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Learn How to Talk About Your Family in Bulgarian


Did you know that only some reptiles and birds don’t parent their offspring? Except for crocodiles, all reptiles (and one family of bird species called megapodes) hatch from eggs and grow up alone, without any family.

The rest of us need family if we are to survive and thrive – humans and animals alike!

At BulgarianPod101, we know how important family is. Therefore, we take care to teach you all the important vocabulary and phrases pertaining to family.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Is It Important to Know Bulgarian Vocabulary about Family?
  2. Learn a New Culture? Learn its Family Vocab first
  3. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Family Terms

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1. Why Is It Important to Know Bulgarian Vocabulary about Family?

Lioness with Cub

Well, if you’re serious about studying any new language, then learning about the most important social unit in Bulgarian culture would be a crucial part of your education.

What is family, though? Strictly speaking, it’s a group of people who live together and are supposed to take care of one another. Some of them are genetically linked.

Family isn’t just about who we’re related to by blood, of course. It’s also one of the main influences in shaping every child’s life.

Family is Important for Children’s Healthy Development

Phrases Parents Say

Family is the single most important influence in a child’s life. Children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs from the day they were born.

Primary caregivers, which usually comprise parents and family, form a child’s first relationships. They are a child’s first teachers and are role models that show kids how to act and experience the world around them.

By nurturing and teaching children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are ready to learn when they enter school.

Families Can Take All Shapes and Sizes

However, the way families are put together is by no means standard.

Mom and Daughter

Single-parent and same-gender households have become a new norm the past few decades, and there’s no shame in this. When there is love, connection and proper care, a child can thrive anywhere.

Everyone also knows that sometimes friends can become like family and remain with us for life, because it’s all about human connection.

After all, we share many commonalities simply because we’re human, and we are programmed to connect with one another and belong to a group. This is very important for our well-being and survival.

It’s All About Feeling Connected

As John Northman, a psychologist from Buffalo, NY, told WebMD – feeling connected to others contributes to mental as well as physical health.

He pointed out that when people feel connected, they feel better physically, and they’re also less likely to feel depressed.

Couples Chatting

Or, if they do feel depressed, they’d be in a better position to get out of it when they feel they are connecting with others. This is because they would be psychologically supported too, Northman said.

There has even been some links drawn between addiction and feeling disconnected from others. According to an article in Psychology Today, research indicates that addiction is not solely a substance disorder, but also affected by people feeling insecurely attached to others.

It showed that securely attached individuals tend to feel comfortable in and enjoy life, while insecurely attached people typically struggle to fit in and connect.

2. Learn a New Culture? Learn its Family Vocab first

So, it’s clear that for most of us, family is our entry point into connection and belonging. This is true of every culture, so in every country, family takes prominence.

For this reason, BulgarianPod101 offers culturally-relevant lessons that will equip you well to understand families in Bulgaria.

Here are some of the most important Bulgarian vocabulary and quotes about family and parenting!

A) Bulgarian Family Vocabulary

Let’s start with the basic vocabulary. Without this collection of words, you’ll have a hard time describing any member of your family at all.

Family Terms
семейство (semeystvo)
Great grandfather
прадядо (pradyado)
майка (mayka)
баба (baba)
баща (bashta)
дядо (dyado)
съпруга (sapruga)
внук (vnuk)
съпруг (saprug)
внучка (vnuchka)
родител (roditel)
внук (vnuk)
дете (dete)
леля (lelya)
дъщеря (dyshterya)
чичо (chicho)
сестра (sestra)
племенница (plemennica)
брат (brat)
племенник (plemennik)
Younger sister
по-малка сестра (po-malka sestra)
Younger brother
по-малък брат (po-malyk brat)
Older brother
батко (batko)
Great grandmother
прабаба (prababa)
братовчед (bratovched)
свекърва, тъща (svekarva, tashta)
свекър, тъст (svekar, tast)
зълва, балдъза (zalva, baldaza)
зет, девер (zet, dever)
партньор (partnyor)

Family of Three

B) Quotes About Family

Bulgarian Family Quotes

One of the ways to improve your Bulgarian language skills is by memorizing quotes from books, or poems.

Either source some from Bulgarian literature, or make use of ours!

Човек не избира семейството си. То е негов Божи дар, както и той е дар за близките си.

Chovek ne izbira semeystvoto si. To e negov Bozhi dar, kakto i toy e dar za blizkite si.
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu

Семейството не е нещо важно. То е всичко.

Semeystvoto ne e neshto vazhno. To e vsichko.
“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

Семейство значи, никой да не бъде изоставен или забравен.

Semeystvo znachi, nikoy da ne bade izostaven ili zabraven.
“Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” – David Ogden Stiers

Моето семейство е моята сила и моята слабост.

Moeto semeystvo e moyata sila i moyata slabost.
“My family is my strength and my weakness.” – Aishwarya Rai

Семейството е един от шедьоврите на природата.

Semeystvoto e edin ot shedyovrite na prirodata.
“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” – George Santayana

Когато настъпи беда, семейството е, което ви подкрепя.

Kogato nastapi beda, semeystvoto e, koeto vi podkrepya.
“When trouble comes, it’s your family that supports you.” – Guy Lafleur

Семейството е първата и жизнено важна клетка на обществото

Semeystvoto e parvata i zhizneno vazhna kletka na obshtestvoto
“The family is the first essential cell of human society.” – Pope John XXIII

Не съществува такова нещо като забавление за цялото семейство.

Ne sashtestvuva takova neshto kato zabavlenie za tsyaloto semeystvo.
“There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.” – Jerry Seinfeld

Трябва да защитаваш честта си. И семейството си.

Tryabva da zashtitavash chestta si. I semeystvoto si.
“You have to defend your honor. And your family.” – Suzanne Vega

Всички щастливи семейства си приличат; всяко нещастно семейство е нещастно по свой начин.

Vsichki shtastlivi semeystva si prilichat; vsyako neshtastno semeystvo e neshtastno po svoy nachin.
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” – Leo Tolstoy

C) Test Your Knowledge!

Do you feel you have learned a lot in this blog? Let’s quickly test that!

In the table below, match the Bulgarian vocabulary on the left with the definition of the relative in the right column.

Relative Name Definition
1. семейство a. My male child
2. майка b. My older male sibling
3. баща c. My female sibling
4. съпруга d. My child’s child
5. съпруг e. My child’s female child
6. родител f. My female parent
7. дете g. My grandparent’s mother
8. дъщеря h. Mother to one of my parents
9. син i. Relatives
10. сестра j. My female child
11. брат k. My younger male sibling
12. по-малка сестра l. Male spouse
13. по-малък брат m. The father of one of my parents
14. батко n. My child’s male child
15. прабаба o. My children’s father or mother
16. прадядо p. The sister of one of my parents
17. баба q. The brother of one of my parents
18. дядо r. My male parent
19. внук s. My sibling’s female child
20. внучка t. My sibling’s male child
21. внук u. My male sibling
22. леля v. My parents’ sibling’s child
23. чичо w. Female spouse
24. племенница x. The grandfather of one of my parents
25. племенник y. The person I am a parent to
26. братовчед z. My younger female sibling

How did it go? Don’t worry if you had trouble with it – you’ll get there! With a bit of practice, and our help at BulgarianPod101, you’ll soon have these family terms under the belt.

Family Shopping

3. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Learn Bulgarian Family Terms

We hope that we helped you expand your family in Bulgarian vocabulary!

BulgarianPod101, with its innovative online learning system, stands out among online learning platforms to help you master Bulgarian easily.

Our lessons are tailored not only to increase your language skills, but to also inform you of Bulgarian culture, including the Bulgarian family structure.

When you sign up, you will get instant access to tools like:

1 – An extensive vocabulary list, regularly updated
2 – A new Bulgarian word to learn every day
3 – Quick access to the Bulgarian Key Phrase List
4 – A free Bulgarian online dictionary
5 – The excellent 100 Core Bulgarian Word List
6 – An almost limitless Lesson Library for learners of all levels

Further speed up your learning with the help of a personal tutor, who will first assess your current Bulgarian language abilities to personalize your training and tailor it to your needs.

Hard work always pays off, and to help you in this, BulgarianPod101 will be there every step of the way toward your Bulgarian mastery!

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