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Bulgarian National TV Show Review: Make Learning Fun Again!


These days, science says that having fun while learning is the most effective way to memorize a foreign language. This can be explained by the increased levels of oxygen, dopamine, and endorphins one experiences while being entertained. A great example of this is how little kids can learn a foreign language—or even their own—by watching their favorite cartoons. The shows on Bulgarian live TV channels can help you naturally learn Bulgarian vocabulary and figure out how to combine specific words and phrases.

Watching Bulgarian television shows for just one hour a day is enough to start seeing progress in your language skills. Even if you don’t understand all that’s said on your favorite Bulgarian TV series or shows, don’t give up! Keep watching them daily, and you’ll start to understand more and more. Using Bulgarian TV programs as an auxiliary learning method will definitely accelerate your progress.

Further, watching Bulgarian TV shows will allow you to better understand Bulgarian pop culture and society, and help you get used to hearing certain idioms!

So, are you ready to make your Bulgarian-learning experience much more fun? BulgarianPod101 can direct you to the best Bulgarian TV shows for you based on what you’re most interested in. Keep reading this Bulgarian National TV show review to find out more.

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to the most popular Bulgarian TV shows
  2. Famous Bulgarian Humoristic Shows
  3. Popular Bulgarian Political Show
  4. Popular Bulgarian Entertainment Show
  5. Famous Bulgarian Culinary Shows
  6. Popular Bulgarian Family Show
  7. Popular Bulgarian Adventure Series
  8. Popular Bulgarian Sports Show
  9. How BulgarianPod101 can help you improve your Bulgarian language skills?

1. Introduction to the Most Popular Bulgarian TV Shows

There are multiple Bulgarian TV shows available online for you to watch based on your preferences. Choose the genre you’re most interested in, as this will allow you to get used to the specific terminology faster. When you think you’ve mastered a big portion of it, you can choose a TV show from another genre. In this article, BulgarianPod101 will provide you with suggestions for the best Bulgarian TV shows in the following genres:

  • Comedy
  • Culinary
  • Entertainment
  • Adventure
  • Political
  • Sports
  • Family
    → You can start learning Bulgarian TV vocabulary right now by studying this Bulgarian vocabulary list dedicated to World Television Day.

Choose Your Favorite TV Show!

2. Famous Bulgarian Comedy Shows

If you like comedies and funny TV shows, then these top TV shows in Bulgarian are just for you!

Lords of the Air

Its Bulgarian name is Господари на ефира (Gospodari na efira). This is a humorous show that’s mainly dedicated to replaying mistakes or blunders that were made on other Bulgarian TV channels. Watching this show will help you learn the difference between Bulgarian words that sound similar to each other (like paronyms), as it reveals multiple lapsuses that different television personalities have made.

Some of the famous Bulgarian comedians featured on this show include Vasil Vasilev-Zueka, Dimitar Rachkov, Ruslan Maynov, Georgi Mamalev, and Maria Ignatova.

Commonly used words and phrases in The Lords of the Air (Господари на ефира) include:

  • Гаф (Gaph) — “Boner”
  • Гафове (Gaphove) — “Boners”
  • Смях до скъсване (Smyah do skasvane) — “Laughing to tears”
  • Репортажи (Reportazhi) — “Reportages”
  • Златен скункс (Zlaten skunks) — “Golden Skunk”
    • This is a statuette given to people who made a big public blunder.
  • Бяла лястовица (Byala lyastovitsa) — “White Swallow”
    • This is a statuette given as an award to people who did something important, like saving someone’s life or winning a world competition.
  • Гледам и не вярвам на ушите си (Gledam i ne vyarvam na ushite si) — “I am watching and I can’t believe my ears.”
  • Изспортен свят (Izsporten svyat) — This is a wordplay that combines the two words “worn out” and “sports world.”
  • Адреналинки (Adrenalinki) — “Attractive Adrenaline Girls”

Ready to start watching some of the Lords of the Air series?

The Comedians

The Bulgarian TV show The Comedians, or Комиците (Komicite), is among the funniest and most popular BTV Bulgarian TV shows. Typically, it consists of jokes about popular Bulgarian people who are usually invited as special guests and as participants on the show.

This live stream Bulgarian TV show continues for one-and-a-half hours and can be watched for free online. Viewers have fun with skits, songs, dances, and special performances that allow them to improve their Bulgarian language skills. Some of the best Bulgarian actors, singers, and showmen—including Lubomir Neykov, Krustyu Lafazanov, Hristo Garbov, Ruslan Maynov, and Nencho Ilchev—participate in this show.

Commonly used words and phrases in The Comedians (Комиците) include:

  • Уважаеми зрители (Uvazhaemi zriteli) — “Dear viewers”
  • Аплодисменти (Aplodismenti) — “Applause”
  • Не превключвайте канала, дами и господа (Ne prevklyuchvayte kanala, dami i gospoda) — “Do not switch the channel, ladies and gentlemen.”
  • Започват Комиците (Zapochvat Komitsite) — “The Comedians starts”
  • Карък (Karak) — “a misfortuned person”

Why not get a taste of The Comedians series before making a decision?

Funny TV Shows

The Channel Show

Its Bulgarian name is Шоуто на Канала (Shouto na Kanala), and this is another one of the best Bulgarian comedy TV shows. It reflects both the political and public events of the previous week, presenting them in a humorous style. This show combines satire, parody, skits, funny news, funny songs, and holiday concerts performed by the show’s small orchestra.

The main actors who take part in this show are Toncho Tokmakchiev, Stefan Shterev – Checho, and Kamen Vodenicharov. Special regular guests are Martina Vachkova and Georgi Mamalev.

Commonly used words and phrases in The Channel Show (Шоуто на Канала) include:

  • Минути за поезия (Minuti za poeziya) — “Minutes for poetry”
  • До следващата ни среща (Do sledvashtata ni sreshta) — “Until our next meeting”
  • Поетично предаване (Poetichno predavane) — “Poetic telecast”
  • Има нещо вярно (Ima neshto vyarno) — “There is something true.”
  • Животът е голям човек (Zhivotat e golyam chovek) — “Life is a big man.”
  • Аз съм професор Букварски (Az sam profesor Bukvarski) — “I’m Professor Bookvarsky.”
    • From ABC Book
  • Комисията за защита на потребителя (Komisiyata za zashtita na potrebitelya) — “Consumer Protection Commission”
  • Аз съм вашият любим професор Дегустинов (Az sam vashiyat lyubim profesor Degustinov) — “I am your favorite Professor Degustinov.”
    • From Taster

Ready to experience The Channel Show for yourself?

3. A Popular Bulgarian Political Show

Watching Bulgarian political shows will not only help you expand your vocabulary, but also better understand the political situation in Bulgaria. Moreover, along with the political news and discussions, viewers can get acquainted with famous Bulgarian people.

The Slavi’s Show

Its Bulgarian name is Шоуто на Слави (Shouto na Slavi), and this was an evening TV show hosted by Slavi Trifonov, a Bulgarian singer, TV presenter, and producer. This Bulgarian TV show started at the end of 2000 and lasted until July 31, 2019. Its guests were world-popular celebrities from show business, cinema, music, sports, literature, cultural figures, and even the Bulgarian political elite.

Commonly used words and phrases in The Slavi’s Show (Шоуто на Слави) include:

  • Новинарник (Novinarnik) — a comic animated version of The Slavi’s Show short news
  • Запознай се с малките (Zapoznaiy se s malkite) — “Meet the little ones”
    • This is a section of the show featuring children.
  • Лигата на необикновените (Ligata na neobiknovenite) — “The League of the Extraordinary”
    • Celebrities sit in Slavi’s chair and have the right to host the show once.
  • Достойни за уважение (Dostoyni za uvazhenie) — “Worthy of respect”
    • These are people who have made someone’s life better.
  • Гле’й как се пра’и (Gley kak se pray) — “Look how it should be done.”
  • Нещо лично (Neshto lichno) — “Something personal”
    • Celebrities tell stories from their lives.
  • Питай Слави (Pitay Slavi) — “Ask Slavi”
  • Лице назаем (Litse nazaem) — “Borrowed face”
    • The show is hosted by celebrities who choose the topics and guests themselves.

Ready to see what The Slavi’s Show series is all about?

Political Shows

4. A Popular Bulgarian Entertainment Show

Are you more interested in general entertainment shows? Bulgarian television has a great one you’re sure to enjoy.

The Voice of Bulgaria

Its Bulgarian name is Гласът на България (Glasat na Balgariya), and this show is conducted the same way as The Voice in America. This is a TV music reality show that has three phases: Casting in the Dark, the Vocal Duels, and Live Concerts. The singers compete for the prestigious Voice of Bulgaria title.

Commonly used words and phrases in The Voice of Bulgaria (Гласът на България) include:

  • Финалист (Finalist) — “Finalist”
  • Вот на публиката (Vot na publikata) — “Audience vote”
  • Победител (Pobeditel) — “Winner”
  • Кастинг-записвания (Kasting-zapisvaniya) — “Casting recordings”
  • Жури (Zhuri) — “Jury”
  • Отбори (Otbori) — “Teams”
  • Концерт на живо (Kontsert na zhivo) — “Live concert”
  • Резултати (Rezultati) — “Results”
  • Гласуване (Glasuvane) — “Voting”
  • Честито (Chestito) — “Congratulations”

Watch some of The Voice of Bulgaria series to get a better idea of what to expect.

5. Famous Bulgarian Culinary Shows

Some people just love to learn different recipes and to impress their family with new dishes. If you like to cook, you can combine your favorite hobby with learning Bulgarian by watching the following famous Bulgarian culinary shows.


MasterChef, conducted in the form of a competition, became one of the most dramatic and fascinating TV shows in Bulgaria. The goal of this Bulgarian TV show is to find the best chefs in the country, so only the most talented, creative, and dedicated people with a passion for food take part in it.

This show has the power to turn amateurs into professionals, so it’s worth watching not only to learn Bulgarian culinary vocabulary but also to improve your cooking skills.

Commonly used words and phrases in MasterChef include:

  • финалистите в шоуто (finalistite v shouto) — “the finalists in the show”
  • рецепти (retsepti) — “recipes”
  • гурме ястия (gurme yastiya) — “gourmet dishes”
  • агнешки котлети (agneshki kotleti) — “lamb cutlets”
  • Титлата MasterChef на България (titlata MasterChef na Balgariya) — “The MasterChef of Bulgaria Title”

You can watch some of the MasterChef series to see what you’re in for.

Bon Apeti

Its Bulgarian name is Бон Апети (Bon Apeti). This culinary show teaches you how to apply the most modern cooking techniques in your kitchen. Moreover, in addition to learning many Bulgarian traditional dishes, you’ll be able to learn about foreign cuisines, such as Middle East pilaf, Italian Stromboli sandwich, saffron ice cream, etc. The show presenter is Ivan Zvezdev.

Commonly used words and phrases in Bon Apeti include:

  • средиземноморски вкус (sredizemnomorski vkus) — “Mediterranean taste”
  • пъстърва на фурна (pastarva na furna) — “oven-baked trout”
  • вкусни месни кюфтенца (vkusni mesni kyuftentsa) — “delicious meatballs”
  • рецепта (retsepta) — “recipe”
  • замразен грах (zamrazen grah) — “frozen peas”
  • крем супа (krem supa) — “cream soup”

Ready to get a taste of Bon Apeti?

Various Bulgarian Sweets and Chocolates

6. A Popular Bulgarian Family Show

It’s fun to watch how people choose their life partner from among multiple options. While you’re engrossed in intrigue and hope that your favorite contestant will win, you’ll learn many new Bulgarian words and phrases.

A Farmer is Looking for a Woman

Going by the Bulgarian name Фермер търси жена (Fermer tarsi zhena), this show follows several ladies as they try to win the heart of a farmer. At the end of the show, he should choose one of them to continue a relationship with. She should agree to live a country life away from the big cities and help him with all the farm work. The first show host was the famous Bulgarian actress Alexandra Sarchadzhieva.

Commonly used words and phrases in A Farmer is Looking for a Woman (Фермер търси жена) include:

  • Влюбен фермер (Vlyuben fermer) — “Farmer in love”
  • Финален избор (Finalen izbor) — “Final choice”
  • Те избраха жените, с които искат да продължат живота си (Te izbraha zhenite, s koito iskat da prodalzhat zhivota si) — “They chose the women they wanted to continue their lives with.”
  • Пътешествието на мечтите (Pateshestvieto na mechtite) — “The journey of dreams”
  • Влюбени двойки (Vlyubeni dvoyki) — “Couples in love”
  • Романтичен уикенд (Romantichen weekend) — “Romantic weekend”

See for yourself what Фермер търси жена is all about and get hooked!

7. A Popular Bulgarian Adventure Series

If you’re an adventurer who likes to travel to different countries, learn about the local culture and customs, meet new people, and see fascinating places, then you’ll definitely like watching an adventure series. Watching this kind of Bulgarian TV series will help you significantly improve your Bulgarian language skills in a variety of topics.

Without Luggage

Going by the Bulgarian name Без багаж (Bez bagazh), this series reveals different exotic places around the world. You’ll meet with the local people and learn more about their lifestyle, culture, and customs. Moreover, you’ll get to see the most exciting places, even if you don’t have the money for tickets!

Would you like to learn more about the rituals of Nkosi, South Africa, master the art of the Ndebele tribe, spend a few hours in Tokyo, or join a walking safari in Kenya? All this is possible thanks to the Bulgarian adventure series Без багаж.

Commonly used words and phrases in Без багаж include:

  • Предаване за туризъм (Predavane za turizam) — “Tourist show”
  • Добре дошли (Dobre doshli) — “Welcome”
  • Уникална религия и култура (Unikalna religiya i kultura) — “Unique religion and culture”
  • Разходка (Razhodka) — “Walk”
  • Световноизвестна туристическа дестинация (Svetovnoizvestna turisticheska destinatsiya) — “World-famous tourist destination”
  • Минали епизоди (Minali epizodi) — “Past episodes”

Dive into the Adventure with Bulgarian Adventure Series

8. A Popular Bulgarian Survivor Show

If you like adventures, then watching a Bulgarian survivor show or similar Bulgarian television game shows is a great option for you! Doing so will allow you to get used to some of the most common everyday Bulgarian words, as well as a few topic-specific ones.

Games of the Will

Its Bulgarian name is Игри на волята (Igri na volyata), and in this new Bulgarian TV show, you can watch how three teams compete for better living conditions, with only one of them allowed the privilege of living in luxury. The second team forms a fishing brigade to earn a livelihood, while the third team is abandoned on a deserted beach, where they have to survive without shelter and food. The daily lives of the show’s participants are a constant race with time and circumstances, so it’s very curious to see what every one of them will get in the end. The show’s host is Alexandra Sarchadzhieva.

Commonly used words and phrases in Игри на волята include:

  • Безмилостни битки (Bezmilostni bitki) — “Ruthless battles”
  • Без паника (Bez panika) — “No panic”
  • Преживяване, близко до смъртта (Prezhivyavane, blizko do smartta) — “An experience close to death”
  • Не се предавай (Ne se predavay) — “Do not give up”
  • Това трябва да се преживее (Tova tryabva da se prezhivee) — “You have to experience this yourself.”
  • Давай бързо (Davay barzo) — “Come on quickly”
  • Всеки срещу всеки (Everyone against everyone) — “Everyone against everyone”

You can watch some of the Игри на волята series here.

9. How BulgarianPod101 Can Help You Improve Your Bulgarian Language Skills

We prepared this complete Bulgarian National TV show review to help you choose your favorite of the best Bulgarian TV shows, and to help make the process of language-learning much more fun for you. BulgarianPod101 is here to help you reach your language goals and start speaking freely in Bulgarian.

If you feel like you need personal guidance in the learning process, you can always choose your Bulgarian teacher from MyTeacher. This native Bulgarian language expert will help you cope with all of the challenges you face during the learning process, and will make your Bulgarian lessons your favorite time of the week.

We’re always happy to receive your feedback, so if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the Bulgarian TV shows we listed, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment. We look forward to hearing from you and will help out the best we can!

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