Example:Много хора са алергични и страдат от хрема през пролетта.Mnogo hora sa alergichni i stradat ot hrema prez proletta.
Meaning:Many people have allergies and suffer from a runny nose in the spring. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хрущялhrushtyal cartilage 
Example:Дефектите на ставния хрущял водят до увреждане на коляното.Defektite na stavniya hrushtyal vodyat do uvrezhdane na kolyanoto.
Meaning:Defects in the articular cartilage lead to knee damage. 

#26 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Когато се притесня много, получавам сърцебиене.Kogato se pritesnya mnogo, poluchavam sartsebiene.
Meaning:When I worry a lot, I get palpitations. 
    → Want to expand your medical vocabulary even further? See this lesson about medicine on

Practical Exercise for Advanced Medical Words

While medical terms can be quite challenging, we’ve prepared a simple (and fun!) exercise for you. Just connect the Bulgarian medical term with the correct picture. You can check your answers at the end of this article.

ваксина (vaksina)
Runny Nose

хрема (hrema)

акне (akne)

вена (vena)

акупунктура (akupunktura)

Advanced Legal Words

You might not be able to use these advanced Bulgarian terms in everyday life, but knowing them will allow you to engage in more complex conversations and maybe even help you land a job in the legal world!  

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
иск isk claim
Example:В съда беше внесен иск срещу обвиняемия.V sada beshe vnesen isk sreshtu obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:A claim was filed in court against the defendant. 

#2 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
прокурор prokurorprosecutor
Example:На заседанието прокурорът изложи всички доказателства за виновността на обвиняемия.Na zasedanieto prokurorat izlozhi vsichki dokazatelstva za vinovnostta na obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:At the hearing, the prosecutor presented all the evidence of the defendant’s guilt. 

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
адвокат advokat lawyer
Example:Адвокатът опита да намери смекчаващи вината обстоятелства в случая на своя клиент.Advokatat opita da nameri smekchavashti vinata obstoyatelstva v sluchaya na svoya klient.
Meaning:The lawyer tried to find mitigating circumstances in his client’s case. 

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
защита zashtitadefense
Example:Всеки обвиняем има право на защита.Vseki obvinyaem ima pravo na zashtita.
Meaning:Every defendant has the right to a defense. 

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ответник otvetnikdefendant
Example:Ответникът трябва да се яви в съда в 11 ч.Otvetnikat tryabva da se yavi v sada v 11 chasa.
Meaning:The defendant must appear in court at 11 o’clock. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ищец ishtetsplaintiff
Example:По думите на ищеца вие сте се забавили с плащането.Po dumite na ishtetsa vie ste se zabavili s plashtaneto.
Meaning:According to the plaintiff, you delayed the payment.

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
съд sadcourt
Example:Съдията влезе в съда.Sadiyata vleze v sada.
Meaning:The judge entered the court. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
заседание zasedaniehearing 
Example:Заседанието на съда започна.Zasedanieto na sada zapochna.
Meaning:The court hearing began. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
разпит razpitquestioning
Example:Всички свидетели по делото бяха поканени на разпит.Vsichki svideteli po deloto byaha pokaneni na razpit.
Meaning:All witnesses in the case were summoned for questioning. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
свидетел svidetel witness 
Example:Нито един свидетел не опроверга обвинението.Nito edin svidetel ne oproverga obvinenieto.
Meaning:No witness denied the accusation. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
заседател zasedateljuror
Example:Заседанието започна при липсата на един съдебен заседател.Zasedanieto zapochna pri lipsata na edin sadeben zasedatel.
Meaning:The hearing began in the absence of a juror. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
престъпление prestaplenie crime
Example:Това престъпление беше извършено през нощта.Tova prestaplenie beshe izvarsheno prez noshtta.
Meaning:This crime was committed at night. 

#13 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
обвиняем obvinyaemdefendant
Example:Най-близкият на убития беше обвиняем.Nay-blizkiyat na ubitiya beshe obvinyaem.
Meaning:The person closest to the victim was the defendant. 

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
престъпник prestapnikcriminal
Example:Не си личи по външния му вид, че е престъпник.Ne si lichi po vanshniya mu vid, che e prestapnik.
Meaning:He doesn’t look like a criminal. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
вина vina guilt
Example:Мъжът не чувстваше никаква вина за деянието.Mazhat ne chuvstvashe nikakva vina za deyanieto.
Meaning:The man felt no regret for the act. 

#16 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
доказателство dokazatelstvо evidence 
Example:Съдът събираше доказателства за виновността на обвиняемия.Sadat sabirashe dokazatelstva za vinovnostta na obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:The court was gathering evidence of the defendant’s guilt. 

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
наказание nakazanie judgement
Example:Наложеното наказание е съразмерно с вината.Nalozhenoto nakazanie e sarazmerno s vinata.
Meaning:The judgement imposed is proportionate to the guilt. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
право pravoright
Example:Обвиняемият има права, които трябва да се спазват при разпита.Obvinyaemiyat ima prava, koito tryabva da se spazvat pri razpita.
Meaning:The defendant has rights that must be respected during the interrogation. 

#19 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
обезщетение obezshteteniecompensation
Example:Освен наказание с лишаване от свобода, обвиняемият трябваше да плати и обезщетение.Osven nakazanie s lishavane ot svoboda, obvinyaemiyat tryabvashe da plati i obezshtetenie.
Meaning:In addition to imprisonment, the defendant had to pay compensation as well. 

#20 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
доживотен dozhivoten lifelong
Example:Съдът не наложи доживотен затвор, както всички очакваха.Sadat ne nalozhi dozhivoten zatvor, kakto vsichki ochakvakha.
Meaning:The court did not impose a life sentence, as everyone expected. 

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
помилване pomilvane pardon 
Example:Адвокатът пледираше за помилване на обвиняемия.Advokatat pledirashe za pomilvane na obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:The lawyer pleaded for pardon of the defendant. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
затвор zatvorprison 
Example:Осъдиха престъпника на 2 години затвор.Osadiha prestapnika na 2 godini zatvor.
Meaning:The criminal was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

#23 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
невинен nevineninnocent
Example:Осъденият каза, че е невинен.Osadeniyat kaza, che e nevinen.
Meaning:The convict said he was innocent. 

#24 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
освободен osvobodenreleased
Example:Той плати гаранцията, за да бъде освободен.Toy plati garantsiyata, za da bade osvoboden.
Meaning:He paid the bail to be released. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
преследване presledvane prosecution
Example:Съдебно преследване грози нарушителите на закона.Sadebno presledvane grozi narushitelite na zakona.
Meaning:Violators face prosecution. 

Practical Exercise for Advanced Legal Words

Fill in the blanks with the correct advanced legal word out of the three options presented.

Всеки ____________(съд, затвор, престъпник) трябва да понесе ____________(заседание, наказание, доказателство).
Vseki (sad, zatvor, prestapnik) tryabva da ponese (zasedanie, nakazanie, dokazatelstvo).
Every criminal must bear judgement.

Всеки е ____________(невинен, доживотен, обвиняем) до доказване на ____________(помилването, преследването, вината).
Vseki e (nevinen, dozhivoten, obvinyaem) do dokazvane na (pomilvaneto, presledvaneto, vinata).
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Присъдата на обвиняемия беше ____________(освободен, обвиняем, доживотен) затвор.
Prisadata na obvinyaemiya beshe (osvoboden, obvinyaem, dozhivoten) zatvor.
The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Издадена бе окончателна ____________(защита, присъда, вина) без право на ____________(помилване, обезщетение, доказателство).
Izdadena be okonchatelna (zashtita, prisada, vina) bez pravo na (pomilvane, obezshtetenie, dokazatelstvo).
A final sentence was issued without the right to pardon.

Адвокатът не можа да намери ____________(престъпление, заседание, доказателство) за оправдаването на ____________(престъпника, прокурора, ищеца).
Advokatat ne mozha da nameri (prestaplenie, zasedanie, dokazatelstvo) za opravdavaneto na (prestapnika, prokurora, ishtetsa).
The lawyer could not find evidence for the acquittal of the criminal.

Alternative Words for Acing Bulgarian Writing/Essays

If you would like to improve your writing style so that it sounds closer to a native’s level, we suggest you substitute the following words with their more advanced synonyms. This will make your essays more impressive and powerful. We have categorized our suggestions based on part of speech.


#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation

Услугата включва (денонощен мониторинг) денонощно наблюдение.Uslugata vklyuchva (denonoshten monitoring) denonoshtno nablyudenie.
Meaning:The service includes round-the-clock monitoring. 

#2  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace локацияlokatsiyalocation 
With местоположениеmestopolozhenielocation 
Example:Можете да споделите (локацията) местоположението си.Mozhete da spodelite (lokatsiyata) mestopolozhenieto si.
Meaning:You can share your location. 

#3  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace експозицияekspozitsiyaexposition
With изложбаizlozhbaexposition / exhibition

Днес беше открита нова (експозиция) изложба в града на розите.Dnes beshe otkrita nova (ekspozitsiya) izlozhba v grada na rozite.
Meaning:A new exhibition opened today in The City of Roses. 

#4  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace евентeventevent
With събитиеsabitieevent
Example:(Официалният евент) Официалното събитие беше посетено от президента.(Ofitsialniyat event) Ofitsialnoto sabitie beshe poseteno ot prezidenta.
Meaning:The official event was attended by the President. 

#5  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace шоуshou show
With представлениеpredstavlenieshow
Example:Много знаменити актьори участваха в това (шоу) представление.Mnogo znameniti aktyori uchastvaha v tova (shou) predstavlenie.
Meaning:Many famous actors took part in this show. 

#6  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace мотивацияmotivatsiyamotivation
With подбудаpodbudamotivation
Example:(Мотивацията) Подбудата му е да направи света по-добър.(Motivatsiyata) Podbudata mu e da napravi sveta po-dobar.
Meaning:His motivation is to make the world a better place. 

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace красотаkrasotabeauty
With прелестprelestbeauty
Example:Под семплата външност се крие истинска (красота) прелест.Pod semplata vanshnost se krie istinska (krasota) prelest.
Meaning:Beneath the simple appearance lies a real beauty. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace печалбаpechalbaprofit
With облагаoblagaprofit
Example:Той се възползва от тази материална (печалба) облага.Toy se vazpolzva ot tazi materialna (pechalba) oblaga.
Meaning:He takes advantage of this material profit. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace съгласиеsaglasieunderstanding
With разбирателствоrazbiratelstvounderstanding
Example:Хубаво е да живеем в (съгласие) разбирателство.Hubavo e da zhiveem v (saglasie) razbiratelstvo.
Meaning:It is good to live in understanding. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace заплатаzaplatasalary
With трудово възнаграждениеtrudovo vaznagrazhdeniesalary
Example:Всеки месец получавам (заплата) трудово възнаграждение.Vseki mesets poluchavam (zaplata) trudovo vaznagrazhdenie.
Meaning:Every month, I receive a salary. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace директорdirektormanager 
With управителupravitelmanager 

Днес (директорът) управителят на фирмата събра работниците на кратко събрание.Dnes (direktorat) upravitelyat na firmata sabra rabotnitsite na kratko sabranie.
Meaning:Today, the company’s manager gathered the workers for a short meeting. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace кешkeshcash
With пари в бройpari v broycash
Example:Плащането е (в кеш) с пари в брой.Plashtaneto e (v kesh) s pari v broy.
Meaning:Payment is in cash. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace офертаofertaoffer
With предложениеpredlozhenieoffer
Example:Това е много (изгодна оферта) изгодно предложение.Tova e mnogo (izgodna oferta) izgodno predlozhenie.
Meaning:This is a very good offer. 


#1 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace стартирамstartiramto start
With започвамzapochvam to start

Днес планирам да (стартирам) започна нов проект.Dnes planiram da (startiram) zapochna nov proekt.
Meaning:Today, I plan to start a new project. 

#2 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace планирамplaniramto plan
With крояkroya to plan
* кроя is used in a negative context and can be translated as “to be up for mischief.”
Example:Веднага разбрах, че (планираш) кроиш да направиш нещо лошо.Vednaga razbrah, che (planirash) kroish da napravish neshto losho.
Meaning:I immediately realized that you were planning to do something bad. 

#3 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace планирамplaniramto plan
With възнамерявамvaznameryavam to plan
* Аnother verb for планирам, but this time with a positive meaning
Example:Скоро (планирам) възнамерявам да създам семейство.Skoro (planiram) vaznameryavam da sazdam semeystvo.
Meaning:I plan to start a family soon. 

#4 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace създавамsazdavamto create
With творяtvorya to create
Example:Отдавна не съм (създавал) творил нещо ново.Otdavna ne sam (sazdaval) tvoril neshto novo.
Meaning:I haven’t created anything new for a long time. 

#5 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace идвамidvamto come / to arrive
With пристигамpristigam to arrive
* While идвам is usually used for coming by foot, пристигам is used for arriving by vehicle.
Example:Утре (идвам) пристигам с автобуса на автогарата.Utre (idvam) pristigam s avtobusa na avtogarata.
Meaning:Tomorrow, I will arrive by bus at the bus station. 

#6 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace мечтаяmechtayato dream
With копнеяkopneya to dream / to long for
* While мечтая is not incorrect, копнея shows a higher degree of desire.
Example:Отдавна (мечтая) копнея да срещна хора като вас.Otdavna (mechtaya) kopneya da sreshtna hora kato vas.
Meaning:I have dreamed of meeting people like you for a long time. 

#7 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace мисляmislyato think
With считамschitamto think
Example:Определено (мисля) считам, че предложението е добро.Opredeleno (mislya) schitam, che predlozhenieto e dobro.
Meaning:I definitely think the proposal is good. 

#8 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace учаuchato study
With изучавамizuchavamto study
Example:Дълги години (учех) изучавах историята на България.Dalgi godini (ucheh) izuchavah istoriyata na Balgariya.
Meaning:For many years, I studied the history of Bulgaria

#9 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace разбирамrazbiramto understand 
With схващамshvashtam to understand 
Example:Той може много добре да (разбере) схване разликата.Toy mozhe mnogo dobre da (razbere) shvane razlikata.
Meaning:He can understand the difference very well. 

#10 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace харчаharchato spend 
With изразходвамizrazhodvam to spend 
Example:Налага се да (изхарча) изразходя всичките си пари за този проект.Nalaga se da (izharcha) izrazhodya vsichkite si pari za tozi proekt.
Meaning:I have to spend all my money on this project. 

#11 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace оглагамotlagamto postpone 
With отрочвамotsrochvam to postpone 
Example:Няма да се наложи да (отлагам) отсрочвам изпита.Nyama da se nalozhi da (otlagam) otsrochvam izpita.
Meaning:I will not have to postpone the exam. 

#12 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace правяpravyato make
With изработвамizrabotvam to make
Example:От много отдавна (правя) изработвам глинени съдове.Ot mnogo otdavna (pravya) izrabotvam glineni sadove.
Meaning:I have been making pottery for a long time.

#13 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace консултирамkonsultiramto consult 
With съветвамsavetvam to advise 
Example:По този въпрос трябва да се (консултирам) посъветвам със специалист.Po tozi vapros tryabva da se (konsultiram) posavetvam sas spetsialist.
Meaning:I should get advised by a specialist on this issue. 


#1 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace голямgolyambig/great
With огроменogromen great/huge 
Example:По този въпрос имам (голям) огромен опит.Po tozi vapros imam (golyam) ogromen opit.
Meaning:I have great experience in this matter. 

#2 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace спокоенspokoencalm 
With хладнокръвенhladnokraven cold-blooded 
Example:Той даде съвсем (спокоен) хладнокръвен отговор на въпроса.Toy dade savsem (spokoen) hladnokraven otgovor na vaprosa.
Meaning:He gave a cold-blooded answer to the question. 

#3 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace решителенreshitelensteadfast
With непоколебимnepokolebimunwavering
Example:След като веднъж вземе решение, той е (решителен) непоколебим.Sled kato vednazh vzeme reshenie, toy e (reshitelen) nepokolebim.
Meaning:Once he makes a decision, he is unwavering.

#4 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace уморенumorentired
With изтощенiztoshten tired/exhausted 
Example:Чувствам се (уморен) изтощен след дългата работа.Chuvstvam se (umoren) iztoshten sled dalgata rabota.
Meaning:I feel exhausted after long work. 

#5 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace интересенintereseninteresting
With интригуващintriguvasht intriguing
Example:Този въпрос е много (интересен) интригуващ за мен.Tozi vapros e mnogo (interesen) intriguvasht za men.
Meaning:This question is very intriguing to me. 

#6 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace работливrabotlivhardworking
With трудолюбивtrudolyubivhardworking
Example:Човекът е много (работлив) трудолюбив.Chovekat e mnogo (rabotliv) trudolyubiv.
Meaning:The man is very hardworking.

#7 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace неподходящnepodhodyashtunsuitable
With неуместенneumesteninappropriate
Example:Твоят въпрос е съвсем (неподходящ) неуместен.Tvoyat vapros e savsem (nepodhodyasht) neumesten.
Meaning:Your question is completely inappropriate. 

#8 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace безинтересенbezinteresenuninteresting
With скученskuchenboring
Example:Този разказ е (безинтересен) скучен.Tozi razkaz e (bezinteresen) skuchen.
Meaning:This story is boring. 

#9 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace модеренmoderenmodern
With съвремененsavremenen contemporary 
Example:Този (модерен) съвременен стил ми харесва.Tozi (moderen) savremenen stil mi haresva.
Meaning:I like this contemporary style. 

#10 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace богатbogatrich 
With заможенzamozhenwealthy
Example:(Богатият) Заможният човек отдели малко пари за каузата.(Bogatiyat) Zamozhniyat chovek otdeli malko pari za kauzata.
Meaning:The wealthy man set aside some money for the cause. 


#1 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace много mnogovery/too
With твърде tvarde too
Example:Този камък е (много) твърде тежък.Tozi kamak e (mnogo) tvarde tezhak.
Meaning:This stone is too heavy. 

#2 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace трудно trudnodifficult
With непосилно neposilnoimpossible
Example:Тази задача е (трудна) непосилна.Tazi zadacha e (trudna) neposilna.
Meaning:This task is (difficult) impossible. 

#3 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace нетърпимо netarpimointolerable
With непоносимо neponosimounbearable
Example:Положението е (нетърпимо) непоносимо.Polozhenieto e (netarpimo) neponosimo.
Meaning:The situation is unbearable. 

#4 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace постоянно postoyannoconstantly
With неизменно neizmenno constantly
Example:Той (постоянно) неизменно твърдеше, че има голям опит.Toy (postoyanno) neizmenno tvardeshe, che ima golyam opit.
Meaning:He constantly claimed to have extensive experience. 

#5 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace щедро shtedrogenerous
With великодушноvelikodushno generous
Example:Той реши да постъпи (щедро) великодушно към бедняка.Toy reshi da postapi (shtedro) velikodushno kam bednyaka.
Meaning:He decided to be generous to the poor man. 

How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?

BulgarianPod101 hopes that this comprehensive guide to advanced Bulgarian vocabulary words helps you advance further in your knowledge of and experience with the Bulgarian language. It can be of great aid in preparation for your advanced-level Bulgarian language exam, and it’s a practical tool for reaching your learning goals.  

Since the advanced level is very challenging, you may need personal guidance to help you progress at this stage. If so, you can turn to our MyTeacher service to choose a native and experienced Bulgarian teacher who understands your difficulties and knows how to help you successfully overcome them.

We would love to hear your feedback about this article. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and we’ll help you out the best we can. 

And now, it’s time to check your answers to the practical exercises.

Answers to Practical Exercises

Advanced Academic Words

В края на годината служителят на компанията състави доклад, където включи своята оценка за постигнатото през годината. Той беше направил подробно проучване на човешкия ресурс и доколко предвидената за тази година програма беше изпълнена. Директорът не беше доволен от постигнатото и започна безмилостна критика, насочена към персонала. За следващата година той заповяда да се направи ново проучване на клиентите, конкурентите и стратегиите и да се направи цялостна редакция на политиката. Предстоeше и осъществяването на нов проект.

V kraya na godinata sluzhitelyat na kompaniyata sаstavi doklad, kаdeto vklyuchi svoyata otsenka za postignatoto prez godinata. Toy beshe napravil podrobno prouchvane na choveshkiya resurs i dokolko predvidenata za tazi godina programa beshe izpalnena. Direktorat ne beshe dovolen ot postignatoto i zapochna bezmilostna kritika, nasochena kam personala. Za sledvashtata godina toy zapovyada da se napravi novo prouchvane na klientite, konkurentite i strategiite i da se napravi tsyalostna redaktsiya na politikata. Predstoeshe i osashtestvyavaneto na nov proekt.

At the end of the year, the company’s employee compiled a report, which included his assessment of the achievements during the year. He had carried out a detailed study of human resources and the extent to which the program planned for this year had been implemented. The director was dissatisfied with what had been achieved and began relentless criticism of the staff. For the next year, he ordered new research of customers, competitors, and strategies to be performed, along with a comprehensive revision of the policy. A new project was forthcoming.

Advanced Business Words

търговец (targovets)

доходоносен (dohodonosen)

реализация (realizatsiya)

бюджет (byudzhet)

командировка (komandirovka)

политика (politika)

клиентела (clientela)

разрастване (razrastvane)

инвестиция (investitsiya)

устойчивост (ustoychivost)

кредит (kredit)

стабилност (stabilnost)

прозрачен (prozrachen)




business trip 









Advanced Medical Words

хрема (hrema)
Runny Nose
ваксина (vaksina)
акупунктура (akupunktura)
акне (akne)
вена (vena)

Advanced Legal Words

Всеки престъпник трябва да понесе наказание.
Vseki prestapnik tryabva da ponese nakazanie.
Every criminal must bear punishment.

Всеки е невинен до доказване на вината.
Vseki e nevinen do dokazvane na vinata.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Присъдата на обвиняемия беше доживотен затвор.
Prisadata na obvinyaemiya beshe dozhivoten zatvor.
The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Издадена бе окончателна присъда без право на помилване.
Izdadena be okonchatelna prisada bez pravo na pomilvane.
A final sentence was issued without the right to pardon.

Адвокатът не можа да намери доказателство за оправдаването на престъпника.
Advokatat ne mozha da nameri dokazatelstvo za opravdavaneto na prestapnika.
The lawyer could not find evidence for the acquittal of the criminal.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian

300+ of the Most Common Intermediate Bulgarian Words


Studying a foreign language can be a real challenge, but as long as you’re persistent in your efforts, you can make steady progress. After learning the basics of the Bulgarian language and mastering the beginner-level words and phrases, it’s time to face the next challenge: intermediate Bulgarian vocabulary

BulgarianPod101 has created this detailed list of Bulgarian intermediate words and their meanings in English for the following reasons: 

  • To help you advance in your language learning and gain more confidence;
  • To help you enrich your vocabulary so you can more easily make local Bulgarian friends; 
  • To help you learn the language in-depth;
  • To help you communicate in various situations and lead simple conversations;
  • To help you make linguistic connections that increase your understanding and improve your memorization;
  • To help you start getting used to the Bulgarian language and culture.

If these points cover your own goals as a language learner, then you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, you will not only be able to review the most common intermediate Bulgarian words used in daily life, but also practice them in the practical exercises we’ve provided.

Hold on, Bulgarian intermediate level—we’re coming!

Hold On, Bulgarian Intermediate Level—We’re Coming!

Table of Contents
  1. Larger Numbers
  2. Nouns
  3. Verbs
  4. Adjectives
  5. Adverbs
  6. Prepositions
  7. Conjunctions and Auxiliary Words/Particles
  8. How Can BulgarianPod101 Help You Learn Bulgarian?
  9. Answers to the Practical Exercises

Larger Numbers

In our previous article on beginner words, we introduced the numbers one through ten. But what if you wanted to count further? Keep reading to learn the Bulgarian words for larger numbers (and make sure to visit our lesson Counting from 100-1,000,000 in Bulgarian, too!).


Tip: It’s easier to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just have to add the ending -десет (-deset) to the simple numbers. Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish

Let’s Advance in Counting


Tip: Note that 200 and 300 in Bulgarian have the ending -ста (-sta), while the larger numbers have the ending -стотин (-stotin). These endings play the same role as “hundred” does in English. 

For example:

  • nine hundred” = деветстотин (devetstotin)

* Note that hundreds in Bulgarian are written as one word, in contrast to English.

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
100стоsto“one hundred”
200двестаdvеsta“two hundred”
300тристаtristа“three hundred”
400четиристотинchetiristotin“four hundred”
500петстотинpetstotin“five hundred”
600шестстотинsheststotin“six hundred”
700седемстотинsedemstotin“seven hundred”
800осемстотинosemstotin“eight hundred”
900деветстотинdevetstotin“nine hundred”

    → If you feel like you need to review the numbers from one to ten in Bulgarian, you can take a look at this short video lesson from BulgarianPod101.


Tip: It’s easier to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just have to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the simple numbers. 

* Note that, in contrast to the tens and hundreds, the thousands in Bulgarian are written separately as two different words—just like in English.

For example:

  • two thousand” = две хиляди (dve hilyadi)

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
1000хилядаhilyada“one thousand” 
2000две хилядиdvе hilyadi“two thousand”
3000три хилядиtri hilyadi“three thousand” 
4000четири хилядиchetiri hilyadi“four thousand”
5000пет хилядиpet hilyadi“five thousand”
6000шест хилядиshest hilyadi“six thousand”
7000седем хилядиsedem hilyadi“seven thousand” 
8000осем хилядиosem hilyadi“eight thousand” 
9000девет хилядиdevet hilyadi“nine thousand” 

Ten Thousands

Tip: It’s easy to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just need to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the numbers 10-90 in Bulgarian. 

For example:

  • twenty thousand” = двадесет хиляди (dvadeset hilyadi)

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
10,000десет хилядиdeset hilyadi“ten thousand” 
20,000двадесет хилядиdvadeset hilyadi“twenty thousand” 
30,000тридесет хилядиtrideset hilyadi“thirty thousand”
40,000четиридесет хилядиchetirideset hilyadi“forty thousand” 
50,000петдесет хилядиpetdeset hilyadi“fifty thousand”
60,000шестдесет хилядиshestdeset hilyadi“sixty thousand”
70,000седемдесет хилядиsedemdeset hilyadi“seventy thousand” 
80,000осемдесет хилядиosemdeset hilyadi“eighty thousand”
90,000деветдесет хилядиdevetdeset hilyadi“ninety thousand”

Hundred Thousands

Tip: It’s easy to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just need to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the numbers 100-900 in Bulgarian. 

For example:

  • two hundred thousand” = двeста хиляди (dvastа hilyadi)

Note that, in Bulgarian, these numbers are written as two words; in English, they’re written as three.

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
100,000сто хилядиsto hilyadi“one hundred thousand”
200,000двеста хилядиdvеsta hilyadi“two hundred thousand”
300,000триста хилядиtristа hilyadi“three hundred thousand”
400,000четиристотин хилядиchetiristotin hilyadi“four hundred thousand”
500,000петстотин хилядиpetstotin hilyadi“five hundred thousand”
600,000шестстотин хилядиsheststotin hilyadi“six hundred thousand”
700,000седемстотин хилядиsedemstotin hilyadi“seven hundred thousand”
800,000осемстотин хилядиosemstotin hilyadi“eight hundred thousand” 
900,000деветстотин хилядиdevetstotin hilyadi“nine hundred thousand” 


Tip: Just add the Bulgarian word милиона (miliona) to any of the numbers we’ve mentioned to make the corresponding plural for “million.” Let’s take, for example, the numbers from one to ten million: 

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
1,000,000един милион edin milion“one million”
2,000,000два милиона dva miliona“two million” 
3,000,000три милиона tri miliona“three million”
4,000,000четири милиона chetiri miliona“four million”  
5,000,000пет милиона pet miliona“five million”  
6,000,000шест милиона shest miliona“six million” 
7,000,000седем милиона sedem miliona“seven million”  
8,000,000осем милиона osem miliona“eight million”  
9,000,000девет милиона devet miliona“nine million” 
10,000,000десет милиона deset miliona“ten million”  

Practical Exercise for Larger Numbers

Now, it’s your turn! Practice what you’ve learned so far by translating the following numbers into English. Don’t forget the tips given above, as they will make your job easier. 


2,568 -> “two thousand five hundred and sixty eight” -> две хиляди петстотин шестдесет и осем (dve hilyadi petstotin shestdeset i osem)

Tip: In Bulgarian, the conjunction “and” (и) comes before the ones, before the ones in thousands, and before the ones in millions if the number is larger than ones. For example, the Bulgarian translation of the number “78,387,102” has three “and” (и). Try to place them in the correct places. You can check whether your answers are correct at the end of this guide.

  • 32,758 -> “thirty two thousand seven hundred and fifty eight” -> 
  • 489,831 -> “four hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred and thirty one” -> 
  • 4,965,986 -> “four million nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty six” -> 
  • 78,387,102 -> “seventy eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred and two” -> 
  • 500,006 -> “five hundred thousand and six” ->


Our next set of intermediate Bulgarian words consists of nouns, considering their prevalence and importance in everyday speech. We’ve divided them into different categories for your convenience.

Job Interview Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1интервюintervyu “interview”
2длъжностdlazhnost “position”
3опитopit “experience”
4стажstazh “internship”
5заплатаzaplata “salary”
6сътрудникsatrudnik “associate”
7колегаkolega “colleague”
8мениджърmenidzhar “manager”
9директорdirektor “director”

Job Interview Vocabulary


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1училищеuchilishte “school”
2университетuniversitet “university”
3изпитizpit “exam”
4подготовкаpodgotovka “preparation”
5специалностspetsialnost “specialty”
6медицинаmeditsina “medicine”
7химияhimiya “chemistry”
8биологияbiologiya “biology” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1химикhimik “chemist”
2биологbiolog “biologist”
3шивачshivach “tailor” 
4техникtehnik “technician” 
5монтьорmontyor “mechanic”
6лаборантlaborant “laboratory assistant”
7преводачprevodach “translator” 
8писателpisatel “writer”
9продавачprodavach “seller”
11математикmatematik “mathematician”
12историкistorik “historian” 

Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1

Now, it’s time to practice what you’ve learned. Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.


В коя (завод, компания, заплата) сте работили?
V koya (zavod, kompaniya, zaplata) ste rabotili?
“In which (factory, company, salary) have you worked?”

Tip: The correct answer for the sentence above is компания (kompaniya) and not завод (zavod) because the Bulgarian pronoun коя (koya), meaning “which,” in the question applies only to feminine nouns. Компания is also feminine, while завод is masculine.

  • Отивам на (длъжност, опит, интервю) за работа.
    Otivam na (dlazhnost, opit, intervyu) za rabota.
    “I am going to a job (position, experience, interview).”
  • Имам голям (опит, заплата, длъжност) в сферата на маркетинга.
    Imam golyam (opit, zaplata, dlazhnost) v sferata na marketinga.
    “I have great (experience, salary, position) in the field of marketing.”
  • Явявам се на (изпит, специалност, подготовка) по математика.
    Yavyavam se na (izpit, spetsialnost, podgotovka) po matematika.
    “I am taking (an exam, a specialty, a preparation) in mathematics.”
  • Интересувам се от растения и мечтата ми е да стана (историк, агроном, писател).
    Interesuvam se ot rasteniya i mechtata mi e da stana (istorik, agronom, pisatel).
    “I am interested in plants, and my dream is to become (a historian, an agronomist, a writer).”

You can check your answers at the end of this article.

Accommodation Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1настаняванеnastanyavane “accommodation”
2нощувкаnoshtuvka “overnight”
3наемателnaematel “tenant”
4наемnaem “rent”
6капароkaparo “deposit”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1париpari “money”
2валутаvaluta “currency”
3банкоматbankomat “ATM”
4тегленеteglene “withdrawal”
5левlev “Bulgarian lev” 
6банкаbanka “bank” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1летищеletishte “airport”
2самолетsamolet “airplane”
3чакалняchakalnya “waiting room”
4багажbagazh “luggage”
5пилотpilot “pilot”
6стюардесаstyuardesa “flight attendant” 
8документиdokumenti “documents” 
9полетpolet “flight”

Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 2

Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.


Самолетът ще кацне на (летището, чакалнята, таксата) след половин час.
Samoletat shte katsne na (letishteto, chakalnyata, taksata) sled polovin chas.
“The airplane will land at (the airport, the waiting room, the fee) in half an hour.”

Now, try it yourself:

  • Търся (капаро, нощувка, наемател) за моята квартира.
    Tarsya (kaparo, noshtuvka, naematel) za moyata kvartira.
    “I am looking for (a deposit, an accommodation, a tenant) for my apartment.”
  • Ще изтегля пари от тази (кредитор, банка, банкомат).
    Shte izteglya pari ot tazi (kreditor, banka, bankomat).
    “I will withdraw money from this (creditor, bank, ATM).”

* Note: For this sentence, look at the tip for Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1.

  • Вашите (такса, документи, полет) за проверка, моля.
    Vashite (taksa, dokumenti, polet) za proverka, molya.
    “Your (fee, documents, flight) for inspection, please.”
  • Тук можете да закупите (полет, билет, такса, дестинация).
    Tuk mozhete da zakupite (polet, bilet, taksa, destinatsiya).
    “Here, you can buy (a flight, a ticket, a fee, a destination).”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1лекарlekar “doctor”
2санитарsanitar “sanitarian”
3болкаbolka “pain”
4болестbolest “disease”
5главоболиеglavobolie “headache”
6зъболекарzabolekar “dentist”
7зъбоболzabobol “toothache”
8лекарствоlekarstvo “medicine” 
9упойкаupoyka “anesthesia” 
10успокоителноuspokoitelno “tranquilizer”
11инжекцияinzhektsiya “injection”
12кръвkrav “blood” 
13уринаurina “urine” 
14диагнозаdiagnoza “diagnosis” 

Hospital Care


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1собственикsobstvenik “owner”
2конкуренцияkonkurentsiya “competition”
3конференцияkonferentsiya “conference”
4срещаsreshta “meeting” 
5презентацияprezentatsiya “presentation” 
6предприемачpredpriemach “entrepreneur”
7разговорrazgovor “conversation”
8секретаркаsekretarka “secretary” 
9договарянеdogovaryane “negotiation” 
10договорdogovor “contract”
11продажбаprodazhba “sale” 
12покупкаpokupka “purchase” 
13разработванеrazrabotvane “development” 

    → You can practice simple business dialogue and complete some tests by watching this 15-minute video about Business Bulgarian.


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1любовlyubov “love”
2гаджеgadzhe “boyfriend” / “girlfriend” 
3романтикаromantika “romance” 
4чувстваchuvstva “feelings” 
5емоцииemotsii “emotions”
6предложениеpredlozhenie “proposal” 
7кум/кумаkum/kuma “godfather” / “godmother”
8шаферкаshaferka “bridesmaid” 
годежgodezh “engagement” 

    → If you’re interested in exploring love and romance vocabulary in greater detail, you can check out this romantic wordlist on


Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 3

Let’s practice again! Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.


Страдам от главоболие, затова утре ще отида на (лекар, санитар, зъболекар).
Stradam ot glavobolie, zatova utre shte otida na (lekar, sanitar, zabolekar).
“I am suffering from a headache, so tomorrow I will go to a (doctor, nurse, dentist).”

Now, try it yourself:

  • Според лекаря диагнозата ми е (инжекция, успокоително, диабет).
    Spored lekarya diagnozata mi e (inzhektsiya, uspokoitelno, diabet).
    “According to the doctor, my diagnosis is (injection, sedative, diabetes).”
  • Усещам силна (лекарство, болка, упойка) в гърдите.
    Useshtam silna (lekarstvo, bolka, upoyka) v gardite.
    “I feel a strong (medicine, pain, anesthesia) in my chest.”
  • Искам да ти направя специално (предложение, чувства, любов).
    Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno (predlozhenie, chuvstva, lyubov).
    Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno (predlozhenie, chuvstva, lyubov).
  • Утре имам важна (договор, конкуренция, среща) с клиент.
    Utre imam vazhna (dogovor, konkurentsiya, sreshta) s klient.
    “Tomorrow, I have an important (contract, competition, meeting) with a client.”


Now, let’s look at the most important intermediate Bulgarian verbs. We’ve included verbs that belong to some of the categories we saw earlier so that you can have a more complete vocabulary on these topics!

Job Interview Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1интервюирамintervyuiram “to interview”
2кандидатствамkandidatstvam “to apply”
3подавамpodavam “to submit”
4разработвамrazrabotvam “to develop” 
5отпадамotpadam “to drop out” 
6успявамuspyavam “to succeed” 
7продължавамprodalzhavam “to continue”
8съревновавам сеsarevnovavam se“to compete” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1изпитвамizpitvam “to examine”
2учаucha “to study” 
3схващамshvashtam  “to understand” 
4образовам сеobrazovam se “to get educated”
5подготвям сеpodgotvyam se“to prepare”
6следвамsledvam “to study”
следвам also means “to follow,” but here we use it with the meaning of “to study.”

Example:     Следвам медицина.
                    Sledvam meditsina.
                    “I study medicine.” 
7преподавамprepodavam “to teach” 
8изследвамizsledvam “to research” 
9напредвамnapredvam“to make progress”
10изучавамizuchavam“to study” (in detail)

Accommodation Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1наемамnaemam “to rent” 
2нощувамnoshtuvam “to stay for the night”
3капарирамkapariram“to put a down payment” 
4резервирамrezerviram “to book” 
5плащамplashtam“to pay” 

Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 1

We’re moving to the next level! In this practical exercise, try to form sentences combining both nouns and verbs. For each of the following sentences, you’ll need to choose the correct verbs and nouns out of several options to build a sentence that makes sense. Don’t worry if you find it too difficult at first. The answers at the end of this guide will help you see whether you’re on the right track.

  • Мениджърът ми възложи задачата да (разработвам, подавам, интервюирам) всички (кандидати, колеги, съдружници) за работа.

    Menidzharat mi vazlozhi zadachata da (razrabotvam, podavam, intervyuiram) vsichki (kandidati, kolegi, sadruzhnitsi) za rabota.

    “The manager assigned me the task of (developing, submitting, interviewing) all of the job (candidates, colleagues, partners).”
  • Като (историк, учител, химик, продавач) по математика аз (напредвам, преподавам, следвам) на учениците трудни задачи.

    Kato (istorik, uchitel, himik, prodavach) po matematika az (napredvam, prepodavam, sledvam) na uchenitsite trudni zadachi.

    “As a (historian, teacher, chemist, salesman) in mathematics, I (progress, teach, follow) students to solve difficult math problems.”
  • Налага се да (резервирам, нощувам) стая предварително, защото (банката, ресторантът, хотелът) каза, че в пиков сезон няма места.

    Nalaga se da (rezerviram, noshtuvam) staya predvaritelno, zashtoto (bankata, restorantat, hotelat) kaza, che v pikov sezon nyama mesta.

    “I have to (book, spend the night) a room in advance because (the bank, the restaurant, the hotel) said that there are no available rooms in the peak season.”
  • (Подготвям се, Образовам се, Схващам) за (подготовка, изпит, специалност) във вторник.

    (Podgotvyam se, Obrazovam se, Shvashtam) za (podgotovka, izpit, spetsialnost) vav vtornik.

    “(I am preparing myself, I am educating myself, I understand) for the (preparation, exam, specialty) on Tuesday.”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1летяletya “to fly” 
2чакамchakam “to wait”
3качвам сеkachvam se“to board”
4проверявамproveryavam “to check”
5купувамkupuvam “to buy” 
6закъснявамzakasnyavam “to be late” 
7отлагамotlagam “to postpone” 
8пристигамpristigam“to arrive” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1конкурирам сеkonkuriram se “to compete” 
2срещам сеsreshtam se“to meet” 
3презентирамprezentiram “to present” 
4договарям сеdogovaryam se“to agree” 
5продавамprodavam“to sell”
6купувамkupuvam “to buy” 
7разработвамrazrabotvam “to develop” 
8лицензирамlitsenziram “to license” 
9управлявамupravlyavam “to manage”
10консултирамkonsultiram“to consult” 

Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 2

Choose the correct nouns or verbs for the following sentences. 

  • (Проверявам, Чакам, Отлагам, Закъснявам) да мине (стюардесата, проверката, чакалнята) на документите и да се кача на самолета.
    (Proveryavam, Chakam, Otlagam, Zakasnyavam) da mine (styuardesata, proverkata, chakalnyata) na dokumentite i da se kacha na samoleta.
    “I (am checking, am waiting, am postponing, am late) for the documents to pass (the flight attendant, the check, the waiting room), so I can get on the plane.”
  • Като (собственик, секретарка, колега) управлявам голяма (компания, длъжност, стаж) за мебели.
    Kato (sobstvenik, sekretarka, kolega) upravlyavam golyama (kompaniya, dlazhnost, stazh) za mebeli.
    “As (an owner, a secretary, a colleague), I manage a large furniture (company, position, internship).”
  • Това решение е трудно, затова трябва да се (управлявам, консултирам, лиценцирам) със специалист.
    Tova reshenie e trudno, zatova tryabva da se (upravlyavam, konsultiram, litsentsiram) sas spetsialist.
    “This decision is difficult, so I have to (manage, consult, license) with a specialist.”
  • Често (се договарям, купувам, се срещам) този продукт, тъй като го ползвам на бизнес срещи.
    Chesto (se dogovaryam, kupuvam, se sreshtam) tozi produkt, tay kato go polzvam na biznes sreshti.
    “I often (negotiate, buy, meet) this product because I use it at business meetings.”
  • След половин час (отлагам, чакам, пристигам) на вашето (полет, билет, летище).
    Sled polovin chas (otlagam, chakam, pristigam) na vasheto (polet, bilet, letishte).
    “In half an hour, I will (postpone, wait, arrive) at your (flight, ticket, airport).”


This time, let’s study the essential adjectives for each of the categories we’ve been looking at. For your convenience, we’ve paired each adjective with its opposite! 

Keep in mind that each of these adjectives is listed in its singular masculine form. To change the grammatical gender (or number) of an adjective, you would need to add the appropriate ending as follows: 

одобрен (odobren) – “approved”       for Masculine
одобрена (odobrenа) – “approved”   for Feminine
одобрено (odobrenа) – “approved”   for Neuter
одобрени (odobrenа) – “approved”   for Plural

Job Interview Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
“not being taught”
“not understood”

Accommodation Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
“not booked”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
“sold out” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 

Practical Exercise for Adjectives

Choose the correct adjectives for the sentences below.

  • Този урок е много (работлив, интересен, общителен).
    Tozi urok e mnogo (rabotliv, interesen, obshtitelen).
    “This lesson is very (hardworking, interesting, sociable).”
  • Тези хора са изключително (проверени, одобрени, мързеливи).
    Tezi hora sa izklyuchitelno (provereni, odobreni, marzelivi).
    “These people are extremely (checked, approved, lazy).”
  • Искам добре (договорен, функциониращ, купен) кухненски уред.
    Iskam dobre (dogovoren, funktsionirasht, kupen) kuhnenski ured.
    “I want a well (negotiated, functioning, bought) kitchen appliance.”
  • Извинете, това място (проверено, пристигащо, заето) ли е?
    Izvinete, tova myasto (provereno, pristigashto, zaeto) li e?
    “Excuse me, is this place (checked, arriving, occupied)?”
  • Днес си много (мълчалив, провален, отхвърлен).
    Dnes si mnogo (malchaliv, provalen, othvarlen).
    “Today, you are very (silent, failed, rejected).”


Adverbs in Bulgarian can be divided into categories based on the part of speech they’re derived from.

Adverbs Derived From Nouns

Some adverbs, like those listed below, come from the old noun case forms

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
денемdenem “during the day”
нощемnoshtem “at night”
летеlete “in the summer”
зимеzime “in the winter”
снощиsnoshti“last night”

Adverbs Derived From Adjectives

These adverbs usually end in -о, but in more rare cases they can also end in -и, -е, or -ата.

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
чистоchisto “cleanly”
умноumno “cleverly”
глупавоglupavo “stupidly”
грубоgrubo “roughly”

Practical Exercise for Adverbs

We’ve already presented the following adjectives:


Knowing the rule that adverbs derived from adjectives are formed by adding the ending -o, turn these eight adjectives into adverbs. You can check your answers at the end of this guide.

Adverbs Derived From Numbers

These adverbs are derived from ordinal numbers and have the ending -o. Here are some examples:

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
първоparvo “first”
второvtoro “second”
третоtreto “third”
четвъртоchetvarto “fourth” 

Adverbs Derived From Verbs

These adverbs end in either -шком (-shkom) or -шката (-shkata), and are not quite popular in daily speech.

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
тичешкомteecheshkom “while running”
слепешкатаspeleshkata “blindly”
лежешкомlezheshkom“while lying”
стоешком stoeshkom“while standing”

Adverbs Derived From Prepositions

These adverbs usually present directions.

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
налявоnalyavo “to the left”
надясноnadyasno “to the right”
напредnapred “forward”
назадnazad “back” 
направоnapravo “straight ahead”
навътреnavatre “inside”



Here are some of the most common prepositions in the Bulgarian language:

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
заza “for”
надnad “above” 
следsled “after”
околоokolo “around”
средsred “among” 
срещуsreshtu “against” 
катоkato “as”
предиpredi “before”
подpod “beneath” / “below” 
задzad “behind” 
доdo “beside”
отвъдotvad “beyond”
междуmezhdu “between” 
отot “by” / “from”
въпрекиvapreki “despite”
къмkam “toward”
докатоdokato “till”
чрезchrez “through”
без bez “without”
порадиporadi “due to” 

Conjunctions and Auxiliary Words/Particles

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
From the Turkish word “eme”
амиami“but” / “well” / “what”
Sometimes used as дето (deto) with the same meaning
далиdali“whether” / “if”
макарmakar“although” / “though”
ниni“not one” / “none”
“neither” / “nor”
ни can play the role of both conjunction and particle. As a conjunction, it means “neither” or “nor.” When used as a particle, it means “not one” or “none”:
    Ни един от тях не победи.                           
    Ni edin ot tyah ne pobedi.
    “None of them won.”
обачеobache“however” / “but”
понежеponezhe“because” / “since”
пъкpak“however” / “though” / “but” / “yet” / “well” / “anyway” / “even so”
пък can play the role of both conjunction and particle. As a conjunction, it means “however” or “though.” As a particle, it means “well,” “anyway,” or “even so.”
сиречsirech“that is” / “i.e.”
щомshtom“as soon as” / “since” / “as” / “because” / “if”

How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn the Bulgarian language?

BulgarianPod101 prepared this comprehensive list of intermediate Bulgarian vocabulary words to help you advance in your Bulgarian language studies. Whether you intend to study, work, or just live in Bulgaria—or if you would like to get ready for your Bulgarian language exam—this extensive overview can help you reach your goals.

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And now it’s time to check your answers to the practical exercises…

Answers to the Practical Exercises

Answers to Practical Exercise for Larger Numbers

  • 32,758 -> “thirty two thousand seven hundred and fifty eight” -> тридесет и две хиляди седемстотин петдесет и осем (trideset i dve hilyadi sedemstotin petdeset i osem)
  • 489,831 -> “four hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred and thirty one” -> четиристотин осемдесет и девет хиляди осемстотин тридесет и едно (chetiristotin osemdeset i devet hilyadi osemstotin trideset i edno)
  • 4,965,986 -> “four million nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty six” -> четири милиона деветстотин шестдесет и пет хиляди деветстотин осемдесет и шест (chetiri miliona devet·stotin shestdeset i pet hilyadi devet·stotin osemdeset i shest)
  • 78,387,102 -> “seventy eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred and two” -> седемдесет и осем милиона триста осемдесет и седем хиляди сто и две  (sedemdeset i osem miliona trista osemdeset i sedem hilyadi sto i dve)
  • 500,006 -> “five hundred thousand and six” -> петстотин хиляди и шест (petstotin hilyadi i shest)

Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1

  • Отивам на интервю за работа.
    Otivam na intervyu za rabota.
    “I’m going to a job interview.”
  • Имам голям опит в сферата на маркетинга.
    Imam golyam opit v sferata na marketinga.
    “I have great experience in the field of marketing.”
  • Явявам се на изпит по математика.
    Yavyavam se na izpit po matematika.
    “I am taking an exam in mathematics.”
  • Интересувам се от растения и мечтата ми е да стана агроном.
    Interesuvam se ot rasteniya i mechtata mi e da stana agronom.
    “I am interested in plants and my dream is to become an agronomist.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 2

  • Търся наемател за моята квартира.
    Tarsya naematel za moyata kvartira.
    “I am looking for a tenant for my apartment.”
  • Ще изтегля пари от тази банка.
    Shte izteglya pari ot tazi banka.
    “I will withdraw money from this bank.”
  • Вашите документи за проверка, моля.
    Vashite dokumenti za proverka, molya.
    “Your documents for inspection, please.”
  • Тук можете да закупите билет.
    Tuk mozhete da zakupite bilet.
    “Here you can buy a ticket.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 3

  • Според лекаря диагнозата ми е диабет.
    Spored lekarya diagnozata mi e diabet.
    “According to the doctor, my diagnosis is diabetes.”
  • Усещам силна болка в гърдите.
    Useshtam silna bolka v gardite.
    “I feel a strong pain in my chest.”
  • Искам да ти направя специално предложение.
    Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno predlozhenie.
    “I want to make you a special proposal.”
  • Утре имам важна среща с клиент.
    Utre imam vazhna sreshta s klient.
    “Tomorrow, I have an important meeting with a client.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 1

  • Мениджърът ми възложи задачата да интервюирам всички кандидати за работа.

    Menidzharat mi vazlozhi zadachata da intervyuiram vsichki kandidati za rabota.

    “The manager assigned me the task of interviewing all the job candidates.”
  • Като учител по математика аз преподавам на учениците трудни задачи.

    Kato uchitel po matematika az prepodavam na uchenitsite trudni zadachi.

    “As a teacher in mathematics, I teach students to solve difficult math problems.”
  • Налага се да резервирам стая предварително, защото хотелът каза, че в пиков сезон няма места.

    Nalaga se da rezerviram staya predvaritelno, zashtoto hotelat kaza, che v pikov sezon nyama mesta.

    “I have to book a room in advance because the hotel said that there are no available rooms in the peak season.”
  • Подготвям се за изпит във вторник.

    Podgotvyam se za izpit vav vtornik.

    I am preparing myself for the exam on Tuesday.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 2

  • Чакам да мине проверката на документите и да се кача на самолета.
    Chakam da mine proverkata na dokumentite i da se kacha na samoleta.
    “I am waiting for the documents to pass the check, so that I can get on the plane.”
  • Като собственик управлявам голяма компания за мебели.
    Kato sobstvenik upravlyavam golyama kompaniya za mebeli.
    “As an owner, I manage a large furniture company.”
  • Това решение е трудно, затова трябва да се консултирам със специалист.
    Tova reshenie e trudno, zatova tryabva da se konsultiram sas spetsialist.
    “This decision is difficult, so I have to consult with a specialist.”
  • Често купувам този продукт, тъй като го ползвам на бизнес срещи.
    Chesto kupuvam tozi produkt, tay kato go polzvam na biznes sreshti.
    “I often buy this product because I use it at business meetings.”
  • След половин час пристигам на вашето летище.
    Sled polovin chas pristigam na vasheto letishte.
    “In half an hour, I will arrive at your airport.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Adjectives

  • Този урок е много интересен.
    Tozi urok e mnogo interesen.
    “This lesson is very interesting.”
  • Тези хора са изключително мързеливи.
    Tezi hora sa izklyuchitelno marzelivi.
    “These people are extremely lazy.”
  • Искам добре функциониращ кухненски уред.
    Iskam dobre funktsionirasht kuhnenski ured.
    “I want a well-functioning kitchen appliance.”
  • Извинете, това място заето ли е?
    Izvinete, tova myasto zaeto li e?
    “Excuse me, is this place occupied?”
  • Днес си много мълчалив.
    Dnes si mnogo malchaliv.
    “Today, you are very silent.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Adverbs


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