
Vocabulary (Review)

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Michael: Hi, everyone, I’m Michael.
Tina: And I’m Tina!
Michael: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Bulgarian Vocabulary, Lesson 2! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to food and drink. These are five must-try foods in Bulgaria. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at BulgarianPod101.com.
Michael: Tina, what’s our first word?
Tina: баница
Michael: banitsa pastry
Tina: (slow) баница (regular) баница
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: баница
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Banitsa is the most popular traditional dish. It’s prepared using filo pastry with many different fillings such as cheese and eggs, spinach, meat, apples, or pumpkin.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Традиционната баница с тиква се нарича "тиквеник".
Michael: The traditional banitsa with pumpkin is called tikvenik. (Pumpkin is "tikva" in Bulgarian.)
Tina: (slow) Традиционната баница с тиква се нарича "тиквеник".
Michael: Okay, what’s the next word?
Tina: българско кисело мляко
Michael: Bulgarian yogurt
Tina: (slow) българско кисело мляко (regular) българско кисело мляко
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: българско кисело мляко
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Bulgarian yogurt has a slightly sour flavor. It is widely accepted that Bulgarian yogurt was derived from the ancient and mysterious tribe of Thracians, who inhabited the Balkan peninsula centuries before the establishment of the Bulgarian state in 681 AD.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Българско кисело мляко започва да се произвежда официално извън България през 70-те години на 20 век в Япония.
Michael: Bulgarian yogurt started to be officially produced outside of Bulgaria in Japan during the 1970s.
Tina: (slow) Българско кисело мляко започва да се произвежда официално извън България през 70-те години на 20 век в Япония.
Michael: Okay, what’s the next word?
Tina: шопска салата
Michael: Shopska salad
Tina: (slow) шопска салата (regular) шопска салата
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: шопска салата
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: The shopska salad is the most popular starter among foreign tourists and Bulgarians themselves. It is prepared from chopped fresh vegetables-tomatoes and cucumber-flavored with onion, parsley, and fresh or roasted pepper, and inevitably sprinkled with white cheese.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Шопската салата е едно от любимите ястия на чуждестранните туристи в България.
Michael: The shopska salad is one the favorite dishes among foreign tourists in Bulgaria.
Tina: (slow) Шопската салата е едно от любимите ястия на чуждестранните туристи в България.
Michael: Okay, what’s the next word?
Tina: таратор
Michael: Tarator (cold yogurt soup)
Tina: (slow) таратор (regular) таратор
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: таратор
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Tarator is typically made of shaken yogurt and chopped cucumber and seasoned with garlic, some walnut and parsley, salt, and a spoonful of olive oil. It is best enjoyed on a hot summer day.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Купичка с таратор е любимо освежително ястие през летния сезон.
Michael: A bowl of tarator is a favorite refreshing dish in the summertime.
Tina: (slow) Купичка с таратор е любимо освежително ястие през летния сезон.
Michael: Okay, what’s the last word?
Tina: луканка
Michael: Lukanka (type of dry sausage)
Tina: (slow) луканка (regular) луканка
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Tina: луканка
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: In essence, lukanka is a spicy, dry sausage made of minced meat, usually a mixture of pork, beef, and some bacon. It is curried with a lot of flavorful spices and half-dried in a cold, windy place for at least two months.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Tina: (normal) Много семейства преди са правили своя домашна луканка.
Michael: A lot of families used to make their own lukanka at home.
Tina: (slow) Много семейства преди са правили своя домашна луканка.
Michael: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Tina will give you the Bulgarian – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Tina: баница
[pause]Michael: banitsa pastry
Tina: българско кисело мляко
[pause]Michael: Bulgarian yogurt
Tina: шопска салата
[pause]Michael: Shopska salad
Tina: таратор
[pause]Michael: Tarator (cold yogurt soup)
Tina: луканка
[pause]Michael: Lukanka (type of dry sausage)


Michael: There you have it – five must-try foods in Bulgaria! We have more vocab lists available at BulgarianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, see you next time!
Tina: До скоро!

