
Vocabulary (Review)

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Michael: Hi everyone, I’m Michael.
Tina: And I’m Tina!
Michael: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Bulgarian Vocabulary, Lesson 3! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to food and drink. These are five popular Bulgarian beverages. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at BulgarianPod101.com.
Michael: Tina, what’s our first word?
Tina: ракия
Michael: Rakia (type of liquor drink)
Tina: (slow) ракия (regular) ракия
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: ракия
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Rakia is a traditional high spirit liquor drink. When it is distilled at home, its alcohol degree varies from 40 percent to up to 70 percent or higher, depending on the region. Industrially produced rakia is usually 40 percent.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) През зимата, българите се случва да пият греяна ракия, за да се борят със студа.
Michael: During wintertime, Bulgarians might drink warmed up rakia to fight the cold.
Tina: (slow) През зимата, българите се случва да пият греяна ракия, за да се борят със студа.
Michael: Okay, what’s the next word?
Tina: боза
Michael: Boza (type of wheat fermented drink)
Tina: (slow) боза (regular) боза
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: боза
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Boza is a drink that is popular across the Balkans, Turkey, and some other countries in Asia. In Bulgaria, it is made from baked wheat flour or millet and has a sweet and slightly sour taste. Its alcohol content is low, at 1% or less. It is popular among both children and adults.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Популярно мнение е, че житните култури, оттук и бозата, стимулират създаването на кърма, затова преди са я препоръчвали на млади майки.
Michael: It is a popular belief that cereals, hence boza, stimulates the production of milk, so it used to be recommended to new mothers.
Tina: (slow) Популярно мнение е, че житните култури, оттук и бозата, стимулират създаването на кърма, затова преди са я препоръчвали на млади майки.
Michael: Okay, what’s the next word?
Tina: медовина
Michael: mead
Tina: (slow) медовина (regular) медовина
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: медовина
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Medovina or mead is often considered an alcoholic beverage made from fermenting honey with water. Very often in a Bulgarian household, however, a simple drink created by stirring some honey in a glass of warm water and flavoring it with a slice of lemon will also be called medovina.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Домашната безалкохолна медовина се счита за полезна за децата.
Michael: The homemade non-alcoholic medovina is considered good for children.
Tina: (slow) Домашната безалкохолна медовина се счита за полезна за децата.
Michael: Okay, what’s the next word?
Tina: сироп от бъз
Michael: elderberry syrup
Tina: (slow) сироп от бъз (regular) сироп от бъз
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: сироп от бъз
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Elderberry syrup is not a drink you can find in any commercial establishment, but you will find it in almost every home in Bulgaria. It is often diluted with water and is associated with a list of healthy benefits.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Сироп от бъз може да се направи както от белия цвят, така и от черните плодове на храстовидното растение.
Michael: Elderberry syrup can be made either from the white flowers or the black fruits of the bush.
Tina: (slow) Сироп от бъз може да се направи както от белия цвят, така и от черните плодове на храстовидното растение.
Michael: Okay, what’s the last word?
Tina: вино
Michael: wine
Tina: (slow) вино (regular) вино
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: вино
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Grape fermentation is believed to be as ancient as human civilization. In Bulgaria, wine is regarded as a traditional drink. The country prides itself on its local varieties, such as Mavrud, Gamza, and Melnik.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Било е установена традиция, особено в извънградските райони, всеки дом да произвежда свое бяло и червено вино.
Michael: It was a tradition in every home, especially in the rural areas, to produce their own white and red wines.
Tina: (slow) Било е установена традиция, особено в извънградските райони, всеки дом да произвежда свое бяло и червено вино.
Michael: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Tina will give you the Bulgarian – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Tina: ракия
Michael: Rakia (type of liquor drink)
Tina: боза
Michael: Boza (type of wheat fermented drink)
Tina: медовина
Michael: mead
Tina: сироп от бъз
Michael: elderberry syrup
Tina: вино
Michael: wine


Michael: There you have it – five beverages that are popular in Bulgaria! We have more vocab lists available at BulgarianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, see you next time!
Tina: До скоро!

