
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to BulgarianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 6 - Making a Reservation in Bulgaria. Eric here.
Tina: Здравейте. I'm Tina.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the infinitive form of the verb when expressing a wish. The conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Tina: It's between Vasil and the restaurant staff.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they'll be using formal Bulgarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Васил: Добър ден! Едва ви намерих... На много закътано място сте...
Служител в ресторант: Ами, какво да се прави... С какво мога да Ви помогна?
Васил: Искам да запазя маса за четирима за вторник вечер. На името на Васил.
Служител в ресторант: Имаме свободна маса. В градината или вътре желаете и от колко часа да бъде резервацията?
Васил: В градината, разбира се. 7 ч. ще е добре... И да, ще имаме една постеща девойка с нас, затова имате ли нещо подходящо в менюто?
Служител в ресторант: Да, имаме няколко вида омлет...
Васил: Тя не яде нищо с животински произход. Яйцата не са опция. Не знам дали яде риба даже.
Служител в ресторант: Разбирам... Остават вариантите за салата, имаме и много вкусни задушени млади картофи...
Васил: Ясно, ясно, значи ще може да си избере нещо. Благодаря и до вторник.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Vasil: Hello! I had a hard time finding you... You are quite tucked away...
Restaurant staff: Well, what can we do... How can I be of help for you?
Vasil: I want to make a reservation for four on Tuesday evening. For Vasil.
Restaurant staff: We do have a free table. Would you like it to be in the garden or inside? What time shall I book it for?
Vasil: In the garden, of course, 7 pm would be fine... Oh, yes, we will have a fasting girl with us, so do you have anything appropriate?
Restaurant staff: Yes, we do have several types of omelets...
Vasil: She doesn’t eat anything of animal origin. Eggs are not an option. I don't know whether she even eats fish.
Restaurant staff: I see... Salads are the remaining option, we have very delicious steamed fresh potatoes and...
Vasil: I get it, I get it, so she’ll be able to choose something. Thank you and see you on Tuesday.
Eric: Tina, let’s talk a little about asking for and giving help in Bulgarian.
Tina: Sure, asking for help in Bulgaria is not an unusual or embarrassing event. It's also not so uncommon for someone to voluntarily offer help when they think it's needed, so if it happens, please don’t get scared.
Eric: So offering help to someone may be a good occasion to practice your Bulgarian!
Tina: Definitely! Remember that when addressing strangers, Bulgarians use the polite Ви-form, and when offering to help friends, they use the more relaxed ти-form
Eric: What can we say?
Tina: To a friend, you can say Мога ли да ти? and to a stranger you can say Ви, помогна с нещо?
Eric: Both mean “Can I help you somehow?” If we're in a shop, what might we hear from a shop assistant?
Tina: You could hear Мога ли да съм Ви от полза с нещо?
Eric: meaning ”Can I help you with anything?”
Tina: Finally, if someone has asked you for help and you want to show that you are offering it happily, you can say, Разбира се.
Eric: meaning “Of course.”
Tina: or Няма нужда от питане.
Eric:”No need to ask.” Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Tina: едва [natural native speed]
Eric: barely, with great difficulty
Tina: едва[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: едва [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: запазвам [natural native speed]
Eric: to keep, to reserve, to book
Tina: запазвам[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: запазвам [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: постя [natural native speed]
Eric: to fast, to keep lent
Tina: постя[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: постя [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: няколко [natural native speed]
Eric: several, some
Tina: няколко[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: няколко [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: животински [natural native speed]
Eric: animal
Tina: животински[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: животински [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: произход [natural native speed]
Eric: origin
Tina: произход[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: произход [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: опция [natural native speed]
Eric: option
Tina: опция[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: опция [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Tina: вариант [natural native speed]
Eric: variation, option
Tina: вариант[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: вариант [natural native speed]
Eric: And lastly..
Tina: задушен [natural native speed]
Eric: steamed, stewed
Tina: задушен[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Tina: задушен [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Tina: едва
Eric: meaning "barely, with great difficulty."
Tina: When used as a single word, едва means "barely." It can also be used two consecutive times, as in the phrase едва-едва, which means "extremely slowly," or "with barely any progress."
Eric: The expression is considered rather colloquial and would not be used in a formal context.
Tina: In a formal context, the phrase едва-едва usually gets swapped with изключително бавно.
Eric: Be aware that there’s a hyphen between the two words in the phrase and it's always written down. Can you give us an example using this word in its doubled version?
Tina: Sure. For example, you can say.. Има задръстване и колите напредват едва-едва.
Eric: ..which means "There is a traffic jam and the cars are barely making any advance." Okay, what's the next phrase ?
Tina: резервация на името на
Eric: meaning "reservation under the name of"
Tina: Literally Резервация means "reservation, booking" and на името на means "to the name of."
Eric: It can be used in any context when a reservation is being made in someone else's name, but most often when booking a hotel room or a table in a restaurant.
Tina: The expression can be used both in formal and informal situations. It is used mainly with two verbs - имам meaning "to have" or правя meaning "to make."
Eric: Can you give us an example sentence using this phrase?
Tina: You can say.. Здравейте, имаме резервация на името на Иван, за 10 души, за 5 ч.
Eric: .. which means "Hi, we have a reservation in the name of Ivan for 10 people from 5 pm." Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson you'll learn how to use the infinitive form of the verb when expressing a wish. Unlike the Latin languages, in the Bulgarian language there is no infinitive form of the verb. There used to be one, but the language evolved over time and simplified.
Tina: However, there is a form of the verb that is called “da-form”, where da has the closest translation to the “to” before English verbs.
Eric: The da-form of verbs is quite important and comes in handy when you make a reservation at a restaurant.
Tina: Here’s one example from the dialogue- Искам да запазя маса за четирима, за вторник вечер.
Eric: meaning “I want to make a reservation for four, on Tuesday evening.” Now let’s see how to use it in more detail. The official dictionary form of Bulgarian verbs is the conjugated present tense first person singular form of the verb, and that’s the one you’ll find in the dictionary.
Tina: For example, желая for “to wish” and моля for “to ask.”
Eric: Ok, so what do we use the “da-form” for?
Tina: We basically use it to connect two verbs. All verbs in Bulgarian have the да form. This form is simple to construct, but quite important. You simply put да in front of the verb and you’re done.
Eric: This form of the verb is important because it's used to build other grammatical constructs. Let’s see where we can find it.
Tina: There are 3 main cases. As we already said, it’s used to connect two verbs, when we want to express desires, wishes, skills, possibilities, and so on.
Eric: What are some verbs that can be followed by this form?
Tina: искам
Eric: “to want”
Tine: мога
Eric: "can"
Tina: умея
Eric: "to be able to." Can you give us a couple of sample sentences?
Tina: Sure, for example Искам да забравя
Eric: meaning “I want to forget.”
Tina: Мога да летя
Eric: “I can fly.”
Tina: The second case where we find the da-form is to connect two verbs to express intention or dependence between these two actions, as in Отивам да направя нещо.
Eric: which means “I am on my way to do something.”
Tina: Please remember that perfective verbs in the present tense are always used in their da-form. Therefore, when you learn them, you might want to learn their da-form. For example, the imperfective of “to buy” is купувам and the perfective da-form is да купя
Eric: Imperfective verbs can also be used in their da-form in present tense, so keep in mind that the da-form does not indicate the type of the verb in present tense.
Tina: However, if there are two connected verbs in the sentence in present tense, the first one is always imperfective.
Eric: What's the third case?
Tina: The third case is to build up the negative form of the verb in the future tenses, for example, Няма да забравя.
Eric: which means “I won't forget.”
Tina: Also Няма да ме излъжеш втори път.
Eric: “You won't fool me a second time.” Ok, now let’s switch to another topic, the personal pronouns in the accusative. This completes lesson 1 and 5.
Tina: In Lesson 1 we introduced the personal pronouns in nominative. In Lesson 5, we learned their forms in dative, and here we will finish with introducing the personal pronouns in their accusative form.
Eric: What's the personal pronoun in accusative for the first and the second person singular?
Tina: For the first person singular, the full form is мен or мене and the short form is ме. For the second person singular, the full form is теб or тебе and the short form is те
Eric: Listeners, for all the other persons, please be sure to check the lesson notes.
Tina: By the way, most of the specifics of the personal pronouns in accusative are the same as the ones in dative.
Eric: The personal pronouns are used in the accusative form when the action reflects on the person.
Tina: They also have a double combined form which is used quite often, especially in conversational language.
Eric: Let’s give some examples.
Tina: Here's a useful one. Обичам те.
Eric: which means “I love you.”
Tina: Using the same verb, you can say Тебе те обичат всички.
Eric: “Everybody loves you.”
Tina: You can say the same with Всички те обичат. Another example is Благодаря, че ме изчака.
Eric: Which means “Thank you for waiting for me.”


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Tina: До скоро!

