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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Bulgarian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 25 - Happy Anniversary!
Eric: Hi, everyone, I'm Eric.
Tanya: And I'm Tanya.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Bulgarian about anniversary greetings. Камен (Kamen) celebrates his wedding anniversary with his wife, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Tanya: Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki)
Eric: Meaning - "A year ago she said ‘Yes’ in front of everyone." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Камен: Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki)
(clicking sound)
Косьо: Кога мина година? (Koga mina godina?)
Яна: Бъдете щастливи заедно още безброй години. (Badete shtastlivi zaedno oshte bezbroy godini.)
Пламен: Честита годишнина! (Chestita godishnina!)
Васил: Живи и здрави! (Zhivi i zdravi!)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Камен: Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki)
Eric: "A year ago she said ‘Yes’ in front of everyone."
(clicking sound)
Косьо: Кога мина година? (Koga mina godina?)
Eric: "When did a whole year pass by?"
Яна: Бъдете щастливи заедно още безброй години. (Badete shtastlivi zaedno oshte bezbroy godini.)
Eric: "Be happy together for countless years ahead."
Пламен: Честита годишнина! (Chestita godishnina!)
Eric: "Happy Anniversary!"
Васил: Живи и здрави! (Zhivi i zdravi!)
Eric: "Be alive and happy!"
Eric: Listen again to Камен (Kamen)'s post.
Tanya: Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki)
Eric: "A year ago she said "Yes" in front of everyone."
Tanya: (SLOW) Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki) (Regular) Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "A year ago she said ‘Yes,’"
Tanya: Преди година тя каза "ДА" (Predi godina tya kaza "DA")
Eric: In order for a marriage to be legal in Bulgaria, the couple must sign an official document. It’s associated with the free and explicit declaration of their mutual desire to get married. Listen again - "A year ago she said ‘Yes’" is...
Tanya: (SLOW) Преди година тя каза "ДА" (Predi godina tya kaza "DA") (REGULAR) Преди година тя каза "ДА" (Predi godina tya kaza "DA")
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "in front of everyone."
Tanya: пред всички (pred vsichki)
Eric: Apart from the civil ritual, the couple can also decide to have a church wedding. As the church ceremony is not so much focused on the couple themselves but on their relationship with God, there isn’t actually a moment when the bride and groom are asked to exchange vows. Listen again - "in front of everyone" is...
Tanya: (SLOW) пред всички (pred vsichki) (REGULAR) пред всички (pred vsichki)
Eric: Altogether, "A year ago she said ‘Yes’ in front of everyone."
Tanya: Преди година тя каза "ДА" пред всички (Predi godina tya kaza "DA" pred vsichki)
Eric: In response, Камен (Kamen)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, Косьо (Kosyo), uses an expression meaning - "When did a whole year pass by?"
Tanya: (SLOW) Кога мина година? (Koga mina godina?) (REGULAR) Кога мина година? (Koga mina godina?)
Tanya: Кога мина година? (Koga mina godina?)
Eric: Use this expression to show you're feeling frivolous.
Eric: His wife, Яна (Yana), uses an expression meaning - "Be happy together for countless years ahead."
Tanya: (SLOW) Бъдете щастливи заедно още безброй години. (Badete shtastlivi zaedno oshte bezbroy godini.) (REGULAR) Бъдете щастливи заедно още безброй години. (Badete shtastlivi zaedno oshte bezbroy godini.)
Tanya: Бъдете щастливи заедно още безброй години. (Badete shtastlivi zaedno oshte bezbroy godini.)
Eric: Use this expression to celebrate the anniversary.
Eric: His supervisor, Пламен (Plamen), uses an expression meaning - "Happy Anniversary!"
Tanya: (SLOW) Честита годишнина! (Chestita godishnina!) (REGULAR) Честита годишнина! (Chestita godishnina!)
Tanya: Честита годишнина! (Chestita godishnina!)
Eric: Use this expression to leave a positive comment.
Eric: His nephew, Васил (Vasil), uses an expression meaning - "Be alive and happy!"
Tanya: (SLOW) Живи и здрави! (Zhivi i zdravi!) (REGULAR) Живи и здрави! (Zhivi i zdravi!)
Tanya: Живи и здрави! (Zhivi i zdravi!)
Eric: Use this expression to celebrate the special day together.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson, and this series. If a friend posted something about an anniversary, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you in the next series.
Tanya: До скоро (Do skoro)

