Lesson Transcript

Access your free language gifts right now before they expire!
First - The “Talking About Where you Live” PDF Conversation Cheat Sheet
Learn how to say where you live, how close or far your place is... and master over 20 words and phrases inside.
Two - Struggling to remember the words you learn?
This 1-minute lesson reveals all the easiest ways to improve your memory and boost your vocabulary.
Third - The Top 10 Sentence Patterns for Beginners
If you struggle making your own sentences, you’ll need this. This free lesson teaches you the most common grammar patterns and how to use them.
Fourth - The top 15 phrases for bad students for the new school semester.
You’ll learn to say phrases like...”fail a class” “procrastinate” and much more.
Fifth — The 50 Adjectives to Describe your Personality PDF Workbook
This workbook teaches you the 50 must know adjectives for personalities... so you can talk about yourself, in your target language.
And Sixth — Want an app that teaches you the language through conversations?
Download Innovative Language Learning for free, for the Android, iPhone and iPad.
You'll unlock bite-size lessons that teach you practical conversations...and gets you speaking in minutes.
To get your gifts and language learning resources...
click the link in the description below.
Download them right now before they expire!

