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Advanced Bulgarian Words: Speak Like a Native


If you’ve gotten used to the intermediate-level Bulgarian vocabulary and feel like it’s time to move ahead, then you’re in the right place. This advanced Bulgarian wordlist from BulgarianPod101 will take you to the next level and help you use Bulgarian fluently in a wide range of contexts.

In this extensive overview, you will get acquainted with a variety of advanced Bulgarian words, their meaning in English, and how to use them in sentences via the examples we’ve provided. For your convenience, we have divided these words into categories.

Of course, it may take a while for you to get used to these advanced Bulgarian words, as they have the highest level of difficulty. However, you can take advantage of these top 15 tips to remember Bulgarian words. We’ve also included some practical exercises that will help you memorize this new set of vocabulary, so don’t give up even if it seems too hard.

Now is the right time to overcome the last big challenge and become a highly proficient Bulgarian speaker!

A Man in a Suit Jumping from One Ledge to Another


Overcome the last big challenge with this guide.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Academic Words
  2. Advanced Business Words
  3. Advanced Medical Words
  4. Advanced Legal Words
  5. Alternative Words for Acing Bulgarian Writing/Essays
  6. How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?
  7. Answers to Practical Exercises

Advanced Academic Words

Let’s take a look at the following list of 27 advanced Bulgarian words related to academia, along with their pronunciation and their meaning in English. To help you understand how these words can be used in speech and writing, we have also included an example sentence for each word.

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Нека направим оценка на работата.Neka napravim otsenka na rabotata.
Meaning:Let’s make an assessment of the work. 

#2 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В това намирам пълно противоречие с истината.V tova namiram pаlno protivorechie s istinata.
Meaning:In this, I find a complete contradiction with the truth.

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Какво означава това съкращение?Kakvo oznachava tova sakrashtenie?
Meaning:What does this abbreviation mean? 

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Този израз е клише, затова го замени с по-подходящ.Tozi izraz e klishe, zatova go zameni s po-podhodyasht.
Meaning:This expression is a cliché, so replace it with a more suitable one. 

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Основанието за това е посочено в параграф 1.Osnovanieto za tova e posocheno v paragraf 1.
Meaning:The reason for this is set out in paragraph 1. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Твоята логика основава ли се на факти?Tvoyata logika osnovava li se na fakti?
Meaning:Is your logic based on facts? 

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
редакцияredaktsiyaedition / revision 
Example:След направената редакция статията изглежда по-добре.Sled napravenata redaktsiya statiyata izglezhda po-dobre.
Meaning:After the edition, the article looks better. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
проучванеprouchvanestudy / research
Example:След детайлно проучване на проблема комисията реши да вземе окончателно решение.Sled detaylno prouchvane na problema komisiyata reshi da vzeme okonchatelno reshenie.
Meaning:After a detailed study of the problem, the commission decided to make a final decision. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Общност е група от хора, които имат емоционална връзка помежду си.Obshtnost e grupa ot hora, koito imat emotsionalna vrazka pomezhdu si.
Meaning:A community is a group of people who have an emotional connection with one another. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Ренесансовият хуманизъм е насочен към образованието на младите.Renesansoviyat humanizam e nasochen kam obrazovanieto na mladite.
Meaning:Renaissance humanism focused on the education of the young. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Младежът беше подложен на строга критика.Mladezhat beshe podlozhen na stroga kritika.
Meaning:The young man was subjected to severe criticism. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Изучаването на различните видове науки разширяват кръгозора.Izuchavaneto na razlichnite vidove nauki razshiryavat kragozora.
Meaning:The study of different types of science broadens one’s horizons. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Училищната среда съдейства за социализацията на децата.Uchilishtnata sreda sadeystva za sotsializatsiyata na detsata.
Meaning:The school environment promotes socialization of children. 

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Компанията избира да инвестира в човешки ресурси.Kompaniyata izbira da investira v choveshki resursi.
Meaning:The company chooses to invest in human resources. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Статията използва препратка към закона за образованието.Statiyata izpolzva prepratka kam zakona za obrazovanieto.
Meaning:The article contains a reference to the education law. 

#16 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В най-новата публикация във вестника пише по този въпрос.V nay-novata publikatsiya vav vestnika pishe po tozi vapros.
Meaning:The latest publication in the newspaper writes about this issue. 

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В земеделския форум се обсъжда темата за доставките на жито.V zemedelskiya forum se obsazhda temata za dostavkite na zhito.
Meaning:The topic of wheat delivery is being discussed in the agricultural forum. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:От днес започвам да работя по нов проект.Ot dnes zapochvam da rabotya po nov proekt.
Meaning:As of today, I’m starting to work on a new project. 

#19 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:На семинара присъстваха много хора на науката.Na seminara prisastvaha mnogo hora na naukata.
Meaning:The seminar was attended by many people of science. 

#20 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
конференцияkonferentsiya conference 
Example:Тази година конференцията ще се проведе в София.Tazi godina konferentsiyata shte se provede v Sofiya.
Meaning:The conference will be held in Sofia this year. 

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В доклада бяха споменати и причините за възникналата ситуация.V doklada byaha spomenati i prichinite za vazniknalata situatsiya.
Meaning:The report also mentioned the reasons for the situation. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
колекцияkolektsiya collection 
Example:Иван реши да си направи колекция от пощенски марки.Ivan reshi da si napravi kolektsiya ot poshtenski marki.
Meaning:Ivan decided to make a collection of postage stamps.

An Assortment of Postage Stamps

Ivan decided to make a collection of postage stamps.

#23 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В програмата тази година са заложени основните приоритети на компанията.V programata tazi godina sa zalozheni osnovnite prioriteti na kompaniyata.
Meaning:The main priorities of the company are included in the program this year.

#24 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Властта се обърна към населението с манифест.Vlastta se obarna kam naselenieto s manifest.
Meaning:The government addressed the population with a manifesto. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Ще проверя в архива дали в библиотеката е налична тази книга.Shte proverya v arhiva dali v bibliotekata e nalichna tazi kniga.
Meaning:I will check in the archive whether this book is available in the library. 

#26 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
специализантspetsializant postgraduate student
Example:Тази година той е специализант по медицина.Tazi godina toy e spetsializant po meditsina.
Meaning:This year, he is a postgraduate student in medicine. 

A Young Doctor and a Nurse Looking at a Clipboard Together

This year, he is a postgraduate student in medicine.

#27 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:За да повиши квалификацията си, Елена започна да учи за докторант.Za da povishi kvalifikatsiyata si, Elena zapochna da uchi za doktorant.
Meaning:In order to improve her qualification, Elena started to study for a doctorate. 

Practical Exercise for Advanced Academic Words

BulgarianPod101 understands that these academic words can be quite challenging. This is why we’ve prepared some practical exercises to help you understand and memorize these words better.

Please, fill in the blanks below with the correct words. The English text will help you find the correct place for each word. To make it a bit harder, try not to look at the meaning of the bolded Bulgarian words. Note that the word “проучване” is used twice. 

Words: (редакция, доклад, ресурс, проучване, критика, програма, оценка, проект)

В края на годината служителят на компанията състави ___________, където включи своята ___________ за постигнатото през годината. Той беше направил подробно ___________ на човешкия ___________ и доколко предвидената за тази година ___________ беше изпълнена. Директорът не беше доволен от постигнатото и започна безмилостна ___________, насочена към персонала. За следващата година той заповяда да се направи ново ___________ на клиентите, конкурентите и стратегиите и да се направи цялостна ___________ на политиката. Предстоeше и осъществяването на нов ___________.

V kraya na godinata sluzhitelyat na kompaniyata sаstavi ___________, kаdeto vklyuchi svoyata ___________ za postignatoto prez godinata. Toy beshe napravil podrobno ___________ na choveshkiya ___________ i dokolko predvidenata za tazi godina ___________ beshe izpalnena. Direktorat ne beshe dovolen ot postignatoto i zapochna bezmilostna ___________, nasochena kam personala. Za sledvashtata godina toy zapovyada da se napravi novo ___________ na klientite, konkurentite i strategiite i da se napravi tsyalostna ___________ na politikata. Predstoeshe i osashtestvyavaneto na nov ___________.

At the end of the year, the company’s employee compiled a report, which included his assessment of the achievements during the year. He had carried out a detailed study of human resources and the extent to which the program planned for this year had been implemented. The director was dissatisfied with what had been achieved and began relentless criticism of the staff. For the next year, he ordered new research of customers, competitors, and strategies to be performed, along with a comprehensive revision of the policy. A new project was forthcoming. 

*You can check your answers at the end of this review.

Advanced Business Words

Here’s a list of 25 useful Bulgarian business words to know at the advanced level. These words will give you a leg up in the business world, but if you want even more practical vocabulary, make sure to check out our article on Bulgarian business phrases.

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
устойчивостustoychivost sustainability 
Example:Тази година компанията може да се похвали с по-голяма устойчивост в икономическата криза.Tazi godina kompaniyata mozhe da se pohvali s po-golyama ustoychivost v ikonomicheskata kriza.
Meaning:This year, the company boasts greater sustainability in the economic crisis. 

#2 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Example:Условията по договора са прозрачни и не съдържат скрити такси.Usloviyata po dogovora sa prozrachni i ne sadarzhat skriti taksi.
Meaning:The terms and conditions of the contract are transparent and do not contain hidden fees.

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
стабилностstabilnost stability 
Example:Мениджърът се надява да допринесе за по-голямата стабилност на компанията.Menidzharat se nadyava da doprinese za po-golyamata stabilnost na kompaniyata.
Meaning:The manager hopes to contribute to the greater stability of the company. 

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
разрастванеrazrastvane expansion 
Example:Благодарение на новия продукт последва разрастване на базата клиенти.Blagodarenie na noviya produkt posledva razrastvane na bazata klienti.
Meaning:Thanks to the new product, an expansion of the customer base followed.

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
политикаpolitika policy 
Example:Настоящата политика на компанията съдържа всичките ѝ цели.Nastoyashtata politika na kompaniyata sadarzha vsichkite i tseli.
Meaning:The current policy of the company contains all its goals. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
мисияmisiya mission 
Example:Основната мисия на компанията е да удовлетвори нуждите на клиентите.Osnovnata misiya na kompaniyata e da udovletvori nuzhdite na klientite.
Meaning:The main mission of the company is to meet the needs of customers. 

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:В условията на силна конкуренция, всеки собственик на бизнес се стреми да привлече по-голяма клиентела.V usloviyata na silna konkurentsiya, vseki sobstvenik na biznes se stremi da privleche po-golyama klientela.
Meaning:In the face of strong competition, every business owner strives to attract more clientele.

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
търговецtargovets merchant 
Example:Този търговец предложи най-изгодната оферта.Tozi targovets predlozhi nay-izgodnata oferta.
Meaning:This merchant offered the best deal. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
доставчикdostavchik supplier 
Example:Необходимо е да се свържем с този доставчик за нова поръчка.Neobhodimo e da se svarzhem s tozi dostavchik za nova porachka.
Meaning:We need to contact this supplier for a new order. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
моделmodel model 
Example:Следването на подходящ бизнес модел е от съществено значение за компанията.Sledvaneto na podhodyasht biznes model e ot sashtestveno znachenie za kompaniyata.
Meaning:Following an appropriate business model is essential for the company. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
търговска маркаtargovska markatrademark
Example:Това не е добре позната търговска марка.Tova ne e dobre poznata targovska marka.
Meaning:This is not a well-known trademark. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Фирмата се радва на добра организация, съдействаща за успешното извършване на работата.Firmata se radva na dobra organizatsiya, sadeystvashta za uspeshnoto izvarshvane na rabotata.
Meaning:The company enjoys good organization, contributing to the successful completion of the work. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
акцияaktsiya action 
Example:Общността проведе нова акция по засаждане на дръвчета през почивните дни.Obshtnostta provede nova aktsiya po zasazhdane na dravcheta prez pochivnite dni.
Meaning:The community held a new action (campaign) of planting trees over the weekend. 

Someone Planting a Tree in Soil

The community held a new action of planting trees over the weekend.

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
дружествоdruzhestvo company / organization
Example:Това дружество беше учредено преди 5 години.Tova druzhestvo beshe uchredeno predi 5 godini.
Meaning:This company was established five years ago. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
бюджетbyudzhet budget
Example:Заради съкратения бюджет фирмата не успя да осъществи всичките си планове.Zaradi sakrateniya byudzhet firmata ne uspya da osashtestvi vsichkite si planove.
Meaning:Due to the reduced budget, the company could not implement all its plans. 

#16 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
рентабиленrentabilen profitable 
Example:Избирането на тази продуктова линия не е рентабилно за компанията.Izbiraneto na tazi produktova liniya ne e rentabilno za kompaniyata.
Meaning:Choosing this product line is not profitable for the company.

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Всеки бизнес план съдържа добре разработена структура.Vseki biznes plan sadarzha dobre razrabotena struktura.
Meaning:Each business plan contains a well-developed structure. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
реализацияrealizatsiya realization 
Example:Плановете на компанията бяха добри, но до тяхната реализация така и не се стигна.Planovete na kompaniyata byaha dobri, no do tyahnata realizatsiya taka i ne se stigna.
Meaning:The company’s plans were good, but their realization was not completed. 

#19 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Example:Този бизнес е много доходоносен.Tozi biznes e mnogo dohodonosen.
Meaning:This business is very profitable. 

#20 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
командировкаkomandirovkabusiness trip
Example:Част от служителите заминаха на командировка.Chast ot sluzhitelite zaminaha na komandirovka.
Meaning:Some of the employees went on a business trip. 

Two Business People Standing in an Airport with Luggage

Some of the employees went on a business trip.

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
заявкаzayavka request 
Example:Ще ти пусна заявка за този продукт.Shte ti pusna zayavka za tozi produkt.
Meaning:I will send you a request for this product. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Поради липса на достатъчно средства се наложи да тегля кредит.Poradi lipsa na dostatachno sredstva se nalozhi da teglya kredit.
Meaning:Due to a lack of funds, I had to take out a loan. 

#23 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:За да се стартира даден бизнес, е необходим начален капитал.Za da se startira daden biznes, e neobhodim nachalen kapital.
Meaning:Starting a business requires initial capital.

#24 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Ние ще участваме в тази инвестиция.Nie shte uchastvame v tazi investitsiya.
Meaning:We will participate in this investment. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
задължениеzadalzhenie debt 
Example:Компанията има неизплатено задължение по последния кредит.Kompaniyata ima neizplateno zadalzhenie po posledniya kredit.
Meaning:The company has an outstanding debt on the last loan.
    → Ready to test your listening skills? You can head over to BulgarianPod101’s YouTube channel, watch this listening comprehension video of a Bulgarian business presentation, and then take the test at the end!

Practical Exercise for Advanced Business Words

This exercise contains two columns: one with Bulgarian business words and the other with their English translations. Connect each Bulgarian word with its corresponding English translation.

търговец (targovets) 

доходоносен (dohodonosen) 

реализация (realizatsiya) 

бюджет (byudzhet) 

командировка (komandirovka) 

политика (politika) 

клиентела (klientela) 

разрастване (razrastvane) 

инвестиция (investitsiya)

устойчивост (ustoychivost) 

кредит (kredit)  

стабилност (stabilnost) 

прозрачен (prozrachen)





business trip 








Advanced Medical Words

Do you plan on studying medicine in Bulgaria, or perhaps finding a job here in the medical field? In either case, learning the advanced Bulgarian words below will give you a great headstart on your dreams. 

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Биопсията ще покаже дали има наличие на злокачествено заболяване.Biopsiyata shte pokazhe dali ima nalichie na zlokachestveno zabolyavane.
Meaning:The biopsy will show if there is any malignancy.

#2 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
деменцияdementsiya dementia 
Example:Възрастният човек страдаше от деменция и често се губеше.Vazrastniyat chovek stradashe ot dementsiya i chesto se gubeshe.
Meaning:The old man suffered from dementia and was often lost. 

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Резкият спад на кръвната захар води до хипогликемия.Rezkiyat spad na kravnata zahar vodi do hipoglikemiya.
Meaning:A sudden drop in blood sugar leads to hypoglycemia.

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Процесът на израждане на клетките се нарича мутация.Protsesat na izrazhdane na kletkite se naricha mutatsiya.
Meaning:The process of cell degeneration is called a mutation. 

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
щамshtam strain 
Example:Миналата седмица беше открит нов щам на коронавируса.Minalata sedmitsa beshe otkrit nov shtam na koronavirusa.
Meaning:A new strain of the coronavirus was discovered last week. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Младежите често страдат от акне, което е трудно лечимо.Mladezhite chesto stradat ot akne, koeto e trudno lechimo.
Meaning:Young people often suffer from acne, which is difficult to treat.

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Наред с традиционната медицина, някои предпочитат да приложат и акупунктура.Nared s traditsionnata meditsina, nyakoi predpochitat da prilozhat i akupunktura.
Meaning:Along with traditional medicine, some prefer to use acupuncture. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ампутацияamputatsiya amputation 
Example:Измръзването на крака беше толкова голямо, че се наложи ампутация на единия пръст.Izmrazvaneto na kraka beshe tolkova golyamo, che se nalozhi amputatsiya na ediniya prast.
Meaning:The frostbite of the foot was so great that it required the amputation of a toe. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ангинаangina tonsillitis 
Example:Като вторична инфекция от грипа се появи гнойна ангина.Kato vtorichna infektsiya ot gripa se poyavi gnoyna angina.
Meaning:As a secondary influenza infection, purulent tonsillitis appeared. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Това е главната артерия, която отвежда кръвта към сърцето.Tova e glavnata arteriya, koyato otvezhda kravta kam sartseto.
Meaning:This is the main artery that carries blood to the heart. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Във вените му тече българска кръв.Vav venite mu teche balgarska krav.
Meaning:Bulgarian blood flows in his veins. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:С увеличаване на заболеваемостта все повече хора си биха ваксина.S uvelichavane na zabolevaemostta vse poveche hora si biha vaksina.
Meaning:As the incidence of disease increased, more and more people got vaccinated. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Предстои ми преглед на щитовидната жлеза.Predstoi mi pregled na shtitovidnata zhleza.
Meaning:I’m up for an examination of my thyroid gland. 

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Той често се оплакваше от болки в корема и се оказа, че има възпалена жлъчка.Toy chesto se oplakvashe ot bolki v korema i se okaza, che ima vazpalena zhlachka.
Meaning:He often complained about abdominal pain, and it turned out that his gallbladder was inflamed. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Диабетикът се нуждае от редовни дози инсулин.Diabetikat se nuzhdae ot redovni dozi insulin.
Meaning:A diabetic needs regular doses of insulin. 

#16 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:След като той вече не можеше да диша добре, се стигна до интубация.Sled kato toy veche ne mozheshe da disha dobre, se stigna do intubatsiya.
Meaning:After he was no longer able to breathe well, intubation ensued.

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
инфекцияinfektsiya infection 
Example:Порязването с нож може да доведе до голяма инфекция в областта на раната.Poryazvaneto s nozh mozhe da dovede do golyama infektsiya v oblastta na ranata.
Meaning:A knife cut can lead to a large infection in the wounded area. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
парализаparaliza paralysis 
Example:В следствие на катастрофата пациентът беше диагностициран с парализа на долните крайници.V sledstvie na katastrofata patsientat beshe diagnostitsiran s paraliza na dolnite kraynitsi.
Meaning:As a result of the accident, the patient was diagnosed with paralysis of the lower limbs. 

#19 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
патоген patogenpathogen
Example:В момента учени изследват появата на нов патоген.V momenta ucheni izsledvat poyavata na nov patogen.
Meaning:Scientists are currently investigating the emergence of a new pathogen. 

#20 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
реанимацияreanimatsiyaintensive care
Example:Състоянието му крайно се влоши и го преместиха в отделението по реанимация.Sastoyanieto mu krayno se vloshi i go premestiha v otdelenieto po reanimatsiya.
Meaning:His condition deteriorated, and he was transferred to the intensive care unit.

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хемоглобинhemoglobin hemoglobin 
Example:Преди кръводаряването непременно проверяват нивото на хемоглобина.Predi kravodaryavaneto nepremenno proveryavat nivoto na hemoglobina.
Meaning:Before donating blood, be sure to check the hemoglobin level. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хепатитhepatit hepatitis 
Example:Хепатитът е известен още като болестта на мръсните ръце.Hepatitat e izvesten oshte kato bolestta na mrasnite ratse.
Meaning:Hepatitis is also known as the disease of dirty hands. 

#23 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хипертонияhipertoniya hypertension 
Example:Пациентът с хипертония се оплака от често сърцебиене.Patsientat s hipertoniya se oplaka ot chesto sartsebiene.
Meaning:The patient with hypertension complained of palpitations.

#24 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хремаhrema runny nose
Example:Много хора са алергични и страдат от хрема през пролетта.Mnogo hora sa alergichni i stradat ot hrema prez proletta.
Meaning:Many people have allergies and suffer from a runny nose in the spring. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
хрущялhrushtyal cartilage 
Example:Дефектите на ставния хрущял водят до увреждане на коляното.Defektite na stavniya hrushtyal vodyat do uvrezhdane na kolyanoto.
Meaning:Defects in the articular cartilage lead to knee damage. 

#26 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Example:Когато се притесня много, получавам сърцебиене.Kogato se pritesnya mnogo, poluchavam sartsebiene.
Meaning:When I worry a lot, I get palpitations. 
    → Want to expand your medical vocabulary even further? See this lesson about medicine on

Practical Exercise for Advanced Medical Words

While medical terms can be quite challenging, we’ve prepared a simple (and fun!) exercise for you. Just connect the Bulgarian medical term with the correct picture. You can check your answers at the end of this article.

ваксина (vaksina)
Runny Nose

хрема (hrema)

акне (akne)

вена (vena)

акупунктура (akupunktura)

Advanced Legal Words

You might not be able to use these advanced Bulgarian terms in everyday life, but knowing them will allow you to engage in more complex conversations and maybe even help you land a job in the legal world!  

#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
иск isk claim
Example:В съда беше внесен иск срещу обвиняемия.V sada beshe vnesen isk sreshtu obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:A claim was filed in court against the defendant. 

#2 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
прокурор prokurorprosecutor
Example:На заседанието прокурорът изложи всички доказателства за виновността на обвиняемия.Na zasedanieto prokurorat izlozhi vsichki dokazatelstva za vinovnostta na obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:At the hearing, the prosecutor presented all the evidence of the defendant’s guilt. 

#3 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
адвокат advokat lawyer
Example:Адвокатът опита да намери смекчаващи вината обстоятелства в случая на своя клиент.Advokatat opita da nameri smekchavashti vinata obstoyatelstva v sluchaya na svoya klient.
Meaning:The lawyer tried to find mitigating circumstances in his client’s case. 

#4 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
защита zashtitadefense
Example:Всеки обвиняем има право на защита.Vseki obvinyaem ima pravo na zashtita.
Meaning:Every defendant has the right to a defense. 

#5 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ответник otvetnikdefendant
Example:Ответникът трябва да се яви в съда в 11 ч.Otvetnikat tryabva da se yavi v sada v 11 chasa.
Meaning:The defendant must appear in court at 11 o’clock. 

#6 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
ищец ishtetsplaintiff
Example:По думите на ищеца вие сте се забавили с плащането.Po dumite na ishtetsa vie ste se zabavili s plashtaneto.
Meaning:According to the plaintiff, you delayed the payment.

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
съд sadcourt
Example:Съдията влезе в съда.Sadiyata vleze v sada.
Meaning:The judge entered the court. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
заседание zasedaniehearing 
Example:Заседанието на съда започна.Zasedanieto na sada zapochna.
Meaning:The court hearing began. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
разпит razpitquestioning
Example:Всички свидетели по делото бяха поканени на разпит.Vsichki svideteli po deloto byaha pokaneni na razpit.
Meaning:All witnesses in the case were summoned for questioning. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
свидетел svidetel witness 
Example:Нито един свидетел не опроверга обвинението.Nito edin svidetel ne oproverga obvinenieto.
Meaning:No witness denied the accusation. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
заседател zasedateljuror
Example:Заседанието започна при липсата на един съдебен заседател.Zasedanieto zapochna pri lipsata na edin sadeben zasedatel.
Meaning:The hearing began in the absence of a juror. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
престъпление prestaplenie crime
Example:Това престъпление беше извършено през нощта.Tova prestaplenie beshe izvarsheno prez noshtta.
Meaning:This crime was committed at night. 

#13 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
обвиняем obvinyaemdefendant
Example:Най-близкият на убития беше обвиняем.Nay-blizkiyat na ubitiya beshe obvinyaem.
Meaning:The person closest to the victim was the defendant. 

#14 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
престъпник prestapnikcriminal
Example:Не си личи по външния му вид, че е престъпник.Ne si lichi po vanshniya mu vid, che e prestapnik.
Meaning:He doesn’t look like a criminal. 

#15 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
вина vina guilt
Example:Мъжът не чувстваше никаква вина за деянието.Mazhat ne chuvstvashe nikakva vina za deyanieto.
Meaning:The man felt no regret for the act. 

#16 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
доказателство dokazatelstvо evidence 
Example:Съдът събираше доказателства за виновността на обвиняемия.Sadat sabirashe dokazatelstva za vinovnostta na obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:The court was gathering evidence of the defendant’s guilt. 

#17 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
наказание nakazanie judgement
Example:Наложеното наказание е съразмерно с вината.Nalozhenoto nakazanie e sarazmerno s vinata.
Meaning:The judgement imposed is proportionate to the guilt. 

#18 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
право pravoright
Example:Обвиняемият има права, които трябва да се спазват при разпита.Obvinyaemiyat ima prava, koito tryabva da se spazvat pri razpita.
Meaning:The defendant has rights that must be respected during the interrogation. 

#19 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
обезщетение obezshteteniecompensation
Example:Освен наказание с лишаване от свобода, обвиняемият трябваше да плати и обезщетение.Osven nakazanie s lishavane ot svoboda, obvinyaemiyat tryabvashe da plati i obezshtetenie.
Meaning:In addition to imprisonment, the defendant had to pay compensation as well. 

#20 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
доживотен dozhivoten lifelong
Example:Съдът не наложи доживотен затвор, както всички очакваха.Sadat ne nalozhi dozhivoten zatvor, kakto vsichki ochakvakha.
Meaning:The court did not impose a life sentence, as everyone expected. 

#21 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
помилване pomilvane pardon 
Example:Адвокатът пледираше за помилване на обвиняемия.Advokatat pledirashe za pomilvane na obvinyaemiya.
Meaning:The lawyer pleaded for pardon of the defendant. 

#22 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
затвор zatvorprison 
Example:Осъдиха престъпника на 2 години затвор.Osadiha prestapnika na 2 godini zatvor.
Meaning:The criminal was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

#23 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
невинен nevineninnocent
Example:Осъденият каза, че е невинен.Osadeniyat kaza, che e nevinen.
Meaning:The convict said he was innocent. 

#24 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
освободен osvobodenreleased
Example:Той плати гаранцията, за да бъде освободен.Toy plati garantsiyata, za da bade osvoboden.
Meaning:He paid the bail to be released. 

#25 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
преследване presledvane prosecution
Example:Съдебно преследване грози нарушителите на закона.Sadebno presledvane grozi narushitelite na zakona.
Meaning:Violators face prosecution. 

Practical Exercise for Advanced Legal Words

Fill in the blanks with the correct advanced legal word out of the three options presented.

Всеки ____________(съд, затвор, престъпник) трябва да понесе ____________(заседание, наказание, доказателство).
Vseki (sad, zatvor, prestapnik) tryabva da ponese (zasedanie, nakazanie, dokazatelstvo).
Every criminal must bear judgement.

Всеки е ____________(невинен, доживотен, обвиняем) до доказване на ____________(помилването, преследването, вината).
Vseki e (nevinen, dozhivoten, obvinyaem) do dokazvane na (pomilvaneto, presledvaneto, vinata).
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Присъдата на обвиняемия беше ____________(освободен, обвиняем, доживотен) затвор.
Prisadata na obvinyaemiya beshe (osvoboden, obvinyaem, dozhivoten) zatvor.
The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Издадена бе окончателна ____________(защита, присъда, вина) без право на ____________(помилване, обезщетение, доказателство).
Izdadena be okonchatelna (zashtita, prisada, vina) bez pravo na (pomilvane, obezshtetenie, dokazatelstvo).
A final sentence was issued without the right to pardon.

Адвокатът не можа да намери ____________(престъпление, заседание, доказателство) за оправдаването на ____________(престъпника, прокурора, ищеца).
Advokatat ne mozha da nameri (prestaplenie, zasedanie, dokazatelstvo) za opravdavaneto na (prestapnika, prokurora, ishtetsa).
The lawyer could not find evidence for the acquittal of the criminal.

Alternative Words for Acing Bulgarian Writing/Essays

If you would like to improve your writing style so that it sounds closer to a native’s level, we suggest you substitute the following words with their more advanced synonyms. This will make your essays more impressive and powerful. We have categorized our suggestions based on part of speech.


#1 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation

Услугата включва (денонощен мониторинг) денонощно наблюдение.Uslugata vklyuchva (denonoshten monitoring) denonoshtno nablyudenie.
Meaning:The service includes round-the-clock monitoring. 

#2  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace локацияlokatsiyalocation 
With местоположениеmestopolozhenielocation 
Example:Можете да споделите (локацията) местоположението си.Mozhete da spodelite (lokatsiyata) mestopolozhenieto si.
Meaning:You can share your location. 

#3  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace експозицияekspozitsiyaexposition
With изложбаizlozhbaexposition / exhibition

Днес беше открита нова (експозиция) изложба в града на розите.Dnes beshe otkrita nova (ekspozitsiya) izlozhba v grada na rozite.
Meaning:A new exhibition opened today in The City of Roses. 

#4  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace евентeventevent
With събитиеsabitieevent
Example:(Официалният евент) Официалното събитие беше посетено от президента.(Ofitsialniyat event) Ofitsialnoto sabitie beshe poseteno ot prezidenta.
Meaning:The official event was attended by the President. 

#5  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace шоуshou show
With представлениеpredstavlenieshow
Example:Много знаменити актьори участваха в това (шоу) представление.Mnogo znameniti aktyori uchastvaha v tova (shou) predstavlenie.
Meaning:Many famous actors took part in this show. 

#6  Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace мотивацияmotivatsiyamotivation
With подбудаpodbudamotivation
Example:(Мотивацията) Подбудата му е да направи света по-добър.(Motivatsiyata) Podbudata mu e da napravi sveta po-dobar.
Meaning:His motivation is to make the world a better place. 

#7 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace красотаkrasotabeauty
With прелестprelestbeauty
Example:Под семплата външност се крие истинска (красота) прелест.Pod semplata vanshnost se krie istinska (krasota) prelest.
Meaning:Beneath the simple appearance lies a real beauty. 

#8 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace печалбаpechalbaprofit
With облагаoblagaprofit
Example:Той се възползва от тази материална (печалба) облага.Toy se vazpolzva ot tazi materialna (pechalba) oblaga.
Meaning:He takes advantage of this material profit. 

#9 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace съгласиеsaglasieunderstanding
With разбирателствоrazbiratelstvounderstanding
Example:Хубаво е да живеем в (съгласие) разбирателство.Hubavo e da zhiveem v (saglasie) razbiratelstvo.
Meaning:It is good to live in understanding. 

#10 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace заплатаzaplatasalary
With трудово възнаграждениеtrudovo vaznagrazhdeniesalary
Example:Всеки месец получавам (заплата) трудово възнаграждение.Vseki mesets poluchavam (zaplata) trudovo vaznagrazhdenie.
Meaning:Every month, I receive a salary. 

#11 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace директорdirektormanager 
With управителupravitelmanager 

Днес (директорът) управителят на фирмата събра работниците на кратко събрание.Dnes (direktorat) upravitelyat na firmata sabra rabotnitsite na kratko sabranie.
Meaning:Today, the company’s manager gathered the workers for a short meeting. 

#12 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace кешkeshcash
With пари в бройpari v broycash
Example:Плащането е (в кеш) с пари в брой.Plashtaneto e (v kesh) s pari v broy.
Meaning:Payment is in cash. 

#13 Bulgarian nounPronunciationTranslation
Replace офертаofertaoffer
With предложениеpredlozhenieoffer
Example:Това е много (изгодна оферта) изгодно предложение.Tova e mnogo (izgodna oferta) izgodno predlozhenie.
Meaning:This is a very good offer. 


#1 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace стартирамstartiramto start
With започвамzapochvam to start

Днес планирам да (стартирам) започна нов проект.Dnes planiram da (startiram) zapochna nov proekt.
Meaning:Today, I plan to start a new project. 

#2 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace планирамplaniramto plan
With крояkroya to plan
* кроя is used in a negative context and can be translated as “to be up for mischief.”
Example:Веднага разбрах, че (планираш) кроиш да направиш нещо лошо.Vednaga razbrah, che (planirash) kroish da napravish neshto losho.
Meaning:I immediately realized that you were planning to do something bad. 

#3 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace планирамplaniramto plan
With възнамерявамvaznameryavam to plan
* Аnother verb for планирам, but this time with a positive meaning
Example:Скоро (планирам) възнамерявам да създам семейство.Skoro (planiram) vaznameryavam da sazdam semeystvo.
Meaning:I plan to start a family soon. 

#4 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace създавамsazdavamto create
With творяtvorya to create
Example:Отдавна не съм (създавал) творил нещо ново.Otdavna ne sam (sazdaval) tvoril neshto novo.
Meaning:I haven’t created anything new for a long time. 

#5 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace идвамidvamto come / to arrive
With пристигамpristigam to arrive
* While идвам is usually used for coming by foot, пристигам is used for arriving by vehicle.
Example:Утре (идвам) пристигам с автобуса на автогарата.Utre (idvam) pristigam s avtobusa na avtogarata.
Meaning:Tomorrow, I will arrive by bus at the bus station. 

#6 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace мечтаяmechtayato dream
With копнеяkopneya to dream / to long for
* While мечтая is not incorrect, копнея shows a higher degree of desire.
Example:Отдавна (мечтая) копнея да срещна хора като вас.Otdavna (mechtaya) kopneya da sreshtna hora kato vas.
Meaning:I have dreamed of meeting people like you for a long time. 

#7 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace мисляmislyato think
With считамschitamto think
Example:Определено (мисля) считам, че предложението е добро.Opredeleno (mislya) schitam, che predlozhenieto e dobro.
Meaning:I definitely think the proposal is good. 

#8 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace учаuchato study
With изучавамizuchavamto study
Example:Дълги години (учех) изучавах историята на България.Dalgi godini (ucheh) izuchavah istoriyata na Balgariya.
Meaning:For many years, I studied the history of Bulgaria

#9 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace разбирамrazbiramto understand 
With схващамshvashtam to understand 
Example:Той може много добре да (разбере) схване разликата.Toy mozhe mnogo dobre da (razbere) shvane razlikata.
Meaning:He can understand the difference very well. 

#10 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace харчаharchato spend 
With изразходвамizrazhodvam to spend 
Example:Налага се да (изхарча) изразходя всичките си пари за този проект.Nalaga se da (izharcha) izrazhodya vsichkite si pari za tozi proekt.
Meaning:I have to spend all my money on this project. 

#11 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace оглагамotlagamto postpone 
With отрочвамotsrochvam to postpone 
Example:Няма да се наложи да (отлагам) отсрочвам изпита.Nyama da se nalozhi da (otlagam) otsrochvam izpita.
Meaning:I will not have to postpone the exam. 

#12 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace правяpravyato make
With изработвамizrabotvam to make
Example:От много отдавна (правя) изработвам глинени съдове.Ot mnogo otdavna (pravya) izrabotvam glineni sadove.
Meaning:I have been making pottery for a long time.

#13 Bulgarian verbPronunciationTranslation
Replace консултирамkonsultiramto consult 
With съветвамsavetvam to advise 
Example:По този въпрос трябва да се (консултирам) посъветвам със специалист.Po tozi vapros tryabva da se (konsultiram) posavetvam sas spetsialist.
Meaning:I should get advised by a specialist on this issue. 


#1 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace голямgolyambig/great
With огроменogromen great/huge 
Example:По този въпрос имам (голям) огромен опит.Po tozi vapros imam (golyam) ogromen opit.
Meaning:I have great experience in this matter. 

#2 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace спокоенspokoencalm 
With хладнокръвенhladnokraven cold-blooded 
Example:Той даде съвсем (спокоен) хладнокръвен отговор на въпроса.Toy dade savsem (spokoen) hladnokraven otgovor na vaprosa.
Meaning:He gave a cold-blooded answer to the question. 

#3 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace решителенreshitelensteadfast
With непоколебимnepokolebimunwavering
Example:След като веднъж вземе решение, той е (решителен) непоколебим.Sled kato vednazh vzeme reshenie, toy e (reshitelen) nepokolebim.
Meaning:Once he makes a decision, he is unwavering.

#4 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace уморенumorentired
With изтощенiztoshten tired/exhausted 
Example:Чувствам се (уморен) изтощен след дългата работа.Chuvstvam se (umoren) iztoshten sled dalgata rabota.
Meaning:I feel exhausted after long work. 

#5 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace интересенintereseninteresting
With интригуващintriguvasht intriguing
Example:Този въпрос е много (интересен) интригуващ за мен.Tozi vapros e mnogo (interesen) intriguvasht za men.
Meaning:This question is very intriguing to me. 

#6 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace работливrabotlivhardworking
With трудолюбивtrudolyubivhardworking
Example:Човекът е много (работлив) трудолюбив.Chovekat e mnogo (rabotliv) trudolyubiv.
Meaning:The man is very hardworking.

#7 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace неподходящnepodhodyashtunsuitable
With неуместенneumesteninappropriate
Example:Твоят въпрос е съвсем (неподходящ) неуместен.Tvoyat vapros e savsem (nepodhodyasht) neumesten.
Meaning:Your question is completely inappropriate. 

#8 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace безинтересенbezinteresenuninteresting
With скученskuchenboring
Example:Този разказ е (безинтересен) скучен.Tozi razkaz e (bezinteresen) skuchen.
Meaning:This story is boring. 

#9 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace модеренmoderenmodern
With съвремененsavremenen contemporary 
Example:Този (модерен) съвременен стил ми харесва.Tozi (moderen) savremenen stil mi haresva.
Meaning:I like this contemporary style. 

#10 Bulgarian adjectivePronunciationTranslation
Replace богатbogatrich 
With заможенzamozhenwealthy
Example:(Богатият) Заможният човек отдели малко пари за каузата.(Bogatiyat) Zamozhniyat chovek otdeli malko pari za kauzata.
Meaning:The wealthy man set aside some money for the cause. 


#1 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace много mnogovery/too
With твърде tvarde too
Example:Този камък е (много) твърде тежък.Tozi kamak e (mnogo) tvarde tezhak.
Meaning:This stone is too heavy. 

#2 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace трудно trudnodifficult
With непосилно neposilnoimpossible
Example:Тази задача е (трудна) непосилна.Tazi zadacha e (trudna) neposilna.
Meaning:This task is (difficult) impossible. 

#3 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace нетърпимо netarpimointolerable
With непоносимо neponosimounbearable
Example:Положението е (нетърпимо) непоносимо.Polozhenieto e (netarpimo) neponosimo.
Meaning:The situation is unbearable. 

#4 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace постоянно postoyannoconstantly
With неизменно neizmenno constantly
Example:Той (постоянно) неизменно твърдеше, че има голям опит.Toy (postoyanno) neizmenno tvardeshe, che ima golyam opit.
Meaning:He constantly claimed to have extensive experience. 

#5 Bulgarian adverbPronunciationTranslation
Replace щедро shtedrogenerous
With великодушноvelikodushno generous
Example:Той реши да постъпи (щедро) великодушно към бедняка.Toy reshi da postapi (shtedro) velikodushno kam bednyaka.
Meaning:He decided to be generous to the poor man. 

How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn Bulgarian?

BulgarianPod101 hopes that this comprehensive guide to advanced Bulgarian vocabulary words helps you advance further in your knowledge of and experience with the Bulgarian language. It can be of great aid in preparation for your advanced-level Bulgarian language exam, and it’s a practical tool for reaching your learning goals.  

Since the advanced level is very challenging, you may need personal guidance to help you progress at this stage. If so, you can turn to our MyTeacher service to choose a native and experienced Bulgarian teacher who understands your difficulties and knows how to help you successfully overcome them.

We would love to hear your feedback about this article. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and we’ll help you out the best we can. 

And now, it’s time to check your answers to the practical exercises.

Answers to Practical Exercises

Advanced Academic Words

В края на годината служителят на компанията състави доклад, където включи своята оценка за постигнатото през годината. Той беше направил подробно проучване на човешкия ресурс и доколко предвидената за тази година програма беше изпълнена. Директорът не беше доволен от постигнатото и започна безмилостна критика, насочена към персонала. За следващата година той заповяда да се направи ново проучване на клиентите, конкурентите и стратегиите и да се направи цялостна редакция на политиката. Предстоeше и осъществяването на нов проект.

V kraya na godinata sluzhitelyat na kompaniyata sаstavi doklad, kаdeto vklyuchi svoyata otsenka za postignatoto prez godinata. Toy beshe napravil podrobno prouchvane na choveshkiya resurs i dokolko predvidenata za tazi godina programa beshe izpalnena. Direktorat ne beshe dovolen ot postignatoto i zapochna bezmilostna kritika, nasochena kam personala. Za sledvashtata godina toy zapovyada da se napravi novo prouchvane na klientite, konkurentite i strategiite i da se napravi tsyalostna redaktsiya na politikata. Predstoeshe i osashtestvyavaneto na nov proekt.

At the end of the year, the company’s employee compiled a report, which included his assessment of the achievements during the year. He had carried out a detailed study of human resources and the extent to which the program planned for this year had been implemented. The director was dissatisfied with what had been achieved and began relentless criticism of the staff. For the next year, he ordered new research of customers, competitors, and strategies to be performed, along with a comprehensive revision of the policy. A new project was forthcoming.

Advanced Business Words

търговец (targovets)

доходоносен (dohodonosen)

реализация (realizatsiya)

бюджет (byudzhet)

командировка (komandirovka)

политика (politika)

клиентела (clientela)

разрастване (razrastvane)

инвестиция (investitsiya)

устойчивост (ustoychivost)

кредит (kredit)

стабилност (stabilnost)

прозрачен (prozrachen)




business trip 









Advanced Medical Words

хрема (hrema)
Runny Nose
ваксина (vaksina)
акупунктура (akupunktura)
акне (akne)
вена (vena)

Advanced Legal Words

Всеки престъпник трябва да понесе наказание.
Vseki prestapnik tryabva da ponese nakazanie.
Every criminal must bear punishment.

Всеки е невинен до доказване на вината.
Vseki e nevinen do dokazvane na vinata.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Присъдата на обвиняемия беше доживотен затвор.
Prisadata na obvinyaemiya beshe dozhivoten zatvor.
The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Издадена бе окончателна присъда без право на помилване.
Izdadena be okonchatelna prisada bez pravo na pomilvane.
A final sentence was issued without the right to pardon.

Адвокатът не можа да намери доказателство за оправдаването на престъпника.
Advokatat ne mozha da nameri dokazatelstvo za opravdavaneto na prestapnika.
The lawyer could not find evidence for the acquittal of the criminal.

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300+ of the Most Common Intermediate Bulgarian Words


Studying a foreign language can be a real challenge, but as long as you’re persistent in your efforts, you can make steady progress. After learning the basics of the Bulgarian language and mastering the beginner-level words and phrases, it’s time to face the next challenge: intermediate Bulgarian vocabulary

BulgarianPod101 has created this detailed list of Bulgarian intermediate words and their meanings in English for the following reasons: 

  • To help you advance in your language learning and gain more confidence;
  • To help you enrich your vocabulary so you can more easily make local Bulgarian friends; 
  • To help you learn the language in-depth;
  • To help you communicate in various situations and lead simple conversations;
  • To help you make linguistic connections that increase your understanding and improve your memorization;
  • To help you start getting used to the Bulgarian language and culture.

If these points cover your own goals as a language learner, then you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, you will not only be able to review the most common intermediate Bulgarian words used in daily life, but also practice them in the practical exercises we’ve provided.

Hold on, Bulgarian intermediate level—we’re coming!

Hold On, Bulgarian Intermediate Level—We’re Coming!

Table of Contents
  1. Larger Numbers
  2. Nouns
  3. Verbs
  4. Adjectives
  5. Adverbs
  6. Prepositions
  7. Conjunctions and Auxiliary Words/Particles
  8. How Can BulgarianPod101 Help You Learn Bulgarian?
  9. Answers to the Practical Exercises

Larger Numbers

In our previous article on beginner words, we introduced the numbers one through ten. But what if you wanted to count further? Keep reading to learn the Bulgarian words for larger numbers (and make sure to visit our lesson Counting from 100-1,000,000 in Bulgarian, too!).


Tip: It’s easier to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just have to add the ending -десет (-deset) to the simple numbers. Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish

Let’s Advance in Counting


Tip: Note that 200 and 300 in Bulgarian have the ending -ста (-sta), while the larger numbers have the ending -стотин (-stotin). These endings play the same role as “hundred” does in English. 

For example:

  • nine hundred” = деветстотин (devetstotin)

* Note that hundreds in Bulgarian are written as one word, in contrast to English.

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
100стоsto“one hundred”
200двестаdvеsta“two hundred”
300тристаtristа“three hundred”
400четиристотинchetiristotin“four hundred”
500петстотинpetstotin“five hundred”
600шестстотинsheststotin“six hundred”
700седемстотинsedemstotin“seven hundred”
800осемстотинosemstotin“eight hundred”
900деветстотинdevetstotin“nine hundred”

    → If you feel like you need to review the numbers from one to ten in Bulgarian, you can take a look at this short video lesson from BulgarianPod101.


Tip: It’s easier to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just have to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the simple numbers. 

* Note that, in contrast to the tens and hundreds, the thousands in Bulgarian are written separately as two different words—just like in English.

For example:

  • two thousand” = две хиляди (dve hilyadi)

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
1000хилядаhilyada“one thousand” 
2000две хилядиdvе hilyadi“two thousand”
3000три хилядиtri hilyadi“three thousand” 
4000четири хилядиchetiri hilyadi“four thousand”
5000пет хилядиpet hilyadi“five thousand”
6000шест хилядиshest hilyadi“six thousand”
7000седем хилядиsedem hilyadi“seven thousand” 
8000осем хилядиosem hilyadi“eight thousand” 
9000девет хилядиdevet hilyadi“nine thousand” 

Ten Thousands

Tip: It’s easy to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just need to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the numbers 10-90 in Bulgarian. 

For example:

  • twenty thousand” = двадесет хиляди (dvadeset hilyadi)

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
10,000десет хилядиdeset hilyadi“ten thousand” 
20,000двадесет хилядиdvadeset hilyadi“twenty thousand” 
30,000тридесет хилядиtrideset hilyadi“thirty thousand”
40,000четиридесет хилядиchetirideset hilyadi“forty thousand” 
50,000петдесет хилядиpetdeset hilyadi“fifty thousand”
60,000шестдесет хилядиshestdeset hilyadi“sixty thousand”
70,000седемдесет хилядиsedemdeset hilyadi“seventy thousand” 
80,000осемдесет хилядиosemdeset hilyadi“eighty thousand”
90,000деветдесет хилядиdevetdeset hilyadi“ninety thousand”

Hundred Thousands

Tip: It’s easy to remember these words if you keep in mind that you just need to add the word хиляди (hilyadi) to the numbers 100-900 in Bulgarian. 

For example:

  • two hundred thousand” = двeста хиляди (dvastа hilyadi)

Note that, in Bulgarian, these numbers are written as two words; in English, they’re written as three.

Let’s take a look at the table:

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
100,000сто хилядиsto hilyadi“one hundred thousand”
200,000двеста хилядиdvеsta hilyadi“two hundred thousand”
300,000триста хилядиtristа hilyadi“three hundred thousand”
400,000четиристотин хилядиchetiristotin hilyadi“four hundred thousand”
500,000петстотин хилядиpetstotin hilyadi“five hundred thousand”
600,000шестстотин хилядиsheststotin hilyadi“six hundred thousand”
700,000седемстотин хилядиsedemstotin hilyadi“seven hundred thousand”
800,000осемстотин хилядиosemstotin hilyadi“eight hundred thousand” 
900,000деветстотин хилядиdevetstotin hilyadi“nine hundred thousand” 


Tip: Just add the Bulgarian word милиона (miliona) to any of the numbers we’ve mentioned to make the corresponding plural for “million.” Let’s take, for example, the numbers from one to ten million: 

NumbersBulgarian numberBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
1,000,000един милион edin milion“one million”
2,000,000два милиона dva miliona“two million” 
3,000,000три милиона tri miliona“three million”
4,000,000четири милиона chetiri miliona“four million”  
5,000,000пет милиона pet miliona“five million”  
6,000,000шест милиона shest miliona“six million” 
7,000,000седем милиона sedem miliona“seven million”  
8,000,000осем милиона osem miliona“eight million”  
9,000,000девет милиона devet miliona“nine million” 
10,000,000десет милиона deset miliona“ten million”  

Practical Exercise for Larger Numbers

Now, it’s your turn! Practice what you’ve learned so far by translating the following numbers into English. Don’t forget the tips given above, as they will make your job easier. 


2,568 -> “two thousand five hundred and sixty eight” -> две хиляди петстотин шестдесет и осем (dve hilyadi petstotin shestdeset i osem)

Tip: In Bulgarian, the conjunction “and” (и) comes before the ones, before the ones in thousands, and before the ones in millions if the number is larger than ones. For example, the Bulgarian translation of the number “78,387,102” has three “and” (и). Try to place them in the correct places. You can check whether your answers are correct at the end of this guide.

  • 32,758 -> “thirty two thousand seven hundred and fifty eight” -> 
  • 489,831 -> “four hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred and thirty one” -> 
  • 4,965,986 -> “four million nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty six” -> 
  • 78,387,102 -> “seventy eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred and two” -> 
  • 500,006 -> “five hundred thousand and six” ->


Our next set of intermediate Bulgarian words consists of nouns, considering their prevalence and importance in everyday speech. We’ve divided them into different categories for your convenience.

Job Interview Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1интервюintervyu “interview”
2длъжностdlazhnost “position”
3опитopit “experience”
4стажstazh “internship”
5заплатаzaplata “salary”
6сътрудникsatrudnik “associate”
7колегаkolega “colleague”
8мениджърmenidzhar “manager”
9директорdirektor “director”

Job Interview Vocabulary


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1училищеuchilishte “school”
2университетuniversitet “university”
3изпитizpit “exam”
4подготовкаpodgotovka “preparation”
5специалностspetsialnost “specialty”
6медицинаmeditsina “medicine”
7химияhimiya “chemistry”
8биологияbiologiya “biology” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1химикhimik “chemist”
2биологbiolog “biologist”
3шивачshivach “tailor” 
4техникtehnik “technician” 
5монтьорmontyor “mechanic”
6лаборантlaborant “laboratory assistant”
7преводачprevodach “translator” 
8писателpisatel “writer”
9продавачprodavach “seller”
11математикmatematik “mathematician”
12историкistorik “historian” 

Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1

Now, it’s time to practice what you’ve learned. Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.


В коя (завод, компания, заплата) сте работили?
V koya (zavod, kompaniya, zaplata) ste rabotili?
“In which (factory, company, salary) have you worked?”

Tip: The correct answer for the sentence above is компания (kompaniya) and not завод (zavod) because the Bulgarian pronoun коя (koya), meaning “which,” in the question applies only to feminine nouns. Компания is also feminine, while завод is masculine.

  • Отивам на (длъжност, опит, интервю) за работа.
    Otivam na (dlazhnost, opit, intervyu) za rabota.
    “I am going to a job (position, experience, interview).”
  • Имам голям (опит, заплата, длъжност) в сферата на маркетинга.
    Imam golyam (opit, zaplata, dlazhnost) v sferata na marketinga.
    “I have great (experience, salary, position) in the field of marketing.”
  • Явявам се на (изпит, специалност, подготовка) по математика.
    Yavyavam se na (izpit, spetsialnost, podgotovka) po matematika.
    “I am taking (an exam, a specialty, a preparation) in mathematics.”
  • Интересувам се от растения и мечтата ми е да стана (историк, агроном, писател).
    Interesuvam se ot rasteniya i mechtata mi e da stana (istorik, agronom, pisatel).
    “I am interested in plants, and my dream is to become (a historian, an agronomist, a writer).”

You can check your answers at the end of this article.

Accommodation Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1настаняванеnastanyavane “accommodation”
2нощувкаnoshtuvka “overnight”
3наемателnaematel “tenant”
4наемnaem “rent”
6капароkaparo “deposit”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1париpari “money”
2валутаvaluta “currency”
3банкоматbankomat “ATM”
4тегленеteglene “withdrawal”
5левlev “Bulgarian lev” 
6банкаbanka “bank” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1летищеletishte “airport”
2самолетsamolet “airplane”
3чакалняchakalnya “waiting room”
4багажbagazh “luggage”
5пилотpilot “pilot”
6стюардесаstyuardesa “flight attendant” 
8документиdokumenti “documents” 
9полетpolet “flight”

Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 2

Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.


Самолетът ще кацне на (летището, чакалнята, таксата) след половин час.
Samoletat shte katsne na (letishteto, chakalnyata, taksata) sled polovin chas.
“The airplane will land at (the airport, the waiting room, the fee) in half an hour.”

Now, try it yourself:

  • Търся (капаро, нощувка, наемател) за моята квартира.
    Tarsya (kaparo, noshtuvka, naematel) za moyata kvartira.
    “I am looking for (a deposit, an accommodation, a tenant) for my apartment.”
  • Ще изтегля пари от тази (кредитор, банка, банкомат).
    Shte izteglya pari ot tazi (kreditor, banka, bankomat).
    “I will withdraw money from this (creditor, bank, ATM).”

* Note: For this sentence, look at the tip for Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1.

  • Вашите (такса, документи, полет) за проверка, моля.
    Vashite (taksa, dokumenti, polet) za proverka, molya.
    “Your (fee, documents, flight) for inspection, please.”
  • Тук можете да закупите (полет, билет, такса, дестинация).
    Tuk mozhete da zakupite (polet, bilet, taksa, destinatsiya).
    “Here, you can buy (a flight, a ticket, a fee, a destination).”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1лекарlekar “doctor”
2санитарsanitar “sanitarian”
3болкаbolka “pain”
4болестbolest “disease”
5главоболиеglavobolie “headache”
6зъболекарzabolekar “dentist”
7зъбоболzabobol “toothache”
8лекарствоlekarstvo “medicine” 
9упойкаupoyka “anesthesia” 
10успокоителноuspokoitelno “tranquilizer”
11инжекцияinzhektsiya “injection”
12кръвkrav “blood” 
13уринаurina “urine” 
14диагнозаdiagnoza “diagnosis” 

Hospital Care


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1собственикsobstvenik “owner”
2конкуренцияkonkurentsiya “competition”
3конференцияkonferentsiya “conference”
4срещаsreshta “meeting” 
5презентацияprezentatsiya “presentation” 
6предприемачpredpriemach “entrepreneur”
7разговорrazgovor “conversation”
8секретаркаsekretarka “secretary” 
9договарянеdogovaryane “negotiation” 
10договорdogovor “contract”
11продажбаprodazhba “sale” 
12покупкаpokupka “purchase” 
13разработванеrazrabotvane “development” 

    → You can practice simple business dialogue and complete some tests by watching this 15-minute video about Business Bulgarian.


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1любовlyubov “love”
2гаджеgadzhe “boyfriend” / “girlfriend” 
3романтикаromantika “romance” 
4чувстваchuvstva “feelings” 
5емоцииemotsii “emotions”
6предложениеpredlozhenie “proposal” 
7кум/кумаkum/kuma “godfather” / “godmother”
8шаферкаshaferka “bridesmaid” 
годежgodezh “engagement” 

    → If you’re interested in exploring love and romance vocabulary in greater detail, you can check out this romantic wordlist on


Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 3

Let’s practice again! Choose the correct Bulgarian nouns for the sentences below, following the model.


Страдам от главоболие, затова утре ще отида на (лекар, санитар, зъболекар).
Stradam ot glavobolie, zatova utre shte otida na (lekar, sanitar, zabolekar).
“I am suffering from a headache, so tomorrow I will go to a (doctor, nurse, dentist).”

Now, try it yourself:

  • Според лекаря диагнозата ми е (инжекция, успокоително, диабет).
    Spored lekarya diagnozata mi e (inzhektsiya, uspokoitelno, diabet).
    “According to the doctor, my diagnosis is (injection, sedative, diabetes).”
  • Усещам силна (лекарство, болка, упойка) в гърдите.
    Useshtam silna (lekarstvo, bolka, upoyka) v gardite.
    “I feel a strong (medicine, pain, anesthesia) in my chest.”
  • Искам да ти направя специално (предложение, чувства, любов).
    Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno (predlozhenie, chuvstva, lyubov).
    Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno (predlozhenie, chuvstva, lyubov).
  • Утре имам важна (договор, конкуренция, среща) с клиент.
    Utre imam vazhna (dogovor, konkurentsiya, sreshta) s klient.
    “Tomorrow, I have an important (contract, competition, meeting) with a client.”


Now, let’s look at the most important intermediate Bulgarian verbs. We’ve included verbs that belong to some of the categories we saw earlier so that you can have a more complete vocabulary on these topics!

Job Interview Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1интервюирамintervyuiram “to interview”
2кандидатствамkandidatstvam “to apply”
3подавамpodavam “to submit”
4разработвамrazrabotvam “to develop” 
5отпадамotpadam “to drop out” 
6успявамuspyavam “to succeed” 
7продължавамprodalzhavam “to continue”
8съревновавам сеsarevnovavam se“to compete” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1изпитвамizpitvam “to examine”
2учаucha “to study” 
3схващамshvashtam  “to understand” 
4образовам сеobrazovam se “to get educated”
5подготвям сеpodgotvyam se“to prepare”
6следвамsledvam “to study”
следвам also means “to follow,” but here we use it with the meaning of “to study.”

Example:     Следвам медицина.
                    Sledvam meditsina.
                    “I study medicine.” 
7преподавамprepodavam “to teach” 
8изследвамizsledvam “to research” 
9напредвамnapredvam“to make progress”
10изучавамizuchavam“to study” (in detail)

Accommodation Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1наемамnaemam “to rent” 
2нощувамnoshtuvam “to stay for the night”
3капарирамkapariram“to put a down payment” 
4резервирамrezerviram “to book” 
5плащамplashtam“to pay” 

Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 1

We’re moving to the next level! In this practical exercise, try to form sentences combining both nouns and verbs. For each of the following sentences, you’ll need to choose the correct verbs and nouns out of several options to build a sentence that makes sense. Don’t worry if you find it too difficult at first. The answers at the end of this guide will help you see whether you’re on the right track.

  • Мениджърът ми възложи задачата да (разработвам, подавам, интервюирам) всички (кандидати, колеги, съдружници) за работа.

    Menidzharat mi vazlozhi zadachata da (razrabotvam, podavam, intervyuiram) vsichki (kandidati, kolegi, sadruzhnitsi) za rabota.

    “The manager assigned me the task of (developing, submitting, interviewing) all of the job (candidates, colleagues, partners).”
  • Като (историк, учител, химик, продавач) по математика аз (напредвам, преподавам, следвам) на учениците трудни задачи.

    Kato (istorik, uchitel, himik, prodavach) po matematika az (napredvam, prepodavam, sledvam) na uchenitsite trudni zadachi.

    “As a (historian, teacher, chemist, salesman) in mathematics, I (progress, teach, follow) students to solve difficult math problems.”
  • Налага се да (резервирам, нощувам) стая предварително, защото (банката, ресторантът, хотелът) каза, че в пиков сезон няма места.

    Nalaga se da (rezerviram, noshtuvam) staya predvaritelno, zashtoto (bankata, restorantat, hotelat) kaza, che v pikov sezon nyama mesta.

    “I have to (book, spend the night) a room in advance because (the bank, the restaurant, the hotel) said that there are no available rooms in the peak season.”
  • (Подготвям се, Образовам се, Схващам) за (подготовка, изпит, специалност) във вторник.

    (Podgotvyam se, Obrazovam se, Shvashtam) za (podgotovka, izpit, spetsialnost) vav vtornik.

    “(I am preparing myself, I am educating myself, I understand) for the (preparation, exam, specialty) on Tuesday.”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1летяletya “to fly” 
2чакамchakam “to wait”
3качвам сеkachvam se“to board”
4проверявамproveryavam “to check”
5купувамkupuvam “to buy” 
6закъснявамzakasnyavam “to be late” 
7отлагамotlagam “to postpone” 
8пристигамpristigam“to arrive” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1конкурирам сеkonkuriram se “to compete” 
2срещам сеsreshtam se“to meet” 
3презентирамprezentiram “to present” 
4договарям сеdogovaryam se“to agree” 
5продавамprodavam“to sell”
6купувамkupuvam “to buy” 
7разработвамrazrabotvam “to develop” 
8лицензирамlitsenziram “to license” 
9управлявамupravlyavam “to manage”
10консултирамkonsultiram“to consult” 

Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 2

Choose the correct nouns or verbs for the following sentences. 

  • (Проверявам, Чакам, Отлагам, Закъснявам) да мине (стюардесата, проверката, чакалнята) на документите и да се кача на самолета.
    (Proveryavam, Chakam, Otlagam, Zakasnyavam) da mine (styuardesata, proverkata, chakalnyata) na dokumentite i da se kacha na samoleta.
    “I (am checking, am waiting, am postponing, am late) for the documents to pass (the flight attendant, the check, the waiting room), so I can get on the plane.”
  • Като (собственик, секретарка, колега) управлявам голяма (компания, длъжност, стаж) за мебели.
    Kato (sobstvenik, sekretarka, kolega) upravlyavam golyama (kompaniya, dlazhnost, stazh) za mebeli.
    “As (an owner, a secretary, a colleague), I manage a large furniture (company, position, internship).”
  • Това решение е трудно, затова трябва да се (управлявам, консултирам, лиценцирам) със специалист.
    Tova reshenie e trudno, zatova tryabva da se (upravlyavam, konsultiram, litsentsiram) sas spetsialist.
    “This decision is difficult, so I have to (manage, consult, license) with a specialist.”
  • Често (се договарям, купувам, се срещам) този продукт, тъй като го ползвам на бизнес срещи.
    Chesto (se dogovaryam, kupuvam, se sreshtam) tozi produkt, tay kato go polzvam na biznes sreshti.
    “I often (negotiate, buy, meet) this product because I use it at business meetings.”
  • След половин час (отлагам, чакам, пристигам) на вашето (полет, билет, летище).
    Sled polovin chas (otlagam, chakam, pristigam) na vasheto (polet, bilet, letishte).
    “In half an hour, I will (postpone, wait, arrive) at your (flight, ticket, airport).”


This time, let’s study the essential adjectives for each of the categories we’ve been looking at. For your convenience, we’ve paired each adjective with its opposite! 

Keep in mind that each of these adjectives is listed in its singular masculine form. To change the grammatical gender (or number) of an adjective, you would need to add the appropriate ending as follows: 

одобрен (odobren) – “approved”       for Masculine
одобрена (odobrenа) – “approved”   for Feminine
одобрено (odobrenа) – “approved”   for Neuter
одобрени (odobrenа) – “approved”   for Plural

Job Interview Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
“not being taught”
“not understood”

Accommodation Vocabulary

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
“not booked”


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
“sold out” 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 

Practical Exercise for Adjectives

Choose the correct adjectives for the sentences below.

  • Този урок е много (работлив, интересен, общителен).
    Tozi urok e mnogo (rabotliv, interesen, obshtitelen).
    “This lesson is very (hardworking, interesting, sociable).”
  • Тези хора са изключително (проверени, одобрени, мързеливи).
    Tezi hora sa izklyuchitelno (provereni, odobreni, marzelivi).
    “These people are extremely (checked, approved, lazy).”
  • Искам добре (договорен, функциониращ, купен) кухненски уред.
    Iskam dobre (dogovoren, funktsionirasht, kupen) kuhnenski ured.
    “I want a well (negotiated, functioning, bought) kitchen appliance.”
  • Извинете, това място (проверено, пристигащо, заето) ли е?
    Izvinete, tova myasto (provereno, pristigashto, zaeto) li e?
    “Excuse me, is this place (checked, arriving, occupied)?”
  • Днес си много (мълчалив, провален, отхвърлен).
    Dnes si mnogo (malchaliv, provalen, othvarlen).
    “Today, you are very (silent, failed, rejected).”


Adverbs in Bulgarian can be divided into categories based on the part of speech they’re derived from.

Adverbs Derived From Nouns

Some adverbs, like those listed below, come from the old noun case forms

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
денемdenem “during the day”
нощемnoshtem “at night”
летеlete “in the summer”
зимеzime “in the winter”
снощиsnoshti“last night”

Adverbs Derived From Adjectives

These adverbs usually end in -о, but in more rare cases they can also end in -и, -е, or -ата.

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
чистоchisto “cleanly”
умноumno “cleverly”
глупавоglupavo “stupidly”
грубоgrubo “roughly”

Practical Exercise for Adverbs

We’ve already presented the following adjectives:


Knowing the rule that adverbs derived from adjectives are formed by adding the ending -o, turn these eight adjectives into adverbs. You can check your answers at the end of this guide.

Adverbs Derived From Numbers

These adverbs are derived from ordinal numbers and have the ending -o. Here are some examples:

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
първоparvo “first”
второvtoro “second”
третоtreto “third”
четвъртоchetvarto “fourth” 

Adverbs Derived From Verbs

These adverbs end in either -шком (-shkom) or -шката (-shkata), and are not quite popular in daily speech.

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
тичешкомteecheshkom “while running”
слепешкатаspeleshkata “blindly”
лежешкомlezheshkom“while lying”
стоешком stoeshkom“while standing”

Adverbs Derived From Prepositions

These adverbs usually present directions.

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
налявоnalyavo “to the left”
надясноnadyasno “to the right”
напредnapred “forward”
назадnazad “back” 
направоnapravo “straight ahead”
навътреnavatre “inside”



Here are some of the most common prepositions in the Bulgarian language:

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
заza “for”
надnad “above” 
следsled “after”
околоokolo “around”
средsred “among” 
срещуsreshtu “against” 
катоkato “as”
предиpredi “before”
подpod “beneath” / “below” 
задzad “behind” 
доdo “beside”
отвъдotvad “beyond”
междуmezhdu “between” 
отot “by” / “from”
въпрекиvapreki “despite”
къмkam “toward”
докатоdokato “till”
чрезchrez “through”
без bez “without”
порадиporadi “due to” 

Conjunctions and Auxiliary Words/Particles

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
From the Turkish word “eme”
амиami“but” / “well” / “what”
Sometimes used as дето (deto) with the same meaning
далиdali“whether” / “if”
макарmakar“although” / “though”
ниni“not one” / “none”
“neither” / “nor”
ни can play the role of both conjunction and particle. As a conjunction, it means “neither” or “nor.” When used as a particle, it means “not one” or “none”:
    Ни един от тях не победи.                           
    Ni edin ot tyah ne pobedi.
    “None of them won.”
обачеobache“however” / “but”
понежеponezhe“because” / “since”
пъкpak“however” / “though” / “but” / “yet” / “well” / “anyway” / “even so”
пък can play the role of both conjunction and particle. As a conjunction, it means “however” or “though.” As a particle, it means “well,” “anyway,” or “even so.”
сиречsirech“that is” / “i.e.”
щомshtom“as soon as” / “since” / “as” / “because” / “if”

How can BulgarianPod101 help you learn the Bulgarian language?

BulgarianPod101 prepared this comprehensive list of intermediate Bulgarian vocabulary words to help you advance in your Bulgarian language studies. Whether you intend to study, work, or just live in Bulgaria—or if you would like to get ready for your Bulgarian language exam—this extensive overview can help you reach your goals.

If you feel that you need personal guidance to advance more quickly and be able to speak easily with native Bulgarians, you can turn to our MyTeacher service for Premium PLUS members. This allows you to choose a native Bulgarian-speaking teacher, who knows how to help you and will reveal all the specifics of intermediate Bulgarian grammar and vocabulary.

We would love to hear your feedback about this article. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or questions with us in the comments below, and we’ll help you out the best we can. 

And now it’s time to check your answers to the practical exercises…

Answers to the Practical Exercises

Answers to Practical Exercise for Larger Numbers

  • 32,758 -> “thirty two thousand seven hundred and fifty eight” -> тридесет и две хиляди седемстотин петдесет и осем (trideset i dve hilyadi sedemstotin petdeset i osem)
  • 489,831 -> “four hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred and thirty one” -> четиристотин осемдесет и девет хиляди осемстотин тридесет и едно (chetiristotin osemdeset i devet hilyadi osemstotin trideset i edno)
  • 4,965,986 -> “four million nine hundred sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty six” -> четири милиона деветстотин шестдесет и пет хиляди деветстотин осемдесет и шест (chetiri miliona devet·stotin shestdeset i pet hilyadi devet·stotin osemdeset i shest)
  • 78,387,102 -> “seventy eight million three hundred eighty seven thousand one hundred and two” -> седемдесет и осем милиона триста осемдесет и седем хиляди сто и две  (sedemdeset i osem miliona trista osemdeset i sedem hilyadi sto i dve)
  • 500,006 -> “five hundred thousand and six” -> петстотин хиляди и шест (petstotin hilyadi i shest)

Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 1

  • Отивам на интервю за работа.
    Otivam na intervyu za rabota.
    “I’m going to a job interview.”
  • Имам голям опит в сферата на маркетинга.
    Imam golyam opit v sferata na marketinga.
    “I have great experience in the field of marketing.”
  • Явявам се на изпит по математика.
    Yavyavam se na izpit po matematika.
    “I am taking an exam in mathematics.”
  • Интересувам се от растения и мечтата ми е да стана агроном.
    Interesuvam se ot rasteniya i mechtata mi e da stana agronom.
    “I am interested in plants and my dream is to become an agronomist.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 2

  • Търся наемател за моята квартира.
    Tarsya naematel za moyata kvartira.
    “I am looking for a tenant for my apartment.”
  • Ще изтегля пари от тази банка.
    Shte izteglya pari ot tazi banka.
    “I will withdraw money from this bank.”
  • Вашите документи за проверка, моля.
    Vashite dokumenti za proverka, molya.
    “Your documents for inspection, please.”
  • Тук можете да закупите билет.
    Tuk mozhete da zakupite bilet.
    “Here you can buy a ticket.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Nouns – Part 3

  • Според лекаря диагнозата ми е диабет.
    Spored lekarya diagnozata mi e diabet.
    “According to the doctor, my diagnosis is diabetes.”
  • Усещам силна болка в гърдите.
    Useshtam silna bolka v gardite.
    “I feel a strong pain in my chest.”
  • Искам да ти направя специално предложение.
    Iskam da ti napravya spetsialno predlozhenie.
    “I want to make you a special proposal.”
  • Утре имам важна среща с клиент.
    Utre imam vazhna sreshta s klient.
    “Tomorrow, I have an important meeting with a client.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 1

  • Мениджърът ми възложи задачата да интервюирам всички кандидати за работа.

    Menidzharat mi vazlozhi zadachata da intervyuiram vsichki kandidati za rabota.

    “The manager assigned me the task of interviewing all the job candidates.”
  • Като учител по математика аз преподавам на учениците трудни задачи.

    Kato uchitel po matematika az prepodavam na uchenitsite trudni zadachi.

    “As a teacher in mathematics, I teach students to solve difficult math problems.”
  • Налага се да резервирам стая предварително, защото хотелът каза, че в пиков сезон няма места.

    Nalaga se da rezerviram staya predvaritelno, zashtoto hotelat kaza, che v pikov sezon nyama mesta.

    “I have to book a room in advance because the hotel said that there are no available rooms in the peak season.”
  • Подготвям се за изпит във вторник.

    Podgotvyam se za izpit vav vtornik.

    I am preparing myself for the exam on Tuesday.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Verbs – Part 2

  • Чакам да мине проверката на документите и да се кача на самолета.
    Chakam da mine proverkata na dokumentite i da se kacha na samoleta.
    “I am waiting for the documents to pass the check, so that I can get on the plane.”
  • Като собственик управлявам голяма компания за мебели.
    Kato sobstvenik upravlyavam golyama kompaniya za mebeli.
    “As an owner, I manage a large furniture company.”
  • Това решение е трудно, затова трябва да се консултирам със специалист.
    Tova reshenie e trudno, zatova tryabva da se konsultiram sas spetsialist.
    “This decision is difficult, so I have to consult with a specialist.”
  • Често купувам този продукт, тъй като го ползвам на бизнес срещи.
    Chesto kupuvam tozi produkt, tay kato go polzvam na biznes sreshti.
    “I often buy this product because I use it at business meetings.”
  • След половин час пристигам на вашето летище.
    Sled polovin chas pristigam na vasheto letishte.
    “In half an hour, I will arrive at your airport.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Adjectives

  • Този урок е много интересен.
    Tozi urok e mnogo interesen.
    “This lesson is very interesting.”
  • Тези хора са изключително мързеливи.
    Tezi hora sa izklyuchitelno marzelivi.
    “These people are extremely lazy.”
  • Искам добре функциониращ кухненски уред.
    Iskam dobre funktsionirasht kuhnenski ured.
    “I want a well-functioning kitchen appliance.”
  • Извинете, това място заето ли е?
    Izvinete, tova myasto zaeto li e?
    “Excuse me, is this place occupied?”
  • Днес си много мълчалив.
    Dnes si mnogo malchaliv.
    “Today, you are very silent.”

Answers to Practical Exercise for Adverbs


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The Names of Animals in Bulgarian


As babies begin picking up their native language, what are some of the first words they learn? Besides the obvious “mommy” and “daddy,” most children become familiar early on with the names of animals and the sounds they make. 

So why not take a similar approach when learning a foreign language? 

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this beginner-level Bulgarian animals list to help you immerse yourself in the Bulgarian language as naturally as little children do. In this article, you’ll learn the names of pets, farm animals, wild and dangerous animals in Bulgaria, marine animals, birds, reptiles, and even endangered species that are included in The Red Data Book of Bulgaria

Why start with animal names? They’re easy to remember and they’re rather fun to say, so learning them will resemble a game. We advise you to make flashcards for animals in each of the categories presented here and regularly review them until you’ve achieved mastery. Enjoy!

Animals in Bulgaria
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Pets at Home
  2. Farm Animals
  3. Land Animals: Mammals in the Wild / Forest / Safari
  4. Aquatic / Marine Animals in the Black Sea
  5. Bugs and Insects
  6. Birds and Reptiles
  7. Animal Body Parts
  8. 9 Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions
  9. Animal Names Game
  10. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language
  11. Answers to the Animal Names Game

Pets at Home

Just like people of other nations, Bulgarians love taking care of pets. The most preferred pets in Bulgaria are cats and dogs, though some people own more exotic pets like parrots, chameleons, or rodents.

Pets at Home

There are many reasons we enjoy having pets around the house: 

  • A pet makes a good companion, especially for seniors and lonely people.
  • Having children take care of a pet is a great way to teach them how to be more responsible.
  • Pets love their owners and respond to their attention and care.
  • Owning a pet has many health benefits.

Now, take a look at the following list of pet names in Bulgarian:

Златна рибкаZlatna ribkaGoldfish
Златна рибкаMorsko svincheGuinea pig

Farm Animals

Bulgarians have been livestock breeders for centuries and have always relied on animals for food. Farm animals produce meat, dairy products, and eggs, which make up an integral part of the Bulgarian diet.

The main sectors in livestock breeding in Bulgaria are: 

  • Cattle breeding
  • Sheep breeding
  • Goat breeding
  • Pig breeding
  • Horse breeding
  • Poultry breeding

It’s interesting to note that ostrich farming, beekeeping, and sericulture are also well-developed in Bulgaria.


Let’s take a look at the most popular farm animals in Bulgaria:

    → In our Absolute Beginner lesson Farm Animals, you can find out more about different farm animals in Bulgaria.

Land Animals: Mammals in the Wild / Forest / Safari

There are a variety of wild animals in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, many of them are threatened with extinction and are listed in The Red Data Book of Bulgaria to be protected under law. In this section, we’ve listed some of the most popular mammals that reside in Bulgaria and around the world.

Little Fox

Wild Animals in Bulgaria

БелкаBelkaBeech marten
Дива коткаDiva kotkaWildcat
Кафява мечкаKafyava mechkaBrown bear
Див заекDiv zaekWild rabbit
СърнаSarnaRoe deer

Popular Wild Animals Around the World

Бяла мечкаByala mechkaPolar bear

Aquatic / Marine Animals in the Black Sea

Bulgaria’s eastern border encompasses the Black Sea Coast. For this reason, Bulgaria boasts a vast diversity of marine animals. There are 1,966 animal species in the Black Sea and several more in Bulgaria’s rich collection of rivers.

Here, we’ll give you the names of popular marine animals as well as those of the most dangerous sea animals in the Black Sea.

Marine Animals

Popular Marine Animal Names in Bulgarian

МидаMidaClam / Mussel
Морско кончеMorsko koncheSeahorse

The Most Dangerous Sea Animals in the Black Sea

Черноморска акулаChernomorska akulaBlack Sea shark
Ушата медузаUshata meduzaCommon jellyfish
Морска коткаMorska kotkaCatfish
Морски скорпионMorski skorpionLionfish
Морски драконMorski drakonWeever
Риба звездоброецRiba zvezdobroetsStargazer fish

    → You can learn even more vocabulary in this list of marine animals by BulgarianPod101. We have included a sample sentence with each word to help you understand how to use them.

Bugs and Insects

Considering that there are at least 900,000 insect species, it’s safe to say that there are more insect species than any other animal species in the world. As already mentioned, some creepy-crawlies (like bees and silkworms) play an important role in the lives of Bulgarian people. Others (like hornets, ticks, and centipedes) can be quite dangerous. 

Below, you’ll find a brief list of the most popular Bulgarian bugs and insects.

Different Types of Bugs and Molluscs

БогомолкаBogomolkaPraying mantis
    → If you would like to learn the pronunciation of these words, make sure to visit our lesson Bugs and Insects on! 

Birds and Reptiles

There are 426 bird species in Bulgaria, making it the European country with the second-greatest diversity of birds. 

In addition, there are 33 species of reptiles residing in Bulgaria: 4 species of turtles, 16 species of snakes, and 13 species of lizards.

Reptiles in Bulgaria


Birds in Bulgaria



Animal Body Parts

Now that you know the essential animal names in Bulgarian, you should also pick up a few words related to animal body parts. This will help you better describe animals and make you more familiar with the topic in general.


ГребенGrebenComb (of a rooster)

9 Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions

There are a variety of colorful Bulgarian idioms and slang expressions inspired by the disposition, behavior, and appearance of different animals. The following phrases are likely to come up in your conversations with native Bulgarian speakers from time to time. 


Bulgarian expressionМагарешки инат
PronunciationMagareshki inat
Literal translationDonkey’s stubbornness
This expression refers to showing great stubbornness. It’s close in meaning to the English expression “to be as stubborn as a mule.”

Donkey’s Stubbornness


Bulgarian expressionЗаблудена овца
PronunciationZabludena ovtsa
Literal translationLost sheep
This one refers to a person who does not do the right thing, or in other words, someone who has lost their way. 


Bulgarian expressionНа куково лято
PronunciationNa kukovo lyato
Literal translationIn cuckoo’s summer
We use this expression in reference to something that is impossible or will never happen. 


Bulgarian expressionКато риба на сухо
PronunciationKato riba na suho
Literal translationLike fish on dry land
This refers to someone who is not feeling well. The closest English expression is “like a fish out of water.”


Bulgarian expressionС трици маймуни ще лови.
PronunciationS tritsi maymuni shte lovi.
Literal translationHe is going to hunt monkeys with bran.
We use this expression in reference to someone who is trying to attain something large or valuable using very little. 


Bulgarian expressionЗа вълка говорим, а той в кошарата.
PronunciationZa valka govorim, a toy v kosharata.
Literal translationWe are talking about the wolf and he is in the pen.
We often use this phrase when the person we’re talking about suddenly shows up. It’s similar in meaning to the English expression “speak of the devil.”


Bulgarian expressionЖеня вълка за овцата.
PronunciationZhenya valka za ovtsata.
Literal translationI marry the wolf to the sheep.
We might say this if we’re trying to do something impossible. 


Bulgarian expressionТой е черната овца.
PronunciationToy e chernata ovtsa.
Literal translationHe is the black sheep.
Like in English, we use this expression in reference to someone whom others have a bad opinion about or who has abruptly separated themself from others. 


Bulgarian expressionКогато стане вълка куче
PronunciationKogato stane valka kuche
Literal translationWhen the wolf becomes a dog
This refers to something that will never happen. 

Animal Names Game

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we advise you to use flashcards in order to memorize these Bulgarian animal names easier. Although it can take a long time to fully memorize new vocabulary, learning animal names is a critical step in your language learning journey. 

To make this a little more fun, let’s make it a game!

Below, we have provided pictures of different animals. Your job is to fill in the blanks with the corresponding Bulgarian animal names. You can check your answers at the end of this article—and don’t forget that you can also print these out to use as flashcards later on!





















How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this extensive overview of the most popular animal names in the Bulgarian language to help you memorize them more easily. 

To continue learning about the Bulgarian language and culture, create your free lifetime account on We provide a range of study tools, including free vocabulary lists and a number of audio/video lessons. 

If you feel that you need some personal assistance in your Bulgarian-language studies, our MyTeacher service gives you access to your own tutor. They will guide you from beginner to advanced, helping you gain confidence in each of the key language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 

We’d be glad to hear your feedback about this lesson. Did you find the Animal Names Game easy to complete, or were some of the names difficult to remember? Speaking of…

Answers to the Animal Names Game






















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A Detailed Overview of Bulgarian Telephone Phrases


Can you imagine the world today without smartphones? 

Thanks to these useful devices, people can speak to each other regardless of existing distance or time barriers. 

In recent years, texting and instant messaging have surpassed phone calls in popularity—but knowing how to communicate over the phone is still an essential skill! 

As a language learner, you should familiarize yourself with the most common Bulgarian telephone phrases for effective communication. To give you a headstart, BulgarianPod101 has prepared this in-depth overview of key phrases and dialogue examples.

After studying this extensive list of Bulgarian phone call words and phrases, you’ll no longer have to be afraid of the language barrier when picking up the phone. Knowing these phrases will give you the confidence you need to have a fulfilling conversation with any native Bulgarian speaker who may call: a friend, a neighbor, a landlord, or even an employer!

Become Confident Leading Phone Conversations with Bulgarians!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Useful Words and Phrases for Your Phone Call
  2. Beginning the Phone Conversation
  3. Phone Conversation Parts
  4. Ending a Phone Call
  5. Sample Phone Conversations
  6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

1. Useful Words and Phrases for Your Phone Call

You might find it helpful to start by learning the basic words, phrases, and terminology related to phone calls. Take a look: 

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
телефон telefonphone
мобилен телефон mobilen telefonmobile phone
смартфон smartfonsmartphone
телефонът звъниtelefonat zvanithe phone is ringing
вдигам телефонаvdigam telefonato pick up the phone
говоря по телефонаgovorya po telefonato talk on the phone
свързвам се по телефонаsvarzvam se po telefonato connect by phone
обаждам се по телефонаobazhdam se po telefonato call on the phone
приключвам разговораpriklyuchvam razgovorato end the conversation
затварям телефонаzatvaryam telefonato ring off / to hang up
зареждам телефонаzarezhdam telefonato charge the phone
оставям съобщениеzatvaryam telefonato leave a message

2. Beginning the Phone Conversation

Do you know what to say after picking up the phone to a Bulgarian speaker? Let’s start with the very first phrases you could say and what you should expect in reply.

The first phrase after picking up the phone

Informal Bulgarian phone phrases

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Да, моля!Da molya!Hello!
Ало, кой е?Alo koy e?Hello, who is this?
Ало, кой се обажда?Alo, koy se obazhda?Hello, who’s calling?

Formal Bulgarian phone phrases

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Добър ден, слушам!Dobar den, slusham!Good afternoon, I’m listening!
Компания Графити, добър ден!Kompaniya Grafiti, dobar den!Graffiti Company, good afternoon!
Компания Графити, с какво мога да Ви бъда полезен/полезна?Kompaniya Grafiti, s kakvo moga da Vi bada polezen/polezna?Graffiti Company, what can I do for you?

Please note that the masculine and feminine forms are different in that last question. Here are the individual phrases, for your convenience: 

  • Компания Графити, с какво мога да Ви бъда полезен?
    Kompaniya Grafiti, s kakvo moga da Vi bada polezen?
    Graffiti Company, what can I do for you?

    – when the speaker is male
  • Компания Графити, с какво мога да Ви бъда полезна?
    Kompaniya Grafiti, s kakvo moga da Vi bada polezna?
    Graffiti Company, what can I do for you?

     – when the speaker is female

Introducing yourself

Introducing Yourself during the Phone Call

After the initial greeting, the next thing to do is introduce yourself. Let’s see the informal and formal ways to do this, respectively. 

Presenting yourself (informal)

When you call your friend or someone else you’re closely acquainted with, here’s how to introduce yourself:

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Здравей! Обажда се Петър.Zdravey! Obazhda se Petar.Hello! Peter is calling.
Здрасти! Петър е.Zdrasti! Petar e.Hi! It’s Peter.

Presenting you and your company (formal)

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Добър ден! Казвам се Петър Петров и съм представител на компания Графити.Dobar den! Kazvam se Petar Petrov i sam predstavitel na kompaniya Grafiti.Good afternoon! My name is Petеr Petrov and I am a representative of Graffiti Company.

Asking if it’s convenient to speak

Regardless of whether the conversation is formal or informal, it’s polite to ask whether the person you’re calling is available to speak or not. Here are some Bulgarian phone phrases to help you do this:

Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Удобно ли е?Udobno li e?Is it convenient?
Удобно ли е да се чуем?Udobno li e da se chuem?Is it convenient to talk?
Имаш ли малко свободно време?Imash li malko svobodno vreme?Do you have some free time?
Можеш ли да ми отделиш пет минути?Mozhesh li da mi otdelish pet minuti?Can you give me five minutes?
Можеш ли да говориш сега или да се обадя по-късно?Mozhesh li da govorish sega ili da se obadya po-kasno?Can you talk now or shall I call you later?

Now, let’s add some of these phrases to the greetings and introduction phrases we saw earlier:


Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Здравей! Обажда се Петър. Удобно ли е?Zdravey! Obazhda se Petar. Udobno li e?Hello! Peter is calling. Is it convenient?
Здравей, Петър! Да, удобно е.Zdravey Petar! Da udobno e.Hello Peter! Yes, it is convenient.
Здрасти! Петър е. Удобно ли е да се чуем?Zdrasti! Petar e. Udobno li e da se chuem?Hi! It’s Peter. Is it convenient to talk?
Здравей, Петър! Разбира се.Zdravey Petar! Razbira se.Hello Peter! Of course!


Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish
Добър ден! Казвам се Петър Петров и съм представител на компания Графити. Можете ли да ми отделите пет минути?Dobar den! Kazvam se Petar Petrov i sam predstavitel na kompaniya Grafiti. Mozhete li da mi otdelite pet minuti?Good afternoon! My name is Petеr Petrov and I am a representative of Graffiti Company. Can you give me five minutes?
Здравейте, съжалявам, но в момента съм зает. Обадете се по-късно.Zdraveiyte, sazhalyavam, no v momenta sam zaet. Obadete se po-kasno.Hello, I’m sorry, but I’m busy right now. Please call later.

3. Phone Conversation Parts

Now that you know what to say after picking up the phone and how to present yourself, it’s time to proceed with the different parts of the phone conversation.

Starting with the reason for the call

  • If you’re returning a call, you could say:


Търсил си ме.Tarsil si me.You have called me.


Търсили сте ме.Tarsili ste me.You have called me.

After this phrase, the other person usually takes their turn to explain their reason for calling.

  • If you’re calling someone for a certain reason, you could start with:


Обаждам се да ти кажа, че…Obazhdam se da ti kazha, che…I’m calling to tell you that…
Търся те, за да говоря с теб.Tarsya te, za da govorya s teb.I’m calling to talk to you.
Търся съвет за…Tarsya savet za…I’m looking for advice on…


Обаждам се да Ви представя новия ни продукт…Obazhdam se da Vi predstavya noviya ni produkt…I am calling to present to you our new product…
Обаждам се да Ви попитам кога е удобно да се срещнем.Obazhdam se da Vi popitam koga e udobno da se sreshtnem.I am calling to ask you when it is convenient to meet.

If you’re interested in how to invite a person somewhere, you can take a look at this lesson.

  • If you’re not calling for a specific reason, but just to hear the person, you can say one of the following phrases: 


Обаждам се само да те чуя.Obazhdam se samo da te chuya.I’m just calling to hear you.
Обаждам се само да те чуя как си.Obazhdam se samo da te chuya kak si.I’m just calling to hear how you are.

This is typical only for informal situations.

Asking to speak to someone

Speaking on the  Phone

If you understand that the person who picked up the phone is not the one you want to talk to, then you can ask:

(informal + formal)

Мога ли да говоря с Иван?Moga li da govorya s Ivan?Can I talk to Ivan?
Търся Иван.Tarsya Ivan.I’m looking for Ivan.

You could receive different answers to this request. Here are three possibilities:

Разбира се, един момент, моля!Razbira se, edin moment, molya!Of course! One moment, please!
Съжалявам, в момента го няма. Обадете се след час.Sazhalyavam, v momenta go nyama. Obadete se sled chas.Sorry, he is not here at the moment. Please, call again in an hour.
Имате грешка, няма такъв.Imate greshka, nyama takav.There is a mistake, we don’t have such a person here.

If you receive that last answer, you could ask whether you’ve dialed the correct phone number:

Това 0877/523-642 ли е?Tova nula osem sedem sedem pet dve tri shest chetri dve li e?Is this 0877/523-642?
Не, набрали сте грешeн номер. Тук е 0877/523-652.Ne, nabrali ste greshen nomer. Tuk e nula osem sedem sedem pet dve tri shest pet dve.No, you dialed the wrong number. It is 0877/523-652.

    → If you’re not yet confident in your ability to say or comprehend a phone number in Bulgarian, make sure you check out our lesson on Bulgarian numbers

Then, you could apologize as follows:

Извинете.Izvinete.Excuse me.

Leaving a message

Now, let’s imagine that your interlocutor has said that the person you’re looking for is not currently there. They may ask you whether you would like to leave a message for them. Here’s a sample dialogue for you: 


Съжалявам, в момента го няма. Искате ли да му предам нещо?Sazhalyavam, v momenta go nyama. Iskate li da mu predam neshto?Sorry, he is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message for him?
Да, ако обичате предайте му, че го е търсил Петър.Da, ako obichate predayte mu, che go e tarsil Petar.Yes, please tell him that Peter was looking for him.
Добре, ще му предам.Dobre, shte mu predam.Okay, I’ll tell him.
Благодаря.Blagodarya.Thank you!

Asking someone to wait

Asking someone to wait during a phone call happens frequently in formal conversations. Here are some ways you might be asked to hold on when you call a company.


Изчакайте малко, ако обичате.Izchakayte malko, ako obichate.Wait a minute, please.
Един момент да проверя…Edin moment da proverya…Just a second to check…
Изчакайте така, докато Ви прехвърля…Izchakayte taka, dokato Vi prehvarlya…Please wait while I transfer you…

Speaking with a Phone Operator

Asking for clarification

Sometimes, due to connection issues or the language barrier, you might not understand what your interlocutor has said. How can you ask for clarification? Let’s see:


Извинете, можете ли да повторите?Izvinete, mozhete li da povtorite?Excuse me, can you repeat please?
Не Ви чух добре, бихте ли повторили?Ne Vi chuh dobre, bihte li povtorili?I didn’t hear you well, would you repeat?
Връзката е лоша и не Ви чух добре.Vrazkata e losha i ne Vi chuh dobre.The connection is bad and I didn’t hear you well.
Бихте ли повторили, ако обичате?Bihte li povtorili, ako obichate?Would you repeat if you may?
Разбира се.Razbira se.Of course.

4. Ending a Phone Call

There are a few ways you can end your Bulgarian phone conversation. We’ll explore both informal and formal phrases below.

Saying Goodbye to Finish the Phone Call


Дочуване!Dochuvane!See you soon!
Хайде, чао!Hayde, chao!Okay, bye!
Ще се чуем пак.Shte se chuem pak.We’ll talk again.
До скоро!Do skoro!See you soon!


Много благодаря за информацията! Дочуване!Mnogo blagodarya za informatsiyata! Dochuvane!Thank you very much for the information! See you soon!
Благодаря, приятен ден!Blagodarya, priyaten den!Thank you, have a nice day!
Много благодаря за съдействието! Всичко най-добро!Mnogo blagodarya za sadeystvieto! Vsichko nay-dobro!Thank you very much for your cooperation! All the best!

Please note that the word Дочуване! (Dochuvane!) is typical for ending a phone conversation. Although it’s translated as “See you soon!” its literal translation is “Hear you soon!”

5. Sample Phone Conversations

It’s time to see some sample phone conversations in Bulgarian. We’ve provided both an informal and a formal sample to give you a good idea of how to use the phrases you’ve learned so far.

Sample informal phone conversation

Imagine that a person calls his friend to invite him to a birthday lunch together at a restaurant. Let’s see how this phone dialogue might sound:

– Ало!

– Ало, Иване здравей. Петър е.
(Alo, Ivane zdravey. Petar e.)
Hello, Ivan! It’s Peter.

– Здравей, Петре, как си? Какво ново?
(Zdravey, Petre, kak si? Kakvo novo?)
Hello, Peter, how are you? What’s new?

– Добре съм. Всъщност ти се обаждам да те поканя на рожден ден в ресторант “Синчец” тази неделя. Ще празнуваме двамата. Разбира се, аз черпя.
(Dobre sam. Vsashtnost ti se obazhdam da te pokanya na rozhden den v restorant “Sinchets” tazi nedelya. Shte praznuvame dvamata. Razbira se, az cherpya.)
I am fine. In fact, I’m calling to invite you to my birthday party at the Sinchets Restaurant this Sunday. We will celebrate the two of us. Of course, my treat.

– О, звучи прекрасно. От колко часа?
(O, zvuchi prekrasno. Ot kolko chasa?)
Oh, that sounds great. What time?

– Какво ще кажеш за 17 ч. вечерта?
(Kakvo shte kazhesh za sedemnayset chasa vecherta?)
How about five p.m.?

– Тогава съм зает. Може ли да го оставим за 18 ч?
(Togava sam zaet. Mozhe li da go ostavim za osemnayset chasa?)
I’ll be busy at that time. Can we leave it for six p.m.?

– Разбира се, сега ще се обадя в ресторанта да резервирам маса.
(Razbira se, sega shte se obadya v restoranta da rezerviram masa.)
Of course, I am calling the restaurant to book a table.

– Благодаря много за поканата. До скоро!
(Blagodarya mnogo za pokanata. Do skoro!)
Thanks a lot for your invitation. See you soon!

– До скоро! Ще те чакам в неделя в 18 ч. пред ресторанта.
(Do skoro! Shte te chakam v nedelya v osemnadeset chasa pred restoranta.)
See you soon! I will be waiting for you on Sunday at six p.m. in front of the restaurant.

Sample formal phone conversation

Now, let’s imagine that Peter from the phone call above calls the restaurant to reserve a table. Let’s look at how this formal conversation might go:

– Ресторант “Синчец”, добър ден!
(Restorant Sinchets, dobar den!)
Sinchets Restaurant, good afternoon!

– Добър ден. Обаждам се да резервирам маса за двама за неделя.
(Dobar den. Obazhdam se da rezerviram masa za dvama za nedelya.)
Good afternoon. I’m calling to book a table for two for Sunday.

– Да, за колко часа?
(Da, za kolko chasa?)
Okay, at what time?

– За 18 часа.
(Za osemnayset chasa.)
At six p.m.

– Моля, изчакайте момент да проверя… Имаме две свободни маси за този час—едната на балкона, а другата вътре до прозореца. Коя предпочитате?
(Molya, izchakayte moment da proverya… Imame dve svobodni masi za tozi chas—ednata na balkona, a drugata vatre do prozoretsa. Koya predpochitate?)
Please, give me a moment to check… We have two available tables for that hour—one in the balcony and the other one inside by the window. Which one do you prefer?

– Предпочитам тази до прозореца.
(Predpochitam tazi do prozoretsa.)
I prefer the one by the window.

– Добре, отбелязвам. Вашето име?
(Dobre, otbelyazvam. Vasheto ime?)
Okay, I am noting it down. Your name?

– Петър Петров.
(Petar Petrov.)
Peter Petrov.

– Резервацията Ви е приета. Благодаря!
(Rezervatsiyata Vi e prieta. Blagodarya!)
Your reservation has been set up. Thank you!

– И аз благодаря. Приятен ден!
(I az blagodarya. Priyaten den!)
Thank you, too. Have a nice day!

– И на Вас! Дочуване!
(I na Vas! Dochuvane!)
You too! See you soon!

Booking a Table at a Restaurant

BulgarianPod101 has prepared the following lesson on making a phone call in Bulgarian, in case you’d like even more phrases and insight!

6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

We hope that you found this detailed overview of Bulgarian telephone phrases helpful and that you’ve gained the confidence you need to handle phone calls like a native. Once you have the phrases memorized, you can start piecing them together to form unique conversations for any situation. 

If you want to learn even more Bulgarian and gain access to study and practice materials, make sure to create your free lifetime account on

To dive even deeper into the linguistic and cultural specifics, you can turn to our MyTeacher service for Premium PLUS members. This service allows you to choose a private Bulgarian teacher who can assist you, provide specialized learning materials, and review your work. 

Finally, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and feedback with us! Will these Bulgarian phone call expressions be enough to get you through your upcoming calls, or did we leave something out? We’ll get back to you at the earliest!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian

The 200+ Most Common Bulgarian Words for Beginners


Learning a new language is like building a new house—you need to have a solid foundation to build upon. 

If you’re new to the Bulgarian language, then you’re in the right place! 

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this comprehensive list of the most basic Bulgarian words for beginners. By learning these essential words along with their pronunciation, you’re giving yourself a proper base upon which you can start accumulating new language skills. 

Once you’re comfortable using most of these words, you can proceed further with your studies and start picking up even more advanced words. 

There are a few strategies that can help you memorize these words more easily:

  • Write these words on labels and place them on the corresponding items in your home. This way, you can see them each time you use the item. 
  • Make long lists that have the Bulgarian words on one side of the paper and their meaning on the other side, and try to memorize them several days in a row. After getting used to them, try to practice them at least once a week to save them in your long-term memory.
  • Use flashcards and think of a fun game to play with them; people memorize much easier while playing games.

Are you ready to start? Let’s look at the most common Bulgarian words for beginners!

Have You Just Started Learning Bulgarian? Then This Guide Is Just For You!
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Bulgarian Pronouns: Saying Me and You
  2. Let’s Count to 10 in Bulgarian
  3. The Most Common Noun Categories
  4. Bulgarian Verbs: Add More Activity to Your Knowledge
  5. Describe Emotions with Bulgarian Adjectives
  6. Bulgarian Conjunctions
  7. Other Must-know Bulgarian Words
  8. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

1. Bulgarian Pronouns: Saying Me and You

The first set of words you should add to your Bulgarian vocabulary are the pronouns. These words will allow you to talk about yourself, refer to others, and have conversations about places or objects—even if you don’t know the exact word for what you’re talking about! 

There are four pronoun categories we’ll look at: 

  • Personal pronouns
  • Demonstrative pronouns
  • Interrogative pronouns
  • Question words

Personal Pronouns

There are nine personal pronouns in the Bulgarian language. In a sentence, a personal pronoun takes the place of a noun. Here’s an example: 

  • Мария обича да работи.
    Mariya obicha da raboti.
    Maria loves to work.
  • Тя обича да работи.
    Tya obicha da raboti.
    She loves to work.

PersonBulgarian pronounBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
1st person sg.азazI
2nd person sg.ти / Виеti / Vieyou (casual / formal)
3rd person sg.той / тя / тоtoy / tya / tohe / she / it
1st person pl.ниеniewe
2nd person pl.виеvieyou
3rd person pl.теtethey

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are helpful when you need to ask about a specific item that you don’t know the name of: 

  • Какво е това
    Kakvo e tova?
    What is this?

  • Това е кола.
    Tova e kola.
    This is a car.
  • Какво е онова
    Kakvo e onova?
    What is that?

  • Онова е стол.
    Onova e stol.
    That is a chair.

Car and chair could be replaced with any other noun. 

    → Why not try it yourself? Answer the questions above by replacing the objects with some of the nouns listed in the section of this article titled: The Most Common Noun Categories.

Now, here are the Bulgarian demonstrative pronouns:

NumberBulgarian pronounBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
this (masculine)
this (feminine)
this (neuter)
that (masculine)
that (feminine)
that (neuter)

* As you may have already noticed, only the singular demonstrative pronouns are classified by gender. In plural, they have only one form.

Knowing How to Say What Is This? in Bulgarian Could be Helpful!

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns make it easy for us to ask questions, so it’s useful to learn the most common ones early on. Please note that, unlike interrogative pronouns in English, those in Bulgarian are classified by gender and number. Let’s see some examples: 

#1 Who?

NumberBulgarian pronounBulgarian pronunciationEnglish



who (masculine)
who (feminine)
who (neuter)

who (plural)

In the following examples, the demonstrative pronouns we mentioned earlier are used along with the interrogative pronouns:

  • Кой е този човек?
    Koy e tozi chovek?
    Who is this person?
  • Кои са тези хора?
    Koi sa tezi hora?
    Who are these people?

* Note that the gender/number of the interrogative pronoun is determined by the noun it’s used with. Човек is masculine, so the masculine form of “who” is used: кой. In the second example, хора is plural so we use the plural form of “who,” which is кои. The same rule also applies to the following interrogative pronouns.

#2 What?

NumberBulgarian pronounBulgarian pronunciationEnglish



what (masculine)
what (feminine)
what (neuter)

what (plural)

  • Каква е тази кола?
    Kakva e tazi kola?
    What is this car?
  • Какви са студентите?
    Kakvi sa studentite?
    What are the students like?

#3 Whose?

NumberBulgarian pronounBulgarian pronunciationEnglish



whose (masculine)
whose (feminine)
whose (neuter)

whose (plural)

  • Чия е тази книга?
    Chiya e tazi kniga?
    Whose book is this?
  • Чии са тези книги?
    Chii sa tezi knigi?
    Whose books are these?
Whose Books Are These?

Question Words

Unlike interrogative pronouns, Bulgarian question words have only one form; they do not change for gender or number. This means they’re easier to learn! 

Bulgarian question wordBulgarian pronunciationEnglish
как kakhow
колкоkolkohow many/much
накъдеnakadewhere to
откъдеotkadewhere from

  • Накъде отиваш?
    Nakade otivash?
    Where are you going (to)?
  • Откъде идваш?
    Otkade idvash?
    Where do you come from?

Can’t wait to start asking questions in Bulgarian? Then make sure to study our vocabulary list Top 25 Bulgarian Questions You Need to Know.

2. Let’s Count to 10 in Bulgarian

Numbers are another essential component of Bulgarian for beginners. We use numbers every single day, whether we’re jotting down a phone number or checking prices at the grocery store. To get a nice headstart, study the list below! 


Let’s practice them with a phone number:

+359 / 896 544-271

три пет девет / осем девет шест   пет четири четири  – две седем едно
tri pet devet / osem devet shest      pet chetiri chetiri – dve sedem edno

Learning Bulgarian Numbers Has Many Practical Applications.

3. The Most Common Noun Categories

Once you have the pronouns and numbers down, you should focus your efforts on picking up as many nouns as you can. Nouns are a crucial set of Bulgarian beginner words to learn, as they can be used alone to get an urgent point across or used with a verb to form a complete thought.

Below, we’ve grouped the most essential nouns into categories for your convenience.


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
2господин / г-нgospodin / g-nMr.
3госпожа / г-жаgospozha / g-zhaMrs.
4госпожица / г-цаgospozhitsaMiss 
16братовчедbratovchedcousin (male)
17братовчедкаbratovchedkacousin (female)


Places Around Town

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1центърtsentarcity center

School/Office Essentials

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
15дъска daskaboard

Body Parts

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
8пръстprastfinger / toe


No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
6кашкавалkashkavalyellow cheese

4. Bulgarian Verbs: Add More Activity to Your Knowledge

Add More Activity to Your Knowledge

There are many different verbs that Bulgarian beginners will benefit from learning early on. We’ve created two lists: one for verbs you might use to describe your daily routine and another for miscellaneous verbs you’ll hear often.

Daily Routine Verbs

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1събуждам сеsabuzhdam sewake up
2ставамstavamget up
3мия сеmiya sewash up
4закусвамzakusvamhave breakfast
5обядвамobyadvamhave lunch
6вечерямvecheryamhave dinner
10връщам сеvrashtam sereturn
15обувамobuvamput on shoes
16събувамsabuvamtake off shoes
22прибирамpribiramclean up

Other Common Verbs

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
3вземамvzemampick up
10разхождам сеrazhozhdam setake a walk
16усмихвам сеusmihvam sesmile
17търсяtarsyalook for
24мълчаmalchakeep silent

5. Describe Emotions with Bulgarian Adjectives

Learning the most popular Bulgarian adjectives will allow you to describe different people, things, feelings, and emotions more easily. We’ve divided them into four different groups.

Adjectives that describe people

All the adjectives in this section are presented in two forms; the first form is masculine and the second is feminine. For example:

  • красив мъж (krasiv mazh) handsome man
  • красива жена (krasiva zhena) – beautiful woman

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1красив / красиваkrasiv / krasivabeautiful 
2симпатичен / симпатичнаsimpatichen / simpatichna cute
3мил / милаmil / milakind
4добър / добраdobar / dobragood
5висок / високаvisok / visokatall
6нисък / нискаnisak / niskashort
7строен / стройнаstroen / stroinaslender
8дебел / дебелаdebel / debelafat
9слаб / слабаslab / slabaslim
10умен / умнаumen / umnaclever
11глупав / глупаваglupav / glupavastupid
12работлив / работливаrabotliv / rabotlivahardworking
13мързелив / мързеливаmarzeliv / marzeliva lazy

Adjectives that describe objects

All the adjectives in this section are presented in three forms: masculine, feminine, and neuter. Unlike in the English language, nouns in Bulgarian are assigned grammatical gender and the adjective used with that noun must agree with it in gender. For example:

  • голям стол (golyam stol) – big chair
  • голяма топка (golyama topka) – big ball
  • голямо легло (golyamo leglo) – big bed

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1голям / голяма / голямоgolyam / golyama / golyamobig
2малък / малка / малкоmalak / malka / malko small
3дълъг / дълга / дългоdalag / dalga / dalgolong
4къс / къса / късоkas / kasa / kasoshort
5пъстър / пъстра / пъстроpastar / pastra / pastro  colorful
6широк / широка / широкоshirok / shiroka / shirokowide
7стъклен / стъклена / стъкленоstaklen / staklena / staklenoglass / made of glass
8метален / метална / метално metalen / metalna / metalno metal / made of metal 
9чуплив / чуплива / чупливоchupliv / chupliva / chuplivofragile
10нов / нова / новоnov / nova / novonew
11стар / стара / староstar / stara / staroold

Adjectives that describe emotions

All the adjectives in this section are presented in two forms: masculine and feminine. It will be useful to know both forms as emotions are usually attributed to people. For example:

  • щастлив мъж (shtastliv mazh) – happy man
  • щастлива жена (shtastliva zhena) – happy woman

But you should still keep in mind that some person-related words are neuter gender. For example:

    момче (momche) – boy
    момиче (momiche) – girl

In the case of the first adjective in the table below, you could easily make the appropriate neuter form of the adjective by changing the ending “-a” from the feminine form to “-o.” For example:

  • щастливо момче (shtastlivo momche) – happy boy
  • щастливо момиче (shtastlivo momiche) – happy girl

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1щастлив / щастлива shtastliv / shtastlivаhappy 
2весел / веселаvesel / veselacheerful
3тъжен / тъжнаtazhen / tazhnasad
4замислен / замисленаzamislen / zamislena thoughtful
5угрижен / угриженаugrizhen / ugrizhena  worried
6самотен / самотнаsamoten / samotna lonely
7изненадан / изненаданаiznenadan / iznenadanasurprised
8усмихнат / усмихнатаusmihnat / usmihnata smiling

Adjectives that describe the weather

We present here only the form for neuter gender, because the word време (vreme), or “weather,” is a neuter noun in Bulgarian. For this reason, when describing the weather outside, we use only adjectives in neuter form. 


  • слънчево време (slanchevo vreme) – sunny weather
  • Навън е слънчево. (Navan e slanchevo.) – It is sunny outside.

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 

It's Rainy.

6. Bulgarian Conjunctions

Conjunctions are short words that link together, oppose, or separate other words or phrases in the sentence. Here are some Bulgarian conjunctions that are useful to know:

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
7въпреки чеvapreki chealthough / even though
8тъй катоtay katoas

Here are a few samples of their usage:

  • Не исках да те обидя, а да ти покажа грешката.
    Ne iskah da te obidya, a da ti pokazha greshkata.
    I didn’t want to offend you, but I just wanted to show you the mistake.
  • Аз те обичам, въпреки че понякога не слушаш.
    Az te obicham, vapreki che ponyakoga ne slushash.
    I love you, even though sometimes you don’t listen to me.

If you’re looking for even more practical everyday Bulgarian words for absolute beginners, check out our list of 100 core Bulgarian words and get studying!

7. Other Must-know Bulgarian Words

To conclude, let’s look at a few helpful lists of Bulgarian beginner words related to the local culture!

Bulgarian National Holidays

Here are some of the most common Bulgarian holidays:

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1Нова годинаnova godinaNew Year’s Day
Celebrated on January 1
2Свети Валентинsveti valentinSt. Valentine’s Day
Celebrated on February 14
3Денят на Освобождението на Българияdenyat na osvobozhdenieto na balgariaThe Day of Liberation of Bulgaria
Celebrated on March 3
4Денят на женатаdenyat na zhenataWomen’s Day
Celebrated on March 8
Celebrated on a different date each year
6Денят на трудаdenyat na trudaLabor Day
Celebrated on May 1
7Денят на българската писменостdenyat na balgarskata pismenostThe Day of Bulgarian Culture and Literacy
Celebrated on May 24
8Денят на народните будителиdenyat na narodnite buditeliThe Day of the People’s Awakeners
Celebrated on November 1
9Бъдни вечерbadni vecherChristmas Eve
Celebrated on December 24
Celebrated on December 25

    → In this lesson from BulgarianPod101, you’ll learn even more about Bulgarian national holidays.

Bulgarian National Holidays

Must-try Foods in Bulgaria

If you visit a Bulgarian restaurant, it’s definitely worth knowing the words listed below. These are the must-try dishes that you wouldn’t want to miss during your stay in Bulgaria!

No.Bulgarian PronunciationEnglish 
1баницаbanitsabanitsa pastry
2кисело млякоkiselo mlyakoBulgarian yogurt
3тараторtaratorcold yogurt soup
4шопска салатаshopska salatashopska salad
5луканкаlukankatype of dry sausage
6боб чорбаbob chorbabean soup
7погачаpogachaceremonial bread
8пълнени чушки с оризpalneni chushki s orizstuffed peppers with rice
9печено агнеpecheno agnegrilled whole lamb

Bulgarian Cold Yogurt Soup - Tarator

The Most Popular Bulgarian Cities

You may already have heard about the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, but what are the other major Bulgarian cities you might want to visit? Here’s a list of some popular cities in Bulgaria that are preferred tourist destinations.

No.Bulgarian Pronunciation
5Велико ТърновоVeliko Tarnovo

8. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

We believe that this guide to the most common Bulgarian words for beginners will help you build a solid foundation upon which to build your Bulgarian language skills. 

The goal of BulgarianPod101 is to help absolute beginners advance quickly. For this reason, we ensured that this article contained the most essential words in a variety of categories! Once you memorize these words, you should be able to understand native speakers in more beginner-level situations. 

If you create a free lifetime account with us, you’ll gain access to tons of practical lessons that take a fun approach to learning. We even have an entire series of Bulgarian lessons for beginners, which we highly recommend you check out first. 

If you would like to speed up your learning progress even further, you can turn to MyTeacher. This Premium PLUS service allows you to work with a native Bulgarian language expert. He or she will help you learn the basics of vocabulary, grammar, conversations, sentence structure, etc., so you can really start communicating in Bulgarian! 

We’d be happy to hear your feedback about this lesson. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments below! Which of these words did you find most useful, and what are some words you’d still like to learn?

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian

Bulgarian Filler Words: Start Speaking Like a Native


Fillers are those unnecessary words that people sometimes use without even realizing it. They’re usually associated with slang or lack of education. These parasitic words or expressions interrupt speech and sometimes make it more difficult to understand. The English language is full of filler words, but what about Bulgarian?

There are many Bulgarian filler words, too! BulgarianPod101 has prepared this extensive overview to get you acquainted with them, as you’ll encounter them often in your daily conversations with Bulgarians. It’s interesting to note that fillers in the Bulgarian language are influenced by modern language tendencies and change over time. For the purpose of this article, we’ll be covering some of the most common Bulgarian filler words used today.

Conversation Filler Words
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. What are filler words and why do we use them?
  2. The 10 Most Common Bulgarian Filler Words
  3. Filler Words in Business Jargon
  4. Cons of Filler Words
  5. How to Get Rid of Filler Words in Your Speech
  6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

1. What are filler words and why do we use them?

If you’ve ever spoken with a Bulgarian, you’ve probably heard some words said so quickly that you didn’t understand their meaning. These filler words bear different meanings, and our goal is to help you better recognize and understand them so that you’ll be more prepared for real-life conversations.

It might sound strange, but filler words are multifunctional. People use them in different situations and for various purposes. Here are some of their most common functions and properties:

    ➢ These are parasite words that have no specific meaning. If you remove them from a sentence, it will become more clear and understandable.
    ➢ They do not change the meaning of the sentence.
    ➢ They help people express their emotions more succinctly.
    ➢ Filler words are sometimes used to give the speaker time to think about what to say next.
    ➢ They reveal a kind of linguistic weakness, and are usually used by people who would like to say much more than they actually can.
    ➢ They help the speaker gently approach delicate topics and predispose the listener to them.
    ➢ They are also used to emphasize important points and ideas.
    ➢ Filler words may be used to repeat the same idea again in different words.

Taking into account the various uses of filler words, it’s easier to understand why we’ve dedicated an entire article to them. Let’s now look at some specific filler words in Bulgarian and their English meanings.

2. The 10 Most Common Bulgarian Filler Words


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Ами… (Ami…)“Well…”

You’ll hear this filler word quite often during conversations with Bulgarians. It’s usually placed at the beginning of the sentence, especially if the speaker is about to give a negative response and isn’t sure what to say next. It can be used before phrases like “I don’t know,” “I can’t,” “alright then,” etc.

Здравей, свободен ли си днес следобед? 
Zdravey, svoboden li si dnes sledobed?
“Hi, are you free this afternoon?”

Ами, не знам още. Трябва да си проверя графика. 
Ami, ne znam oshte. Tryabva da si proverya grafika.
“Well, I don’t know yet. I need to check my schedule.”

Ами, добре тогава. Ще ти се обадя по-късно. 
Ami, dobre togava. Shte ti se obadya po-kasno.
“Well, alright then. I’ll call you later.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Абе… (Abe…)“Well…”

Another frequently used filler in Bulgarian, абе (abe) is quite similar to the previous word we looked at and is placed at the beginning of a sentence or expression. While the previous one could go unnoticed, this filler is quite annoying and typically used in “low culture” speech. 

Абе, ти сега не ми ги разправяй на мен тези неща! 
Abe, ti sega ne mi gi razpravyay na men tezi neshta!
Well, don’t tell these things to me!” / “I know better!”

Абе, аз зная по-добре какво да правя. 
Abe, az znaya po-dobre kakvo da pravya.
“Well, I know better what to do.”

Абе, ти няма ли най-после да проумееш това! 
Abe, ti nyama li nay-posle da proumeesh tova!
“Well, won’t you finally understand this!”

Won't You Finally Understand This!


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Значи… (Znachi…)“So…” / “Then…”

This Bulgarian filler is used unintentionally by a speaker who is trying to explain something or describe a situation. It can be inserted at any point in a sentence. 

Note: The filler word значи should not be confused with the verb значи, which is translated in English as “means” for the third person singular. Be aware that this word, therefore, can be used either as a filler or as a word with actual meaning. 

Отивам значи вчера на магазина и купувам значи две бири. 
Otivam znachi vchera na magazina i kupuvam znachi dve biri.
“So, I went to the store yesterday and so I bought two beers.”

Значи днес не можеш да излезеш с мен на разходка? Добре, значи, ще отида сам. 
Znachi dnes ne mozhesh da izlezesh s men na razhodka? Dobre, znachi, shte otida sam.
“So you can’t go out for a walk with me today? Okay, then I’ll go alone.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Нали… / Нали разбираш… (Nali… / Nali razbirash…)“You understand…”“You know…” / “You see…”

These Bulgarian filler words are quite common and are normally used when the speaker is searching for affirmation or confirmation from the listener. Note that the filler нали can be replaced by the previous filler значи, as they have nearly the same meaning.

Нали разбираш, не ми беше много лесно. Nali razbirash, ne mi beshe mnogo lesno.“You see, it wasn’t very easy for me.”
Разхождам се нали в парка и изведнъж нали пред мен застава Силвестър Сталоун. Razhozhdam se nali v parka i izvednazh nali pred men zastava Silvestar Staloun.“You know, I’m walking in the park, and suddenly, you know, Sylvester Stallone is standing in front of me.”
I'm Walking in the Park...


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Виж… / Виж сега… (Vizh… / Vizh sega…)“Look…” / “Look now…”“Look…” / “Here’s the thing…”

Both of these Bulgarian fillers are used to attract the attention of the listener. They’re usually placed at the beginning of the sentence in order to emphasize the importance of what’s about to be said.

Виж, не искам да те обидя. Vizh, ne iskam da te obidya.“Look, I don’t want to offend you.”
Виж сега, минаваш по този път, завиваш наляво и си на точното място. Vizh sega, minavash po tozi pat, zavivash nalyavo i si na tochnoto myasto.“Here’s the thing, you should go this way, then turn left and you’ll be in the right place.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Всъщност… / Фактически… (Vsashtnost… / Fakticheski…)“In fact…”“Actually…”

While these Bulgarian fillers are perfectly fine to use in speech, they can become irritating to the listener if used too much. These fillers cannot be used at the end of a sentence; the speaker adds them when he would like more time to form his thoughts.

Аз всъщност исках да кажа друго. Az vsashtnost iskah da kazha drugo.“I actually wanted to say something else.”
Фактически до сега нищо не съм постигнал. Fakticheski do sega nishto ne sam postignal.“In fact, I have not achieved anything so far.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Сещаш се… (Seshtash se…)“You guess…”“You know…”

This filler aims to keep the other party interested during a conversation. It’s very close to нали / нали разбираш above. By using it, the speaker wants to make the other party empathetic to what they’re saying and to provoke more interest in it. Using this filler too often is indicative of a low culture of speaking.

Here’s how this word might be used in a phone conversation: 
Вчера бях, сещаш се, в ресторанта и там дойде управителят и сещаш се какво ми казаче съм уволнен. Vchera byah, seshtash se, v restoranta i tam doyde upravitelyat i seshtash se kakvo mi kazache sam uvolnen.“Yesterday I was, you know, in the restaurant and the manager came there and, you know, what he told me—that I am fired.”

You might be interested in studying more about how to make a phone call in Bulgarian.

You Are Fired!


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Викам… (Vikam…)“I shout…”“I intend to…” / “I tell…”

This Bulgarian filler is typically used to replace the verbs смятам (smyatam) – “I intend” and казвам (kazvam) – “I tell.”

Викам да направя една баница. Vikam da napravya edna banitsa.“I plan to make banitsa.”
Обаждам се аз по телефона на мой приятел и му викам да излезем заедно, а той ми вика, че не може. Obazhdam se az po telefona na moy priyatel i mu vikam da izlezem zaedno, a toy mi vika, che ne mozhe.“I called my friend and told him to go out together, and he told me that he can’t.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Човек… / мен… (Chovek… / Man…)“Human” / “Man”“Man…”

These two filler words are equivalent in meaning and are comparatively new, used mainly by young adults and teenagers in Bulgaria. It’s obvious that the filler word мен is the transliteration of the English filler “man,” which probably entered the Bulgarian vernacular via American movies. Both fillers are used to address the interlocutor.
* Note that the filler word мен should not be confused with the personal pronoun мен.* Note also that there are regional variations with the same semantic meaning. For example, people in Sofia could use the filler word брат (“bro” / “brother”), while people in Plovdiv prefer the expression майна (“dude”).

Човек, да знаеш какво ми се случи вчера! Chovek, da znaesh kakvo mi se sluchi vchera!“Man, you know what happened to me yesterday!”
Вървя си по пътя, мен, и изведнъж чувам познат глас зад мен. Varvya si po patya, men, i izvednazh chuvam poznat glas zad men.“I’m walking down the road, man, and suddenly I hear a familiar voice behind me.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
В смисъл / тоест… (V smisal / toest…)“I mean…” / “In other words…”

These Bulgarian filler words are similar to всъщност and фактически. They’re used to make something more clear, but when they’re used too often, it can become irritating for the listener.

A:Трябва да започнете да учите повече! Tryabva da zapochnete da uchite poveche!“You have to study more!”
B:В смисъл? V smisal?“What do you mean?”
A:В смисъл, че ви предстоят изпити. V smisal, che vi predstoyat izpiti.“I mean that you will have to take exams soon.”

Вчера излизам от вкъщи, тоест не на разходка, а до магазина и разбирам, че парите не са в мен. Vchera izlizam ot vkashti, toest ne na razhodka, a do magazina i razbiram, che parite ne sa v men.“Yesterday I left my house, i.e. not for a walk, but to go to the store, and I found out that the money is not with me.”
You Have to Study More!
  • BulgarianPod101 can help you prepare for your approaching Bulgarian proficiency exam with thousands of useful lessons.

Bonus Filler Word

BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
такова… (takova…)“this” / “that”

We present here the most universal Bulgarian filler word you’ll hear in your conversations with Bulgarians. Locals can use this filler in place of any word they’re struggling to remember.

In place of a noun
Трябва ми такова… сол. Tryabva mi takova… sol.“I need that… salt.”
In place of a verb
Излизам да таковам… да играя. Izlizam da takovam… da igraya.“I go out to do this… to play.”
* Note that when it replaces a verb, this filler word follows the rules of verb conjugation.
In place of an adjective
Тя е толкова такава… хитра. Tya e tolkova takava… hitra.“She is so this… cunning.”
* Note that when it replaces an adjective, this filler word declines differently depending on the gender of the noun.

3. Filler Words in Business Jargon

It’s interesting to note that some of the filler words in spoken Bulgarian have been influenced by the business jargon. We’ve already described two of them: всъщност and фактически, which are equivalent in meaning.

Bulgarian business jargon contains business or technical terms as well as foreign words. Some more examples of Bulgarian filler words taken from business jargon include:


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Буквално… (Bukvalno…)“Literally…”“Literally…”

Това буквално означава да се преместиш в друга държава. Tova bukvalno oznachava da se premestish v druga darzhava.“This literally means moving to another country.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Така да се каже… (Taka da se kazhe…)“So to speak…”“So to speak…”

Налага се, така да се каже, да направим голяма промяна. Nalaga se, taka da se kazhe, da napravim golyama promyana.“We have to make a big change, so to speak.”


BulgarianLiterallyEnglish Equivalent
Практически… (Prakticheski…)“Practically…”“Practically…”

Той е практически навсякъде. Toy e prakticheski navsyakade.“He is practically everywhere.”
He Is Practically Everywhere.

BulgarianPod101 will help you sound like a native Bulgarian speaker with the following list of essential idioms.

4. Cons of Filler Words

While using the occasional filler in Bulgarian can help you buy time to organize your thoughts, they can easily become a bad habit. Filler words add no value to a sentence, and they also make speech or writing more difficult to understand by interrupting its flow.

If you find yourself using fillers unintentionally, it’s a good idea to learn how to limit their use in your everyday life. Which brings us to our next section…

Filler Words Irritate Listeners

5. How to Get Rid of Filler Words in Your Speech

When using filler words becomes a habit, it’s difficult (but not impossible) to stop. Just don’t give up! There are some techniques that can help:

  • Record yourself speaking: Listen to your speech to find out how many filler words you use and try to make another recording without them. This practical exercise has to be repeated often to remove the bad habit, especially if you’re planning to speak with a really important person.
  • Don’t speak too much: Try to form your thoughts with fewer words than usual. It’s more important to speak clearly and get to the point.
  • Keep silent for a few seconds: It’s better to make a pause in speech while thinking than to fill the time with unnecessary expressions.

Make a jar or bottle for fines: Put a coin inside every time you catch yourself using a filler word. This will motivate you to use them less often.

Jar for Fines

Feeling ambitious now? BulgarianPod101 encourages you to try out the following list of language learning goals for the month.

6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

We hope that this Bulgarian conversation filler words overview will help you recognize and understand fillers in your conversations with Bulgarians. 

It’s a good idea to get familiar with this Bulgarian filler words list so that you can sound more like a native speaker and better understand conversations. If you would like to advance your Bulgarian language knowledge and practice with a private Bulgarian teacher, you can take advantage of BulgarianPod101’s  MyTeacher service for Premium PLUS members. 

We’ll be glad to hear your feedback about this article. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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Bulgarian Love Phrases: Say “I Love You,” in Bulgarian


Maybe you remember that old Beatles song All You Need is Love.

It seems to be true, because every single person—from little babies to old men or women—needs to love and be loved by someone. But while giving and receiving love is important, so is knowing how to express that love. Doing this properly can work miracles in your life. 

Does your potential love interest or spouse happen to be a native Bulgarian speaker? Then you’re in the right place! 

In this detailed overview of how to say “I love you,” in Bulgarian, we’ll help you express your true feelings in your partner’s mother tongue. Whether your goal is to make an attractive Bulgarian fall in love with you or to strengthen the bond you have with your partner, these Bulgarian phrases about love will help you navigate through each phase of your relationship. 

The best part? Learning love phrases in Bulgarian is just the beginning. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend who speaks the language might inspire you to continue your studies! And having a romantic partner to practice with can make the experience that much more exciting and fulfilling. 

What are you waiting for? It’s time to sweep your partner off their feet! 

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines and More
  2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More
  3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More
  4. Endearment Terms
  5. Must-know Love Quotes
  6. Building a Love Dialogue
  7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines and More

The first thing you need to know is how to confess your affection. In this chapter, we’ll give you tips and phrases to help you…

  • …introduce yourself in Bulgarian.
  • …invite your love interest on a first date.
  • …make a good impression on your date.
  • …give a compliment to show them you really care.

Invite Him/Her on a First Date

Let’s start with the basics: 

  • Здравей, как се казваш?
    Zdravey, kak se kazvash?
    Hello, what’s your name?
  • Казвам се Джон и съм от Англия.
    Kazvam se John i sam ot Angliya.
    My name is John and I’m from England.

In the phrase above, you can replace John and England with your own name and home country. Need some help? You can probably find the Bulgarian name of your country in our World Countries vocabulary list.

Next, ask him or her what they do for a living.

  • Какво работиш?
    Kakvo rabotish?
    What’s your job?

Now, you can tell him/her about your occupation. Here’s an example:

  • Аз съм учител/ка по английски.
    Az sam uchitel/ka po angliyski.
    I am an English teacher.

Simply replace English teacher with your own profession. You can find a list of 20 Common Bulgarian Words for Occupations on 

Another good question to ask is:

  • Какво обичаш да правиш в свободното си време?
    Kakvo obichash da pravish v svobodnoto si vreme?
    What do you like to do in your free time?

To answer this question yourself, you can say: Обичам да + your hobby. For example:

  • Обичам да се разхождам в парка.
    Obicham da se razhozhdam v parka.
    I like walking in the park.

In this case, you might find our list of Bulgarian Vocabulary for Hobbies very helpful! 

I Like Walking in the Park.

It’s time to become more direct. Let’s try this:

  • Мога ли да те поканя на среща?
    Moga li da te pokanya na sreshta?
    Can I invite you on a date?

We believe that the answer you’ll get will be:

  • Разбира се, с удоволствие!
    Razbira se, s udovolstvie!
    Of course, with pleasure!

Now, don’t forget to give some Bulgarian compliments to show you’re really interested in this relationship. 

  • Изглеждаш прекрасно!
    Izglezhdash prekrasno!
    You look great!
  • Толкова си красива! (for a woman)
    Tolkova si krasiva!
    You are so beautiful!

You can choose from this list of the Top 15 Bulgarian Compliments You Always Want to Hear to surprise your new Bulgarian friend.

Sending a reminder about the date via text or email

To make sure that the person you’ve invited didn’t forget about the date, you can send them a short reminder in a text or email. Here’s a sample reminder you could use:

  • Здравей, как си? Днес ще те чакам в 18 ч.
    Zdravey, kak si? Dnes shte te chakam v 18 chasa.
    Hello, how are you? Today, I will be waiting for you at 6 p.m.

If you would like to be more romantic, you could send the following:

  • Здравей, не спирам да мисля за нашата среща. Нямам търпение да се срещнем! До 18 ч.
    Zdravey, ne spiram da mislya za nashata sreshta. Nyamam tarpenie da se sreshtnem! Do 18 chasa.
    Hi, I keep thinking about our meeting. I can’t wait to meet you! Until 6 p.m.

2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More

Falling in Love!

Learning how to say “I love you,” in the Bulgarian language will be a huge step forward in your relationship. As you fall more deeply in love with someone, you begin to experience an array of emotions. While it would be impossible to include phrases for every feeling you might have, we’ve listed several romantic phrases in Bulgarian that you can use to express your love and continued interest. 

  • Много ми харесваш!
    Mnogo mi haresvash!
    I like you very much!
  • Какви прекрасни очи имаш!
    Kakvi prekrasni ochi imash!
    What beautiful eyes you have!
  • Обичам те!
    Obicham te!
    I love you!
  • Мога ли да те целуна?
    Moga li da te tseluna?
    Can I kiss you?
  • Липсваше ми!
    Lipsvashe mi!
    I missed you!
  • Не мога без теб!
    Ne moga bez teb!
    I cannot live without you!

3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More

A romantic relationship may become so strong that both parties desire to get married. This is an important step in life that one should consider before leaping ahead…but if you believe that you’re on the right track and that this is the person you’d like to bind your destiny to, here are the phrases you need to learn:

  • Искам децата ми да приличат на теб!
    Iskam detsata mi da prilichat na teb!
    I want my children to look like you!
  • Искам да остареем заедно!
    Iskam da ostareem zaedno!
    I want us to grow old together!

This is when a man might make his marriage proposal:

  • Ще се омъжиш ли за мен?
    Shte se omazhish li za men?
    Will you marry me?

Or, if the woman proposes to the man: 

  • Ще се ожениш ли за мен?
    Shte se ozhenish li za men?
    Will you marry me?
  • Нека създадем нашето общо бъдеще!
    Neka sazdadem nasheto obshto badeshte!
    Let’s create our common future!

Will You Marry Me?

4. Endearment Terms

All around the world, couples tend to address each other with cute pet names or terms of endearment. There are several common endearment terms in Bulgarian, some quite romantic and others more lighthearted. See our lists below to learn the pronunciation of “my love” in Bulgarian and many other Bulgarian terms of endearment. 

Classic endearment terms

  • Скъпи (Skapi) – Honey [for a man]
  • Скъпа (Skapa) – Honey [for a woman]
  • Любими (Lyubimi) – Darling [for a man]
  • Любима (Lyubima) – Darling [for a woman]
  • Мили (Mili) – Dear
  • Мила (Mila) – Dear
  • Любов моя (Lyubov moya) – My love
  • Обич моя (Obich moya) – My love
  • Щастие мое (Shtastie moe) – My happiness
  • Съкровище (Sakrovishte) – Treasure
  • Принцесо (Printseso) – Princess [for a woman]
  • Бебче (Bebche) – Baby

Animal-based endearment terms

  • Зайче (Zayche) – Bunny
  • Слонче (Slonche) – Diminutive for “elephant”
  • Коте (Kote) – Kitten
  • Писе (Pise) – Kitty
  • Жабчо (Zhabcho) – Diminutive for “frog”

How Are You Today, My Little Frog?

Bird-based endearment terms

  • Славейче (Slaveyche) – Diminutive for “nightingale”
  • Пиленце (Pilentse) – Chick
  • Пате (Pate) – Duckling
  • Гълъбче (Galabche) – Diminutive for “dove”

Nature-based endearment terms

  • Слънчице (Slanchitse) – Little sun
  • Звездичке (Zvezdichke) – Little star
  • Ягодке (Yagodke) – Little strawberry

Sweets-based endearment terms

  • Захарче (Zaharche) – Sugar
  • Бонбонче (Bonbonche) – Sweetie
  • Шоколадче (Shokoladche) – Chocolate
  • Сладкишче (Sladkishche) – Cake
  • Бухтичке (Buhtichke) – Cruller

While we’re still on the topic of sweets, you might be interested in checking out the following list of Bulgarian vocabulary for meals.

I Love You, My Sweetie!

5. Must-know Love Quotes

Much has been said about love and romance over the centuries. What better way to spice up your relationship than by reciting some popular love quotes in Bulgarian to your partner?

If you’ve chosen to call your favorite person Шоколадче (Shokoladche), or “Chocolate,” then you might be interested in the following love quote from Charles Schultz:

  • Всичко, от което се нуждаем, е любов. Но малко шоколад не е излишен.
    Vsichko, ot koeto se nuzhdaem, e lyubov. No malko shokolad ne e izlishen.
    All we need is love. But a little chocolate is not superfluous.

And here’s a must-know love quote by the famous Mahatma Gandhi:

  • Там, където има любов, има живот.
    Tam, kadeto ima lyubov, ima zhivot.
    Where there is love, there is life.

Another love quote is from Martin Luther King, Jr.:

  • Реших, че ще избера любовта. Омразата е твърде тежък товар, за да го нося.
    Reshih, che shte izbera lyubovta. Omrazata e tvarde tezhak tovar, za da go nosya.
    I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

Love Quotes

6. Building a Love Dialogue

Now, let’s build a sample dialogue using some of the Bulgarian love expressions we described above.

    Здравей, любов моя! Как си? Липсвашe ми!
       Zdravey, lyubov moya! Kak si? Lipsvashe mi!
       Hello, my love! How are you? I missed you!
    И ти ми липсваше! Постоянно мисля за теб!
       I ti mi lipsvashe! Postoyanno mislya za teb!
       I missed you, too! I think about you all the time!
    Мога ли да те целуна?
       Moga li da te tseluna?
       Can I kiss you?
    Разбира се!
       Razbira se!
       Of course!
    Какви прекрасни очи имаш!
       Kakvi prekrasni ochi imash!
       What beautiful eyes you have!
    Благодаря ти! Обичам те!
       Blagodarya ti! Obicham te!
       Thank you! I love you!
    Ще се омъжиш ли за мен? Нека създадем нашето общо бъдеще!
       Shte se omazhish li za men? Neka sazdadem nasheto obshto badeshte!
       Will you marry me? Let’s create our common future!
    Да! Не мога без теб!
       Da, ne moga bez teb!
       Yes! I cannot live without you!

Hе мога без теб is also the name of a popular Bulgarian love song you might want to listen to.

Love Dialogue

7. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn the Bulgarian Language

We hope that we made your day brighter with this overview of Bulgarian love phrases. Now, you can say “I love you,” in Bulgarian and build a deeper love dialogue with your Bulgarian partner. And trust us: He or she will definitely appreciate your efforts! 

BulgarianPod101 aims to help you overcome any language barrier, even in your love life!

We provide tons of practical lessons on the Bulgarian language and culture, as well as specially tailored learning pathways to help you reach your specific goals faster. If you need a more personal approach and extra guidance, you can upgrade to a Premium PLUS subscription to take advantage of our MyTeacher service. Your own personal teacher will help you learn the right vocabulary for any situation—even for asking that lucky man or woman out on a date. 😉 

With our lessons and guidance, you’ll gain the confidence you need to win the heart of your beloved. 

We would love to hear from you! Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments, and let us know which romantic phrases in Bulgarian you found most helpful.

Until next time, happy learning. We’re wishing you success in your love life!

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Learn About Negation in Bulgarian


Negation is a linguistic tool we use every day. From refusing proposals to answering questions in the negative, there are so many ways we use the word “no” in our daily conversations and social engagements. After all, we can’t possibly agree on everything all the time! 

Learning about negation in Bulgarian grammar is a key element in mastering the language, and we recommend that you study this early on. 

Here are some reasons why it’s good to learn how to say no in Bulgarian:

  • You’ll be able to express an opposite opinion.
  • You can react negatively when someone speaks untruthfully.
  • You can disagree with any offensive declaration. 
  • You can express to others your inability to do something.
  • You can state that something never happened.

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this Bulgarian negation overview to guide you through this complex topic. You’ll learn how to form negative sentences in Bulgarian, how to say no, how to answer questions in the negative, and more.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Negate a Statement
  2. Making Negative Sentences with the Verb “To Bе”
  3. Giving a Negative Response to a Question
  4. Other Negating Words and Phrases
  5. Double Negatives
  6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian
  7. Answers to the Practical Exercises

1. Negate a Statement

Let’s start by learning how to negate a positive statement in Bulgarian. For your convenience, we’ve also included some practical exercises to help you get the hang of it! 

Here are the positive statements:

  • Аз съм американец. / Ние сме американци.
    (Az sam amerikanets. / Nie sme amerikantsi.)
    I am an American. / We are Americans.
  • Аз уча български, защото смятам да пътувам за България.
    (Az ucha balgarski, zashtoto smyatam da patuvam za Balgariya.)
    I study Bulgarian because I plan to travel to Bulgaria.
I Study Bulgarian because I Plan to Travel to Bulgaria.

To make these positive statements negative in the simple present tense, we have to add the negative particleне” in front of the verb. The negative versions of these sentences look like this:

  • Аз не съм американец. / Ние не сме американци.
    (Az sam amerikanets. / Nie sme amerikantsi.)
    I am not an American. / We are not Americans.
  • Аз не уча български, защото не смятам да пътувам за България.
    (Az ne ucha balgarski, zashtoto ne smyatam da patuvam za Balgariya.)
    I don’t study Bulgarian because I do not plan to travel to Bulgaria.

Learning Bulgarian vocabulary for nationalities is not an easy thing. To help you out, here’s a list of 35 nationalities and how they’re pronounced in Bulgarian.

Practical exercise: Making affirmative statements negative in the simple present tense

It seems simple, right? Just figure out where the verb is located and put the negative particle before it. Now, practice negation in Bulgarian yourself with the following sentences: 

  • Аз обичам да ходя на ресторант.
    (Az obicham da hodya na restorant.)
    I like going to restaurants.
  • Тя живее в къща.
    (Tya zhivee v kashta.)
    She lives in a house.
  • Те работят в тази фирма.
    (Te rabotyat v tazi firma.)
    They work for this company.

You can check your answers at the end of this article.

Negate a statement in the future tense

When the statement you would like to negate is in the future tense, a different negative particle is used instead of “не.” In this case, the negative particle “няма да” (nyama da), meaning “won’t,” should replace the Bulgarian future tense particle “ще” (shte), meaning “will.” 

Let’s make it more clear by providing an example. Locate the particle “ще” first.

  • Когато науча български, ще се върна в Америка.
    (Kogato naucha balgarski, shte se varna v Amerika.)
    When I learn Bulgarian, I will return to America.

Now let’s replace the particle “ще” with the negative particle “няма да.”

  • Когато науча български, няма да се върна в Америка.
    (Kogato naucha balgarski, nyama da se varna v Amerika.)
    When I learn Bulgarian, I will not return to America.

By the way, BulgarianPod101 can help you start using the future tense to make plans and appointments in this lesson.

Practical exercise: Negate a statement in the future tense

Now, it’s your turn to make a negative statement in the future tense. Try the following sentences:

  • Утре ще ходя на ресторант.
    (Utre shte hodya na restorant.)
    I’m going to a restaurant tomorrow.
  • Тя ще живее в тази къща.
    (Tya shte zhivee v tazi kashta.)
    She will live in this house.
  • Те ще работят в тази фирма.
    (Te shte rabotyat v tazi firma.)
    They will work for this company.

You can check your answers at the end of this article.

I'm Going to a Restaurant Tomorrow.

2. Making Negative Sentences with the Verb “To Bе”

When building Bulgarian negation sentences with the verb съм (sam), you need to follow the same principle as with the other verbs: The negative particle “не” should be placed in front of the verb съм

Let’s start with affirmative examples. We’ll provide two versions of each sentence (for masculine and feminine gender, respectively) in the first person singular:

Аз съм българин. 
(Az sam balgarin.)
I am Bulgarian.
Аз съм българка. 
(Az sam balgarка.)
I am Bulgarian.
Аз съм тъжен.
(Az sam tazhen.)
I am sad.
Аз съм тъжна. 
(Az sam tazhnа.)
I am sad.
Ние сме млади.
(Nie sme mladi.)
We are young.

Now, let’s make these sentences negative. Note that, in contrast to the English language where the negative particle not is placed after the verb “to be,” the particle не comes before the verb “to be” in Bulgarian. 

Аз не съм българин.
(Az ne sam balgarin.)
I am not Bulgarian.
Аз не съм българка.
(Az ne sam balgarка.)
I am not Bulgarian.
Аз не съм тъжен.
(Az ne sam tazhen.)
I am not sad.
Аз не съм тъжна.
(Az ne sam tazhnа.)
I am not sad.
Ние не сме млади.
(Nie ne sme mladi.)
We are not young.

We Are Not Young, but We Are Young at Heart.

Practical exercise: Making negative sentences with the verb “to bе”

Ready to practice this essential skill? Each of these sentences contains a conjugated form of the verb “to be.” Try to make them negative! 

  • Колата е бърза.
    (Kolata e barza.)
    The car is fast.
  • Времето е хубаво.
    (Vremeto e hubavo.)
    The weather is nice.
  • Хората са добри.
    (Horata sa dobri.)
    People are good.
  • Те са мълчаливи днес.
    (Te sa malchalivi dnes.)
    They are silent today.

You can check your answers at the end of this article.

3. Giving a Negative Response to a Question

It’s time to learn how to give negative answers to questions that others ask you. Here are three examples, each one for a different scenario: 

With a possessive pronoun

    – Този телефон твой ли е?
       (Tozi telefon tvoy li e?)
       Is this phone yours?
    – Не, не е мой.
       (Ne, ne e moy.)
       No, it’s not mine.

With the verb to be

    – Ти от Бразилия ли си?
       (Ti ot Braziliya li si?)
       Are you from Brazil?
    – Не, не съм от Бразилия.
       (Ne, ne sam ot Braziliya.)
       No, I’m not from Brazil.

With a common verb 

    – Ти обичаш ли ме?
       (Ti obichash li me?)
       Do you love me?
    – Не, не те обичам.
       (Ne, ne te obicham.)
       No, I don’t love you.
Do You Love Me?

Practical exercise: Giving a negative response to a question

Your next task is to answer the following questions negatively. 

  • Ти помагаш ли му?
    (Ti pomagash li mu?)
    Are you helping him?
  • Ти учиш ли?
    (Ti uchish li?)
    Do you study?
  • Ти знаеш ли това?
    (Ti znaesh li tova?)
    Do you know that?
  • Ти млад ли си?
    (Ti mlad li si?)
    Are you young?

A hint: Follow the last example (With a common verb) from above to answer the first three questions and the second example (With the verb to be) for the last one. You can check whether your answers are correct at the end of this article.

    One more task:

Alter the following question for the feminine gender and answer it negatively, too:

  • Ти млад ли си?
    (Ti mlad li si?)
    Are you young?

4. Other Negating Words and Phrases

In addition to Bulgarian negative particles, there are some other negating words that make sentences negative. It’s interesting to note that these words have to be used in combination with the negative particle “не” in order to build a grammatically correct negative sentence.

нищо (nishto) – should be used with “неnothing
никой (nikoy) – should be used with “неnobody 
никога (nikoga) – should be used with “неnever
не мога (ne mogaI cannot
не трябва (ne tryabva)should not / must not


  • Нищо не ми трябва.
    (Nishto ne mi tryabva.)
    I don’t need anything.
  • Никой не идва.
    (Nikoy ne idva.)
    Nobody is coming.
  • Никога не закъснявам.
    (Nikoga ne zakasnyavam.)
    I’m never late.
  • Аз не мога да дойда на работа днес.
    (Az ne moga da doyda na rabota dnes.)
    I can’t come to work today.
  • Не трябва да работя много.
    (Ne tryabva da rabotya mnogo.)
    I don’t have to work hard.

Practical exercise: Negating words and phrases

Make the following sentences negative in Bulgarian by adding the negative words in parentheses to them. Hint: Don’t forget to add the negative particle не.

  • Разбирам. (add нищо)
    I understand.
  • Говоря с непознати. (add никога)
    (Govorya s nepoznati.)
    I’m talking to strangers.
  • Чува какво говоря. (add никой)
    (Chuva kakvo govorya.)
    He hears what I’m saying.

5. Double Negatives

Double Negatives

Double negatives are typical in the Bulgarian language. As we saw in the previous section, the negative pronouns (like никой) can only be used with the negative form of the verb.

  • Никой престъпник не остава ненаказан.
    (Nikoy prestapnik ne ostava nenakazan.)
    No criminal goes unpunished.

In the sentence above, the Bulgarian negative pronoun (никой) is equivalent to the English word “no.”

  • Нищо не виждам в тъмното.
    (Nishto ne vizhdam v tamnoto.)
    I don’t see anything in the dark.
  • Не приемам никакви предложения.
    (Ne priemam nikakvi predlozheniya.)
    I do not accept any suggestions.

6. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

BulgarianPod101 has prepared this overview of Bulgarian negation to help you better understand how it works so you can start using it in your daily conversations with Bulgarians. We believe that this explanation and the exercises we provided can help you quickly overcome the language barrier and start speaking freely.

If you feel like you need some additional help for that, you can check out our MyTeacher service, which allows you to study and practice with your own personal Bulgarian tutor. He or she can help give you the confidence you need to start speaking Bulgarian on your own. 

Before you go: Did you find these practical exercises challenging? What exactly did you find most challenging about them? We would love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comments below. 

And now, it’s time to check your answers!

7. Answers to the Practical Exercises

Answers to practical exercise: Making affirmative statements negative

  • Аз не обичам да ходя на ресторант.
    (Az ne obicham da hodya na restorant.)
    I don’t like going to restaurants.
  • Тя не живее в къща.
    (Tya ne zhivee v kashta.)
    She doesn’t live in a house.
  • Те не работят в тази фирма.
    (Te ne rabotyat v tazi firma.)
    They don’t work for this company.

Answers to practical exercise: Negate a statement in the future tense

  • Утре няма да ходя на ресторант.
    (Utre nyama da hodya na restorant.)
    I’m not going to a restaurant tomorrow.
  • Тя няма да живее в тази къща.
    (Tya nyama da zhivee v tazi kashta.)
    She will not live in this house.
  • Те няма да работят в тази фирма.
    (Te nyama da rabotyat v tazi firma.)
    They will not work for this company.

Answers to practical exercise: Making negative sentences with the verb “to bе”

  • Колата не е бърза.
    (Kolata ne e barza.)
    The car is not fast.
  • Времето не е хубаво.
    (Vremeto ne e hubavo.)
    The weather is not nice.
  • Хората не са добри.
    (Horata ne sa dobri.)
    People are not good.
  • Те не са мълчаливи днес.
    (Te ne sa malchalivi dnes.)
    They are not silent today.

Answers to practical exercise: Giving a negative response to a question

  • Ти помагаш ли му?
    (Ti pomagash li mu?)
    Are you helping him?
    – Не, не му помагам.
       (Ne, ne mu pomagam.)
       No, I’m not helping him.
  • Ти учиш ли?
    (Ti uchish li?)
    Do you study?
    – Не, не уча.
       (Ne, ne ucha.)
       No, I’m not studying.
  • Ти знаеш ли това?
    (Ti znaesh li tova?)
    Do you know that?
    – Не, не зная това.
       (Ne, ne znaya tova.)
       No, I don’t know that.
  • Ти млад ли си?
    (Ti mlad li si?)
    Are you young?
    – Не, не съм млад.
       (Ne, ne sam mlad.)
       No, I’m not young.

    One more task:

Ти млад ли си?
(Ti mlad li si?)
Are you young?
Ти млада ли си?
(Ti mladа li si?)
Are you young?
Не, не съм млад.
(Ne, ne sam mlad.)
No, I’m not young.
Не, не съм млада.
(Ne, ne sam mlada.)
No, I’m not young.

Answers to practical exercise: Negating words and phrases

  • Нищо не разбирам.
    (Nishto ne razbiram.)
    I do not understand anything.
  • Никога не говоря с непознати.
    (Nikoga ne govorya s nepoznati.)
    I never talk to strangers.
  • Никой не чува какво говоря.
    (Nikoy ne chuva kakvo govorya.)
    Nobody hears what I’m saying.
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Why learn Bulgarian? Here are 10 great reasons.


Have you ever thought of learning Bulgarian as an impossible task? Or maybe you’re thinking about studying the language, but want to make sure it’s actually worth the effort?

Well, BulgarianPod101 is here to encourage you and assure you that it’s both possible and beneficial to study Bulgarian. All it takes is some regular and purposeful effort on your part, and you can begin to reap the numerous advantages this knowledge will bring you. 

Today we’ll answer the question, “Why learn Bulgarian?” by outlining the top 10 reasons that knowing this language will benefit your life. 

Knowing why you should learn Bulgarian is important because…

    → …it can give you extra motivation to get through the harder periods of your language studies.
    → …you’ll realize that learning Bulgarian has multiple benefits and is worth your current efforts.
    → …if any of the reasons we list matches your goal, you’ll know that you’re on the right path toward reaching it successfully.
Learning the Bulgarian Language Doesn’t Have to be Boring!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Reason #1: Bulgaria has a rich culture and history.
  2. Reason #2: Knowing the Bulgarian language will help you understand other Slavic languages.
  3. Reason #3: You’ll be able to make friends with Bulgarians.
  4. Reason #4: Language learning improves overall brain health.
  5. Reason #5: You’ll get better acquainted with the Bulgarian cuisine.
  6. Reason #6: Knowing Bulgarian will bring you more business opportunities.
  7. Reason #7: You can use your language skills to impress a Bulgarian spouse or partner.
  8. Reason #8: You’ll have better travel experiences.
  9. Reason #9: There will be more opportunities to live in rural Bulgaria.
  10. Reason #10: It has never been easier to learn Bulgarian!
  11. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

Reason #1: Bulgaria has a rich culture and history.

Tsarevets Fortress, Bulgaria

Learning the Bulgarian language presents a great opportunity for learners to get acquainted with the unique culture and people of Bulgaria. And let us tell you: Bulgaria has a rich and exciting history! 

Bulgarian history dates back to at least 1500 BC, when the ancient Thracians inhabited this land. The Thracians were later followed by the Romans and the Greeks. 

The following migration of the Slavs and Bulgars played an important role in forming the Old Great Bulgaria, and later, the First Bulgarian Empire in 681 AD. This empire lasted until 1018, when the Byzantine Empire occupied its territory. After Bulgaria was liberated in 1185, the Second Bulgarian Empire was formed, which succeeded in making the nation great again. 

Unfortunately, it lasted for only two centuries and Bulgaria was occupied again in 1396—this time by the Ottomans. The Ottoman yoke lasted for five long centuries before the country was liberated in 1878 by the Russian army, which helped Bulgarian patriots after the failure of the April Uprising in 1876. After the liberation of Bulgaria, the beginning of the Third Bulgarian State started.

There are multiple artifacts that speak of the mix of cultures, nations, and tribes that once lived in this land. In fact, they serve as a Holy Grail of sorts for today’s archaeologists, paleontologists, and the scientific community as a whole. Some examples of artifacts include:

  • Ancient churches
  • Fortresses
  • Tombs
  • Roman baths
  • Parts of walls
  • Stadiums
  • Ancient theatres 

In addition, Bulgaria features nine attractions that are included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Reason #2: Knowing the Bulgarian language will help you understand other Slavic languages.

Bulgarian is part of the Slavic language family, namely its southern branch, which also includes the following languages: 

  • Serbian
  • Macedonian
  • Slovenian
  • Bosnian

Knowing Bulgarian will give you a key that allows you to access all of these languages. In other words: If you understand Bulgarian, you’ll have a much easier time learning languages of the same branch.

Of course, knowing either Bulgarian or one of the other Slavic languages will make your travel experiences much smoother and more fulfilling. Skills in one of these languages will allow you to visit Bulgaria, the Balkans, and even one of the following countries that have large groups of Bulgarian speakers:

  • Turkey
  • Kosovo
  • Moldova
  • Romania
  • Greece
  • Serbia
  • Albania
  • Ukraine
  • Macedonia 

Some other countries with fairly large Bulgarian-speaking groups are Spain, the United States, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Slavic People

Reason #3: You’ll be able to make friends with Bulgarians.

One of the most exciting perks of learning a foreign language is the ability to communicate with and befriend the local people. This is also a great way to immerse yourself even deeper into their culture.

The more phrases you learn, the easier it will be to communicate with Bulgarian people. Although many Bulgarians (especially the younger generations) speak English fluently, speaking to them in their own language will make it easier to form strong, meaningful bonds with them. On the other hand, having Bulgarian friends is a great opportunity to practice your speaking and listening skills in real life!

Making Friends with Bulgarians
    → BulgarianPod101 provides you with a list of the top 15 Bulgarian questions to know for your future conversations with Bulgarians. Check it out for some inspiration!

Reason #4: Language learning improves overall brain health.

Mastering a second or third language is advantageous for your brain health and function. So while learning a foreign language is both fun and fascinating, it’s also worth the effort in terms of the mental benefits you’ll gain. These include: 

  • An enhanced memory 
  • A stronger ability to make connections
  • Better problem-solving skills 

Language learning is a challenge that’s certainly good for the brain!

Language Learning Is a Great Mental Exercise

Reason #5: You’ll get better acquainted with the Bulgarian cuisine.

Bulgaria is known for the longevity of its people. Research shows that one of the reasons Bulgarians tend to live so long is their regular consumption of Bulgarian yogurt, especially the homemade kind. 

Tourists can try authentic Bulgarian yogurt (and plenty of other traditional dishes) when they visit the more rural areas of Bulgaria. That said, most people living in these areas do not know English, so communicating with them would be difficult without knowing at least a little Bulgarian. 

If you visit these places during a national holiday, you might even be invited into their homes for a dinner, as Bulgarian villagers are very hospitable and open to foreigners. Knowing Bulgarian will make this a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Try the Delicious Bulgarian Cuisine

Reason #6: Knowing Bulgarian will bring you more business opportunities.

Thanks to the rapid economic growth in Bulgaria and the country’s status as an increasingly attractive tourist destination, the country has become a hub for multiple business opportunities. The business potential in this country is huge, with job and investment potential in numerous sectors including: 

  • The IT field
  • Tourism
  • Education
  • Real estate
  • New business development

These conditions and opportunities provide favorable conditions for multiple business industries, including eco products and manufacturing.

Bulgarian and foreign investors gather annually at the special trading fairs and meetings that allow them to enhance their field of influence while meeting new partners and prospects. Even though English is spoken widely at such events, foreigners who speak Bulgarian have a clear advantage as they can better communicate with local business people.

    → In the following 15-minute video, you’ll learn some great business phrases that you might need during your meetings with Bulgarian business people:

Reason #7: You can use your language skills to impress a Bulgarian spouse or partner.

One of the sweetest reasons to learn Bulgarian is to impress your Bulgarian spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend. They’ll definitely appreciate your efforts and will double their support in helping you learn the language faster. The first phrase you should learn?

  • Обичам те!
    Obicham te!
    I love you!

Better still, being able to speak the language fluently will certainly impress your Bulgarian partner’s parents! Try a phrase like this, and see what happens:

  • Приятно ми е да се запознаем!
    Priyatno mi e da se zapoznaem!
    Nice to meet you!

And there is your key to winning their hearts.

Say I love You in Bulgarian to Your Favorite Person

Reason #8: You’ll have better travel experiences.

Learning some basic Bulgarian will enhance your travel experiences in the country. After all, you never know when you’ll need to ask someone for help! In these types of situations, you should definitely know at least the very basics, such as:

  • Къде е ресторантът?
    Kade e restorantat?
    Where is the restaurant?
  • Къде е тоалетната?
    Kade e toaletnata?
    Where is the toilet?
  • Къде е болницата?  
    Kade e bolnitsata?
    Where is the hospital?

In addition, there are some signs that are printed only in Bulgarian letters, so it’s good to know how to read the Bulgarian alphabet. This will be super-helpful when it comes to understanding directions.

Reason #9: There will be more opportunities to live in rural Bulgaria.

Rural Bulgarian Areas

Bulgarian villages have preserved ancient traditions and customs that cannot be seen in the big cities. In addition, these rural areas have an impressive combination of natural landscapes and clear air that can aid in stress reduction. Many foreigners visit these areas for at least a few days for the beautiful scenery and the emotional benefits it brings—some people even make the decision to live in these areas permanently! 

If this sounds like something you’d like to do yourself, knowing some Bulgarian will help you a lot when it comes to communicating with the locals. Bulgarian villagers are very warm-hearted and would gladly help you with whatever you need, but very few of them can speak other languages. For this reason, learning Bulgarian will be quite worth it!

Reason #10: It has never been easier to learn Bulgarian!

Have you come this far and are still wondering why to learn Bulgarian?

Well, thanks to modern technologies, it’s so much easier to learn the Bulgarian language now compared to a few decades ago. Imagine if there was no internet…no online tutorials, guides, educational materials, or teachers! We would have to go back to paper dictionaries and textbooks, with grammar explanations that take a long time to study. 

The Bulgarian language may not have changed much, but our available learning resources and methods have! 

Our present-day technologies allow you to learn new languages completely online, at your own pace, and using the methods that best suit you. BulgarianPod101, for example, provides a variety of free lessons and vocabulary lists that are designed to help you gradually improve your Bulgarian. We help you learn all five core elements (reading, writing, listening, speaking, conversation) simultaneously!

Of course, you can also supplement your learning nowadays through a variety of means that were not previously available, such as Bulgarian TV shows and YouTube channels.

11. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian

BulgarianPod101 prepared this review of the top 10 reasons to learn Bulgarian in order to motivate you in your language learning journey. We hope you’ll now be able to move forward with your Bulgarian studies with even greater confidence.

BulgarianPod101 App

If you’re ready to commit, create your free lifetime account with BulgarianPod101 and start learning real Bulgarian today. We also offer a great free app that allows you to take BulgarianPod101 with you wherever you go. This innovative app will give you access to hundreds of entertaining audio and video lessons taught by real Bulgarian teachers.

If you’d prefer to have a personal tutor who can explain everything in greater detail and help you advance even faster, you can upgrade to Premium PLUS and choose a professional from our MyTeacher service. With your teacher, you’ll be able to more easily understand all language specifics, including grammar rules (and exceptions), vocabulary, and pronunciation. 

Before you go: Did any of the reasons we listed inspire you to start learning, or are you still on the fence? Or maybe you have your own reason for learning that we didn’t mention! Let us know in the comments, because we always love to hear from you. 

Happy learning!

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Bulgarian Tenses Overview: Make the Hardest Part Easier


Even if you have a solid vocabulary base, your communication is going to be quite limited unless you know how to use tenses. While they may seem intimidating, studying the Bulgarian tenses will open up a whole new world to you and fill your life with so many different possibilities. 

Just imagine: Being able to talk about the present, past, and future will allow you to tell your Bulgarian friend what you’re up to at the moment, what happened yesterday, or what your plans are for the future. 

In this detailed guide, BulgarianPod101 will cover all nine verb tenses in Bulgarian grammar and provide you with examples of how to use them. We know that tenses are probably the hardest part of learning a foreign language, so we’ve tried to make our guide as simple and useful as possible. 

Let’s get started.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Bulgarian Table of Contents
  1. Bulgarian Language Specifics
  2. Present Tense
  3. Past Tenses
  4. Future Tenses
  5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Tenses

1. Bulgarian Language Specifics

Before we delve into verb tenses in the Bulgarian language, let’s take a look at three of the essential specifics that distinguish Bulgarian from most other languages.

No infinitive form

Instead of infinitive verb forms like those found in English, Russian, and many other languages, the Bulgarian language has a basic verb form that is first person singular, present tense. This means that when you look for specific verbs in the dictionary, you’ll find their forms for first person:

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Bulgarian verb conjugations

There are three verb conjugations in Bulgarian, categorized based on the stem form in third person singular, present tense. 

ConjugationStem vowelStem form (3rd pers., sing., present tense)Base form (1st pers., sing., present tense)
1st четечета
2ndговори, мислиговоря, мисля
3rd-а, -япита, отговаряпитам, отговарям

He Reads an Interesting Book


1st Conjugation

  • Той чете интересна книга, а аз чета вестник.
    Toy chete interesna kniga, a az cheta vestnik.
    He reads an interesting book and I read a newspaper.

3rd Conjugation

  • Аз питам, а той отговаря.
    As pitam, a toy otgovarya.
    I ask, and he answers.

    Practical Exercise No. 1 – Conjugations

Determine the conjugation of the following words, placed in third person singular, present tense:

разбира (razbira), understands – Conjugation No. ____
знае (znae), knows – Conjugation No. ____
учи (uchi), studies – Conjugation No. ____
играе (razbira), plays – Conjugation No. ____
вярва (vyarva), believes – Conjugation No. ____
работи (raboti), works – Conjugation No. ____
мечтае (mechtae), dreams – Conjugation No. ____

    Practical Exercise No. 2 – Conjugations

Using the table from Bulgarian Verb Conjugations, try to translate the following sentence into Bulgarian:

                   She doesn’t speak, because she thinks a lot.


Bulgarian auxiliary verbs

The Bulgarian language features two auxiliary verbs: съм (sam) and ща (shta). Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

  • съм (sam) – to be

    This verb is widely used in constructing complex verb forms. съм and its derivatives (for the past and future tenses) play an important role in forming different tenses.

  • ща (shta) – to want

    This verb is used only for future tense forms. To form verbs in the future tense and the future perfect tense, its derivative ще (shtе), or “will,” should be used. Over time, this word has lost its meaning of “want to” and is now considered to be a particle meaning “will.”

    To form the other future tenses (Future in the Past & Future Perfect in the Past), which will be discussed below in detail, we need to use the aorist form of ща, which is щял (shtyal), meaning “would.”


    ➢ Аз съм учител.
        Az sam uchitel.
        I am a teacher. – Present Tense

    ➢ Като порасна, ще съм смел като татко.
        Kato porasna, shte sam smel kato tatko.
        When I grow up, I will be as brave as my daddy. – Future Tense

    ➢ Вчера бях у дома.
        Vchera byah u doma.
        Yesterday, I was at home. – Past Tense

I Am a Teacher.
    → BulgarianPod101 covers more important points related to Bulgarian grammar on our website!

2. Present Tense

It’s important to note that there is only one present tense in Bulgarian, which makes things easier. However, don’t forget that there are three conjugations in the Bulgarian language, so you’ll have to learn them in order to use the correct forms in the present tense. 

Here’s a comparison table with endings for all three Bulgarian present tense conjugations.

Personal pronouns1st Conjugation (the verb read)2nd Conjugation(the verb speak)3rd Conjugation(the verb ask)
ние четем

    Practical Exercise No. 3 – Present Tense

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the present tense, based on their conjugation:

Personal pronounsразбирамзнаяучамечтаявярвамиграя

Helpful Tip: Refer to Practical Exercise No. 1 for the correct conjugations. Then, use the endings of the correct conjugation to make the missing forms. You can find the correct answers at the end of this guide.  

Uses of the Bulgarian Present Tense

Here are a few things to keep in mind when studying the Bulgarian present tense and its uses.

1. The present tense in Bulgarian is equivalent to the English present simple tense


    ➢ Аз говоря български език.
        Az govorya balgarski ezik.
        I speak the Bulgarian language.

    ➢ Обичам да чета книги.
        Obicham da cheta knigi.
        I love reading books.

    ➢ Често си мисля за теб!
        Chesto si mislya za teb!
        I often think about you!

2. The Bulgarian present tense, just like the English present simple tense, can be used to express habitual activities.


    ➢ Всеки ден уча български език.
        Vseki den ucha balgarski ezik.
        I study Bulgarian every day.

    Чета по една българска книга всяка седмица.
        Cheta po edna balgarska kniga vsyaka sedmitsa.
        I read one Bulgarian book every week.

3. The Bulgarian present tense can also express the English present continuous tense.


    ➢ Не ме безпокой, защото в момента чета интересна книга.
        Ne me bezpokoy, zashtoto v momenta cheta interesna kniga.
        Don’t bother me, because I’m reading an interesting book right now.

    ➢ Не ме прекъсвай, докато говоря с други хора.
        Ne me prekasvay, dokato govorya s drugi hora.
        Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking to other people.

4. Just like the English present continuous tense, the Bulgarian present tense can also be used to tell others about future activities we have planned.


    ➢ Вечерта пътувам за София.
        Vecherta patuvam za Sofiya.
        I am traveling to Sofia tonight.

    ➢ Утре пристигам в Бургас.
        Utre pristigam v Burgas.
        I am arriving in Burgas tomorrow.

5. The Bulgarian present tense can act as an equivalent to the English present perfect continuous tense to express habitual activities, when the specific activities began in the past and continue to the present moment.


    ➢ От три години уча този език.
        Ot tri godini ucha tozi ezik.
        I have been studying this language for three years.

    ➢ От месец чета тази книга, но още не съм я завършил.
        Ot mesets cheta tazi kniga, no oshte ne sam ya zavarshil.
        I have been reading this book for a month, but I have not finished it yet.

6. The Bulgarian present tense can be used to express historical events. In this case, it is equivalent to the past simple tense in English.

    ➢ Кирил и Методий създават славянската азбука през IX век.
        Kiril i Metodiy sazdavat slavyanskata azbuka prez IX vek.
        In the IX century, Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet.

    ➢ След смъртта на цар Симеон Велики, на престола се качва синът му Петър.
        Sled smartta na tsar Simeon Veliki, na prestola se kachva sinat mu Petar.
        After the death of King Simeon the Great, his son Peter ascended the throne.

Learn Bulgarian Tenses to Sit on the Throne of Knowledge!

3. Past Tenses

There are four Bulgarian past tenses: 

1. the past simple tense (also called aorist)
2. the past continuous tense
3. минало неопределено време (minalo neopredeleno vreme), equivalent to the present perfect tense
4. минало предварително време (minalo predvaritelno vreme), equivalent to the past perfect tense

Past Simple Tense (Aorist)

Aorist describes actions that happened at a definite moment in the past, and it corresponds to the English past simple tense. It’s formed with the stem vowel , , , or (if it follows the consonant ж, ч, or ш). The specific verb endings for this tense are given in the table below:

Personal pronounsEndings for past simple tense
аз– х
ние -хме

There’s no ending in the second or third person singular, which means that these forms will end in the stem vowel. 

Let’s make the past form of the verbs we already studied above:

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel * Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel
ние говорихмечетохмепитахме

* Note that the word чета (четох) belongs to a special class of 23 verbs. Their stems end in д, т, з, с, or к and their stem vowel could be or -e in the second and third persons singular. 


    ➢ Вчера цял ден четох интересна книга.
        Vchera tsyal den chetoh interesna kniga.
        Yesterday, I read an interesting book all day.

    ➢ Те ни питаха какво да ни купят за подарък.
        Te ni pitaha kakvo da ni kupyat za podarak.
        They asked us what to buy us as a gift.

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 4 – Past Simple Tense

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the past simple tense, based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel

Bonus exercise:

Try to form the past simple tense of the following verb, knowing that its stem vowel is :

  •  успях (uspyah) – I succeeded
Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel
    ➢ Here’s an intriguing lesson from BulgarianPod101 about the past simple tense—check it out if you’d like to further explore this topic!

Past Imperfect Tense

The past imperfect tense describes a specific action, which was either in progress or incomplete at a definite moment in the past. It can be recognized when the following time phrases are used in the sentence:

  • тогава (togava) – then
  • по това време (po tova vreme) – at that time
  • в този момент (v tozi moment) – in this moment

    По това време учениците седяха на масата и учеха.
        Po tova vreme uchenitsite sedyaha na masata i ucheha.
        At that time, the students were sitting at the table and studying.

Another usage of this tense is to express that the action is repeated in the past.

    ➢ Всеки вторник ходех в библиотеката и четях.
        Vseki vtornik hodeh v bibliotekata i chetyah.
        Every Tuesday, I was going to the library and reading.

Here are the endings for the past continuous tense:

Personal pronounsEndings for past continuous tense
ние -хме

If you recall the endings for the past simple tense, you’ll notice that the only change comes in the second and third persons singular, where the ending -ше is added after the stem vowel

There are three stem vowels (, , ) that can be used to form the past continuous tense. Let’s see how they’re formed using the verbs we saw above.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel
ние питахмечетяхмемислeхме


    ➢ Дълго време четях тази голяма книга.
        Dalgo vreme chetyah tazi golyama kniga.
        I was reading this big book for a long time.

    ➢ За какво си мислеше, когато ти се обадих? 
        Za kakvo si misleshe, kogato ti se obadih?
        What were you thinking about when I called you?
What Were You Thinking about When I Called You?

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 5 – Past Continuous Tense

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the past continuous tense, based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsVerb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel Verb with stem vowel

We added one new verb: 

  • лежах (lezhah) – I was lying

* Note: The stem vowel for this verb is changed to -e in the second and third persons singular.

Минало неопределено време (minalo neopredeleno vreme) – Present Perfect Tense

This tense is used to describe an action that has taken place in the past, but its result continues in the present. Just like the English present perfect tense, the Bulgarian минало неопределено време tense uses a compound form of the verb съм (to be) in the present tense and the past active participle of the completed form. 


    ➢ Гостите са дошли у нас.
        Gostite sa doshli u nas.
        The guests have come to us.

        [meaning that they are still in our house]

    ➢ Някой е взел учебника ми.
        Nyakoy e vzel uchebnika mi.
        Somebody has taken my textbook.

        [meaning that the textbook is still missing]

Let’s see in the table how it’s formed:

Personal pronounsEndings for present perfect tense (Минало неопределено време)
азсъм   -л (-а, -о)*
тиси    -л (-а, -о)*
е      -л
е      -ла
е      -ло
ние сме   -ли 
виесте   -ли 
теса    -ли 

* For the first and second persons, the ending will depend on the gender:

  •  Without vowel – for masculine gender
  • – for feminine gender 
  • – for neuter gender

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs into минало неопределено време. You can try the rest of them yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азсъм чел/а/осъм говорил/а/о
тиси чел/а/оси говорил/а/о
е     чел 
е     говорил 
ние сме челисме говорили
виесте челисте говорили
теса челиса говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 6 – Present Perfect Tense (минало неопределено време)

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the present perfect tense (минало неопределено време), based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азсъм питал/а/осъм отговорил/а/осъм мислил/а/о

Минало предварително време (minalo predvaritelno vreme) – Past Perfect Tense

This tense is formed using the forms of the past continuous tense of the verb съм (to be) and the past active participle of the completed form. So the verb forms remain the same as those described above for the Bulgarian минало неопределено време. The only change is in the verb съм, which is used in its past continuous tense: бях (byah).

It’s used to show that an action was completed before another action or moment in the past, which is mentioned or implied. The result of the action affects that past moment.


    ➢ Когато влязох, тя вече беше чела писмото.
        Kogato vlyazoh, tya veche beshe chela pismoto.
        When I entered, she had already read the letter.

    ➢ Преди да дойда, той вече беше купил билети за киното.
        Predi da doyda, toy veche beshe kupil bileti za kinoto.
        Before I came, he had already bought tickets for the movie.

When I Entered, She Had Already Read the Letter.

Let’s see how it’s formed:

Personal pronounsEndings for past perfect tense (Минало предварително време)
азбях  -л (-а, -о)*
тибеше   -л (-а, -о)*
беше      -л   
беше      -ла   
беше      -ло
ние бяхме  -ли 
виебяхте  -ли 
тебяха   -ли 

* For the first and second persons, the ending will depend on the gender:

  •  Without vowel – for masculine gender
  • – for feminine gender 
  • for neuter gender

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs into минало предварително време. You can try the rest of them yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азбях чел/а/обях говорил/а/о
тибеше чел/а/обеше говорил/а/о
беше     чел 
беше     чело
беше     говорил 
ние бяхме челибяхме говорили
виебяхте челибяхте говорили
тебяха челибяха говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 7 – Past Perfect Tense (минало предварително време)

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the past perfect tense (минало предварително време), based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азбях питал/а/обях отговорил/а/обях мислил/а/о

4. Future Tenses

There are four Bulgarian future tenses: 

  • Future Tense
  • Future Perfect Tense
  • Future in the Past Tense
  • бъдеще предварително време в миналото (badeshte predvaritelno vreme v minaloto) – Future Preliminary Tense in the Past

That last one can be described as past future perfect or future perfect in the past.

Future Tense

The Bulgarian future tense is very easy to form. Just take the present simple tense of the verb and place the particle ще (shte), meaning “will,” before the verb form.


    ➢ Утре ще отида на кино.
        Utre shte otida na kino.
        Tomorrow, I will go to the cinema.

    ➢ Вечерта ще уча български език.
        Vecherta shte ucha balgarski ezik.
        In the evening, I will study the Bulgarian language.

When negating a verb in the future tense, the impersonal verb няма and the particle да are placed before the present tense verb.


    ➢ Аз няма да дойда.
        Az nyama da doyda.
        I will not come.

    ➢ Те няма да четат от книгата днес.
        Te nyama da chetat ot knigata dnes.
        They will not read from the book today.

The Bulgarian future tense corresponds to both the future and future progressive tenses in English.

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs in the future tense. You can try the rest of them for yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronouns1st  Conjugation2nd Conjugation3rd Conjugation
азще четаще говоряще питам
тище четешще говоришще питаш
той/тя/тоще четеще говорище пита
ние ще четемще говоримще питаме
виеще чететеще говоритеще питате
теще четатще говорятще питат

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 8 – Future Tense

If you’ve already filled this table for the present tense exercise, it will be very easy for you to form the future tense:

Personal pronounsразбирамзнаяучамечтаявярвамиграя

Future Perfect Tense

In Bulgarian, the future perfect tense is called бъдеще предварително време (badeshte predvaritelno vreme). It’s formed using the particle for future tense (ще), the verb съм (to be), and the past active completed participle of the main verb. 

It expresses a future action, which will have been completed by a given future moment. The result of the action affects that future moment. This tense corresponds to the English future perfect tense. 


    ➢ До утре вечер ще съм прочел цялата книга.
        Do utre vecher shte sam prochel tsyalata kniga.
        I will have read the whole book by tomorrow night.

    ➢ До тогава хората ще са променили природата.
        Do togava horata shte sa promenili prirodata.
        Until then, people will have changed nature.

Until Then, People Will Have Changed Nature.

It’s easy to form this tense, assuming you’ve already learned how to form минало предварително време. The only difference is that we add the particle ще to the forms.

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азще съм чел/а/още съм говорил/а/о
тище си чел/а/още си говорил/а/о
ще е     чел
ще е     чела
ще е     чело
ще е     говорил 
ще е     говорила 
ще е     говорило
ние ще сме челище сме говорили
виеще сте челище сте говорили
теще са челище са говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 9 – Future Perfect Tense (бъдеще предварително време)

Fill in all the forms of the following verbs in the future perfect tense (бъдеще предварително време), based on their stem vowel:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азще съм питал/а/още съм отговорил/а/още съм мислил/а/о

Future in the Past Tense

Бъдеще време в миналото (Badeshte vreme v minaloto) is expressed using compound forms. It’s formed using the auxiliary verb ща in the past continuous tense (щях), the particle да, and the main verb in the present simple tense. 


    Щях да чета.
        Shtyah da cheta.
        I would (was going to) read.

    Щях да пея.
        Shtyah da peya.
        I would (was going to) sing.

The negative form is expressed using нямаше (nyamashe), which is not conjugated for the person or number, plus the particle да and the main verb in the present simple tense. 


    Нямаше да чета.
        Niamashe da cheta.
        I would not (was not going to) read.

    Нямаше да пея.
        Niamashe da peya.
        I would not (was not going to) sing.

This tense expresses an action in the past, which has taken place after another moment in the past. It corresponds to the English future in the past tense. 


    ➢ Те щяха да прекарат лятото на това място.
        Te shtyaha da prekarat lyatoto na tova myastо.
        They were going to spend the summer in this place.

    ➢ Влакът щеше да тръгне след 5 минути.
        Vlakat shteshe da tragne sled 5 minuti.
        The train was going to leave in 5 minutes.

Let’s see how to form a few of our verbs in the future in the past tense. You can try the rest of them for yourself in the Practical Exercise below.

  • говоря (govorya) – to talk / I talk
  • чета (cheta) – to read / I read
  • питам (pitam) – to ask / I ask
  • отговарям (otgovariam) – to answer / I answer
  • мисля (mislya) – to think / I think

Personal pronouns1st  Conjugation2nd Conjugation3rd Conjugation
азщях да четащях да говорящях да питам
тищеше да четешщеше да говоришщеше да питаш
той/тя/тощеше да четещеше да говорищеше да пита
ние щяхме да четемщяхме да говоримщяхме да питаме
виещяхте да чететещяхте да говоритещяхте да питате
тещяха да четатщяха да говорятщяха да питат
    ★ Practical Exercise No. 10 – Future in the Past Tense

If you’ve already filled in this table for the present tense, use the table above to form the future in the past tense:

Personal pronounsразбирамзнаявярвамиграя

Past Future Perfect

Бъдеще предварително време в миналото (badeshte predvaritelno vreme v minaloto), or future preliminary tense in the past, can be described as “past future perfect” or “future perfect in the past.” This is the most complex compound tense.

It represents an action in its relation to a past moment the same way that the simple future tense presents it in relation to the moment of speaking. In other words, these forms mean that the action has passed in relation to a certain past moment, which in turn is forthcoming (future) for the past moment in question.

Let’s give an example:

    ➢ Ако не беше закъснял толкова, досега щяхме да сме излезли.
        Ako ne beshe zakasnyal tolkova, dosega shtyahme da sme izlezli.
        If he hadn’t been so late, we would have been out by now.

It’s formed using the auxiliary verb ща in the past continuous tense (щях), the particle да, the verb съм in the present tense, and the main verb in the present simple tense. This tense is rarely used because of its complex compound form, but to make this guide complete, we’ll show you how to form it just in case:

Personal pronounsчетаговоря
азщях да съм чел/а/ощях да съм говорил/а/о
тищеше да си чел/а/ощеше да си говорил/а/о
щеше да е     чел
щеше да е     чела
щеше да е     чело
щеше да е     говорил 
щеше да е     говорила 
щеше да е     говорило
ние щяхме да сме челищяхме да сме говорили
виещяхте да сте челищяхте да сте говорили
тещяха да са челищяха да са говорили

    ★ Practical Exercise No. 11 – Past Future Perfect Tense

Try to create the forms of the following verbs in the past future perfect tense:

Personal pronounsпитамотговаряммисля
азщях да съм питал/а/ощях да съм отговорил/а/ощях да съм мислил/а/о

5. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Tenses

We hope you found our overview of Bulgarian verb tenses useful and practical for your study needs. At BulgarianPod101, we always strive to help our students learn Bulgarian in the fastest, easiest, and most effective way possible. 

We provide our students with plenty of lessons in both audio and video formats, in addition to our themed vocabulary lists, Bulgarian-English dictionary, and other free resources. But if you feel like you need a personal coach who can explain the Bulgarian tenses to you in greater detail and practice them with you, consider creating a Premium PLUS account to utilize our MyTeacher service. This service gives you your own personal tutor, who can help you learn and practice at your own pace! 

Before you go: Did you find the practical exercises throughout this article easy, or were they a bit difficult? Remember that you can find the answers for each exercise below. 

Happy learning!

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