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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Bulgarian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 3 - Playing Sports.
Eric: Hi, everyone, I'm Eric.
Tanya: And I'm Tanya.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Bulgarian about playing sports. Камен (Kamen) plays with his friends at the beach, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Tanya: Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?)
Eric: Meaning - "Shall we play some soccer a bit?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Камен: Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?)
(clicking sound)
Косьо: Още изглеждаш в добра форма. (Oshte izglezhdash v dobra forma.)
Пламен: Къде е това? (Kade e tova?)
Васил: Още те бива. (Oshte te biva.)
Яна: Мъжете си остават момчета завинаги. (Mazhete si ostavat momcheta zavinagi.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Камен: Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?)
Eric: "Shall we play some soccer a bit?"
(clicking sound)
Косьо: Още изглеждаш в добра форма. (Oshte izglezhdash v dobra forma.)
Eric: "You still look in good shape."
Пламен: Къде е това? (Kade e tova?)
Eric: "Where is this place?"
Васил: Още те бива. (Oshte te biva.)
Eric: "You are still good."
Яна: Мъжете си остават момчета завинаги. (Mazhete si ostavat momcheta zavinagi.)
Eric: "Men will always remain boys."
Eric: Listen again to Камен (Kamen)'s post.
Tanya: Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?)
Eric: "Shall we play some soccer a bit?"
Tanya: (SLOW) Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?) (Regular) Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "shall we play some soccer."
Tanya: да поритаме ли (da poritame li)
Eric: You can change the prefix of a main verb in Bulgarian to add additional meaning. Here, you can put the prefix…
Tanya: "по"
Eric: and it’ll imply that you’ll perform the specific action just for a short time. Depending on the situation, it might also mean that you’re not taking the action seriously. Listen again - "shall we play some soccer" is...
Tanya: (SLOW) да поритаме ли (da poritame li) (REGULAR) да поритаме ли (da poritame li)
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "a bit."
Tanya: малко (malko)
Eric: Although the smallness of the action is implied in the verb, you can add "a bit" in the sentence to make it sound casual. Listen again - "a bit" is...
Tanya: (SLOW) малко (malko) (REGULAR) малко (malko)
Eric: Altogether, "Shall we play some soccer a bit?"
Tanya: Да поритаме ли малко? (Da poritame li malko?)
Eric: In response, Камен (Kamen)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, Косьо (Kosyo), uses an expression meaning - "You still look in good shape."
Tanya: (SLOW) Още изглеждаш в добра форма. (Oshte izglezhdash v dobra forma.) (REGULAR) Още изглеждаш в добра форма. (Oshte izglezhdash v dobra forma.)
Tanya: Още изглеждаш в добра форма. (Oshte izglezhdash v dobra forma.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you haven’t talked to someone for a long period of time.
Eric: His supervisor, Пламен (Plamen), uses an expression meaning - "Where is this place?"
Tanya: (SLOW) Къде е това? (Kade e tova?) (REGULAR) Къде е това? (Kade e tova?)
Tanya: Къде е това? (Kade e tova?)
Eric: Use this expression to get additional information.
Eric: His nephew, Васил (Vasil), uses an expression meaning - "You are still good."
Tanya: (SLOW) Още те бива. (Oshte te biva.) (REGULAR) Още те бива. (Oshte te biva.)
Tanya: Още те бива. (Oshte te biva.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you want to praise somebody.
Eric: His girlfriend, Яна (Yana), uses an expression meaning - "Men will always remain boys."
Tanya: (SLOW) Мъжете си остават момчета завинаги. (Mazhete si ostavat momcheta zavinagi.) (REGULAR) Мъжете си остават момчета завинаги. (Mazhete si ostavat momcheta zavinagi.)
Tanya: Мъжете си остават момчета завинаги. (Mazhete si ostavat momcheta zavinagi.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you want to make a joke.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about playing sports, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Tanya: До скоро (Do skoro)

