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Hi guys, how is it going? Welcome to another episode of BulgarianPod101.com with me Daria, your host. Today, I have prepared for you something very interesting because the topic of this lesson is 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear.
And even though you might not want to hear them, you will have to hear them now in this episode if you would like to learn how to speak better Bulgarian language. It’s not so bad and most of them are universal. You don’t want to hear them anywhere. Even if it’s Australia or Burkina Faso probably. So some of them, I will give you some more insight about why it’s good or not good to hear them in my home country Bulgaria. So let’s go.
1. Не си ли качила малко килограми напоследък?
(Ne si li kachila malko kilogrami naposledak?)
“Have you gained weight recently?”
One of the worst phrases that nobody wants to hear is this.
Не си ли качила малко килограми напоследък?
(Ne si li kachila malko kilogrami naposledak?)
“Have you gained weight recently?”
Not a very good thing to hear, especially if you are a woman. That’s why, the sentence or – no, the phrase has the feminine inclination in it. So качила (kachila).
You can also try to say to a guy.
Не си ли качил малко килорами напоследък?
(Ne si li kachil malko kilorami naposledak?)
But I think for a guy, that’s not the worst thing they never want to hear because guys, we women are a little more touchy about the subject of weight.
2. Имаш няколко бели косъма.
(Imash nyakolko beli kosama.)
“You have a gray hair.”
Another phrase you may not want to hear and then again, this is very subjective and I will tell you why is this phrase.
Имаш няколко бели косъма.
(Imash nyakolko beli kosama.)
“You have a gray hair.”
And pay attention to another Bulgarian version of the sentence.
“The color of the hair is white.”
бели косъма
(beli kosama)
And then it translates as gray hair in English which is,
сив косъм
(siv kosam)
“grey hair”
But if you tell somebody, oh, you have white hair, you know,
Имаш няколко бели косъма.
(Imash nyakolko beli kosama.)
I’ve heard this reply and I love saying it back to people.
“Oh, it’s okay that I have white hair. It’s my transitioning into the white swan.”
So there you go. Again subjective. It may be the worst thing you hear. It may be not. So bad after all.
3. Moving onto the next phase...
Нали ти казах?
(Nali ti kazah?)
“I told you so!”
The next phrase is,
Нали ти казах?
(Nali ti kazah?)
“I told you so!”
Yes, in the egocentric society that we live nowadays in the 21st century, this is a very common phrase and of course, everybody likes to say it and nobody likes to hear it. So it probably helps if you don’t speak well Bulgarian that if somebody told you, Нали ти казах? (Nali ti kazah?) it will just pass through your ear and go the other way. But you can use this phrase yourself if you want to tease somebody.
4. Уволнен си!
(Uvolnen si!)
“You're fired!”
Again, a phrase you don’t want to hear is,
Уволнен си!
(Uvolnen si!)
“You're fired!”
Um, of course, if you love your job, that’s the worst thing you want to hear. The last thing you want to hear is Уволнен си! (Uvolnen si!)
However it is, it may make somebody extremely happy that they are finally fired because soon they will be hired. That’s what is on my mind. When one door closes, another one opens. Such is the ball of the universe.
5. Причината не е в теб, а в мен.
(Prichinata ne e v teb, a v men.)
“It is not you, it is me.”
Moving onto the next phrase that you don’t want to hear.
Причината не е в теб, а в мен.
(Prichinata ne e v teb, a v men.)
“It is not you, it is me.”
What are your associations when you hear this? Right. You never trust this sentence because it implies that it’s actually you that have the fault. The fault is in you, the guilt but – and you don’t have to worry about hearing this in Bulgaria because nobody will say this way. They will directly say, it’s your fault. So it’s you. It’s not me.
6. Благодарим за Вашето резюме. Позицията, обаче, вече е заета.
(Blagodarim za Vasheto rezyume. Pozitsiyata, obache, veche e zaeta.)
“Thank you for your resume. However, the position has been filled.”
Let’s say that you are looking for a job and you have found that pretty good position. It reflects everything you wanted. The work hours, the location of the job, the pay, everything is perfect and you have applied with your resume. But instead, you hear this phrase.
Благодарим за Вашето резюме. Позицията, обаче, вече е заета.
(Blagodarim za Vasheto rezyume. Pozitsiyata, obache, veche e zaeta.)
“Thank you for your resume. The position, however, has been filled.”
I guess that’s definitely something you never want to hear if you are applying to your dream job but then again, when one door closes, another one opens and maybe there is something better around the corner even than your dream job.
7. Трябва да се срещаме и с други хора.
(Tryabva da se sreshtame i s drugi hora.)
“We should see other people as well.”
The next phrase is something you never want to hear from your partner in life.
Трябва да се срещаме и с други хора.
(Tryabva da se sreshtame i s drugi hora.)
“We should see other people as well.”
Which means that maybe your partner is not into you or maybe they have changed their philosophy from monogamous to a polygamous point of view. Hey, no judging here. Everybody is free to say what they want but in case you are a monogamous type, this is the last thing you want to hear from your partner.
8. Не мога да ти върна парите днес.
(Ne moga da ti varna parite dnes.)
“I don't have your money today.”
If you had lent some money to somebody, this is definitely the phrase you don’t want to hear from them.
Не мога да ти върна парите днес.
(Ne moga da ti varna parite dnes.)
“I don't have your money today.”
It’s okay if you hear this phrase for the first time from your friend because you know what happens. They may have forgotten or they may be in a difficult situation. So today is not the day. However, if you hear this phrase Не мога да ти върна парите днес (Ne moga da ti varna parite dnes.) for a fifth time within a couple of months, then you should start worrying because this one may never pay you back unfortunately. There are people like that. They just never payback. Uh-huh.
9. Трябва да поговорим за нещо.
(Tryabva da pogovorim za neshto.)
“We need to talk.”
Next comes a phrase that nobody wants to hear and when they hear the phrase, people usually are so afraid, paralyzed and full with anxiety that they try to avoid the following event of the phrase. Here is the phrase.
Трябва да поговорим за нещо.
(Tryabva da pogovorim za neshto.)
“We need to talk.”
Now, even though this is a phrase that nobody wants to hear because they are afraid that something bad will be discussed or this is the end of the relationship or the school principal will tell the parent something bad about their son or daughter in school. Hey hold on, it’s not the end of the world and it’s actually better if we go on and discussed hard problems instead of just avoiding them. So no need to feel anxious or afraid when somebody tells you that. Just go for it and overcome it like a true warrior.
10. Извинявай, забравих!
(Izvinyavay, zabravih!)
“Sorry, I forgot!”
The next phrase is not as bad as the other phrases we’ve covered until now but still if it concerns your birthday and it’s your best friend or your partner, it’s kind of a bummer to hear it.
Извинявай, забравих!
(Izvinyavay, zabravih!)
“Sorry, I forgot!”
Well, you can always count on your mom by the way that she’ll never forget anything especially your birthday. So there you go. You have one person who will never pronounce this.
And here comes the end of this week’s episode of BulgarianPod101.com
In this episode, we’ve covered 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. Maybe some of them are useful. Maybe some of them are not. Please let me know what is the phrase that you never want to hear in the comments section below this video.
I am your host Daria and for me, it’s a great pleasure to bring you this episode. I hope you are having fun with me. Let me know and I will see you in the next video.
Чао! (Chao!)

